Bad Luck


A Fitting Conclusion

A couple days passed. And still no Rainbow Dash. Flash was getting really worried. He was sitting on the couch in the living room, thinking of her and when she’d return.

“With her bad luck, it’s really dangerous to be out where I don’t know.” He thought aloud.

He looked around the room at all the pictures hanging up. They were of him and Rainbow Dash doing stuff together over the months. He looked at pictures of them on birthdays, holiday weekends, even April Fools’ Day. That was a picture of him setting off a whoopee cushion, and Rainbow rolling on the floor laughing.

He chuckled at that, and then sighed. With her being the Element of Loyalty, there’s no way she can be gone long. Knowing her, she’s not someone who abandons someone else so easily, especially him. She’d bend over backwards for him. Wait…she CAN bend over backwards……

“Great! Now I’m confusing myself!” he thought.

The doorbell rang. “Don’t worry Dashie, I got it.” He suddenly realized what he had said, and then sighed.

When he answered, he saw the mare of the hour, Rainbow Dash, standing at the door. Without hesitating, he threw his arms around her. She looked pleased and surprised.

“Whoa Flash, I was only gone a few days!”

“That’s a few days too many.” He responded.

Rainbow put her arms around him as well, and they embraced for a few seconds. After that, they walked inside. Rainbow turned to him and apologized.

“I’m sorry, I just needed some time alone, nothing personal. I could never leave you. Just don’t keep secrets from your marefriend, even if it’s about her.”

Flash nodded and agreed.


Now that the news had been broken to the library, Twilight spent most of her time studying up on the situation. Spike sat on the couch with Fluttershy, watching TV. However, Fluttershy wasn’t watching TV. She was watching Twilight. She couldn’t seem to wrap her mind around what Spike had told her.

“Spike, ever since we got that TV, you haven’t been very productive.” Twilight nagged from the other room.

“Sure I have, just not as much as usual.” He answered back.

There was a couple seconds of silence. After a while, Fluttershy changed the subject. “So is she having a colt or a filly?”

Twilight looked up at her. “How are we supposed to know? She’s only three months deep.” She responded.


“Please don’t bring that up. It’s kind of creepy.” Spike added. He turned back to the TV and continued watching History Channel. “Hey Twilight, did you know there are legends of mystical beings from another world that walk on two legs? They’re called humans.”

“Yes, I’ve read up on that legend. Pinkie Pie seems to talk straight to them all the time. Something to do with the fourth wall…” She trailed off and continued her studying.

“This channel has all sorts of juicy information!” Spike mused.


Flash and Rainbow lied on their bed, doing nothing. Rainbow couldn’t help but notice something recently, so she told him. “Before we dated, Twilight didn’t approve of it. She said she’d have to clean up a physical and an emotional mess. Looks like both messes happened recently.”

“A physical mess? That’s gross.” He replied.

“That’s what I said! I didn’t know it would actually happen…” She trailed off again.

And with that, she put a hoof up to her mouth, and rushed off to the bathroom again. Flash chuckled. “Speaking of physical mess!” he called.

He heard her yell ‘Shut up!’, and then the sound of puking.

He laughed, then picked up the Xbox controller on the floor to play Minecraft again. When he reached the Minecraft logo, the little yellow text beside the title read ‘Told you so!’

Flash gasped, and then shut off the Xbox, spooked. He sat there panting. Just then, Rainbow emerged from the bathroom.

“What happened?”

“Minecraft……Minecraft happened. Here, let me show you.” Flash picked up the controller, and turned the Xbox back on. When he reached the Minecraft title, the little yellow text read ‘Why’d you turn me off?’

Flash fainted right there. Rainbow ran forward, surprised. She tried to shake him awake. “Come on, Flash. Don’t leave. Stay awake!” In one last effort, she smacked him, and he jolted awake.


“Minecraft, I know. It is kind of creepy.” She tried to comfort him, because he was really spooked. “Perhaps it has something to do with you…or me.” She guessed.


Not long after this scene, Rainbow did go to visit the doctor, and got an ultrasound. Her and Flash were shocked to see they were having twins, a colt and a filly. They were both pegasi. Since then, Rainbow’s bad luck had completely vanished. Things continued much like they did for Twilight, Fluttershy and Spike, and also Flash and Rainbow. Until one day…

-Winter, 8 months later-

Flash and Rainbow sat in the living room, thinking of names, a very difficult job for twins. Flash had a new laptop on his lap, researching. “It seems none of these names are very original. Looks like we’re gonna have to wing it.” They both sighed.

They heard a familiar voice out the front door. “Mail call!” It was Derpy.

“I’ll get it.” Rainbow offered. She struggled to get off the couch. “Help me…”

Flash laughed. He walked over and grabbed Rainbow’s hoof, and pulled her off the couch.

Rainbow trudged over to the door and answered it. Derpy got to view her for the first time in about a year. “Hey Rain……whoa, what happened to you?” She eyed Rainbow’s belly.

“Trust me, you’ll know soon enough.” She responded.

“I have a letter for you! Here.” Derpy gave Rainbow the letter, and then flew off. Rainbow walked inside and closed the door.

Flash and Rainbow both eyed the letter. It was from Twilight. Rainbow ripped open the envelope and read it out loud.

“Dear Rainbow Dash and Thunder Flash, I have done a lot of studying over the months for you, and found something. I just might have the answer you were looking for. Meet me at the library! -Twilight Sparkle” she read.

“Well? What are we waiting for?” Flash nudged.

Rainbow shrugged. “Let’s go!”


Flash and Rainbow had to walk there, because Rainbow had an incredibly hard time flying with the extra weight. It took a much longer time, and half an hour later, they arrived. Twilight came out and greeted them.

“Flash! Rainbow! Come in.” Twilight offered. The three of them entered.

When Flash and Rainbow walked in, they were shocked to see the whole gang there. Fluttershy, Spike, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were all there.

“Whoa, amazing!” Flash exclaimed. “This must be some big conclusion you came to!”

As Rainbow walked by, she noticed all of her friends staring at her abdomen, mouths agape. She laughed and pretended she didn’t know what the fuss was about.

“What, did I step in something?” she laughed. She walked over and sat next to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie giggled and tapped Rainbow’s belly.

“Hey, hooves off the merchandise! How do know I’m not radioactive?” she joked. All of her friends laughed.

Meanwhile, Twilight got down to business. “Alright Rainbow Dash. You remember that bad luck you had so long ago?”

Rainbow’s eyes went wide. “Yeah, I remember that!” she mused.

“Well, it wasn’t caused by Poison Joke, but it was something close. It was caused by a new ivy called Poison Wish.”

Everypony in the room said ‘What?’ simultaneously.

“Poison Wish is a plant that grants a pony’s deepest heart-desire. It doesn’t do it in a good way, though. It finds the nastiest way it can.”

“Seriously?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes. If you never had your bad luck, you’d have never met Thunder Flash. Rainbow Dash, I think I know what your deepest desire was.”

Everypony stared at Rainbow, and then at Twilight, absolutely dumbfounded at what she was saying.

“After living your life as a competitive tomcolt, your deepest desire was to have a family.” Twilight finished.

Everypony looked at Rainbow Dash. She blushed, then patted her belly. “Looks like I got my wish.” She said sweetly.


Author Notes:

Well? Did you like it? I know I did! I know my grammar isn't perfect, but hey. I'm american, not european! Anyways, don't feel down that I didn't finish things up completely. I'm actually going to write a sequel! If you want to catch it, be sure to follow me! I'll probably get it going pretty quickly. It's called A Wish in Reality. Anyway, thanks for reading Bad Luck!