//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: My Little Amnesia // by donceluzza //------------------------------// I have a proof-reader guys. YAY! Also sorry for the lateness, my sister is graduating high school so things are a little hectic around these parts. One might assume that seeing one of your old friends after a long time would be a great experience, but in my case seeing that the friend in question has had a serious accident which burned her eyes off, things become rather awkward quick. Journal of Warden's Assistant Spike I stood stunned by the sight before me, the blue Pegasus with charred eyes walked closer and closer to me. "I know somepony's there. I can smell you. I can smell something." she repeated, over and over. I sidled to the left hoping I can sneak by her and run in the opposite direction. I slowly sidled my hooves one by one to the left slowly, occasionally glancing down to make sure that I won't knock a rock to the side or something similar which could alert her to where I was. "I can smell you." She jumped forward at where I was mere moments ago now lying only a foot or so away from me. She sniffed at the ground; her snout contorting as she drove her face into the stone ground upon which she lay. "I can smell your blood." I freeze up. "Yeah, your blood. As clear as day." No, she can't mean… I look to the ground and there, clear as day, is a slowly growing puddle of my blood. The wounds I got on my back from the Garden hadn't healed yet. Well duh, I berate myself; it's been maybe a few minutes at best. What exactly did I expect? I scan quickly around and see a large rock, my weapon of choice it appears. I use my magic to levitate the rock, "I hear you." The blue Pegasus dives for me; her right fore-hoof connects with my snout, causing more blood to spill forth. I send the rock flying for her face; not so fast as to seriously harm her, but fast enough where it will slow her down a considerable amount. The rock connects with her face and knocks the blue Pegasus down. I take the chance and run as fast as I can. I run and run, glancing side to side to see if there is… Yes! An open door! I dive in, careful not to disturb the door too much, and run into a closet. My breath is out of control. Need to slow it down. The blue Pegasus couldn't possibly… "That hurt, you bitch." How did she? I was running for at least a solid minute as fast as I could and she caught up without being even slightly out of breath? I peek out from the closet and see that indeed the brace is still on her wings so she had to run not fly. She was standing at the entrance to the room, although she hadn't gone in quite yet. "I'll get you for that." she whispered, rubbing her snout. She sneezed, letting loose a torrent of blood. "I'll really get you for this." she muttered as she walked by, clearly uninterested in searching out her recent quarry. What could have happened to that Pegasus to inflict that injury? The wounds on her eyes were clearly burn wounds, and ponies don't simply burn their eyes off as a normal occurrence. I need to find a way out of here, fast. I realize that continuing to hold on to the saddlebag is probably worthless since I no longer have a map for the area I'm in. Well, I'll keep it with me anyway I suppose, at least for now. When I can no longer hear anypony outside of the room I exit the closet. My back stings with pain from the cut, I guess I had almost forgotten it was there. Could she really smell my blood? I turned and found a small vial of medicine laying on a table, that'll help with the pain but won't close the wound itself, a kind of smelling salts in liquid form. Wait…how do I know this? Looking at the bottles' contents I can distinctly recognize what is inside but I don't know how I can. I rub my head. Why can't I remember anything before waking up in the asylum? I drink down half of the small bottle and look outside the small doorway. The blue Pegasus seems to have wandered off somewhere. How is it that I've managed to piss the hell off of everypony I've come across? You'd think some of them would just want conversation, or a spot of tea. Maybe a muffin of some kind. The distant clopping of hooves snaps me out of my reverie and forces me back into reality. I slip quietly into the next room across from where I was and notice more smelling salts and some gauze wrapping. I light my horn up and wrap the gauze tightly around the wound; I need to get out of here. I look outwards and notice that the blue Pegasus is rubbing up against the walls, trying to rip off the wrapping around her wings no doubt. I quietly shuffle out the door, sliding my hooves one by one against the ground trying not to alert the blind Pegasus. "When I find her…" she muttered, "That orderly bitch…tossing a rock at me…as if Grounding me wasn't enough…" She emphasized the words in hateful, cursing tone. She thinks I'm an orderly and that I put her in that harness and stopped her from flying. Wait…am I an orderly? Is Twilight my boss and I just forgot? Clink. The sound of a rock brushing up against the wall pulled the blue Pegasus out of her trance and looking directly at me. I dash as fast as possible, running as my life did indeed depend on it. "You'll see that you shouldn't have messed with Rainbow Dash!" So that's her name. Got it. Miss Dash tackles me to the ground; clearly she's faster than the considerable bar I believed she had set earlier. She starts punching at me. I move my head side to side to dodge her blows, easy enough when your opponent is blind. I position my hooves under her and push knocking her backwards, making a mental note that if I ever make it out of here I'm spending a summer studying some form of attack magic. I punch at Rainbows' face seemingly annoying her as no matter how much blood spews forth from her mouth and snout she still punches at me trying to knock me back. She succeeds pushing me up against the wall and butting her head against mine; I clench and soften my teeth so as to stop her form knocking my teeth out. How do I know how to do this? This is clearly some kind of advanced combat stuff and I just somehow know it. I just push her over and run; I finally reach a door and push my way through it slamming the door shut and using the lock on the side to stop Miss Dash from following through. That's two crazy people I've had to evade in one day. I need a nap. I lie down on the ground and close my eyes, content that no more cosmic anvils or Swords of Damocles will descend and attempt to take my life. I must have slept only for a few hours as when I wake up it feels very different than when I slept. It feels warmer somehow. "Oh goodie, your awake" My eyes snap open and I see a pink earth pony standing in front of me. Her mane is long and straight but well kept. Her coat was also as pink as her mane and on her flank were three pictures of balloons. I try to open my mouth to speak but find that it's covered by something, probably duct tape. "Nu-uh. No. We have to earn our speaking privileges just like every pony else." I looked over and see a clearly deceased nurse with her eyes bulged and her cheeks purple and puffed tears had once rolled down those cheeks but were now dried into long salty lines. Asphyxiation. What an awful way to go. The pink pony trotted over to her. "Isn't that right, Nurse Redheart?" Redheart. If I ever get out of here I'll make sure to remember that name. "Now then, Miss Unicorn" the pink pony said with glee, "It's time for your 'Welcome to Pinkie Pie's Party Town' party." This isn't good.