Rudolph the Lucky Reindeer

by NightStalker

Rainbow Dash

The late morning sun found its way through the window and roused Rudolph from his slumber. He groaned softly and yawned, bringing his forehooves out to stretch them. It was warm and pleasant, a lovely respite from the harsh bite of winter outside. He wanted to sleep in some more, but he knew that sleeping past noon would displease not only Santa, but his father as well. Despite how cozy he felt, it was time to wake up.

He slowly opened his eyes and propped himself up slightly. He was met with unfamiliar sights all around him, and the rest of his fatigue disappeared as he received a jolt of fear. He moved his head around to take in his surroundings, wondering where he was.

When he saw more of the quaint cottage, his memory began to catch up with him. This wasn't his home at the North Pole; it wasn't even his own world. He was in Fluttershy's house, exactly where he had been the previous night. It wasn't even winter outside.

Rudolph was now fully awake and much calmer now that he recognized his surroundings. He saw that he was still on the couch and that a warm blanket was draped across his body. The young buck felt extremely well rested and full of energy. He tossed off the blanket and glanced down at his injured leg. He tried moving it, and he found that there wasn't any pain.

A smile spread across his face as he shifted himself across the couch so that he was sitting up. He continued to move his leg around. It felt a little stiff, but otherwise wasn't giving him any pain. He carefully got off of the couch and gingerly stood on the wooden floor. After a few careful steps it was clear to him that his leg had fully healed.

The area around him gained a reddish tint as joy swept through him. It felt so good to finally be able to move around again. He silently promised himself to never fall through an interdimensional hole and sprain his leg ever again.

As he walked around the living room to shake off the stiffness in his leg, Rudolph took a look around the house. He peeked into the kitchen and glanced up the stairs, but the house was deserted. Fluttershy was nowhere to be found.

At first he frowned, wondering where his wonderful friend had gone. A moment later, his face turned tomato-red as rather vivid memories returned to him. Thinking about Fluttershy had reminded him of the rather unexpected events of last night.

The front door opened a moment later, as if on cue. Rudolph's momentary discomfort vanished when he saw Fluttershy trot through and turn to look at him. They both smiled brightly. "Rudolph!" she greeted him happily, "Oh good, you're awake. And you're walking!"

"Good morning, Fluttershy," he replied as he walked over to her, "Yeah, I feel totally better!"

Fluttershy sat down just inside the threshold and leaned forward to look at his leg. "Do you feel any more pain anywhere? Even a little bit?"

"Nope!" Rudolph responded, moving his leg up and down to demonstrate, "It doesn't hurt at all!"

The pegasus stood back up and wrapped him up in a warm hug. "I'm so glad to hear that, Rudolph! It's wonderful to hear that you're feeling better!"

Rudolph was caught off guard by the sudden embrace, but he began to hug her back nonetheless. "Aw, shucks…It was all thanks to you, Fluttershy. I coulda been stuck in that forest with no way to get out."

The hug ended and Fluttershy said, "Let's not even think about that. I'm just really happy that you're all better, Rudolph."

He smiled somewhat bashfully. "Aw, thanks…Thanks for everything, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy trotted past him and into the house. "Um, I…I'm actually kind of relieved too…" she said, disappearing into the kitchen for a brief moment and then returning with a pair of apples. She gave one to Rudolph and began to bite into the other.


"Well, um…" she said as she glanced away from him, blushing furiously, "I mean, I'm just relieved to hear that I didn't, well, make it worse…" She snuck a quick glance at him before returning her eyes to the floor, though she was still smiling. "I got a little, um…carried away. I shouldn't have been moving you around so much last night. I might have aggravated the injury, but um…I'm really relieved to see that I didn't. Heh…"

There was a brief moment of awkward silence. Rudolph's nose was dimmed, but his cheeks were on fire. "Oh gosh…" he murmured, "So that, uh…That wasn't a dream?"

She turned to look at him, an unreadable expression on her face. Then, she smiled and a melodic giggle escaped her lips. She stepped forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek, lighting up his nose to match his burning cheeks.

"No, silly…" she said, still giggling.

"Uh…" Rudolph blinked, having absolutely no idea what to say or do next.

Fluttershy simply giggled once more and leaned forward to nuzzle him. "You're so cute."

"Heh heh…" Her nuzzling managed to calm his nerves a little, "Well, I just uh…I mean, that was totally new for me and all…but, uh, it was really great." Rudolph knew that nonsense was just falling from his mouth, but he was happy to see that Fluttershy didn't seem to mind.

"Mmmm…" She closed her eyes and gently shook her hips a few times. "Yeah, it was…" Rudolph wasn't sure he'd ever seen a smile as big as hers.

"Um, but…" he spoke up, "Thanks again for helping me and giving me a place to stay, Fluttershy. I still have no idea where I am, but…I'm glad that I met you now that I'm here."

"Awww, I'm happy I met you too!" she replied, diving in for another sudden hug. After squeezing him for a few seconds, she let him go and gave him an excited look. "Come on, let's go!" she said, dancing on her hooves as she turned towards the door, "Now that your leg's all better, let's go outside!"

"Oh! Uh, sure!" he said, following her as they trotted out the door. He watched her amusedly as she locked the door behind her. "Heh…" he chuckled, "You look like you're in a really good mood."

She turned and gave him another big smile. "I am, Rudolph! It's a wonderful day today, and I wanna spend it with you!" She began to trot down the path away from her house, using her wing to tap Rudolph and spur him along. "I told Rainbow Dash that if your leg was better, we'd go meet her! Is that okay?"

"Rainbow Dash?" he replied as he trotted alongside her, "Oh, right. You mentioned her last night, didn't you?"

"Uh huh! She's one of my best friends!"

"Okay, sure!" Rudolph focused on dimming his nose and then followed her as she trotted towards town. Most of the ponies had seen him already when Fluttershy had taken him to the hospital and then to her home, but he hadn't interacted with any of them yet. None of them had looked at him like he was an alien being, which he certainly was, but he recalled Fluttershy telling him that deer like him lived in their world in a different nation.

"I hope you aren't upset that I left you all alone this morning," she said as they reached the outskirts of the town, "but I had some things to do and you looked so happy and comfortable."

"Naw, it's fine," he replied, glancing around as a few ponies waved at him. He tried not to stare at their various, flashy colours as he passed by.

"I went to see Twilight," Fluttershy continued, "She told me that she hasn't really made any progress on getting you home, but she reassured me that it's still early and she has a lot more work to do."

"Oh…" Rudolph spoke, not entirely sure how to feel about that.

"Yeah, it looks like you won't be able to get home any time soon…But don't worry! Twilight is the smartest pony I know! She'll definitely find a way to get you home!"

"I hope so." There was a hint of anxiety nagging at him, but he told himself to ignore it and give Twilight more time to figure something out. He found himself agreeing that one night was not a sufficient enough amount of time.

As they continued to walk through the town and pass by its friendly locals, Rudolph couldn't help but think back to the events of last night. A shiver passed through his body at every vivid detail he could recall. Sure Rudolph knew all about sex thanks to an awkward talk with his dad, but he had never even come close to actually experiencing it before. He had thought that accidentally getting an erection would have gotten him kicked out of the house, but Fluttershy's actions had taken him by surprise. He found it hard to focus on much when his mind was filled with memories of that wonderful, incredible event. It had felt so good

"Rainbow Dash!"

Rudolph nearly jumped out of his skin when Fluttershy suddenly shouted beside him. He blinked a couple of times, realizing that he had blindly followed her to a field outside of Ponyville without even noticing his surroundings.

"Rainbow Dash, are you still there?"

The reindeer glanced around the field, looking for whoever this 'Rainbow Dash' was. Besides the two of them, the field was completely empty. He turned to Fluttershy in confusion, then he noticed that she was looking upwards. He followed her gaze, but couldn't see anything except a small cloud in the sky.


"Yeah, yeah, I hear ya Flutters…" a voice replied from above. Rudolph was about to search for its origin, but was surprised to see a cyan-coloured hoof waving lazily from above the cloud. A moment later to his astonishment, the head of another pony poked out over the edge of the cloud and looked down at them. It was then that he realized how low the cloud was.

"You took so long I fell asleep!" the pony above, apparently Rainbow Dash, shouted.

"What do you mean…?" Fluttershy replied, "I was only gone for five minutes."

"Yeah! Forever!" It was then that Rainbow Dash noticed him. "Is that Randolf?"

Fluttershy giggled. "It's Rudolph, Dash…"

"Right, right…" Rudolph watched as Dash jumped off the side of the cloud and spread a pair of wings, swiftly flying down to the ground and landing right in front of him.

He took a moment to observe her, noticing that she was the same kind of pony as Fluttershy but also looked rather different. She was cyan, her mane was a wild rainbow of colours, and she appeared to be more in shape than Fluttershy was. "Uh, hello…" he said nervously, still feeling a little uncomfortable around these 'alien' creatures, "Ah, it's nice to meet you…?"

For a moment, Dash didn't reply and simply looked at him. Then she broke the silence by snickering and turning to look at Fluttershy. "You're pullin' my leg!" she said to her, "This is a joke, right?"

"Rainbow, you don't have to be rude…!" Fluttershy replied, scolding her but not raising her voice, "He's new here. Where are your manners?"

Dash laughed and returned to looking at him. "Right, sorry dude. 'Sup?" She held up one of her hooves. "The name's Rainbow Dash. The fastest, strongest, and most awesome-est pony in Ponyville. And you, apparently, can fly?"


Rudolph gave the brash pegasus a rather perturbed look. "Yeah. I can." He shot Fluttershy a quick glance before turning back to Rainbow Dash. "What about it?"

Dash chuckled. "Well, Rudy, I mean c'mon…" She then unfurled her own wings, which Rudolph was just noticing seemed much fuller and sleeker than Fluttershy's, and used one of them to ruffle the fur on his head. "Generally things without these don't fly."

Rudolph batted away the offending wing. "I can too fly! I've been flying since I was a little buck! And I don't need wings because I can fly with magic!"

Dash stared at her for a moment before she began laughing once again. Rudolph rolled his eyes.

"Rainbow, please…Be nice…" Fluttershy murmured.

"All right, all right! I'm sorry, Fluttershy," Dash said, "But I mean c'mon! You can't really tell me that this kid can fly and use magic?"

"The deerfolk in the Everfree Forest can use magic…"

"That's different, though! That's just nature stuff! They can't fly!"


"Have you seen him fly?"

"Um, well…No…"

"Well how can you-"

"Excuse me!!" Rudolph's voice cut through their argument, causing both of them to turn and look at him. He stared at Rainbow Dash, a little bit of awkwardness creeping in. Rudolph was not usually so bold, but the way this pegasus was acting was rubbing him the wrong way. It made him feel sort of indignant in a way.

"D'you wanna see me fly?"

Dash blinked, and then replied, "Sure, kid! I'd love to! Tell ya what…If you can fly up to that cloud I was just on and back down, then I'll bow down before you. And nopony's gonna see me bowing unless the Princesses are around."

Rudolph let out a huff of breath. "Fine!"

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy stepped back a few paces and watched him. Fluttershy had been growing more uncomfortable as their less-than-friendly exchange went on, but now she was gazing at him with excited eyes. Both she and Twilight had been so surprised to learn that he could fly, and it seemed like Fluttershy was really eager to see it happen.

Rudolph grinned determinedly. That's exactly what he planned to do. He turned his head upwards and saw the cloud that was to be his target. He then turned around and trotted about a yard or two back from it. He turned back around, and saw that the two ponies' eyes were still glued to him. He took a deep breath, focused for a moment, and then began galloping forward. He quickly picked up speed as he ran and right when he passed by the two ponies, he jumped into the air.

A familiar sensation greeted him as he continued to gallop, though his hooves no longer touched the ground. It was a strange feeling halfway between weightlessness and gravity that he had grown innately accustomed to over the years. With his hooves, he channeled energy into the air that carried him in the direction he needed to go. After rising a fair bit while moving forward, he banked to the right and turned completely around. He then ascended the remaining distance while traveling in the other direction, arriving at the cloud just as he reached the proper height.

He had seen Rainbow Dash actually standing on the cloud earlier, but he didn't want to take any chances and simply continued forward. In a similar back-and-forth motion, he descended towards the ground and came to a perfect stop on the grass right in front of the two ponies. He quickly smiled at Fluttershy before giving Rainbow Dash a satisfied smirk.

Dash's jaw was hanging uselessly in the air, and it looked as if she had been rendered speechless.

"Wow!!" Fluttershy exclaimed, recapturing his attention, "That was incredible, Rudolph! Amazing!!" She began clapping her hooves for him.

"Heh…" Rudolph chuckled, "It's not that amazing…"

"It was wonderful, Rudolph!" she replied, beaming at him, "Could we see it again? See if you can land on that cloud, Rudolph. If you can fly and use magic, then the cloud should probably hold you."

"Really? Well, okay I guess." He then galloped away and took to the skies once more.

As he once again climbed through the air towards the cloud, he finally heard the voice of Rainbow Dash from beneath him. "What??" she shouted suddenly, "But…How? How is he doing that? Who is he??"

"He's not from this world, Dash. He kind of ended up here and we're trying to get him home."

There was a brief pause. "You coulda told me that before!!"

Rudolph chuckled and stopped paying attention to them for a moment, for he was approaching the cloud. If he did end up falling straight through it, the cloud was high enough off the ground that he would safely be able to catch himself and resume flying. Still, though, he was filled with trepidation as he slowed himself and moved over top of it.

He took in a breath, looked down at the cloud, and then stopped completely. With no more forward momentum, he succumbed to gravity and fell. However, to his pleasant surprise, the fluffy cloud caught him. It felt like he had landed in a pile of wool, but the cloud felt study enough to hold him securely. He took a few steps around to make sure it wasn't some crazy fluke, and found that he was indeed able to stand on the cloud.

"Cool!" he said as he trotted around curiously.

"Look, Rainbow Dash! He can stand on the cloud too!"

"Yeah, I see…"

Rudolph flopped onto his belly, enjoying the soft, fluffy feel of the cloud, and poked his head over the edge. He looked down to see the others standing on the ground and looking up at him. Fluttershy waved, but Dash just looked upset.

Rudolph waved back and then took a moment to admire the view. He had seen the town from above before, but now he was noticing the low-hanging clouds that dotted the air above. He saw many pegasi flying about, moving the clouds with their hooves or simply standing on them. It further cemented to him that he was far from home, but he found that he was fascinated rather than downhearted.

"Ugh, fine!!" Rainbow Dash's sudden shout reached his ears. A moment later he heard the sound of rapidly flapping wings which was followed by the pegasus herself landing unceremoniously next to him.

Rudolph sat up and regarded her. She appeared incredibly irritated and didn't want to meet his eye. The reindeer was confused for a moment, but then Dash let out an exasperated sigh and leaned her whole body down, bowing before him. He stared at her for a moment, and then chuckled.

"Shut up…" she murmured.

"Told ya I can fly."

"Urgh, c'mon kid…" she said as she quickly sat up and gave him a frustrated look, "You won the bet, okay? I didn't know you were from some crazy alternate dimension where Whitetails can fly! So just drop it…"

His smirk fell and he sighed. "I'm not a whitetail, I'm a reindeer." Rudolph was not getting a very good impression from this pony, even if Fluttershy said that the two of them were friends. He was finding her brash, outspoken personality very off-putting, and found himself wishing that she were more polite.

"You're not a R-" Dash cut herself off and glanced away, "Nevermind…"

"Ah, you're just mad that you lost."

"Whatever! So you can fly," she replied hotly, "You're a Whi- You're a Reindeer and you're not supposed to fly, and you can, but it's still not that impressive. It's just flying. Lots of ponies can do that. I can do that."

"Oh yeah?" Rudolph replied, letting his superiority get the better of him for a moment, "Can you do this?"

When Rainbow Dash turned to look at him, her wide eyes were blinded by the brilliant red light emanating from his nose. She shielded her eyes and stared unbelieving for a moment. The pegasus was totally awe-struck, which brought a smile to his face. Even now that he was a well-respected part of Santa's team, he still sometimes felt a little bashful about his unique nose. It wasn't often he got to show it off like this.

It didn't take long for the absurdity of the situation to set in, though. A few moments later and he had burst out laughing. He was surprised to hear Dash laughing along with him.

"No…!" Dash said between her laughter, "I can't do that, but why would I wanna have the powers of a magical clown?"

Years ago those words would have hurt, but Rudolph had come a long way and now found himself laughing even harder. "It's probably for the best," he replied, "With the way you're coloured, your nose'd probably glow purple!"

The two laughed even harder for another minute or so before they finally regained their composure. The two looked at one another and Rainbow Dash said, "Y'know what, kid? You're all right."

Rudolph snickered. "Well gee, thanks."

"I just really hate losin', ya know? But I shouldn't have been so harsh, I guess."

He grinned. "Aw, it's okay. I'm not mad."

The two of them heard the sound of wings flapping and turned to see Fluttershy joining them on the cloud. Rudolph's smile disappeared when he saw that she had a disappointed look on her face. "Um, I'm happy to see you two are getting along now," she said, giving them a quick half-smile. Then she turned to face Rudolph directly. "Um, Rudolph? I have some…bad news."

He tilted his head. "What is it?"

She didn't respond and instead simply angled herself so Rudolph could see that the mark on her flank was glowing slightly. He tried to remember what she had called it. A Cutie Mark?

"The Cutie Map!" Dash exclaimed, also staring at the glowing mark.

"Huh? The what…?" Rudolph murmured confusedly.

"Um, it's kind of complicated to explain…" Fluttershy replied, "But it means that I have to go somewhere for something important…I guess this means we can't spend the day together…" She hung her head and sighed.

"What? Really? Well, um, can't I go with you…?"

Fluttershy simply shook her head. It was Dash who responded to her. "The Cutie Map is a special thing. When it summons certain ponies, then only those certain ponies should go. I mean, I'd love to go help Fluttershy with whatever it is she's gotta do, but my flank's not glowin'."

Honestly, Rudolph had a thousand more questions. It seemed that this world wouldn't stop throwing surprises at him. However, he focused on what was most important for the time being. "Do you really have to? How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know. I hope it won't take very long, but I don't even know where I'm going. I'll try to come back as soon as I can, but…I just…" She looked as if she were about to cry.

"Aww…" Rudolph said soothingly, stepping across the cloud to give her a hug, "It's okay, Fluttershy. If it's really that important, then I'm not gonna hold you back. Besides, as you said, I'm probably not goin' home for a while. Heh…"

She hugged him back and said, "I'm sorry, Rudolph. Will you be okay here without me?"

"He'll be fine, Fluttershy!" Dash replied from behind them, "I'll show him around if you want, but I'm sure he can take care of himself. Right, Rudy?"

Rudolph moved back from the hug and gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll be okay, Fluttershy. And I'll be here when you get back, okay?"

She paused for a moment and then gave him a demure smile. "O-okay, Rudolph. Thank you for understanding. I'll be back as soon as I can." She gasped as the glow from her cutie mark flashed brightly for a moment. "I-I'd better go. I'll see you soon, Rudolph! Bye Rainbow Dash!"

The two of them bid her farewell and watched as she flew towards the grand castle where Twilight lived. After a moment, he turned to Dash and said, "What's she gotta do?"

Dash shrugged. "I'unnah…The Cutie Map kinda calls on the six of us to go fix 'disharmony' somewhere, so it could be anything."

"You six…That's right, Fluttershy was telling me that six of you are part of a team or something?"

Rainbow Dash laughed. "Haha! Well, kinda I guess… We're the Elements of Harmony and we usually have to save the day! I guess you could say we're kinda like superheroes!"

"Oh, I see…I'm on a team too and I guess you could say we do something really important too."

"Oh yeah? What kinda team?"

"Well, me and eight other reindeer pull Santa's sleigh and w-"

"So you're kinda like the ponies that pull the trains?" Dash suddenly interjected, catching Rudolph off guard. "Hey! How fast are ya?"

Rudolph blinked at the random question. "I, uh…I dunno. I'm pretty fast, but I don't think I'm quite as fast as my teammates."

Dash was giving her a strange look with an enigmatic smile. "'Pretty fast'? What's 'pretty fast' mean?"

"Uhhh…" Rudolph furrowed his brow, "Like, um, faster than most guys I know? You have to be fast if you do what I do. You can't be late with the deliveries. I guess I'm not fast on the ground, but I can fly fast if that's what you mean."

Dash simply chuckled and flopped backwards onto the cloud, laying on her back and facing the sky with her hooves behind her head. "Right, I gotcha. You think you're a fast flyer."

"Uh huh…Wait, what do you mean 'think'?"

"No, it's cool. Flying at a high speed is pretty awesome, I know. I guess I dunno why I asked, because there's no way you're faster than me."

Rudolph frowned at her. "What makes you say that?"

"Uh, hello?" she said, leaning up on her elbows, "Didn't you hear me earlier? I'm the fastest pony in all of Ponyville and one of the fastest ponies in the whole world! In fact, I'm pretty sure I am the fastest!"

"Is that so…?" Rudolph replied, skewing his lips, "How fast can you go?"

"Uh, you ever heard of a thing called 'mach 1'? I'm kinda known for being the only pony to ever achieve the Sonic Rainboom!"

Rudolph stared at her expressionlessly. "Mach 1?"


"Is that it?"

Dash was instantly sitting up. "Whaddaya mean, 'Is that it?' Mach 1 is the speed of sound y'know! How many creatures do you know that can go faster than the speed of sound?"

Rudolph let a grin slip onto his face. "Well, I can think of eight at least…"

It took a moment for his implications to register with the pegasus. "Are you trying to tell me that you," she said, jabbing a hoof at the reindeer accusingly, "can beat mach 1?"

"Well…" he said, glancing away, "I mean, I don't wanna brag. Like I said, my teammates are all faster than me. I'm trying to get faster so I don't keep slowing them down…"

"Okay, wait wait wait…" Dash muttered, waving her hooves in the air, "I get that you're from some other world where Reindeer can fly without wings or whatever, but you can't seriously sit there and tell me that you can go just as fast as me."

"I didn't say that…"

"Yes you did!"

"I said I could go faster than you."

Rudolph saw Rainbow Dash's eye twitch slightly, and he wondered if he had crossed a line. He was just about to apologize to her when she suddenly cut him off.

"Race me!"


"I said race me!!" Dash shouted. Before he could even reply, she swung her head to the side and stared out in the direction opposite the town. "There!" she said, thrusting her hoof out into the distance, "There's a cloud out there by itself in the plains. We'll circle the Everfree Forest and then that cloud will be the finish line!"

Rudolph saw the cloud, and then glanced to the side to see the forest that she was referring to. The forest appeared to be rather expansive, and it looked as if going around it would cover quite a bit of ground. "Um…Okay, I guess. I mean, I might be a little slow because I was in bed all yesterday but-"

"Are you in or not??" Dash shouted, a frighteningly determined look on her face.

"Yeah, sure! Calm down…"

"You can beat me in a stupid bet, but no-one insults Rainbow Dash's speed! Prepare to lose, kid!"

"Uh…Okay…" Rudolph slowly got to his hooves, keeping an eye on the volatile pegasus. It was clear that he had struck a nerve of some sort and gotten her into a competitive mood, but her boldness still made him feel rather uncomfortable. "It's just a race, right? This isn't going to turn into a wrestling match in the sky or something, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's just a race. I always play by the rules because I don't have to cheat!"

He stared at her for a moment, trying to decide if tussling with her like this was a good idea or not. Eventually he shrugged. "All right, let's do it then."

The two spent a minute or two making preparations, and before he knew it they were poised at the edge of the cloud and ready to begin. A shot of adrenaline ran through him as he stared ahead, preparing himself for the high-speed race that would follow. After a few tense moments, Rainbow Dash counted down from three.


In the blink of an eye, Dash was gone. Rudolph had set off running along the cloud and taken to the air as soon as he reached the edge, but Dash had shot off like a bullet. It was immediately clear that Dash held the advantage when it came to acceleration.

He was surprised at this, but he didn't let it deter him. He took deep breaths and pushed forward, using his legs and his energy to slowly build up his speed. He wasn't concerned about aggravating his injured leg since he was just running on air, so this allowed him to focus entirely on speed.

By the time he reached the edge of the forest, he had already halved the distance between him and the pegasus. He didn't focus on her and instead concentrated on building up his speed. He pretended that he was back home on Christmas, leading his team. Those deliveries needed to be made, and they only had less than 24 hours to do it. The world depended on their speed, and he had never let them down yet.

He briefly saw Dash turn her head back, her eyes a little wider as she saw how close he was. She beat her wings harder as then began to round the edge of the forest, Ponyville already far behind. The wind was whipping past him as he dashed faster and faster through the air. The Pacific Ocean was wide, but he had to cross it as quickly as he could! There was no time for rest!

As they rounded the bend at the far end of the forest, marking the halfway point of the race, Rudolph had pulled up only a few yards behind the speedy pegasus. Dash kept glancing back in disbelief and kept pumping her wings even faster. Rudolph grit his teeth and kept pushing. He was usually not this competitive, but when it came to games like this he would always give it his all. He'd had to work so hard just to compete in the Reindeer Games, and so when he had finally gotten in, he had always refused to go down lightly.

The two approached the final stretch of forest, leading out to the fields between the town and the mountain in the distance. They were moving so quickly that it was difficult to see past the whipping wind that stung their eyes. Rudolph could barely make out the cloud that he was aiming for, but he also took notice of the fact that he was coming up on Dash's side.

Dash ignored her and had a strained look on her face as she tried to coax just a little more speed out of her own body. Rudolph, on the other hoof, was hardly exhausted. These last few levels of acceleration were always the hardest to breach, but they were necessary for crossing the vast oceans. He too grit his teeth but kept his eyes open. The cloud was rapidly approaching, and he was slowly but surely picking up that last ounce of speed. He was running out of time if he wanted to pass Rainbow Dash! Just a few seconds and it would be over!

Rudolph's vision suddenly exploded with colour that was accompanied by a pair of nearly deafening explosions. The sudden blinding rainbow left him completely disoriented. For a brief moment he feared that he was going to crash and do a lot worse than sprain his leg, but a second later he felt the cushiony impact of the cloud as he slammed right into it. Just like that, he had stopped moving and all was silent but for the echoing of the sonic boom.

He rolled over on his back and began panting heavily, trying to catch his breath. He heard a similar panting sound coming from his right. As he looked up into the sky, he was surprised to see a circular rainbow pattern slowly expanding above him. Though he could hardly breathe, he was mesmerized by the sight.

"Agh…" Rainbow murmured, trying to speak through her panting, "Wha kin'a…hah…"

"Wah…" Rudolph made similar nonsensical sounds, "Di'you…do…?"

She heard Rainbow take in a few heavy breaths and then speak more coherently. "That…is the Sonic…Rainboom…kid…"


Dash chuckled tiredly. "I think…it was a tie…"

"Heh…" Rudolph smiled, "Sure."

"You actually…kept up with me…" Rainbow spoke, slowly returning to a normal breathing state.

"Heh, yeah… We got a lot of ground to cover…So we can't be slow…"

"You made a Sonic Rainboom too…'cept y'can't see it…Impressive!"

"If the race was a little longer, I probably would've beat you."

"Heh, well let's not get carried away."

Rudolph playfully groaned. The two lay there for another minute or so before they finally managed to catch their breaths. They then sat up on the cloud and stretched.

"Not bad, kid…" Dash said with a grin, "Not bad at all."

"Thanks, Rainbow Dash…" Rudolph replied, "You were pretty great, too. You don't use magic, right? It's just your wings?"


"That's definitely impressive, then."

"You know it." Dash gave him a wink.

The two gazed at their surroundings for a bit, memories of the heated race still fresh in their minds, and then Rainbow let out a satisfied sigh and flopped down onto her back. Rudolph remained sitting up.

"So kid?" Dash said, and then paused. "…Rudy? You're from another dimension or somethin'?"

"Yeah…" Rudolph murmured. It was still somewhat upsetting to think about, but he tried not to get pessimistic. He had to give Twilight a lot more time. "It's kinda like this place, I guess, but…not as colourful. And no ponies."

"No ponies, huh? Is that why you've got a Griffic name?"

"A what name?"

"Y'know, like a name for Griffons."

"…What's a Griffon?"

"Oh dude…You are totally an alien! Hahaha!"

Rudolph furrowed his brow, not quite sure how to process that remark. "Well, um, you're an alien to me…"

"Oh yeah! Awesome!" Dash had brought her forehooves up to lay behind her head like a pillow, while one back hoof was resting lazily on her other raised one. "I guess that means you're stuck here for a while? Twilight's probably doin' some sciency magicy thing to get you back, right?"

"Uh, yeah. Pretty much…"

"Well, I gotta say you picked a pretty good place to get stuck in. We're pretty awesome here in Ponyville. I'll show ya around if ya want."

He smiled. "Sure, I'd like that. If I can't get back yet, then I guess I might as well sightsee. The townsfolk seem nice…"

Dash closed her eyes and got into a more comfortable position. "Yeah, we don't get a lotta deerfolk around here, but they're nothin' unusual or anything. Hey, are you sure you're a Reindeer?"

Rudolph frowned. "Yes, I am! Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"Ask Twilight to show you a picture of a Whitetail."

"Um…" He blinked. "Okay…?"

"So how'd ya get here? A lotta weird stuff happens here, but we've never seen an alien from another dimension before! Well, Twilight's gone to an alien dimension, but not the other way around."

Rudolph shrugged. "I don't know. I kind of…fell into, well, into 'here'. That's how I hurt my leg. Luckily Fluttershy found me, or I mighta been in a lotta trouble."

Dash chuckled. "You're lucky Fluttershy likes deerfolk so much or she probably woulda ran away."

"Yeah…She's been really nice to me ever since I got here. She carried me on her back to help me fix my leg and stuck around while I was at the hospital…"


"I mean, she coulda put me in a hotel or had me stay in that big castle thing, but she took me to her house and let me stay there. And she made me hot chocolate even though it's spring here, and we talked for hours…"

"And then you two had hot, kinky sex?"

Every part of Rudolph's body tensed up suddenly and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "I- What??" He stammered, "Wh- How did you know that…?"

This sent Dash into a fit of uproarious laughter. "Ha!! I knew it!" she exclaimed, rolling around on the cloud laughing like a madman.

"Wha…? Huh?" was all that Rudolph could say.

Dash laughed for a bit more before she was able to talk. "I mean, it was pretty obvious," she said, leaning up on her elbows and looking at him, "I've never seen her so bouncy before in my whole life. Her smile got bigger and her cheeks got rosier every time she mentioned you, dude! Nah, she didn't say anything, but I knew. That pony got laid."

Rudolph's face was basically a tomato at this point. He stared in awkward disbelief at the pegasus, mumbling and stuttering but not being able to formulate any words.

Dash snickered at her. "Kid, chill out! I'm not gonna get mad or make fun of you. Fluttershy is my friend! I'm happy to see her so happy!"

"I-It…It's not that…" Rudolph mumbled, "I-It's just…"

"So how'd it go? Wha'd you do to each other? How many times did you…'ring her bell'?"


"What??" Dash replied, grinning as she sat up, "Don't be so uptight, kid! You look like a colt who just lost his virginity…"

Rudolph just blushed and turned away.

"Ohhhh. That makes more sense. Heh… Did you make it to the bedroom, or was it sp-"

"Shut up, Dash," Rudolph said in a low, strong voice.

"Hey, c'mon kid! Lighten up! It's awesome, seriously. From the looks of it, you made her feel pretty darn good and I can't fault ya for that. I mean, I love seeing Fluttershy this happy…"

Rudolph let out an irritated huff of breath and stared at the cloud beneath his hooves. Despite her reassurances, Dash's words still bit at him. Something felt wrong, or even insulting, about them. For the most part, though, he just felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. No-one in his life had ever spoken so openly about something like this, and it was extremely awkward to hear somebody else talk about such an intimate moment. He debated whether to stick around or to simply leave and explore the town.

"Well one thing's for sure," he heard Dash's voice from beside him, "You definitely impressed her."


"You musta been pretty awesome."

"I don't think-"

"I mean, the fact that she's not hiding in her house right now means you must have hit something ins-"


"In fact, y'know what?" Rudolph turned his head up after a moment's pause, only to find her mere inches from his face. He nearly fell onto his back in surprise.


She had an enigmatic smirk on her face. She almost looked predatory. "I'm a little jealous."

He blinked. "You're what?"

"Kid, I haven't gotten laid in weeks. But Fluttershy, you rocked her so much it put a spring into her step. For Fluttershy? That's a pretty big difference."

Rudolph shrank back. "But I didn't-"

"I'm givin' you praise, kid. You might as well take it."


Dash rolled her eyes, but kept that smirk on her face. "I want a spring in my step."

"You want…?" Rudolph's words died as his lips were suddenly occupied with something else. Dash had placed her hooves onto his shoulders and leaned in for a wild kiss. His eyes shot open wide as his mind skipped a few beats. There wasn't a hint of tenderness in Dash's actions whatsoever. She pressed her lips against him and moved her tongue around like an animal on a mission.

At first he tried to garner the willpower to wake up his limbs and push back, but Dash's fiery passion was quickly having an effect on him. His eyes became half-lidded as his whole body relaxed. Though it was feisty, her tongue was still soft and warm. He couldn't help but welcome its intrusion into his mouth. He saw his nose begin to glow as a familiar, warm sensation rippled through his body. After a few moments, he closed his eyes and began to seek entry into Dash's mouth with his own explorative tongue.

It was as if she had cast a spell on him. All desires for her to stop and go away simply disappeared as new sensations took their place. He had already felt stirring in his loins from Dash digging up his memories of last night, but this fiery kiss was all he needed to bring back those arousing feelings.

Dash broke the kiss and they both gasped for air. Scattered parts of his mind slowly came back to life, and the first thing he realized was that he had not expected anything like that to happen, even with Dash talking about his previous experience. Now that she had given him such a deep, arousing kiss, he knew that multiple barriers had just come down.

"I want a taste…" Dash whispered. It took Rudolph a moment to remember what she had been saying before.

"Y…You do…?" A few of his cognitive functions were returning slowly.

"Yeah…It sounds like it's awesome…"

He gulped. "But what about…?"

"We're on a cloud out in the fields. Nopony's gonna see us.

His cheeks flared up. "Th-That's not what I was gonna ask!"


He tried to comprehend what was happening. Was Dash serious about this? Did she really want to have sex with him just like that? He considered his own desire to do so, and every part of his body screamed that the answer was 'yes'!

He saw Dash glance down. "Mmm…Interesting…"

Rudolph's full-length member twitched when he saw Dash looking at it. "I…Wh-" Just like before, his instinct was screaming at him to run away and hide his erection from others, but something had changed since his last experience. His last wonderful, unforgettable, intimate experience.

"B-but what about…What about…?" Rudolph gasped loudly as he felt the broad side of Rainbow Dash's tongue on the underside of his cock.

"Fluttershy won't mind sharing," was all Dash said before she began to mercilessly attack his cock with her tongue.

He shivered and gasped as intense sensations shot through his entire body. He wanted to just collapse and lay onto his back, but he made an effort to keep himself sitting up. Panting, he turned his gaze downwards to look at Rainbow Dash and confirm that this was, in fact, happening.

Dash was not giving him the same treatment as he had redeived the previous night. She wasn't using her mouth at all, only letting her moist tongue slither across his hardness and coat it generously in her saliva. She didn't even look at him, keeping her eyes focused on the target directly in front of her. She looked like a mare on a mission.

He sat there for a few glorious minutes as she worked on his cock. Little jolts of electrical stimulation kept rippling through him as her tongue touched a particularly sensitive area. All of his worries and doubts had long since faded away, leaving him in a euphoric state. If it weren't for the arousal building within him, he might've fallen asleep.

It wasn't long before his cock was soaking wet and begging for Rainbow Dash's mouth. He made a few small thrusts to try and convey this idea to the pegasus.

"That oughta do it…" Dash murmured as she withdrew from between his legs and sat up. The euphoria quickly vanished.

"Ah…! Wh-why'd you stop…?"

"I've never done it with a deer before…" she muttered to herself, as if she hadn't heard him.

Rudolph groaned. "A-aren't you gonna…y'know…?"

Finally she glanced up at him and gave him a weird look. "Uh, duh? I'm getting you ready, obviously. I don't like taking it dry." Before he could respond, she stood up and turned herself around so that she was facing away from him. She then leaned her front half down to the cloud and thrust her flanks up in the air, flagging her tail and giving him a perfect view of what was hidden beneath.

Rudolph almost choked as she displayed herself so openly to him. This was new to him; he had never seen a pussy so up close and from such a dead-on straight angle before. From her position, not a lot was hidden from view. Her lips were slightly open, giving him a look at the warm pinkness within. A small amount of liquid was slightly leaking out of the bottom.

"Y- I…Um…" His brain failed to make words.

"Ugh…" Dash gave a frustrated sigh, "Do I have to paint an arrow on my butt to tell you where the cock goes? C'mon, Rudy! Let's have some fun! I'm ready for whatever ya got!"

Rudolph was still struggling with the idea that Dash wanted to go straight for vaginal sex right from the start. What she'd done before hadn't even been a blowjob; she had just been 'preparing' him. Her impatient, competitive attitude extended even to acts such as this, and that was intimidating to him.

His cock didn't care though. It was asking him why he was still sitting there.

"Wow, uh…" he murmured as he clumsily got to his hooves, "Y-You really want to…?"

"I'm presenting myself. Obviously!"

Rudolph wanted to ask something else, but he was mesmerized by the sight of her warm, inviting pussy. The incredibly arousing sight of a female who wanted to do things with him.

"You comin' or not?" Dash asked. She earned her response when Rudolph's hooves gripped her flanks. He rose himself up, standing on his hind legs and using her rear for leverage. He pulled at her flanks, moving them down to better accommodate for his height and carefully lining things up. Instinct was guiding him at this point. His body told him what his brain was having difficulty with; he had successfully mounted the female, and now it was time to mate.

"Ah…!" The exclamation slipped out of Rudolph's mouth as the tip of his eager, sensitive hardness touched her warm lips for the first time. He held himself there for just a moment, but even that was enough to make Dash impatient. She wiggled her ass to get the message across, and so he began to push inwards.

A wonderfully familiar warm sensation returned as he penetrated Dash's pussy. His cock slipped into a snug, warming embrace that made him feel dizzy. He heard Dash making a satisfied-sounding noise as he sunk more of his member into her. He continued until he had just over three quarters inside, and let out a satisfied sigh as he paused there.

"Hah…" he breathed, "Ready…?"

"Don't start slow, kid," Dash replied, turning back and giving him an encouraging smirk, "Just go for it!"

Rudolph grinned. He pulled himself out almost all of the way, moving much faster than when he'd been going in. He then gave a rather swift thrust and buried himself back inside her.


The sound she made encouraged him, and he began to move at this speed continuously. He closed his eyes and moaned softly, an intense feeling coursing through him. Moving at such a pace already was giving him powerful waves of pleasure all at once, and it was nearly overwhelming.

Dash continued to make a few similar noises as he thrust into her, and so he decided to pick up the pace. He held onto her flanks tighter and started thrusting faster and harder. The warm, tight feeling of her velvety walls were gripping and massaging his cock as he pistoned in and out. This was his second time doing something like this, but being up on top was a much different experience. He reveled in the sensation of thrusting his whole body forward to bury his hardness deep inside her. Before he knew it he was moving even faster, and a few thrusts later he was hilting himself within her each time.

He felt his balls slapping against her body as he went, adding a new flavour of pleasure to the experience. He was moaning loudly now, crying out without care of who heard. Her insides just felt so amazing as he slid in and out at such a lively pace. He wanted to feel every inch of her pussy with his cock. He wanted to push deeper than he possibly could, plunging deep into those soft, warm and inviting depths. He was running out of breath, but he didn't care. He didn't want this sensation to end, but at the same time the electric waves running through his entire body told him something else. He wanted to cum inside Rainbow Dash!


Rudolph was snapped out of his reverie by Dash's shout. "Huh…What?"

"Is that it??"

He stopped moving entirely, frozen mid-thrust with only his tip still inside of her. "…What?"

Dash grumbled and awkwardly turned her head back to look at him. "Is this seriously all you got?"

For a moment, he didn't know how to respond. Her words cut through him, straight through to his brain, but he didn't know what to do with them. "Huh? What d'you mean?"

"I mean, you're doin' fine I guess. Considering it's your second time, you're doin' a pretty good job, but…" Dash did a half-roll with her eyes and skewed her lips. "I just thought this would be more awesome."

A little bit of blood was returning to his head, and her words finally hit home. She was unimpressed with him. She was disappointed. "Wh-Hey! C'mon…!" A small fire burned in his chest and he was filled with the desire to fight back against her scathing remarks, but he really didn't know what to say. "I…I'm doin' it right…" he muttered lamely.

"You're doin' it like you'd read in a biology book. Sure, it works, but there's nothin' fun! Nothin' I haven't done before, or whatever."

A furious red tint spread across his cheeks, though it was definitely not from arousal. "What?" he barked, his ego wounded by her comments, "What're you sayin', like…It doesn't feel good enough or somethin'?"

"Nah, nah…" she muttered dismissively, turning to look forward again, "It feels good, okay? You're doing a serviceable job. I just expected more from mister awesome alien 'Reindeer', y'know?"

"Hey, shut up!" Rudolph suddenly shouted, "You're the one who wanted to do this!"

"I thought you'd do a little more than… well, this."

Rudolph grit his teeth and growled. Just like when she thought he couldn't fly, and just like when she wanted to race him. She always had to think she was better than him. She always had to be so irritating like this. He tried not to let it, but her behaviour was really getting under his skin and he was reminded of certain unfriendly faces from back home.

"Well maybe I will!" Rudolph shouted.

"Go ahead!"

"Maybe you're the one doing something wrong and that's why you're not impressed!"

"Not likely."

"You sounded like you liked it!"

"Kid, I'm not even wet!"

Rudolph blinked. He didn't even know what that meant.

"C'mon!!" she shouted.

"Shut up!!" he shouted back.

"C'mon, Rudy! Impress me!"

Rudolph's anger had finally reached a boiling point. His nose flared a blinding red from his wild emotions. "Fine!!" he shouted.

He gripped her flanks even tighter, though this caused his cock to slip out. He was still fairly hard, almost at full mast. Rudolph stared down at her hindquarters, trying to think quickly. What he was doing wasn't enough for this pony, and as his eyes scanned over her he realized there was only one other thing to do in reality. Some part of him thought it was strange and a crazy thing to do, but he was ticked off and somewhat unfocused.

He hoisted himself higher up onto his hind hooves and pushed down on her backside, bringing him perfectly in line with his new target. Without hesitation he pressed his cock, still lubricated from Dash's mouth and his own precum, forwards.

Dash gasped and her whole body froze. "Aah! H-hey…!" she murmured, losing some of the fire in her voice, "W-what're you doing?"

Rudolph wasn't listening. He shivered as he felt the tip of his cock pressed right up against the tight ring of muscle that was Dash's tailhole. As he expected, he felt significant resistance. However, the natural lubrication was already allowing him to part her entryway slightly, so he didn't give it any further thought.

Dash tried to voice her trepidation once more, but she didn't get a chance to before Rudolph grunted and pressed forward. She cried out loudly to the heavens as half of his cock buried itself within her. The volume and intensity of her exclamation slowly waned over time until it almost sounded like she was moaning.

Rudolph had noticed that Dash's wings had suddenly sprung up the moment he had penetrated her backside. He didn't know the significance of this, but he kept it in mind. He paused there for a moment, halfway inside her, and watched how she subtly shivered and breathed below him.

The young reindeer could hardly pay attention to her at all. He was too busy being overwhelmed by the incredible sensation of being inside of her tailhole. It was tighter and cozier than anything he could imagine. Dash's anal walls squeezed at his cock, sending wonderful rippling sensations through his whole body. It felt so warm and just so stimulating.

For a brief moment he truly took notice of the fact that his cock was inside of her ass of all places. Instead of feeling hesitant about it, he found that he was looking upon this act in a whole new light. This was strange, dirty and weird, and that just made it hotter.

"Aaah…" Dash panted, "Y-you-Ngh!"

The pegasus was cut off when Rudolph sunk another quarter of himself into her. The euphoric sensation of her warm and oh so tight tailhole made him want more. He wanted to just hilt himself right now and go crazy, but he forced himself to give Dash a little breathing room.

Now being filled even more, Dash had her front hooves spread out before her as if she were bracing herself, and she was panting heavy breaths. She didn't turn back to look at Rudolph, but she didn't speak a word either and her wings remained up and on display.

More importantly, she didn't tell him to stop.

Rudolph was unable to wait any longer. He pulled his cock mostly out and thrust it back in at a moderate speed. Dash let out a short cry when he pushed back inside, and did so again when he repeated the motion. "Ah! Aah! Ah! Ah! Aah!" Her exclamations almost sounded like panting in a way, but more importantly, Rudolph was sure he could hear a hint of pleasure in her voice.

"How's…this…for impressive…?" he spoke as he began to thrust into her ass more quickly.

"Aaahhnnnn…!" Dash groaned, lowering her head and burying it slightly into the cloud.

Rudolph smirked. He could hear in her voice the signs that he was succeeding. Dash was trying to hold herself back, but he could tell that those were the sounds of a satisfied female. With a determined grin, he picked up the pace once more.

He couldn't help but moan himself from the sensation of her wonderfully tight back entrance. He glanced down and was greeted with the sight of her tailhole stretched around his member as it slid inside and out rapidly. Seeing the act itself only made him even more aroused.

"Ahh!!" Rainbow Dash was now crying loudly and uncensored as he pushed himself forward and sunk that last quarter of himself inside her. He shivered and moaned the first time he felt his balls tap against her flanks as he hilted himself inside of her ass. The deep, squeezing sensation of her tailhole made him want to stop and enjoy the feeling, but instead he pulled back out and continued to thrust his entire length into her.

"Nnnnnnhaah…Nghhaaah…" Dash's voice sounded strained, as if she were trying to keep herself from crying out in pleasure. Rudolph could feel her hind legs quivering and her front hooves held close around her mouth. "Mnnnnn…!" It seemed as if she either couldn't, or wouldn't, say any words to him.

Rudolph's climax was nearing quite quickly. He was surprised he had lasted this long with how amazing her ass felt around his cock. He didn't slow down and continued to slam the full length of his stiff member into the deepest parts of her tailhole. He glanced down again, fascinated by the way her ass stretched and conformed to accommodate the thick intruder.

He tilted his head and snuck a glance at her pussy below, feeling curious. It was pretty difficult to see from such an angle, especially with most of his focus on his thrusting, but he saw that the fur of her inner thigh was stained with something wet. Now he understood what she had meant by "wet". There was no doubt now; Rainbow Dash was definitely at his mercy.

Dash wasn't making sounds any more. She was just panting as if she had run three marathons in a row. He saw that her tongue was hanging out and that her stiff-as-nails wings were twitching sporadically.

"Are you impressed Dash?" he asked, still remembering her earlier behaviour.


"C'mon, Dash…! Admit it…"


Rudolph gasped from a particularly hard thrust. "Is…Is it good Dash?"

"Yyyyyes…! Yes!!"

He wanted to say more, but he was rendered speechless by euphoria. His climax was only a couple of thrusts away, and he intended to reach it as soon as he could. With one more powerful thrust, he felt the shivering of her backside intensify.

"Aaahhhhh!!!" she shouted, louder than ever before, and Rudolph was treated to the dizzying sensation of her anal walls squeezing tightly around his twitching cock. He tried to pull out for just one more thrust, but it felt like her ass was holding him tight. He managed one more half-thrust before it became too much.

Rudolph's upper body collapsed onto Dash's back, bathing her mane and the back of her head in a brilliant red glow. His cock, hilted inside of her, twitched wildly as it emptied a rather large load of cum deep inside of her. Dash let out a strange moan as he filled her tailhole until no more could fit, and the excess dribbled from out of her ass and down the back of her legs.

Seconds later they both collapsed onto the cloud, Rudolph's cock slipping out of her. For a couple of minutes, all that could be heard was the heavy panting of the two exhausted beings. Rudolph had burned through most of his stamina, and he felt incredibly tired.

"F…fuck…" he heard Dash mutter.


"You…made me…cum…"

He slowly turned his head to look at her, a feat of herculean effort, and saw her sprawled out on her stomach, staring ahead at nothing with half-lidded eyes. Her wings were still twitching slightly as they slowly began to lose their stiffness and lower.

"So…" Rudolph spoke, "Did I-?"

"Sh-shut up…"

With a weak but triumphant chuckle, Rudolph rolled onto his back and stared up at the sky. It was only a few seconds before he couldn't hold his eyes open any more. Truly, that had been an exhausting experience. However, Rudolph was sure that he would never forget it.

He could hear the quiet, residual moans of Rainbow Dash as she basked in her own afterglow. Rudolph wanted to stay awake and possibly learn about even more awesome things, but his body demanded rest. He slipped into the realm of dreams a few seconds later.


Rudolph mumbled incoherently.

"C'mon kid, wake up!"

The reindeer inched open his eyes, wincing for just a moment at the bright light. He saw that the sky above was still a nice shade of blue, and he could feel that he was still laying on the cloud.

"Mn…" he groaned, "Rainbow Dash…?"

"Over here, kid," he heard her say as a blue hoof entered his vision and began to wave.

Rudolph rolled over onto his side and saw Dash sitting nearby on the cloud. There was a big smile on her face. "Ugh…Wh' time is it…?"

"You were only down for like 15 or 20 minutes. I wasn't gonna let you sleep through the whole day, kid."

Rudolph stretched his hooves and pushed himself up into a sitting position. After shaking off the small remnants of fatigue, he turned to regard the pegasus sitting next to him.

"'Sup, sleepyhead? Y'know, I gotta ask…" She leaned over towards him and looked him straight in the eye. "How did you know anal sex was my weakness?"

Rudolph had been blushing as soon as he had seen her, his adventures with Dash at the forefront of his mind, but now he was practically glowing. Every intimate detail was so vivid that he could paint a picture, and his whole body felt hot even just thinking about them.

"Like I said, sorry for givin' you such a hard time Rudy. I was all like 'when's he gonna do somethin' impressive?', and boom there it was! I gotta admit, you really…y'know, 'rung my bell'."

"I…Uh…" His mouth moved uselessly. "Wow…"

"But in the end, it was pretty fun!" A second passed, and then Dash's muzzle scrunched up as she tried to hold back from laughing at her accidental pun.

"Heh, yeah…" Rudolph mumbled, not sure how to handle this situation now that all of the blood was back in his brain, "That was…Gosh, I can't believe I did that..." He couldn't help but think back to the amazing sensations that sex with Rainbow Dash had created.

At first, though still somewhat embarrassed, he looked back on them fondly. Something big had changed in his mind and now the thought of penetrating Dash's tailhole was not only something he had enjoyed doing, but was something he wanted to do again. His nose began to glow as well as he reflected on the act and a small grin found its way onto his face. It was hard to compare it to the last time he'd had sex because the two events were just so different.

And then his smile fell. Something that had been hidden at the back of his mind returned to the forefront, and he found himself thinking of the night before. His intimate and wonderful encounter with Fluttershy. Rudolph immediately felt conflicted. He couldn't tell if blood was rushing to his face or draining from it.


"Huh?" Rudolph perked up, realizing that Dash had been talking. "What?"

"I was asking if you'd be down to go again another day. If you're not back home by then, that is."

Rudolph simply blushed and glanced away.

"…Hey, what's-a matter kid?"

"I, uh…I dunno…" he mumbled, "I'm not even sure if we should've done that in the first place."

He heard her snicker. "Why not? Kid, if you think I'm gonna get pregnant or something then I've got a news flash for you. Actually, I've got two."

"No…" Rudolph replied with a hint of frustration, "It's just…I dunno. I'm just thinking about Fluttershy I guess…"

"Ah, don't worry about her. She'll be fine. The Cutie Map wouldn't send her somewhere dangerous without the rest of us tagging along."

"No! Ugh…I mean, she and I- We-" He groaned in frustration. "I like Fluttershy and I don't wanna hurt her. I just thought that…y'know, that sort of thing was for…when two…" He awkwardly tapped his hooves together.

Dash stepped across the cloud so that she was in front of him. "What? Are you saying you like like Fluttershy?"


She rolled her eyes. "You know…Like like?" She then used her hooves to trace the shape of a heart in the air.

Rudolph set his jaw as he considered his question. "Well…" he murmured, "At the very least, I think she like likes me…"

"Do you like like me?" Dash asked.

He blinked. "Um…no?"

"So what's the problem?"

Rudolph could only stare in confusion.

"Look, kid," she said, zipping over to his side and placing her hoof across his shoulders, "I know what you're talkin' about. It was your first time and this is new to you. I get it. But lemme tell ya something. Twilight has a brother, and he's married to a mare and the two are like totally in love. That mare also fucks tons of other ponies, dude. Things get kinky out there, kid. I'm totally jealous…"

Rudolph felt like his whole face was on fire.

"Anyway, the point is that sex is fun and love is cool I guess, but the two aren't the same thing. Cadance and Shining Armor are in love and I'm pretty sure they're never gonna love anypony else, but that doesn't have to stop either of 'em from having fun. By the way...Cadance? She's the Princess of Love. So, y'know…She's kinda the expert."

Rudolph was fidgeting uncomfortably. He understood what Dash was saying to him, and the more wild side of his brain wanted to believe her, but he still wasn't really sure.

"Hey," Dash said, lightly jabbing him in the shoulder, "I'm not sayin' you should go out and fuck everypony in town, but what I am saying is that if something happens then let it happen."

"Hmm…" He considered her words, feeling a little more comfortable about what he had just done but still somewhat anxious about what was to come in the near future.

"Fluttershy's not gonna get mad. She'll just be happy to see you."

Rudolph turned to look at her. "A-All right, Dash…If you say so…"

Dash was still giving him a friendly smile. "Speaking of Fluttershy, I found Twilight a few minutes ago and she told me that only Fluttershy had to go to the Cutie Map thing, so everypony else is still around."

"Every…pony else?" Rudolph mumbled. "Oh, right right…Your, uh, group of friends?"

"Yup! Plus everypony else in this awesome town!"

"Oh. Okay, cool…"

"Heh…" Dash glanced away for a moment, scratching the back of her neck with her hoof. "Hey… I, uh…" she muttered, but didn't say anything more. Instead she just stood up, walked over to him, and gave him a quick, tight hug.

"Sorry I was so rude before," she said after moving back from the friendly embrace and smiling at him, "Sometimes I just say and do things faster than my brain can keep track of it, y'know? You're pretty awesome in a lot of ways, kid. You've got skills, and I respect that. Let's just forget the stupid stuff and be friends, all right?" She punctuated her statement by holding out her hoof.

Rudolph glanced at her for a moment and saw how genuine her smile was. It was probably the first time he had seen her without a touch of superiority somewhere in her expression. "Heh…Sure, Rainbow Dash," he replied with a grin, "You're pretty, uh, awesome too. I know you're not really a bad person. I know a couple reindeer who hate losing too…"


She was still holding her hoof up, and Rudolph just glanced at it in confusion. She had done the same thing when they had first met, and he still didn't know what it meant.

"It's a hoof bump, kid."

He glanced up at her. "A what?"

She chuckled good-naturedly and pushed her hoof forward in the air in demonstration. "Bump it. With your hoof."

Rudolph blinked once before he understood what she meant. He awkwardly brought up his own hoof and gently pressed it up against hers, noticing that his was a lot smaller. Ponies had big hooves. "Like this…?"

"Eh, close enough. That means we're buds now." She lowered her hoof. "I dunno how long you're staying here, but if you wanna race me again then I'll take you on anywhere, any time!"

Rudolph's reply was cut off by the loud growling of his stomach. He glanced up at the sky and noticed that the sun was at its peak, indicating that it was around noon. He recalled that the only thing he had eaten today was a single apple when he had woken up.

"If you're hungry, go to Sugarcube Corner."

He turned to look at her. "Sugarcube Corner?"

"Yeah. They'll give ya a good lunch. Did Fluttershy give you any bits?"

He furrowed his brow. "Any what?"

"Here, I'll lend you some. Consider it your prize," she said with another chuckle. She then reached under her wing and produced six small, golden coins. She held them out to him.


"Yeah. Sorry I can't stick around and show you around town. I found out I gotta go do somethin' for the weather team in a bit. You can't miss Sugarcube Corner; it's the house that looks like food. And don't be shy around town, okay? We're sorta unofficially known as one of the friendliest places in Equestria, which is kinda why we have the Princess of Friendship living here."


Dash chuckled. "I'm sure you'll be fine, kid. I'll see ya around, okay?"

"All right. Bye Rainbow Dash!"

"You can just call me 'Dash', y'know."

"Only if you stop calling me 'kid'."

"Haha!" Dash stood up and go ready to take off, "You got it, Rudy!"

Rudolph blinked, then laughed as he simply shook his head.