In The Closet

by Cyberfire1800

Chapter 3 Engulfed

"I'm sure Adagio found a way to somehow come back to this world," said Twilight as she took a sip of her tea.

The thought was interrupted by a loud banging on the front door, Shimmer cautiously opened it to reveal Fluttershy with her shirt ripped up, shoes tarnished and her dress was ripped on one side where her three butterflies resided.

"Fluttershy you look like hell come on in right now," said Shimmer as she dragged Shy inside then closed the door.

"A-A-A-Adagio tried something horrible to me but she has Dash in her clutches," said Shy still shaken up from her ordeal.

Twilight tried to give her a hug but Shimmer stopped her and gave her the "Don't hug her yet" look which Twi understood why. Shy covered up the wounds she had all over including her bloody nose.

"Don't worry Shy we'll get Adagio and this time we will end her," said Shimmer determined and with a smile.

Meanwhile, Adagio had Dash dry her clothes while Applejack stood by her side, protecting Dazzle from potential threats.

"Oh dear it seems that poor Fluttershy got away but no matter the next time she will be mine along with Sunset Shimmer," explained Adagio in between evil laughter.

Applejack turned around and joined in then Dash did the same thing until Adagio stopped laughing and narrowed her eyes at them with fire replacing what eyes was present.

"Oh sorry Dagi you were laughing at something that me and RD had to tag along," explained Applejack.

Adagio laughed again and the two girls joined in.

"Well Fluttershy if you need a place to stay this house is open for you that is unless your ready to go back home," offered Sunset with a bright smile.

That phrase alone made her light pinked friend feel better despite her ordeal at the hands of Adagio. Twilight agreed to give Shy a change of clothes which boosted her confidence even more than before, but then a knock at the door echoed throughout the house.

"I'll get it," said Sunset regretting what she said already.

As the door opened something un coiled itself making Sunset feel uneasy and in some cases she was also feeling sick to her stomach. The person who revealed herself was a rainbow haired girl wearing her normal outfit but something didn't click and Sunset knew it.

"Rainbow Dash what can I do for you?" asked Sunset keeping her guard up.

"I'm here for Fluttershy, give her to me or I will have to use lethal force," commanded Dash in a tone that was unlike her.

"Rainbow I can't let you have her," retorted Sunset.

Dash tried to punch Sunset but fell short when she tripped the rainbow rockstar to the ground then held her down.

"Twilight take Shy and RUN!" shouted Sunset who was still holding Dash down on the ground.

Twilight took Fluttershy into the night where lights are not as bright as they were; all of a sudden Rarity, Applejack and Adagio walked towards the two girls then surrounded them. Twilight used her magic to make Shy disappear to a safe place while she dealt with these three.

She was outnumbered but that wasn't about to stop her. Adagio and her crew attacked her but Twi used quick attacks to at least give herself some breathing room but was quickly in trouble when Rarity put her in a sleeper hold, wrapping her legs around Twi's waist causing circulation and escape impossible.

Twilight was fading fast so she tried to grab something but Adagio put her boot on Twi's hand preventing her from getting anything that would aid her in this predicament. Her vision became blurry as Rarity increased the pressure of the hold until Twilight became unconscious which is what Adagio wanted considering that Twilight has magic beyond control.

"Alright Rarity you can let go of her now she won't move," said Adagio.

Rarity let her go of her grip then Adagio put the pendant around Twilight's neck which woke her up but under Adagio's spell, she got on one knee as a way to bow to her new master, now that put a smile on Adagio that might need to be surgically removed.