Maid to Please 2: Loopholes

by videomaster21XX


One month later:

        Evening was blushing, something he hadn’t planned on doing so much during his first trip back to the Crystal Empire. He couldn’t believe it had been weeks since he’d walk these halls. Never in his life did he think in one night he would both transform and ultimately help a mare that would turn out to be royalty! Of course her actually being the prince was even wilder.

        The biggest thing he hadn’t been expecting though, was just how the kingdom would treat him after such an event.

        “Mr. Evening! Hello!” Another maid cried, bowing as he trotted by. That had been the fifth maid he’d seen, and the fifth one to greet him in such a fashion. Not only that, but every guard he passed would salute him! With each passing moment he felt his face growing hotter. How had it gotten to this? In Canterlot the ponies would groan when he was near, well aware of his magical antics.

        “Ello there handsome.” A particularly white coated mare, with an equally white mane called to him in passing, throwing him a wink in the process.

        “H-Hey.” Evening blurted out as he quickened his pace down the hall. While she looked very cute in her Prench maid outfit, he wasn’t here for that short of thing. Now if he could only get his mind to stop entertaining the possibilities.

        Finally he came to the hall he had been looking for, and to think he only had to ask directions three times. Why was he able to get around Canterlot just fine, but not here? At least there were plenty of maids about this time. Where were they all the last time he did this?

        “Sir Evening!” Two more guards cried as they saluted him. He really wished they’d stop doing that. “Prince Shining is right inside. He’s been expecting you!”

        “T-thanks,” he replied with a quick nod as he pushed through the doors. The moment he crossed the threshold, a weird tingle rippled through his body, causing him to stop. The heck was that? With a shiver, he took a look around the room. Standing several feet away from him was Shining Armor himself. The stallion had been staring into a mirror, much like the time they met. Turning around at the sound of the door, his face lit up.

        “Evening!” he cried, rushing across the room to embrace him in a big hug. “About time, you get lost again?”

        “Gak!” Was all Evening could say in reply. His neck had sealed a while back, but the pain hadn’t quite left. Thankfully, Shining picked up on it rather quickly.

        “Sorry! Sorry!” Though he backed off, he still wore a rather goofy grin. “guess it’s still a bit tender.”

        “Yeah, Nurse Red Heart told me it’d be like that for a while.” Evening huffed. “We have magic that can change your age, change your form, even horrible things that can force ponies how to act, but we don’t have magic that can instantly heal wounds.”

        “It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries isn’t it?” Shining answered with a smile. It really was good to see Evening up and about like this.

        “Speaking of mysteries,” Evening said pointing to the door. “What’s with the tingling?”

        “Oh, it’s a low level enchantment placed in the gem above the archway.” Shining replied pointing to a large emerald oval set above the door frame. “It scans any pony that enters and flashes if they’re under any powerful enchantments. It makes a noise too.”

        “Ah! A way to make sure nopony is under the persona spell. Good idea.” Shining nodded.

        “Twilight came up with it. We hope to have them installed all over the castle.”

        “Indeed.” Evening watched as Shining once more began to stare at himself in the mirror, though this time his expression was one of content. It was so weird to think that this hulk of a stallion was not only the fragile and humble maid Lowly Servant, but also the small adorable filly Peppermint. His temporary daughter for one night.

        He still remembered the first couple of times Shining had come to visit him with Twilight in the hospital. He’d glance around nervously as if he wasn’t suppose to be there. There was even a couple of times he still called him ‘daddy’, boy had that been awkward.

        He’d have smiled at the memory, but with that one came another. One he was still very much concerned about.

        “So uh, how is Cadance doing?” He could see the unease pass along Shining’s face.

        “She’s… better.” He replied slowly, his gaze moving to the floor. “Twilight and I managed to get her to use her levitation magic again. She still refuses to do more then that.”

        “I see.” Evening replied, “She visited me in the hospital you know.” Shining nodded.

        “I know. Told me she had to talk to you.” Gathering his courage he continued. “She wouldn’t say why though. Could you enlighten me?”

        “It was nothing big, she just sorta thanked me for saving you and… apologized for putting me through the strain of ‘cleaning up her mess’” Evening shook his head as if to clear it. “It was… strange to see a princess in such a state.” Shining nodded once more.

        “She’s… been through a lot. We both have.” He smiled. “She’s actually been very eager to please lately. Determined to do whatever she can to make up for what she’s done. It’s very sweet of her really.” They sat there in silence for another few moments, before Evening could no longer hold in what he really wanted to ask.

        “Do you think you’ll both be okay?” At first Shining didn’t answer. He just continued to stare into the mirror for a few minutes before finally turning to look Evening in the eyes.

        “To be honest? I don’t know.” With a heavy sigh, his gaze once more drifted toward the floor. “It’s still really awkward around her. The pony that trapped me in that spell. I mean I know she didn’t mean it, but that trust is gone.” He shivered. “Honestly if it wasn’t for the fact she’s so hesitant to cast magic, I doubt I could sleep in the same room with her, let alone the same bed.”

        “So you’re sleeping together?” Evening asked, before quickly adding. “I didn’t mean that how it probably sounded.”

        “It’s fine, and no we aren’t doing anything like that. We just cuddle right now.” A small smile tugged at the edges of his lips. “It actually gives me hope. I mean at first I’d have to take a night or two in a private room when I slept. Now though… I’m enjoying having her laid against me.”

        “I’m glad to hear it.” Evening said, before taking a breath. Why did I promise Twilight I’d bring this up? “And what about… her announcement that day?” To his surprised, Shining actually smiled.

        “The foals are fine, no harm became of them.” Evening felt his body relax a bit from the good natured way Shining spoke of them. Hopefully this meant he and Cadance had reached an agreement on them. Maybe it was silly, but he was actually hoping the foals would be okay. He was a firm believer that you weren’t made evil, you became it. It all depended on how you were raised.

        Though it was strange that he almost felt envious of them. Had having Peppermint as his daughter for a night really make that much of an impact? Shutting his eyes, he forced the thoughts from his head. It was true he’d sometimes fantasize about being a father. No reason to think about that now though.

        “It’s funny really.” Shining went on, shaking his head in wonder. “I was talking to Twilight and we reached the agreement that since… since their birth came as a result of my ‘body’ so to speak. They’re basically mine anyway. They’ll certainly look it when they are born. Nopony would ever know it… it wasn’t actually me who....” He closed his eyes, unable to go on. Evening felt his heart lurch.

        “I-I didn’t want to bring em up, but Twilight and I agreed that it needed to be addressed.” He whispered. In turn Shining sighed.

        “I know, and I’m not upset at either of you. It was… something I had to think about for a long time.” Evening felt his ears droop at those words.

        “I can’t imagine how this is. I wish I could help.” At that Shining laughed.

        “Evening my friend, you’ve done far more than anypony ever expected of you. Don’t worry about it. It’s something Cadance and I will have to deal with ourselves.” Again his eyes wandered toward the mirror.

        “You know, it’s strange. When I first heard about the foals on that night, I felt my life was over.” His head drooped, his eyes unfocused as the memories washed over him. “I was finally ready to give up you know. I had clung to the love I felt for Cadance the entire time. It had been my anchor, the only thing that kept me from truly losing myself to that damn spell. S-so when she said that… I didn’t think I could go on…”

        Evening shuddered at those words. While his own life hadn’t been a bed of roses, he’d never came close to feeling like that. To lose everything, even your identity. It made him sick to think that was something his magic might be capable of. Just another reason he had to find a way to control it.

        “Now though,” Shining continued, the look of wonder returning, “when I think about the foals in her womb. It makes me realize they’ll need parents. In this case a mommy and a daddy. Who else but me to fill the role? Like I said, they’ll look like my foals, so… maybe they can be. At the very least Cadance and I agree that you know who will not be allowed near them.” Evening didn’t need to hear the name to know who he meant.

        “I think that’s a fine way to go about it.” He replied with a smile. “You’ll make great parents.”

        “I hope so…” Shining replied his attention back on the mirror. Life sure had a funny way of settling things. What he had once thought would forever tear him and Cadance apart, might now be the one thing that kept them together. He really hoped that was the case. There was still so much to be done. So much trust to be re-gained.

        “So, something wrong with the mirror?” Evening finally asked.

        “Oh, heh sorry about that.” Shining shook himself as he looked away from the reflective glass. “I’ve found myself doing that a lot in the last month. It’s just… so nice to see who I really am staring back at me and not… her.” Evening nodded. While he didn’t know what it was like to have that persona spell stuck in you, and hoped he never did, he did know what it was like to see the wrong pony in a mirror. Of course there was no reason to tell Shining about the month he spent as a filly when younger.

        “You remember how we met? How I was staring into a mirror much like this one?” Evening felt his throat tighten as he nodded. He wasn’t sure he liked where this was going.

        “L-like I said, that was my lowest moment. The instant I truly felt like I was about to break, to become that… maid forever.”

        “I know,” Evening said with a soft smile, “you’ve told me enough times during your hospital visits too.”

        “I did didn’t I?” Shining replied with a sad chuckle. “Sorry, my mind is still a bit jumbled, but regardless the point is if you hadn’t come along. If you hadn’t been so eager to help me. I-I don’t know what would have happened. So thank you Evening. Really.” With that he bent his front half downward in a bow, causing Evening to back up in shock. His eyes were still wide when Shining straightened himself.

        “Evening?” He asked with a tilt of his head. “You okay?”

        “Y-Yeah,” Evening replied uneasily, “I-I’m glad I could help, really I am. It’s just, I don’t really feel like I did that much.” Now Shining’s eyes widened.

        “Didn’t do much?! Evening you saved me! You broke the persona spell, helped expose the fake Prince, and even managed to save the life of Cadance!” Shining placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Evening you saved the Crystal Empire! You’re a hero!”
        “I-I don’t feel like a hero.” Evening sighed.

        “Well you are. Not just to the empire, but to me personally.” Evening could feel his blush returning.

        “I-I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful or anything it’s just… weird.” he shivered, “Back in Canterlot I was known as the walking disaster. Word of my ‘mishaps’ would spread and ponies would… say less than nice things.” While Shining listened to him speak, he had to stop himself from trying to nuzzle the stallion’s legs.

Likely a small thought left over from ‘Peppermint’ He thought to himself.

        “Here though. The guards salute me, you bowed to me.” I’m pretty sure one of the maids wants to bed me. “It’s just so… strange.”

        “Is that all?” Shining asked with a laugh. “Cheer up, man. While here not only do I consider you a close friend, but a trusted adviser. Enjoy it, you’ve earned it.”

        “Earned it by having a magic talent that’s better at breaking magic then creating or controlling it.” Evening couldn’t help but laugh along. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

        “It’s a brave new world.” Shining agreed. “So how long can you stay?”

        “A while.” Evening replied, before he could say more though, the same white coated mare from earlier walked in balancing a tray of food and drink on her head as if it wasn’t even there. It was actually rather amazing to watch.

        “Got your tea and crumpets right here m’lord.” She said trotting up next to them. Evening stared at the tray confused. He supposed the pitcher might be full of cold tea, but the plate was most certainly full of carrot sticks and and various fruits.

        “Thank you Swiftshine.” Shining said, levitating the plate to a nearby table. “Though that’s not what any of this is.” Swiftshine rolled her eyes.

        “Well I know that! Can’t I ‘ave a bit ‘o fun?” Before Evening knew it, she was right next to him, giving him what he could only describe as ‘bedroom eyes’ “Speaking of which, what room you staying in handsome?”

        “Uhhhhhhh.” Evening’s brain managed to get his mouth to say, given it was particularly frozen right now, that was quite the feat.

        “Swiftshine, stop making my guest uncomfortable.” Shining chided as he used his magic to put a shield around Evening’s body. Swiftshine frowned at this, but it was clear she wasn’t offended.

        “Aw, I would ‘ave made him very comfortable come the night, but if that’s what you want, then I suppose I’ll leave it well enough alone. For now anyway.” Giving Evening a wink, she made her way out of the room, letting his mind slowly fall back into working order.

        “She uh, seems nice.” Evening finally managed. Was that really just because he saved the empire?

        “Sorry about her.” Shining said taking a sip of what Evening could now see was fruit punch. “She’s a fine maid, just has a bit of a… kinky side. Probably doesn’t help with the new renovations of how maids are treated around here. Some of the maids are reluctant to embrace the new code that allows them to express themselves more freely, while some like her… embrace it a bit too much.”

        “I’m not going to have to have a guard watching my door tonight am I?” Much to his dismay Shining didn’t answer.

        “Am I?” He repeated. Shining rubbed the back of his neck, much like Evening did when nervous.

        “I might assign somepony just in case.” Inwardly Evening groaned. He thought it’d be nice to have a mare interested in him like that. Instead it just made him feel uneasy.

        “They weren’t all like that while you were living with them were they?” Almost as soon as the words left his mouth he wished he could stop them. It probably wasn’t good to remind him of those times. “S-sorry, didn’t mean to dig up old memories.”

        “I-It’s okay. I’m gonna have to get use to it eventually.” Shining said with a slight shiver. “Not all of them no. I had to let a few go that bordered on abusive, but most like her were kind enough. They just sorta took my obedience for...willingness.”

        “Y-Yeah, I’ll make sure I don’t bring it up anymore. Again sorry.” It was nothing short of a miracle that Shining was able to bounce back from that at all. Evening himself wasn’t sure he’d be able to do it.

        “No really it’s fine. In fact I envy them a bit.” He groaned. “As I said, Cadance and I haven’t had sex since I’ve been back. It’s been too awkward for even foreplay.” Though Shining made no notice of what he was saying, Evening could only stare slack jawed at the sudden shift in conversation.

        Why is he telling me this!?

        “Guess after living as a fuck toy for three months, your libido gets all sorts of messed up. I’ll tell you, I’m tempted to find a way to turn back into a mare for a night, just to have some fun with a guard or something.”

        “Okay whoa! Whoa! Too much! Too much!” Evening screamed backing up. Startled, Shining blinked at him before a deep blush took over his cheeks.

        “Oh, oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do that, it’s just after having a spell filter your speech for three months, I keep letting things out I probably shouldn’t.”

        “Yeah, well you need to work on that.” Evening said, trying to get the image of that out of his mind. A mischievous grin broke upon Shining’s face.

        “Heh, maybe I should have the private time with the maid when she’s done with you. I bet Cadance would even agree to it.”

        “Gah! Stop it!” Evening cried, rubbing his hooves on his head as if that would wipe away the thoughts. Shining laughed merrily.

        “My lord!” One of the outside guards called, poking his head in. “I’m afraid you have a surprise guest at the moment.”

        “What? Besides Evening and Twily, I wasn’t expecting anypony else. Who would come at this hour?”

        “It’s Prince Blueblood from Canterlot sire. He says it’s urgent and needs to speak to you now.”

        “You’re damn right I need to speak to him!” Blueblood’s voice came from outside. “I need to find out what the blazes is going on here!”

        “Damn it not him!” Evening hissed looking around for an escape, he only hoped Blueblood hadn’t hear his name spoken. Upon seeing Shining’s puzzled expression he quickly tried to elaborate. “He was the one pony who got on me about my magic the most in Canterlot. It was like his life mission to put me behind bars. I do not want to see him right now!”

        In truth Shining wasn’t all that surprised to hear that about Blueblood. Though he and Cadance had done a threesome with him once, there was a reason it was only once. Sadly the only way out was through the same door he came in, unless he wanted to jump from the balcony. He said as much to Evening.

        “Great idea!” Evening said, before rushing through the balcony doors. Shining had only a moment to take this in before rushing after him.

        “Are you nuts!? You can’t-” Before he could think to bring up his own magic, Evening had jumped. In horror he rushed to the edge, only to see Evening’s horn glowing with it’s white aura, as the same energy enveloped his body, gently guiding him to a nearby balcony a good story below.

        “Just what kind of magic does he have where he can do that?” Shining asked out loud in amazement. Unfortunately he didn’t get any time to marvel over that, as Blueblood burst into his room, angrily marching toward him.

        “You! Just what do you think you’re doing!?” Shining blinked.

        “Uh, taking in the view?” Blueblood stomped a hoof.

        “Not that! I mean the maids! Why are you letting them have free expression? Why did you send the lovely Miss Marinette to be re-trained at Canterlot? What happened to Noblebroom?” Shining balked. That’s what he wanted to talk about?

        “With all due respect Prince Blueblood, I don’t see what any of that has to do with you, or why you’d care.”

        “I care because you’re ruining the last great kingdom in Equestria!” Blueblood shouted. “Things were perfect here! The nobles were divine beings, and the staff knew their place!”

        Thankfully Shining was able to control his emotions. Guess being stuck as a humble maid for so long had one advantage. Of course now he had to deal with this ass until he managed to get him to go home. Just what he needed. Doing his best to keep his poker face he turned the rest of him toward the prince.

        “Ah yes,” he said with as much royal decree as he could, “we here at the Crystal Empire are just going through a bit of a, remodeling if you would. I assure you everything will be fine.”

        “The fuck it will!” Blueblood spat stomping his hoof again. “Not with this ‘freedom’ you’re giving them. I demand to know what happened with you! Did you get replaced by a changeling or something?” Shining actually twitched at those words.

        “I’m right aren’t I you fake!” He was practically touching Shining’s face with his own now. It really didn’t make him feel comfortable.

        “P-Please my lord don’t shout.” He squeaked before he could stop himself. Damn it, there was that Lowly Servant part of him again. Despite having a month back in his true skin, he’d still slip into her personality from time to time. As it was, Blueblood’s eyes narrowed.

        “Ha! I knew it! You let your sister and her stupid pupil make you soft!” With that he jabbed a hoof into Shining’s chest. “You were a much more level headed stallion when we talked during that royal meeting last month. Why I actually thought you’d be able to convince my aunts how to properly run things! What a waste!” He spat on the ground before turning in disgust.

        “The entire reason I’d visit here was because of how well you held the old traditions! The rightful way it should be! I demand you fix this!” Shining clenched his teeth, trying to get himself to calm down. He needn’t fear this idiot. He wasn’t a damn maid. He was the lord of this castle!

        “Now see here Blueblood-” He began, but was quickly cut off.

        “I hope you at least managed to keep that ‘Lowly Servant’ in her place. I’d hate for all the work put into her to be for naught.” Shining’s words froze. What did he mean by that? Had he known this entire time? Had he figured out the truth and had kept it to himself!?

        “She’s… been properly contained.” Shining replied slowly. It wasn’t exactly a lie, and he was curious to see Blueblood’s reaction.

        “Good!” He snorted. “I didn’t send her here on vacation. I want her properly trained in what it means to be a mere maid.” Sent her here? Now Shining really wanted to know how Blueblood tied into this. When Lemonfresh had taken over as him, Miss Marinette had cursed about the ‘runaway maid’ for days. Constantly going on about how worthless a charge she was to run like a coward.

        It had eventually lead to her taunting Lowly about running away. Saying she was just as much of a coward. How she wasn’t worth position so generously given to her. It’s funny that he had never really thought about it before, but what had happened to the original Lowly Servant that was suppose to start work that day?

        “Trust me it’s been no vacation for her.” He said a bit more darkly than he intended. Thankfully Blueblood took the resentment as aimed at the maid, and not himself.

        “I’m glad to hear it, so when can I see her? You spoke rather highly of her conditioning when last we spoke.”

        “Oh you needn’t worry about that.” Shining speech was slow and deliberate. “If you could just humor me first. What was the reasoning for her conditioning again? It’s just that I’d love to hear it right now. I’m sure it’ll help clear my mind on these recent decisions of mine.”

        “Ha! It is a rather lovely tale isn’t it?” Blueblood laughed while Shining fought to keep himself composed. “A stubborn foolish mare who dared speak back to me on the handling of my personal maids! Saying she wasn’t my property! Ha! As if I’d even want to own such a loathsome thing. All she had to do was treat me with the dignity and respect I deserved! That’s not too much to ask is it?” He paused long enough for Shining to give a slight shake to his head. It sickened him to do so, but he needed to hear this.

        “Of course it wasn’t! But oh no! She just wouldn’t have it. Had to be so difficult.  Needless to say I contacted dear Noblebroom at once about a new recruit to your staff. It was just what she needed to get her in line.” He laughed again. “I got worried when I heard she attempted to escape at the train station. That or those damn guards let her go. I should have escorted her myself. Bunch of morons those guards. No matter, all was well. She arrived here after all, if not a little late. I’m sure she was punished for that.”

        Inside Shining was seething. Blueblood was the reason he’d gotten stuck with that damn name Lowly Servant! He’s the reason they had been expecting a maid that morning!

        “I assume the name was your idea?” Shining asked coldly. Blueblood didn’t seem to notice his tone.

        “Of course! I’ve told you that already didn’t I? Perfect for that little shit if I do say so myself. Strip her of her home and her name, then show her how a real kingdom is run!”

        So that’s what happened. Some poor mare had upset this asshole and gotten dubbed a degrading name, while Shining’s own kingdom had been used as the ‘conditioning’ to get her to behave. More now than ever he was glad to have begun the necessary changes to this place. He could only assume whomever that mare was must have really escaped at that train station, leaving the spot to be filled in by one extra maid who wasn’t suppose to be here.

        If not for that, he may never have been trapped in that nightmarish role to begin with! Noblebroom might have brought up the ‘extra’ maid to Cadance, leading to his freedom! Three months with that name all because of this twit before him!

        “I see…” Shining said quietly. He had to take a breath to keep from screaming his head off.

        “Oh don’t look so glum. I’ll let you borrow her from time to time.” Blueblood smiled, while placing his hoof around Shining’s shoulder. It was all Shining could do to keep from tossing the jerk across the room via magic. “You’ve told me of all the incredible service she’s given you.” He licked his lips while giving Shining a wink.

        “After all, as a maid it’s only natural for us to want to sample the goods so to speak. Am I right?”  If Shining’s eyes could change color, they’d be red.

        “Oh yes, I know just what you mean.” Shining replied, his voice low and dangerous. “In fact, why don’t we go get you taken care of?”

        “Now you’re talking. I trust we’ll have time to talk about these, mistaken changes of yours later?”

        “Oh yes, I’m sure we’ll have a lot to talk about later.” Though Shining’s tone might have warned any other pony, Blueblood didn’t seem to notice or care. Probably was so arrogant that he figured they’d do nothing to a Prince from Canterlot as to avoid bad relations. Shining walked steadily down the hall, leading the Prince directly to where Cadance and Twilight were. His mind wandering.

        The persona spell was incredibly dangerous yes, but that’s not to say it couldn’t have it’s uses. Perhaps a simple command to write a letter of extended leave per say? After all, while Shining was trapped, he did learn a lot about what it was like for the maids of the castle. With some proper precautions from Twilight… Well it was only a thought after all. He was certain his head would cool and he’d forget this whole thing.

        Then again, Evening could use his own personal maid and guide while here.

        It was just a thought...