//------------------------------// // HoHoHo! // Story: Santa Luna // by Frost Bear //------------------------------// Snow drifted gently down on Ponyville. Hearth Warming was tomorrow. Twilight and Spike were having a peaceful night in their castle. Fluttershy was snuggled up with her woodland critters in her warm cottage. Rarity wrapped up in her Saddle Arabian silk blanket with a mug of hot cocoa. Rainbow Dash struggled to sleep, excited to give Scootaloo the new scooter she got her. Applejack and Pinkie Pie were at the rock farm, celebrating Hearth Warming with their families. All was quiet in the night. Not a creature was stirring. Not even that mouse who broke his leg, again. Fluttershy really needs to keep a better eye on him. Wait… are those sleigh bells? Indeed they were! Everyone heard sleigh bells jingle through the silent night. Curiosity got the best of them. From mare to filly, colt to stallion, and all many of creature of any age; wondered outside with confusion and worry. Had some poor foal been out in the snow alone? Did a pony escape the Everfree on a downhill run? Was there a pegasus who got caught in someone’s decorations? Please don’t let it be Derpy again. Last year’s incident cost Bon-bon half her savings! Alas, it was no foal or pony or Derpy in jingling silver bells. It was Princess Luna! Wearing a coat of red velvet and white fluff. A necklace of silver with bulbous bells that sang with each step. She landed heavily in the snow. Her boots sinking to the bottom and filled to the brim. Yet she maintained her visage of beauty and wonder. It was only after a while that everyone became aware of the large woolen sack she held over her back. “CITIZENS OF PONYVILLE!” Luna boomed with a shiver, “May we continue this inside, please?” The town rushed to town hall! Many were in their jammies. Mayor Mare gathered all ponies in the large center room. Twilight was prepared for any horror Luna needed help with. The ponies murmured with fearful concern and panicked thoughts. Princess Luna, guardian of dreams and night, carried her giant sack to the center of the room. A gentle smile creeped on her face. “Princess Luna!” Twilight cried, “Is there something wrong?” Luna chuckled, “There is nothing wrong at all, my dear friend.” Luna set her sack down. She opened it to reveal many old fashioned toys and treats. Wooden trains and swords, soft dolls and robes, candy and cake (which didn’t involve any fruit)! Foals eyed with wanting pleas. Ponies gapped and awed at how Luna managed to fit so much in a woolen sack that size. “For all the good little foals young and old,” Luna sung, “Gifts of laughter and joy, I bring, with treats so tasty for your tums.” The ponies rubbed against each other uncomfortably, not sure what they were suppose to do now. “Go on!” Luna encouraged, “They are all for any who would.” The foals went first. Eager to take an early present. Even Spike took his greedy claws on a toy sword. The polished oak gave him a pleasant giggle. A young colt decided to play with the drake. The two played a sword fight against each other. Childish laughter and joy filled the room. The ponies of old felt young once more. They too eventually got into the spirit and collected their own gifts from Luna. Some played with their foals, some shared treats with their special somepony, and then there was Twilight who felt strange about Luna’s sudden arrival. “Is this why you came to Ponyville?” she asked, “Just to give foals and ponies presents?” “Of course!” Luna bellowed, “Tis a tradition of mine since before my absence!” Rainbow and Rarity wondered over with Fluttershy below. “Ponyville hasn’t even been around since a few hundred years ago,” Rainbow stated. Luna scoffed, “I never visit one town on this night.” Rarity pulled her mane back, “Pardon me, dear, but what are you saying?” “It is a tradition of mine to give gifts to all ponies in Equestria on Hearth Warming eve!” Luna shouted proudly, “I make my way across all the land to visit foals, mares, and stallions to give a little joy to their life.” “All of Equestria?!” Twilight sputtered, “In one night? I find that highly illogical.” “Equestria isn’t the entire world, Twilight. A round trip is simple for one with the gift of flight.” Rainbow nudged Twilight, “Remember when I did it for you when you were worried about the future you warned yourself about?” “You’re right,” Twilight giggled, “I should’ve known better.” “What infringes me, Princess,” Rarity noted, “Why do you do this?” “In days of old; me and my sister were given duties over the day and night cycles. The pegasi were in charge of weather and seasons. When winter came each year, ponies were left cold and mournful.” Luna glanced at the foals with a sad smile, “In those day, foals were left in the streets. Without food or warmth, many died. I couldn’t bare to see such atrocity!” she coughed, catching her temper before raising her voice, ”It was then I decided to travel to any town, big or small, and give to any who were in need.” “That’s very generous of you, your majesty!” Rarity complimented. “She did hold the element of generosity before you,” Twilight remembered. “Wasn’t that Celestia?” “No; Celestia had Magic, Kindness, and Loyalty. Luna held Laughter, Generosity, and Honesty.” Luna sighed, “It matters not what element I once possessed,” she stated firmly, “I saw ponies suffering and wished to do all I could to help them. Thousand of years ago, towns were small save for the capital. I silently left the castle to visit the poor ponies in need. The nobility caught on and demanded I cease my actions.” The ponies listening to her tale gasped, “Yes, Celestia scolded me for my actions. But I defied her and continued my yearly ritual. Nobel children came to me, demanding presents and treats. In those days they were as charming as Prince Blueblood.” Rarity laughed, “Oh dear, I could imagine miniature Bluebloods crying about dirt on their hooves!” “You’re one to talk,” Rainbow grinned. “Well, I may be dramatic but I don’t mind getting dirty when the need arises.” “Apologies, Blueblood has been a thorn in my said as of late,” Luna chuckled, “The actual comparison is unjustified. The foals were worst.” “Oh my,” Fluttershy whispered, “I can’t imagine any foal behaving so sour.” “Rarity told us her experience with Blueblood,” Twilight explained, “He was very rude to her.” “Ah… Rarity, I hope you won’t judge other nobles the same as Blueblood.” “Of course not! Fancy Pants was quite a gentlestallion when we met.” Luna nodded, “It pleases me to hear that. Shall I finish my story?” “Oh, I’m sorry for interrupting it! Please continue.” Luna chuckled, “Yes, we tend to be easily distracted. But as for the nobel children, I grew disdain for them. Instead of toys and treats, I gave them wet socks filled with coal. They hung them over the fire place to dry.” “So that’s how that tradition came to be,” Twilight chimed, “This is fascinating. Luna, I think you started Hearth Warming traditions we have today!” Luna raised an eyebrow, “Really? I find that unlikely. What tradition do you speak of?” “In this day, we hang stockings over the fire place and fill them with candy.” “I see…” Luna muttered, “Regardless, I continued my efforts despite the nobles and my sister’s displeasure. I successfully gave the foals warm cloths and food each year. It wasn’t till a few decades later I started giving them toys.” The mares stared at the foals loving their unexpected gifts. Sharing with one another, playing and laughing. Their parents held a watchful eye on them. Soon they will be tired and be ready to go to bed. “I kept giving until the day I was… unable to return,” Luna grumbled. Fluttershy made an ‘oh’ expression, “That sounds dreadful, I can’t imagine Celestia being so cruel. Especially to foals.” “She claims it was to benefit society as a whole,” Luna growled, “I did not agree with her but her true intentions may have been justifiable. I just wish she’d tell me the truth behind her actions.” Twilight patted Luna on the back, “Is she still against you doing this?” “I admit, I snuck out on my own without telling her,” Luna confessed, “I left a plate of cookies for her when she wakes up.” The mares gave her looks of concern, “Fine, I’ll talk to her in the morning,” Luna sighed in defeat. “Thank you, Princess,” Twilight smiled, “So how was you trip this year?” Luna smiled brightly, “Twas a most wonderful night!” she beamed, “I began my journey in Canterlot, but the nobility were… unsavory of my appearance. The common folk of the lower tier were pleasant company. A particular mare by the name Moon Dancer told me a wonderful story on her new friendships.” Twilight and Luna shared a knowing look to each. “I had decided to make my journey east, first. The ponies of Manehattan were buzzing around with lights that burned my stars out of sight!” Luna waved a hoof for emphasis, “They had an entire lake frozen before a shining tree. That was where I gave gifts to so many eager young foals. Before I left, a mare by the name Coco Pommel gave me this coat.” she rubbed the velvety sleeve, “My journey became a lot warmer thanks to her.” Rarity hummed, thinking of a nice card to send to a friend in that town. “I had come aquatinted to the ponies of Fillydelphia when the fire snails infested their homes. Spike helped my relation to the dragons of that town.” “There are dragons in Fillydelphia?!” Fluttershy nearly screamed. “Indeed, they are the most friendly bunch I have ever met!” Luna noticed Spike give a yawn as ponies began returning to their homes. Many stayed to listen to Luna’s recent trip, “We roasted marshmallows and sapphires over dragon fire. A delightful time.” “Hollow Shades was the most spectacular sight of the night. The ponies of that town adored me ever so. I had never been more happy in all my life! They gifted me with these bells adorning my neck,” Luna jiggled the bells in delight. “Baltimare was my next stop. Their drinks are among the grandest delicacy Equestria has to offer.” Rainbow Dash nodded, “It’s true. They’re even better than Applejack’s cider!” The mares oohed at the wonder. “My visit to Appleloosa was intriguing. Their ways of celebrating is very energetic. They fashioned these boots and taught me a rather festive ‘square dance’ they only perform during the holiday. Cloudsdale citizens displayed a fantastic show of snow and ice to express gratitude. Las Pegasus rivaled them in showmareship while Applewood filmed my gift giving for all to remember.” The ponies huddled around, tired and worn, Luna felt her heart flutter as all leaned in for more. “Last, before Ponyville, was Vanhoover. That town was nice enough but many were too tired to celebrate. I have a feeling I missed something great.” “And now I have arrived and told you of my adventure,” Luna smiled warmly at the tired faces ready for bed, “I thank you all for hearing my tale. Now you must return to bed and begin celebrations at dawn.” The ponies bowed with respect and slugged off to their homes. Fluttershy’s critters carried her with fuzzy paws. Rarity pulled her bed time robe close, making her way through the cold. Rainbow dizzily hovered to her home. Leaving Twilight to levitated Spike on her back. She turned to Luna with a happy grin, “This is a very admirable thing you do. Even if Celestia doesn’t approve, the ponies of Equestria do. I hope you continue this tradition for years to come.” “Thank you dear Twilight,” they hugged, “I promise to make amends with my sister about these actions. Now off to bed! Young Spike needs the comfort of his sheets and you need a pillow for your heavy head.” Twilight giggled as the walked to her castle, “Good night, Luna.” Luna took off. She twirled through the snowy clouds. Arching her way to Canterlot. Her voice boomed through the silent sky. “HAPPY HEARTH WARMING TO ALL! AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!”