Rudolph the Lucky Reindeer

by NightStalker


It was a beautiful spring day, much like many other spring days in the wonderful world of Equestria. As was commonplace for this time of the year, the sun was shining and bathing the world in its beautiful light, but the uncomfortable heat of the summer had not come along with it. Though the skies were clear, there was still a brisk breeze flowing through the air. It was a little chilly, but it was also rather calming and invigorating all at the same time.

In the wide open plains that were currently enjoying this springtime weather was the town of Ponyville. Next to the village a short distance away was a dense collection of trees known as the Whitetail Woods. This was where a yellow pegasus pony with a pink mane was currently trotting through, humming an upbeat tune to herself and smiling brightly.

To Fluttershy, this was the time of the year when the weather was best. The weather teams were not constrained to the harshness of winter any longer and often preferred to leave the skies open. Celestia's sun shined down upon the land that had been bundled up in the cold not so long ago, her rays glistening off of the leaves that were still damp from occasional springtime showers, and trees that were only barely beginning to get their foliage back. No matter where she went, she found that it always painted a beautiful picture.

But the best part, for her anyway, was the return of many of her beloved animals. This was why the Whitetail Woods were one of her favourite places to walk during spring, and she tried to spend as much of her free time in them as she could.

The trees around her were plentiful but not terribly thick. Even during the summer when their leaves were the fullest, they would only block out a part of the sky above. Their many branches and leaves caused the rays of the sun to cascade down to the ground below as wonderful beams of light. It was a truly gorgeous sight to behold, and it was a great way for her to relax and unwind after a long day of hard work.

There were many small animals scurrying about as well. While these animals were not at all familiar with her like the ones that lived in her home, they still did not flee immediately upon seeing her. It was as if they could all sense the innate connection she shared with all animals and could feel a certain trust for her before they would even interact with her. Few dared to come close, but most did not seem at all afraid.

Fluttershy had been walking along a path through the woods without a care in the world. The smile she wore on her face was one that could brighten the day of even the sourest pony, and there was a bounce in her step that betrayed her usual shy demeanour.

She had been in such a good mood that she had hardly noticed the strange sound. The pegasus merely stopped in the middle of the path and began to glance around, not entirely sure if she had heard anything at all. She was about to shrug it off and blame it on her imagination when the air was suddenly filled with a loud shout-like noise and a very loud crack!

Fluttershy squealed in panic and dove for the nearest bush. She crouched down beneath the bush's protective branches for a few tense seconds as more loud cracks and frightening sounds rang out. Then, there was a loud thump and everything went quiet. She remained there for a moment, shivering and hiding her head beneath her hooves.

After a moment of listening to the silence she began to calm down just slightly. She swiveled her ears around and began to notice something unnerving. It was more than quiet; it was too quiet. Where before there had been plenty of sounds that the animals had been making, either with their voices or by scurrying around, now there was none of that. The woods had fallen eerily silent.

Still she remained hiding in the bush, frozen by fear, for a number of minutes. When nothing had decided to attack her, she began to slowly lift her head from her hooves and then ever so slowly peek out from behind the branches of the bush.

Her view of the immediate vicinity did not reveal anything unusual, but this did nothing to slow the frantic beating of her heart. Her eyes flitted left and right, seeking out the sound's source and whatever horrible dangers would come along with it. After a quick 360-degree turn that revealed nothing more, she came to the conclusion that either the noisy thing was gone, or it was hidden behind the many trees.

Gulping, Fluttershy ever so slowly extracted herself from the bush, careful not to make any noise whatsoever. It was not easy, and even the near-silent shifting of the branches made her wince.

When she was free of the plant, she stood upon shaky hooves with her tail tucked between her legs and her ears held flat against her skull. Her head moved like a hummingbird as she quivered with fear. Still she could not see anything. Fear gripped her entire body, and she wanted nothing more than to leave the forest as quickly as she could.

In the confusion, she had lost her sense of direction and was unsure which way Ponyville was. So, Fluttershy picked a direction at random and began to carefully tiptoe her way along the forest floor, careful to avoid any twigs on the ground.

She continued forward at a snail's pace, and it was then that she began to notice why the forest was continuing to be so frighteningly quiet. There were no animals around; they had all fled somewhere. A shiver ran up her spine.

About twenty metres away from where she had hidden, her eyes caught sight of a broken branch in one of the trees that she was approaching. Her mind went wild and she nearly panicked when she realized that whatever had made that sound may have broken that very branch. Her wings snapped open and she was about ready to bolt. As her eyes quickly and frantically scanned the nearby area, that is when she noticed something unusual.

At first she hardly glanced at it and nearly took off, but a moment passed and she focused on it. It was something small and brown, laying on the forest floor in a heap. It was not moving, at least it didn't appear to be from this distance. Fluttershy took a few deep breaths and waited for the thing to do something, but it remained motionless.

Again, Fluttershy prepared to make her escape, this time more quietly, but as she continued to look at the thing she began to notice something else. It looked like it was covered in fur. Her curiosity momentarily overpowering her fear, she took a few slow and cautious steps towards it. As she drew closer, she began to notice a few more defining features like limbs and a tail.

Fluttershy gasped silently. This was a creature! Was it a pony? She trod closer, her fear slipping away. She noticed its distinctive tail and different-looking legs and hooves. It was definitely not a pony, but it was certainly someone laying down on the ground. It became quickly apparent to her that this creature might be hurt.

She paused for a few moments just to make absolutely sure it wasn't going to suddenly leap up and gobble her whole, and then she approached it at a more brisk pace. As the trees and foliage gave way and she got closer, she realized exactly what it was.

"Oh my goodness…" she whispered, "It's a deer…!"

The incredibly recognizable white and brown tail of a young deer clearly identified the subject. The deer was lying still on the floor, apparently asleep or unconscious. As she drew closer, she could just barely see the subtle movements of its chest as it breathed. Fluttershy circled around the deer, boldly entering the clearing where it lay, and approached its front-end.

Now that she could see its face, she noticed a pair of short, brown horns on top of the deer's head identifying it as a male. His eyes were closed and his mouth hung open slightly as he breathed lightly. He appeared rather young, looking as if he has just barely entered adulthood. His horns had advanced beyond what would be called 'stubs', but they were still rather short.

All of Fluttershy's fears had vanished. This was no horrible thing that she needed to fear, this was a walking, talking citizen of the deerfolk. More than that, he appeared to be hurt. Fluttershy quickly approached him and examined his body, looking for wounds. Despite a few small nicks and bruises, she could see no major external injuries.

"Hey…!" she said aloud, trotting closer to his face, "Are you okay? Can you hear me?" When he didn't respond, she gave his torso a gentle push. "Mr. Deer? Are you hurt?"

A few moments later, the deer began to stir. He let out a long moan and then slowly pried open his eyes. He glanced around unfocused for a moment before his gaze found Fluttershy's concerned face looking down at him. "Muwha…?" he mumbled. He blinked his eyes a few times. "Huh…?"

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy repeated, the deer's wellbeing at the forefront of her mind.

When the deer's vision had fully returned to him, he focused on Fluttershy in confusion. "I…Wha…?" he mumbled in confusion, his gaze drifting off to the scenery behind the pegasus. "What…? Where am I…?" He began to shift his position. "Who are you…?" As his gaze returned to Fluttershy's, his brow furrowed in further confusion. "Wh-Augh!!"

Fluttershy gasped and held her hooves on the deer's body, trying to stop him from moving. "Careful!" she said as he began to moan in pain, "Tell me what's wrong. Tell me what hurts."

"Ahh…" the deer said through painful breaths, "My…my leg…" He indicated his rear-left leg with a nod of his head, and Fluttershy moved her attention towards it.

"Just keep breathing and try not to move," she instructed him. Fluttershy was certainly no doctor, but she did consider herself a very adept veterinarian. She could at least use her basic medical knowledge to try to figure out what was wrong with his leg.

She carefully placed her hooves on the deer's back leg, feeling it gently and softly pushing into the flesh to feel the muscles and bones beneath. When she pressed on a particular area, the deer cried on in pain suddenly. "Ow…Ah…"

"Um…Okay…" Fluttershy spoke, "It looks like you've sprained your leg really badly, but it might also be broken. I'm not completely sure. Just try not to move it until I can get you some help."

The young buck, continuing to breathe through the pain he was feeling, turned to look up at Fluttershy again. "Oh, uh…Okay…" he said.

She observed him more closely. He had brown eyes, like the colour of hazelnuts, and had a cute messy tuft of fur on the top of his head. Like most deer of his kind, he had a long muzzle with a little nose at the end, a pair of fluffy brown ears, and a slender body that ended in a thin set of legs. Judging by his appearance, Fluttershy was certain that he was of the Whitetail clan.

The deer was still looking around in complete bewilderment. "What…What happened to me…?"

Fluttershy took a quick glance up at the broken branch she had seen before replying, "It looks like you fell. What were you doing up in the trees?"

"I wasn't in the trees, I was…" His voice trailed off as he continued to observe his surroundings. "Where am I?" he repeated.

Fluttershy blinked. "Um…You're in the Whitetail Woods…"

"How did I get here?" he asked as he slowly turned to face her. When his eyes met hers again, they opened wide and he stared at her in silence for a few moments. "…And who are you?"

Fluttershy's cheeks flushed a little bit and she began to smile. She couldn't help it. She had always been rather fond of the deerfolk. The older ones were so handsome, while the young ones were just so darn cute! The meek little pegasus was always shy and awkward around others, usually finding it difficult to speak and make eye contact. When she was around a deer, however, she often found she could much more easily open up.

"I'm Fluttershy," she replied with a gentle smile, "I was walking through the woods when I heard you fall down. I do hope you're not hurt too badly."

The deer blinked. "Okay…" he murmured, "And, uh…What are you?"

Fluttershy's brain stalled for a moment. She regarded the young buck in confusion. "Erm…" she replied, "I'm a pegasus." When he didn't respond, she continued with, "A pegasus pony?"


Fluttershy tilted her head, and he did the same. Again, the two stared at each other in silence. Then, however, the deer's mind seemed to become occupied with something else as he began looking around once again. "Wait…" he said, worry creeping into his voice, "What happened to the snow?"

"Snow?" she said, stepping closer to him in concern.

His gaze returned to her, and more agitation flooded into him as he regarded her and her body once again. "You're a…You're not…" he muttered incoherently.

"Mr. Deer, are you okay? Maybe I should take you to the hospital now…"

The deer looked up to the tops of the trees, looking out at the sky beyond. "Am I still in British Columbia?"

Fluttershy arched an eyebrow. "Briti-what?"

His gaze snapped back to her. "Did I end up on the other side of the world or something? Where am I?? Is this North America?"

Now she was beginning to get worried as well. "I…I don't…" She paused as she noticed him staring at her in confusion, almost shock, again. "Mr. Deer, why do you keep looking at me like that?" she asked him calmly, "Haven't you ever seen a pegasus before…?" The last question was asked in a joking tone, but there was also a hint of uncertainty in it.

"I…I mean…" he murmured, "I know I shouldn't be the one talking, but…" He blinked as a new wave of worry passed over him. He looked up at her and asked, his voice pure and genuine, "Am I still on Earth??"

All sorts of questions and alarm bells were filling Fluttershy's head, but she paused and breathed for a moment, masking all of that with a gentle smile. She knew that something was causing this deer a lot of stress, so she needn't have been adding to it. "Well, yes you are," she replied, "And the continent is Equus, the country is Equestria, and just over that way is Ponyville, where I live." She held up her hoof and pointed it through the trees as she said the last part.

The deer appeared utterly perplexed and even a little dizzy. "That…How can…What??" He began to shift himself in an agitated state. "What happened to me? How did I-Ack!" He suddenly winced in pain.

"Careful!" Fluttershy said, descending upon his injured leg once again, "Don't move so much. I'm going to take you somewhere where we can get your leg fixed up, okay? That's the important thing."

The young deer looked up at her, a frown on his face. The two gazed at one another for a moment, a whole gambit of emotions running through his face. Finally, he closed his open mouth and nodded. "O-okay…I guess you're right…"

Fluttershy beamed. "That's better. How hold still, okay? I'm going to put you on my back."

It took some time to get the buck securely up onto Fluttershy's back without further aggravation to his injuries, but the two managed to get the job done. "Okay, hold on," Fluttershy said, turning back to look at him.

He gazed right back into her eyes, silent for another moment. There was a whimsical, almost child-like wonder in those eyes. Fluttershy felt that he was looking at her as if she had come straight out of a fairy tale. If that was truly what was on his mind, then Fluttershy wasn't sure what to think of it. The deer didn't seem to be any worse for wear except for his leg, but he was acting very strangely.

"Okay?" Fluttershy repeated.

"Oh!" he said, snapped out of his stupor, "Right, okay. Hold on…"

Her smile slowly faded away as she looked back at him, and she then said, "It's okay." She spoke to him in a very calm voice. "You look like you're frightened, but it's okay. Whatever happened to you, my friends and I can help you fix it. But, right now, we need to make sure your leg is taken care of."

He continued to stare at her for a moment and then, finally, he smiled. "Thank you, miss…" he replied, "I…I have no idea what's going on, but thanks for helping me out. Um…You said your name was…Fluttershy?"

The pony grinned and replied, "Yep, that's right!" Her ears perked up and she gasped lightly. "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry... Oh, how rude of me. I never asked you your name."

The deer looked up at her with a warm smile and said, "Aw, it's okay. My name is Rudolph."

"Rudolph?" Fluttershy was intrigued even further, as that was a traditional Griffic name. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Rudolph."

"It's nice to meet you too, Fluttershy."

"Let's not waste any more time, okay? Let's head back to town."

She felt Rudolph's hooves tighten around her neck. "Uh, just try not to run too fast, okay?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Don't worry. I'm not going to run." She then spread open her wings and prepared to take off.

She heard Rudolph gasp. "Whoa…!" he murmured, sounding as if he was in complete shock, "You can fly too??"

Fluttershy was already in the air by the time she had a chance to respond. Having gotten turned around in her earlier panic, she instead chose to fly up above the tops of the trees and then head over the forest to return to Ponyville.

"Well sure," she said in response to his confusion, "All pegasus ponies can fly."

She heard him murmur, "Pegasus ponies…"

"Wait…" she continued, realizing just what he had said, "Um…What did you mean 'too'?"

"Whaaaat…?" Rudolph gasped in disbelief once they had cleared the top of the trees. From there, the two had a rather unobstructed view of the land for plenty of miles all around. Canterlot and its mountain could easily be seen, and spreading out before them in all directions were rolling fields. Fluttershy could also pick out the expansive Everfree Forest, as well as Ponyville right next to it.

"Um…Do you not recognize this either?" she asked.

"It's spring!!"

Fluttershy blinked. "Erm…Yes?"

"What happened to winter??"

She began to head towards Ponyville. "What do you mean…? Winter ended last month…"

"But it was the middle of December! It was Christmas! There was snow all around for hundreds of miles!"

Fluttershy had been confused before, but now she was utterly perplexed. Her speed began to slow as she turned and gave the deer on her back a very concerned gaze. "The last thing you remember…was the middle of winter?"

He nodded, an equally concerned look upon his face.

"And you've never heard of the Whitetail Woods…or Ponyville…or even Equestria? Nothing around you looks familiar?"

He shook his head.

Fluttershy paused. "And you've honestly never seen a pegasus before?" When he shook his head again, she recalled the gazes she had been receiving from him. A shiver ran up her spine. "You've…never seen anything like me before, have you?"

"N-no, miss…I come from a place that has lots of creatures that not a lot of people know about…but even so…"

"You're not from Cervinidas, are you?"

Rudolph tilted his head. "From what…? I live at the North Pole, miss."

Fluttershy looked at him for a moment before she returned her attention to what was in front of her. "I think I need to take you someplace else…" she murmured almost silently, and then veered away from the hospital and towards a new destination.

"Hi, Fluttershy!"

Twilight Sparkle, the young purple alicorn, had promptly answered the door of her large crystalline abode when Fluttershy had knocked and happily greeted her with a big smile on her face.

"Um…Hi, Twilight," Fluttershy said, a trace of her typical meekness slipping back into her tone, "I, ah…need your help."

"Oh, dear! Who is this?" Twilight said as she noticed Fluttershy's passenger, yet not noticing the accidental pun.

"This is Rudolph," she replied, turning so that the deer and alicorn could make easier eye contact, "Rudolph, this is my friend Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight smiled and stepped forward. "Hello, Rudolph!" she greeted him enthusiastically, "Wow, we don't see a lot of deer around here except for the ones that live in the Everfree Forest. I don't think I've ever actually met a Whitetail. So, I guess, welcome to Ponyville!"

Rudolph had been staring at Twilight in much the same way he had been staring at Fluttershy earlier. After Twilight's introduction, he appeared flummoxed. "Huh…? Uh, I'm not a whitetail…I'm a reindeer."

Twilight seemed confused. "You are?" she asked, and Rudolph nodded.

"Um…Are you sure?" Fluttershy asked.

"Whaddayou mean?"

"Well…" Twilight interjected, "I don't mean to offend you or anything, but I've met Reindeer before and you…don't really look like a Reindeer. You look a lot like a Whitetail to me."

Rudolph shook his head slightly. "Are you a…unicorn?" he asked, completely tossing aside the previous discussion.

This made Fluttershy giggle a little. "Not quite, Rudolph," she replied, "May we come in, Twilight? His leg is hurt."

"He's hurt?" Twilight said, refocusing her attention, "Oh, of course! Come on in! I can take care of that!"

"Thanks, Twilight!" Fluttershy said as she cantered through the door and into the impressive abode.

"Yeah, uh…Thanks…" Rudolph murmured from her back.

The three quickly made their way to the main sitting area, where Fluttershy lay on the carpeted ground and gently allowed Rudolph to get off of her back. When he was resting comfortably on the ground, she turned back to Twilight.

"Where's Spike…?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Twilight responded, "I decided he earned a little vacation so he's staying with my parents for a few days in Canterlot." She then turned her attention onto Rudolph. "So, what's happened here?"

"I found him in the Whitetail Woods," she explained, "and he hurt his leg real bad."

"Oh no," Twilight said sympathetically, "You poor thing. I hope it doesn't hurt too bad."

"It only hurts when I move it…" Rudolph spoke.

"I don't think it's broken, but I'm not completely sure," Fluttershy said.

Twilight smiled towards the deer. "Well, you came to the right Princess! If it's not super serious, then my magic should be enough to fix you up!"

Rudolph's eyes widened. "Magic?" he blurted out, "You can use magic?"

Twilight furrowed her brow. "Well…yeah…" she said with a not-so-subtle gesture towards the horn sitting on top of her head.

"Well, that's just the thing, Twilight…" Fluttershy said, "Um, Mr. Rudolph doesn't seem to know where he is. He seems awfully confused."

"Really?" Twilight said as she stepped towards the deer and focused her attention on the injured leg that he was favouring, "Do you have amnesia, Rudolph?"

"What…?" Rudolph replied in an awfully distracted voice, "Um, no…I don't think so. I just…don't know how I got here, and how I'm gonna get back home…and I don't think I've ever seen anyone like you before, and…I don't know what happened to winter."

Twilight turned her head up to look at him, and then to Fluttershy.

"Twilight, I think something happened to him," Fluttershy said with a frown. As she spoke, Twilight's horn glowed as she began to construct a spell. "I mean…Well, I mean…I don't want to be rude or anything, but um…I've just never met anyone who…didn't know ponies…"

The alicorn nodded, returning her focus to Rudolph's leg. The glow from her horn began to expand outward to fully encapsulate the prone deer. His eyes shot open and he gasped in surprise at the strange sensation.

"I know it sounds a little strange…" Fluttershy said as she glanced away, "but…Well, it almost sounds like…he's…"

"He's not from this world?!?"

"Yes!" Fluttershy grinned, but then immediately stopped. "Wait, what??"

The glow had completely vanished from Rudolph's body, leaving him on the ground with an incredibly confused face. Twilight, meanwhile, was staring down at him in complete shock and fascination.

Fluttershy was bewildered. "How did you know I wa-?"

"I've read about this theory, but I never ever thought I would get to experience it first-hoof!"

"Twilight, what are you talking about?"

The alicorn turned to her with a wide-eyed expression that gave off a strange mix of excitement and concern. It was as if Twilight was super giddy about what she had just found, but also wasn't showing a trace of a smile.

"Fluttershy, I can't use magic on him. The proof is pretty much right there!"


"It's actually really simple, but super fascinating! Everything on this planet is connected, from the biggest mountain to the tiniest speck of dirt. They all share something. It's been theorized that if something were to come from outside of this plane of existence, or this 'world' as one might say, then magic would have no effect on it because magic intrinsically works with the underlying fabric of the world and everything in it; that aforementioned connection that is shared."

Fluttershy's head was spinning from the confusing words, and so she instead walked over towards Rudolph. "He came from a different world…?"

Rudolph had been wearing a confused expression for his entire stay in Twilight's, and it was only more severe now. "I'm in a different world now? I…I was going to say somethin' like it, but I thought it would be silly!"

"Are you sure, Twilight…?"

"Absolutely! It's the only explanation that makes sense. Rudolph here is not from this universe, or 'dimension'. I can't say how he got here, but he's here."

Fluttershy turned to look at Rudolph, who looked more than a little bit frightened.

"I…I thought everything here looked really weird. I've seen pretty much the whole world…I do it every year…but this place was way different than…Gosh…"

"This is so fascinating!" Twilight said, stepping up next to the reindeer quickly, "Can you tell me what happened to you? Was there some sort of quasi-dimensional anomaly that you passed through, or perhaps some schism in space-time?"

"I…I…" Rudolph muttered perplexedly.

"Twilight, please don't hound him…" Fluttershy said, using her hoof to gently push Twilight back a few paces.

"Ah, right…I'm sorry," Twilight apologized.

"Um…Rudolph? Maybe you can tell us the last thing you remember before you fell into the woods?"

Rudolph nodded and turned to stare at nothing in particular for a moment as he delved deep into thought. A frown quickly appeared on his face. "I can't remember much…" he murmured, "We'd just finished all of the deliveries and we were heading home. We were headed north going through Canada when something must've happened." He cast his gaze downwards. "Gosh, I almost forgot about Santa and my team…I hope they're okay."

"Your team?" Fluttershy spoke.

"You were with others?" Twilight asked.

Rudolph's eyes grew wider suddenly. "Oh my gosh, I remember something else. I…I remember them all calling out my name, like they were trying to reach me but they couldn't…"

"Oh dear…" Fluttershy said.

"Hmm…" Twilight murmured, tapping her hoof to her chin, "If they were all calling out to you like that, and not calling for help or anything, then I think it's logical to assume that they're all still okay back in your world."

Rudolph turned to look up at her. "R-really…?"

"Sure! It's kind of like you fell down a big hole. You and your friends…your 'team', you said? You were all walking along and then you fell down this interdimensional 'hole' in the ground," she held up her hooves to make air-quotes, "and then you ended up here. So, don't worry! I'm sure they're fine!"

"Oh…Well, that's good," Rudolph replied with a small smile, "But…what about me?"

"Twilight, can we get him back home?" Fluttershy asked, sounding quite concerned.

"Well, I can definitely try," she replied with a small reassuring smile, "If he came here because of dimension 'stuff', then there's probably some residuals still floating around the Whitetail Woods. I'll go out there and look, okay?"

"Really…?" Rudolph said, "You'd do that for me?"

"Well of course I would! We couldn't just leave you stranded here, could we? Besides! This is a fantastic opportunity to do some research! I can't wait to discover everything I'm going to discover out there!"

"Wow…Thank you!" The smile on Rudolph's face was warm and genuine. He then turned to Fluttershy. "And thank you for your help too! I dunno what happened to me, or why I'm here, but I'm glad I met such friendly people here."

Fluttershy's cheeks grew rosy again. "Oh, there's no need to thank me…I'm just glad you're not hurt too bad."

"I mean it, though. What you two are doing really means a lot to me." By this point, Rudolph was absolutely beaming, his smile spreading from ear to ear. After a few moments had passed, however, the two ponies' smiles died away to be replaced by confused fascination as a part of his body began to beam in quite a different way.

"Whoa…" Twilight whispered. Fluttershy could only lightly gasp.

Rudolph blinked his eyes and looked at the two ponies in confusion for a moment. When he noticed that they had taken on a bright red hue, he chuckled lightly and glanced away awkwardly. "Oh, right…" he said, "I, uh…That's what I can do…"

The two ponies were staring unashamedly at his bright, glowing red nose in wonder. Fluttershy's eyes were practically dancing in allure.

"How…How are you doing that…?" Twilight asked.

"Um, it's just a thing I could always do…Since I was born. It glows like this when I'm really happy or I think about wonderful things, so…"

"Is…Is it magic?"

Rudolph skewed his lips for a moment in thought. "I think so…?"

Twilight had taken a few tentative steps forward, her face practically bathed in red as she held it so close to Rudolph's nose. "But…deerfolk can't use magic…"

"Well…" Rudolph's cheeks were now glowing red as well, blushing from all of the attention, "I've never met another reindeer who can do this. I think it's just me, y'know…"

Twilight's gaze shifted up. "Can you control it?"

"Uh…Yeah! Watch." Rudolph concentrated for a moment, and the light completely disappeared. A moment later, he made it reappear. "I hope you don't think it's weird…"

"No, no," Twilight said, shaking her head, "I don't think it's weird…It's just, so…so…"

"It's amazing…!" Fluttershy said, speaking for the first time since his nose had started glowing.

Rudolph's blush returned in full force. "Heh heh…Thank you…"

Fluttershy was now smiling brightly, gazing at Rudolph's glowing nose as if it were a firefly dancing in the night. "It's wonderful! I think it's lovely, Rudolph."

"You really think so…?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Aw, shucks."

Rudolph's ear twitched, and he turned towards the irritation to find Twilight's intrigued face extremely close. He jumped back slightly in surprise.

"Oh!" she gasped, "Sorry! I don't meant to stare, honest. It's just that, well, I'm a bit of a scientist so I like to study things."

"Oh, really?" Rudolph replied, his momentary discomfort fading away, "So, you really think you can get me back to my own…Erm, back home?"

"Absolutely!" Twilight replied, thrusting out her chest ever so slightly and standing proud, "I have never dealt with interdimensionality before but, well, there's not a lot else that I haven't dealt with. I don't think it should be any problem! We've already got a quasi-dimension-spanning mirror or two around here." She punctuated her statement with a chuckle.

Rudolph just stared.

"I think that's a 'yes', Rudolph," Fluttershy whispered into his ear.

"Heh, okay…" He smiled demurely, letting the light of his nose fade away. "Seriously, I can't thank you both enough. I mean, back home at the North Pole we've got all kinds of folks living there that most people don't even know about, but nothing like this."

"The North Pole…?" Twilight murmured.

"It almost feels like a dream, but I think I just know that it isn't. Is it really not December any more…?"

"Uhh, yeah. It's April," Twilight replied, "Was it December when you left your world?"

Rudolph nodded. "It was the first couple hours of Christmas."

"Hm?" Twilight said, tilting her head.

"What's that?" Fluttershy asked.

Rudolph turned back and forth to look at them both, an expression of sheer disbelief upon his face. "…Christmas?" he spoke slowly, "Y'know…? The most magical night of the year? Santa Claus? Presents? Love and holiday cheer?"

He was met with blank stares.

"Don't you know what Christmas is…?"

Twilight shook her head. "No. Is it some sort of holiday in December?"

"Do you mean Hearth's Warming Eve?" Fluttershy offered.

Rudolph fell silent, a very frightened look coming across his face. "Gosh…I really am far from home…"

"Aww," Fluttershy cooed, "Don't worry about it. We'll help you as much as we can, okay?"

She sat down and gave him a very gentle hug with one of her hooves. In response, he turned to look back into her eyes and smiled from the embrace, reaching up to hug her back. He was halted by a sudden cry of pain.

"Oh…!" Fluttershy said in concern, "But first, we're going to get you some help for your leg, okay?"

Rudolph nodded. "Okay."

"Twilight, are you sure you can't do anything?"

Twilight shook her head. "None of my magic is going to do anything for him. I can't heal him or even examine him with any spells."

Fluttershy nodded. "Okay," she said, turning back around to face Rudolph, "I'm going to take you to the Ponyville Hospital so they can take a look, but I don't think it's broken because it doesn't seem like it's hurting you too badly."

He nodded again and smiled. "All right."

"And I'll start working on a way home!" Twilight chimed in, "Don't you worry, Rudolph."

"Thank you, Twilight. And thank you too, Fluttershy."

She blushed and bashfully hid herself behind her mane slightly. "Oh, i-it's okay…I'm happy to do it."

"Well, I guess as a Princess I might as well be the one to say it." When Rudolph was looking back at Twilight, she warmly proclaimed. "Welcome to Equestria, Rudolph the Reindeer!"

He tittered in response. "Thanks. I just wish it hadn't been such a rough landing."

Fluttershy was also giggling. "C'mon, Rudolph. Let's go." She then began the careful process of getting Rudolph up onto her back again.

"It is rather intriguing that you seemed to have fallen from the sky upon entry into this dimension," Twilight spoke, intrigued, "What were you doing before this, again?"

Rudolph was now securely on the pegasus' back once again. "Well, I was just flying…Pulling the sleigh and heading home."

He was met with wide-eyed stares from both mares, making him feel uncomfortable. "…What?"

"You…" Fluttershy mumbled, but it was Twilight who finished her thought.

"You can fly?!"

The sun had begun to set upon the mildly warm spring day. The whole town had become bathed in a wonderful palette of oranges and reds, giving it a delightfully warm appearance despite the temperature beginning to drop. The day had been mild, but it was looking like the night was going to be rather chilly.

To abate this, a warm, roaring fire was burning in the fireplace of Fluttershy's cottage. It too was bathing the room in a bright orange glow, casting whimsically dancing shadows across the walls. The home of the animal lover was filled with the nests and dens of so many of her little animal friends, though at the moment there were only two occupants in the entire house.

Fluttershy herself was sitting on a rug just off to the side of the fireplace. She was looking up to the couch, changed from its usual position so that it was now directly before the fire, where her houseguest was laying with his head upon a fluffy pillow and his injured leg stretched out and resting. There was a bright smile on her face and there seemed to be a gleam in her eyes as she listened to the reindeer talk.

"Well, there's Dasher and Dancer…Prancer and Vixen…There's Comet and Cupid and Donner…Then there's my dad, Blitzen."

"That's your team?" Fluttershy spoke, "And they're all deer like you?"

Rudolph chuckled. "Well, they're all older than me and they're all a lot bigger…"

"Oh, I see."

"But I play a super-important part! I'm right at the front, and I use my nose to light the way so that Santa can see through the dark, or if it gets stormy!"

"Oh my! That sounds like a big responsibility."

Rudolph nodded proudly. "Yup! It sure is!"

Fluttershy giggled. "Well, I'm sure you do a wonderful job."

"Aw, well…I do my best. We all do our best, 'cus it's really important what we do. We're the only ones that can help Santa make his deliveries to everyone!"

"I'm still amazed that you can fly…!"

"Heh heh…Well, it's only the reindeer at the North Pole who are able to do it."

"Still though, to fly without wings?" The pegasus glanced back at her own pair of yellow wings. "I wonder if you could…show me, maybe? When your leg is better, I mean."

Rudolph smiled. "Sure, I'd be happy to!"

"Really? Oh, thank you!" She grinned. "We'll have to make sure Rainbow Dash is around too."

"Who's that?"

Fluttershy giggled and said, "I'll introduce you later." She paused and glanced away for a moment in thought. "So…This 'Santa'. You said he wasn't a Reindeer like you?"

Rudolph began to laugh and shake his head.

She held a hoof up to her mouth and smiled demurely. "I'm sorry. I'm afraid I just don't quite understand your description of him."

"I guess you don't have anyone quite like him over here…Hmm…" Rudolph paused for a moment to think. "Let's try this…You said your winter holiday was about celebrating friendship and love?"

Fluttershy nodded, giving the reindeer her full attention.

"Think about that feeling of friendship," he spoke, "That warm, almost fiery feeling in the deepest part of your heart. That kind of amazing, wonderful feeling that just wants to come out. It's impossible to keep it in, and when it does come out everyone else becomes a lot happier too. Think of how you feel when you're warm at home…with the ones you love. It's wonderful, it's soothing, but it's also uplifting and a whole lot of fun. It's a feeling that can't be imagined without a huge smile and a happy laugh deep in your belly."

She had been simply sitting there and listening to him, quiet and still, but by now there was a huge grin on her face and her wings were fluttering excitedly.

"That is who Santa Claus is," Rudolph simply said.

"Wow…" Fluttershy breathed, "He sounds wonderful."

Rudolph grinned. "He is! It's an honour to lead his sleigh."

"And he makes toys for all of the little children of your world? How long has he been doing that?"

The reindeer's ears perked up. "Oh wow…Forever, I think. Long before I was born, heh…"

"Oh, goodness! So, he lives forever? Just like the Princesses?"

"I think so," he replied with a chuckle, rubbing the back of his head with his hoof.

"Your world sounds so amazing, Rudolph," Fluttershy said, smiling up at him, "I wish I could go and visit it…"

"But your world is so bright and wonderful! I haven't seen much of it, but everyone's had a smile on their face so far. It just looks so nice and fun!"

Fluttershy giggled and said, "We're all happy to meet you."

The two laughed together for a moment before falling silent and smiling at one another. Neither minded the brief lull in conversation. They both simply listened to the calming sound of the crackling fireplace, bringing with it a wonderful sense of relaxation.

When Fluttershy suddenly began giggling, Rudolph gave her an odd look. "What?"

"Oh, nothing…" she said, "It's just that one of my otters is named Comet. And now I'm imagining him pulling a big huge sleigh with a team of deer."

This sent Rudolph into a fit of laughter, and soon Fluttershy was laughing heartily herself. The two laughed and giggled for a good couple of minutes. Fluttershy couldn't remember the last time she had been smiling and laughing this much around someone else. Of course, the fact that he was a deer was already making him easier to talk to, but she had been finding herself very comfortable around the young buck. It was as if she had known him for years.

"Heehee…" she tittered, calming down from her laughter, "I also have a fox named Vixen."

"Ah, well my teammate Vixen…He's good buddies with an arctic fox."

"Oh…" Fluttershy paused, "Vixen is a male?"

"Yeah, we're all males."

"I see…" A faint rosy hue appeared on her cheeks and she glanced away. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but it's just that Cupid and Vixen are sort of…Well, feminine names."

"Heh, yeah. But we never give those two a hard time about it," Rudolph replied, friendly sarcasm just dripping from his words.

This brought Fluttershy back to a state of giggling.

Rudolph paused for a moment and sighed contentedly. He began to gaze at his surroundings. "Are you sure your animals don't mind us kicking them out…?" he asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Oh, no it's okay. They understand," Fluttershy reassured him, "Their little nests in here are more like, um, vacation homes? Natural habitats are very important, you know. But we're all on such good terms with each other…They're all very gracious when I have company over."

"That one rabbit didn't seem happy, though…"

Fluttershy chuckled. "Oh, don't mind Angel. That's just his way of saying he likes you."

Rudolph put on a bemused grin. "If you say so."

The reindeer then shifted his position, moving slowly as he settled into a more comfortable spot. For a moment, he rested his head on the pillow and gazed into the dancing flames of the fireplace. Fluttershy had her eyes fixed on his, and she could see the orange flames reflected in his eyes. After a moment he turned and met her gaze, and smiled.

"How's your leg?" she asked.

"Mmm…It's feeling a bit better," he said as he turned to observe his injured leg. The nurses at Ponyville hospital had confirmed that his leg was not broken, just badly sprained. They had informed him that he would be back on his hooves by tomorrow morning as long as he didn't do anything to worsen it.

Fluttershy shifted herself a little closer to the couch so she could observe his leg too. She wanted to make sure he was laying down in the correct position.

"It…kind of aches, though?"

She turned and met his gaze. "Oh, really? Is it really bothersome?"

"Well, not really really, but…" He shrugged. "I can definitely notice it, y'know?"

"Aww…" she cooed, frowning. Fluttershy paused for a minute in thought. She was the kind of pony who hated to see anything in pain, especially if it was one of her friends or someone close to her. Rudolph's pain became her pain, and she wanted to rectify it however she could.

"Hmmm…Would you like me to massage it?"

Rudolph's head popped up off the pillow slightly. "Huh? What?"

Fluttershy smiled at him. "I can give you a massage, if you'd like. That should make it feel a lot better."

The reindeer hesitated, glancing away and furrowing his brow. "Really? Are you sure? Y-you don't have to do th-"

"No, no! Don't be silly!" Fluttershy cut in, shaking her head but wearing the brightest smile on her face, "I'd be more than happy to!"

"You've already done so much for me…"

The pegasus, however, was already on her hooves. She crossed the remaining distance between them and then sat down again, her upper half perfectly aligned with the seat of the couch and where Rudolph was currently laying.

"Just lay on your side, with your tummy facing me, and stretch your bad leg out," she instructed, "Get comfy on the pillow and let me do the rest, ok?"

"Are you sure…?" Rudolph asked again, appearing slightly uncomfortable with this show of kindness.

She nodded enthusiastically. "I wanna help you feel better, Rudolph! I know that when Barry feels stiff, a massage does wonders for him!"

Rudolph gave her a look. "Who's Barry?"

She gave him an innocent smile and replied, "Barry is my bear friend."

"Oh, I see," he replied nonchalantly, "I know a polar bear named Lenny."

"Oooh!" she perked up, "I wanna hear all about him! But not right now. For now, just lay down and relax. Close your eyes if you want."

"Fluttershy, y-"

She silenced him with a hoof to his snout, something she ever would have done in a million years to anyone that she wasn't this comfortable with. "Ssh," she said sweetly, "Relax."

Rudolph stared at her with big open eyes, a faint red glow emanating from his nose. "A…all right…" he murmured before a bashful smile appeared on his muzzle, "Th-thanks…" He then carefully repositioned himself, taking care not to exert his hurt leg, and got into a more comfortable spot. He was now laying on his right side with his front hooves tucked in to his chest and his head resting on the very soft pillow. He smiled at her once more before closing his eyes and letting out a sigh.

Fluttershy focused on his back leg, which was stretched out straight. By outward appearances it didn't look very much injured, but she knew that it was still feeling rather tender on the inside, so she knew that she had to be cautious and gentle. She leaned in over the edge of the couch and reached out her hooves towards it, beginning with a gentle touch to the lower half.

He twitched slightly and sucked in a quick breath of air, but relaxed again after Fluttershy held still for a moment. She then began to gently move her hooves across the length of his lower hind leg. She moved at a careful pace, ready to stop at the moment that she caused her patient any pain, beginning by simply feeling the anatomy of his leg and seeking out the especially tender areas.

She listened to his breathing as she went, using it to gauge how Rudolph was feeling. As she gently rubbed and pushed her hooves at his lower leg, his breathing remained steady and calm, and he even let out a few contented sighs as she went. Even as she picked up the intensity just slightly and began kneading her hooves into his joints, still there was little change in his behaviour.

This she had expected, however, as she knew the problem area was higher up his leg near his thigh. After she had massaged the lower part of his leg for a couple of minutes, she began to slowly move her hooves upwards.

"Does that feel good…?" she asked, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"Yeahhh…" he breathed, more of a sigh than an actual word.

She smiled at this, happy to have been doing a good job, and began to work her hooves around his thigh. From the initial touch alone, she could feel how tense some of his muscles there were. She turned to look at his face while she did this. His face was scrunched up in discomfort for a couple of seconds, but then it began to relax as she continued to work her hooves.

"Mmm…" he let out a contented little moan as a smile spread across his face. His eyes were still closed as he nuzzled himself into the pillow.

Fluttershy was quite pleased at this, happy to see how relaxed he was and just how much he was enjoying this. She returned her attention to the reindeer's leg and gently moved her hooves up and around the edges of his thigh. She rubbed and pressed it rhythmically, and then moved to softly circle them near the spot where his cutie mark would have been if he had been a pony.

"Th's…nice…" she heard him mumble.

She giggled a little and continued with her massage. She could feel the tense, tight feeling of his muscles simply melt away under the machinations of her hooves. Even without hearing him say so, she could tell that she was doing a good job and providing him wonderful relaxation.

His breathing became slower and deeper. She stole a quick glance at him, and it almost seemed as if he were falling asleep. His expression could not have been more content, looking like a portrait of absolute bliss. There was a faint, warm light emanating from his nose as well, giving him a wonderful rosy glow.

Fluttershy had to admit that he was really cute, although most of the deerfolk were cute to her. She couldn't describe how happy she was to have had the opportunity to get to know one of them so well and spend time with him, even if he was from another dimension.

She focused back on his leg again and applied a little more pressure to the area of his thigh she was presently working on. She sought out the areas that needed the most attention and carefully worked them until the aches faded away.

As she worked, she could hear little mumbles, moans and groans from the blissful reindeer. Every time she moved her hooves, there was another quiet, satisfied sound from him. Rudolph was definitely enjoying the treatment, and Fluttershy could not have been more pleased as a result.

Finished with the front-facing area of his thigh, she moved her hooves back to the sides. There was one area of his leg left that she had not yet covered. Though it would be difficult an area to access, Fluttershy did not let this deter her. True, she could have asked him to roll onto his back, but that would have just been an inconvenience to the both of them.

Instead, she gently began to lift his leg up. She moved slowly, taking care not to aggravate his injury. When his leg was raised enough, allowing her to see more of his adorably fuzzy belly, she moved her hooves to the underside of his thigh and began massaging there.

"Mmmh…" The contented sounds Rudolph was making were music to her ears. She could feel his whole body relax as she sought out those last few stiff muscles. Her eyes were focused on his leg, taking extra care not to do anything that would cause him pain, while her hooves continued their work. The continuing blissful vocalisations that Rudolph made told her that he was definitely enjoying his massage. Additionally, the glow from his nose had gotten brighter. Recalling what he had said about it earlier, she took this to mean that he was feeling even happier than before, and this made her smile even more.

She gently shifted her hooves up, rubbing and massaging against the upper part of his thigh where it met the rest of his body. He shivered a little bit, but she didn't pay this much mind. After all, she was working with very tense, tender areas right now. She merely continued on with her work.

Rudolph let out a wonderfully satisfied sigh. It almost sounded euphoric. Clearly she had been successful in her endeavours and a lot of his pain had, by now, completely dissolved away. She gave herself a smile for a job well done, but knew she wasn't finished yet. If her massage was making him feel this good, then she knew that she didn't want to stop making him feel so good. She was even prepared to keep treating him until he eventually fell asleep.

Fluttershy then shifted her hooves a little in order to reposition his leg once again, intending to extend it outward just a bit more to bring it away from the rest of his body. This would allow her to get to the hardest-to-reach areas of his hind leg. However, something made her pause.

Her hoof had brushed against something as she had moved. Normally not anything to stop and consider, but something else had caught her attention. Whatever it was that had touched her hoof was not covered in fur.

She paused and furrowed her brow, her hooves completely stopping. Every part of Rudolph was covered in fur except for his hooves, even his underbelly.

Curious, and even a little perplexed, Fluttershy continued her previous task of lifting his leg further out of the way. As her eyes traveled downward slowly, a part of her mind that had been quiet up until now suddenly began shouting at her. It suddenly became overly apparent to her exactly where on Rudolph's body she had been working so closely to. When his leg was out of the way and her gaze discovered the culprit, she realized just what had been going on. Her pupils shrank to tiny dots and a furious blush covered her entire face.

She stared, wide-eyed and slack-jawed, at the stiff protrusion of flesh that was standing at attention between Rudolph's legs. Her mind fizzled as she found herself looking at the reindeer's full-length erection.

The blush that adorned her cheeks could have given Rudolph's nose a run for its money. She simply sat there staring, unable to move, speak or even form a complete thought. Evidently her massage had been a lot more effective than she had thought, and suddenly his satisfied vocalizations took on a whole new meaning. Through it all, however, all she could think about was that she was staring at Rudolph's penis.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't tear her eyes off of it. It was rather thick, tapering off to a thin point at the end. It was long enough that she was asking herself how she had not noticed it until now. It was twitching just slightly along with the reindeer's heartbeat, and Fluttershy could not help but focus on just how hard it was. Her face burned with the heat of many mixed emotions, the most prominent of which was embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh!!"

Fluttershy's head quickly snapped to the side, her eyes shifting towards the other end of Rudolph's body. There, she found the reindeer staring back at her, just as wide-eyed and slack-jawed as she was. The glow of his nose had dimmed, but the glow on his cheeks had taken its place.

"Ohmygosh, I'm so…so sorry!" he exclaimed, bringing his forehooves up to cover his mouth and looking absolutely mortified, "I-I-I-I didn't mean to…I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

The pegasus opened her mouth slowly to respond, but didn't get the chance.

"It's just that you were massaging me, and it felt really good and relaxing, and I was half-asleep, and I dunno I guess I was thinking about-" The blush on his cheeks intensified. "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"


"I-I didn't…I'm sorry I made it…in front of you…" His chest was heaving as he teetered on the verge of panic. "I didn't realize- I should, um…" His eyes darted around. "I should…I should go. Away. Until it, y'knowgoesaway-"

"Rudolph!" Fluttershy cut in relatively loudly, placing a firm but gentle hoof on his chest to keep him from squirming, "Rudolph, calm down."

He looked at her and blinked. "Wh-what…?"

Fluttershy was still wearing a massive blush, but it was complimented by a small reassuring smile. She wasn't sure, though, whom it was meant to reassure. "I-it's okay, Rudolph…It's fine."

His mouth hung open slightly in silence. The reindeer's eyes quickly darted towards his offending member for a moment, and Fluttershy's eyes followed. A split second later, they snapped back to looking at one another.

"It…is?" Rudolph mumbled.

"Well, um…" Fluttershy had to turn and glance away, but she continued to speak, "I-It's just a natural thing, Rudolph. It's not like you did it on purpose…It's my fault anyway. I mean, I was…touching pretty close to that…spot."

"I-I didn't even realize…" Rudolph muttered, "I kinda forgot where I was…I was dreaming, I think…"

Fluttershy shifted herself back into a more comfortable position on the ground turned back to look at him. From this vantage point, she could see both Rudolph's face and his surprise guest. She felt her cheeks burn, but she also didn't focus specifically on it. "It's okay, Rudolph. I'm not upset," she stated, and truth could easily be heard in those words.

"Y-You're not…mad?" Rudolph still looked as if he had committed an atrocity.

Fluttershy gently shook her head. "It's just a part of biology, after all…It happens to everybody at some point, right? I…" Her face flushed and she glanced away for a moment, "I pet my animal friends and give them massages too, and it happens to them too sometimes…It doesn't mean anything, and I just ignore it."

The reindeer looked at her, propped up slightly on his pillow, with pretty much his entire face burning red. "Are…Are you sure?"

Fluttershy nodded slowly.

Rudolph glanced around awkwardly. His hard-on had not receded in the slightest since it had been discovered, still jutting out from between his legs in a rather attention-grabbing way.

"It's fine, Rudolph," Fluttershy spoke, "Just lay back down and try to relax."

His ears perked up. "What? Y-You're still-"

Fluttershy shushed him. "It's fine, Rudolph. Sure, I can keep massaging you. After all, it looked like it was really helping you relax. It'd be no good to stop now. Just relax, okay? It doesn't bother me."

Rudolph's eyes darted around for a moment. "Um…O-okay…" He began to lay back down. "If you're s-"

"I'm sure," she answered before he could even finish the question.

Once he was laying comfortably on the pillow again, he gave her one last unconvinced look before letting out a light sigh and closing his eyes.

The pegasus nodded and returned her attention towards his injured leg. As she had expected, this gave her another full view of his erect penis. Her cheeks burned like they had just caught fire. She sat there motionless for a moment, breathing deeply but slowly through her nose.

Fluttershy had only been telling half-truths. Indeed, a few of her animal friends had gotten excited while she had been playing with them or massaging them. Though it had initially been shocking and uncomfortable to her, she quickly learned to ignore it when it happened. Now however, once presented with the erection of this particular reindeer, she didn't feel quite as calm as she had claimed.

It was no secret that Fluttershy thought Rudolph was cute, and that she felt comfortable being friendly around him. She wouldn't go so far as to say that she was attracted to him, however. She simply knew that he was adorable, funny, charming, and had a rock-hard…

She shook her head, blushing furiously. No matter what she said, this was entirely different and it was rather uncomfortable. This was pretty much the same thing as having a stallion on her couch with a full-length erection.

Fluttershy glanced back at Rudolph's face. His eyes were still closed, but he looked rather uncomfortable and even a little agitated. He had been so upset over the ordeal, and she had done her best to reassure him that he hadn't committed some unbelievably rude misdeed. He was expecting her to continue the massage as if nothing had ever happened.

And that's what she was going to do, right? She turned back towards the erection- No! She shook her head once more. She turned back towards his leg and slowly moved forwards. She simply told herself the same things she had just told him. It's completely natural, he doesn't mean anything by it, and it's nothing to get upset about.

Gently, she reached out her hooves and grasped the lower part of his thigh. Rudolph twitched slightly, but then relaxed a little. She began moving her hooves along his leg once again in a gentle massage, and after a moment of this Rudolph relaxed even more. After just a couple of uncertain minutes, she managed to get back into her previous rhythm and was once again massaging his leg.

She locked her eyes on his leg as much as she could, focusing entirely on what she was doing with her hooves and what part of his leg she was working on. Of course, since she was so close to that particular part of his body, she was helpless to prevent herself from getting semi-regular glimpses of his penis. She tried to move her massage back down toward his hoof to distance herself from it, but the professional side of her warranted a return to the thigh area.

Try as she might to ignore it, she found that her gaze was regularly being misdirected back towards his erection. It had still not lost any of its hardness, standing defiant to the both of them. Every time she caught herself looking at it, she quickly wrenched her eyes away, but soon they would find their way back. It wasn't long at all, really, before she was staring at it alone.

To be fair, the sight of it had not been the only distraction. There had been something that Fluttershy simply could not ignore, and she had been noticing it ever since she had first noticed Rudolph's excitement.

The room was now filled with a very powerful scent.

It was not entirely unpleasant, but it was very strong. Now that she was so close to the scent's source, it was very nearly overpowering. It was making it difficult for her to focus on her massage, a task that had already been rather difficult.

She cast another quick glance back to Rudolph's front, and saw that he was still resting comfortably and had not opened his eyes. She gulped and let out a slow, quiet breath before returning her attention back to her task.

She didn't even manage to set her eyes upon his leg this time. They went straight to his penis. She felt her cheeks burn even more as she found herself truly staring at it now, unashamedly focusing on it and studying all of its tiniest details. She tried her best to keep her hooves moving, but it was less of a massage and more aimless rubbing by this point.

It was still rock-hard. Though time had passed, his erection had not diminished in the slightest. It was still standing there, just begging for attention. Though he was still resting comfortably, Rudolph still did jostle and adjust himself slightly every so often. While she was certainly no expert on penises, and the very thought of such a thing made her blush furiously, she could only imagine that it must be causing him discomfort.

She frowned. Fluttershy had been caring for Rudolph all day, taking away all of his aches and pains, only for another to show up that she couldn't do anything about. Even so, what would she do? She could keep massaging his leg, but she was quickly coming to the realization that it was probably making it worse if anything.

The pegasus shook her head gently as she realized she was still staring at it. Even as she told herself to stop being so rude and get back to massaging his leg, her eyes simply refused to obey. Her stomach did a few little flips as a voice in her head informed her that she was fascinated by this. She had barely had the courage to look at stallion biology in books, but something was different now. Maybe it was because she was such good friends with Rudolph already, or perhaps it had to be because he just happened to be an adorable deer.

It twitched ever so slightly, the air still filled with its very potent scent. She realized and accepted that rubbing his inner thighs like this was causing this to happen, but she didn't stop. She continued her aimless massage while she stared at his hardness. She reasoned that it had to be very uncomfortable to be like this, because it certainly felt rather bothersome when she got horny and couldn't-

Surprise played out across her entirely red face as she realized which direction her mind was going. She shook her head yet again and tried to clear it.

A few seconds later, she was staring at it again, and leaned in quite close with her nose almost touching it. Her hooves moved across the edge of his thigh and gently pressed into the area between his thigh and stomach. There was some nagging voice somewhere near the back of her head, but she couldn't hear it.

Her hoof lifted up, losing contact with his leg. Her cheeks were burning red and her heart was pounding wildly in her chest. She studied his cock; saw how it was shaped and how it appeared.

Fluttershy brought her hoof down and touched it.

She heard Rudolph gasp softly and felt him shift immediately upon her touch, but it wasn't enough to draw her gaze away.


She was still touching it. More than that, she was gently moving her hoof across it and feeling it. Fluttershy couldn't quite belief what she was seeing her own hoof do. It was still there! She hadn't pulled it away.

"What're you doing??"

Finally, she turned to look at him, more red than yellow. There was neither a smile, nor worry upon her face. Just a simple, almost quiet confusion.

"I…I don't know…" she murmured rather nonsensically.

"You…You're touching it…!" Rudolph whispered. His cheeks were burning a brilliant red as well, and his nose was starting to glow.

Fluttershy blinked. "Do…Do you want me to…stop?"

As she said this, her hoof moved up the length of his member to rest at its tip, causing Rudolph to gasp and shift lightly. "Um…" he stammered, "I-I…I mean…"

Finally, she started to frown.

"It, um…feels nice…"

This made her perk up a little more.

"Y-yeah, uh…You can stop if you want to, but…"

"Y-you like it…?"

Rudolph glanced around for a moment before slowly nodding.

Then, Fluttershy began to smile. "Um, well great…! Yay! I'm glad."

"Yeah…" Rudolph replied, "But- Oh, gosh…But, why…?"

The pegasus didn't answer this. She instead simply turned her head to look at his member once more. She began to rub it with a little more purpose, though still moving slowly. She watched, utterly fascinated, at the way it moved and took note of how it felt to her hoof.

It was much different than a stallion's penis, which she had a clear enough picture of in her mind. It was shaped much differently, appearing more conical than tube-like in appearance, and it was much simpler. The image of a stallionhood was often rather intimidating to Fluttershy, with its protruding medial ring and its unusually-shaped head.

Rudolph's penis, however, she honestly found she didn't mind looking at. Like him, she found it rather pleasant and even charming in a strange way. It was something totally alien to her, considering how few of the deerfolk she had even met before today, but it was fascinating and alluring.

She felt how it twitched and pulsed under her machinations, and she watched wide-eyed how it looked to see her own yellow hoof gliding up and down along it. She gazed at its small tip, all the way down to its rather wide base, and she also took notice of his fuzzy pair of balls resting below. With her other hoof, she gently reached forward and began rubbing them as well. The whole experience sent a shiver down her spine.

Fluttershy could also hear Rudolph's vocal reactions to her rubbing and, in a strange way, it was spurring her on. As her hoof moved along the length of his penis, he was gasping, breathing deeply, and letting out little moans. Whatever enjoyment she had been giving him with her massage, it clearly did not measure up to what he was feeling right now. This made her smile even more.

"You…You're…" Rudolph mumbled.

Fluttershy glanced up and giggled. "Your nose is glowing," she observed.


She chuckled at his reaction, and then returned to looking at his cock. A rosy blush filled her face every time she laid eyes on it, and this time was no exception. Her heart was still hammering in her chest as she caressed her hooves across its length and his balls underneath.

The reindeer was squirming softly as she touched him. He was mumbling and moaning, unable to keep his mouth shut for even a second. Fluttershy definitely took notice of this, and it fascinated her in a strange way that she had rarely felt before. There was a very small, very quiet part of her brain that was still in absolute shock of what she was doing. In contrast to that, however, there was a much louder and more prevalent part overpowering it.

Fluttershy gently leaned in and gave the upper part of his cock a lick. He gasped in shock, but barely had time to do much else before Fluttershy then moved her head in closer, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth. Slowly, sensually, she slipped the head of his cock into her mouth.

"Ah hah…Haaahh…!" he gasped and moaned, "Wha…are you…?"

She didn't respond, being unable to, and kept her eyes closed as she swirled her tongue around the top. She used it to feel out every tiny little detail, pressing it into the opening at the tip, and circling the head.

"Fluttershy…?!" Rudolph moaned loudly, still sounding incredibly confused.

The pegasus moved her tongue around a bit more, gently moving the cock around in her mouth, before she moved her head back off of it and looked up to him. For a short moment, neither of them spoke.

"Um…" Fluttershy mumbled, "I…I like it…"

Rudolph, who had been breathing heavily, stared at her in confusion. "Huh…?"

Fluttershy had an embarrassed smile, and turned away from him. Her face was lit up by the now very bright glow of his nose as she spoke.

"I like your penis."

A different sort of redness engulfed Rudolph's face. "You…Huh…?"

"I…I think it's very nice, and so…um…"

Another moment of silence.

"Gosh…" Rudolph finally mumbled, "I…I just don't know what to say…"

Fluttershy, still not looking directly at him, asked, "Have you, um…I mean…Have you done things…? With your…"

A rather embarrassed look fell upon Rufolph's face. "Well no, not really…Like…I-I know that you…y'know, use it to, um…"

"Y-yeah…" Fluttershy said, cutting him off.

"But, I never really- Ahh…!"

Rudolph's words died on his lips as Fluttershy slipped his cock into her mouth once again. This time, she maintained eye contact with him as she slid just a little more of his length into her muzzle. "Mmm…" she moaned around his cock. There was a taste to it; not particularly strong, but certainly not disagreeable.

"Y-your mouth…" Rudolph breathed, "It's…Ah…!"

Fluttershy let a tiny bit more into her mouth before she removed the cock once more. "Y-You've had a really rough day, Rudolph…" she spoke, "So just relax and…let me give you a little treat, okay?"

"Uh…If you're s-"

Again, his words devolved into moans as she wrapped her lips around the length of his member and slipped it in. She continued to slide her head down until half of his length was in her mouth, resting comfortably on her tongue.

With one hoof softly resting on his stomach for support and the other returning to giving his balls attention, she began working with her tongue. She rubbed it along the base of his cock and occasionally danced along the sides.

Rudolph was breathing heavily and letting out tiny moans as she held his sensitive cock in her mouth. The whole room was now bathed in a brilliant red glow, and she noticed that the light pulsed a little bit whenever she hit a sensitive area.

After a bit of time working with her tongue, she then moved her head back until only the tip was still in her mouth, and then pushed forward to the halfway mark again. From there, she slowly got into a rhythm of bobbing her head up and down.

"Hah…Hah…Hah…!" Rudolph panted in time with her movements, his voice almost like an expy of his heartbeat, "That…feels so…"

Any doubt or denial still in the back of Fluttershy's mind was gone now; she was loving this. She couldn't really explain why she liked the feeling of having his cock in her mouth. She had never given a blowjob before in her life, but something just felt cozy and warm about it. Her wings were jutting out stiffly behind her, a proud display of her own excitement, and the taste of his cock had somehow changed from simply being unusual to something that she craved more of.

Especially after his cock had started leaking little tasty droplets.

Rudolph's moans were growing louder, and this was spurring Fluttershy on. She gradually picked up the pace of her bobbing head, and every so often began to slip just a little more of his cock into her mouth. She moaned softly around it, and this made him moan as well in response.

His hips began to twitch and buck up just slightly as she continued, as if subconsciously trying to work with her to get more of him inside her mouth. She glanced up at him to see that he was no longer looking at her, but had his eyes glued to the ceiling while his mouth hung open and his tongue lolled out.

She started to move her head even faster, all the while maintaining her comfortable rhythm. She was getting about three quarters of his cock into her mouth now, still managing to just barely fit all of that in comfortably. She continued to massage his balls as she slid his cock in and out.

Fluttershy heard him groan loudly through gritted teeth and felt him tense up. She could tell that he was getting close. As she lowered her head down on his member again, she could feel the tip resting at the back of her tongue.

She pulled herself back off of his cock entirely for a brief moment, taking a quick, calming breath. There was definitely a feeling of nervousness, but she shook it off and pressed on. She opened her mouth and slid his cock back in, moving slower this time, and continued on until she reached her previous stopping point, pushing forward just a little farther. It was a little uncomfortable, but nothing that she couldn't handle. She paused for a minute while his cock was enveloped in her warm mouth. Rudolph, meanwhile, was gasping and groaning from this new stimulation.

Fluttershy pulled herself off of the cock and then slid it back in, letting the sensitive member penetrate her mouth two more times. After this, she could feel it begin to twitch as she pulled back, not to mention Rudolph's strained gasping as the powerful orgasm hit him with full force.

She pulled her mouth back until just the tip was still inside her mouth and let it remain there as the first spurt of his cum splashed across her tongue. The reindeer continued to moan loudly as his cock twitched in her mouth, filling it with warm, gooey seed. By the time it was over, Fluttershy had a mouthful.

Finally, once his cock had stopped throbbing, she opened her mouth slightly and let it slip out. She remained there for a moment, her cum-filled mouth hanging open motionlessly. 'What did I just do? Did I seriously just do that?!' The thoughts came to her unbidden, as if her mind was catching up to her a minute too late. After a moment's pause, she glanced up at Rudolph.

Through the bright red glow, she could see that he was staring back at her with much the same expression, possibly thinking the exact same things. She could see that his gaze was fixed on the mess that now filled her mouth. Her eyes, however, were drawn to the rosy blush on his cheeks and the quick rising and falling of his cute, fuzzy chest.

That's when her mind truly caught up with her. She began to take much better notice of the substance in her mouth, which she quickly closed. Moving her tongue around a little bit, she took in its texture and flavour, and a warm, burning sensation quickly rose in her chest. This was good. She was sure that she liked this. She looked up directly into Rudolph's eyes, gulped down the entire load, and then gave him a warm smile.

Rudolph was flabbergasted. "I…I…" he babbled.

"I, um…I hope that was…um…good?"

He blinked. "Uhhhhhhh…Yeah?"

She began to furiously blush once again. "That was good. Um, I mean…Your…" Instead of finishing her sentence, she merely pointed her hoof at his shrinking cock, still covered in cum and saliva.

"I- Ah, I…Really?" He flummoxed.

She nodded.

There as a brief pause, and then he smiled for the first time since the whole experience had begun. "Heh…gosh…I was all set to apologize for, um…doing it in your mouth like that…"

Fluttershy had to glance away. "Well, I- um…I didn't give you much choice, did I?" she replied with a bashful chuckle.

"Did it…really taste good?"

"Well, um…" She shifted herself along the ground so that she was sitting at his front end instead. "It's kinda…all gone now…but, um…"

Rudolph gave her a confused look.

"I mean…" Fluttershy mumbled, "Just, um…Here."

Before either of them could say anything else, Fluttershy leaned forward and wrapped her lips around his. Rudolph's eyes shot open wide from the sudden kiss, but they began to glaze over a moment later. Fluttershy gently prodded his tongue with her own, inviting it to come along and play. The two of them kissed for a few heated minutes before Fluttershy broke contact and moved back.

Rudolph was speechless.

"Could…" It was nearly impossible to tell amidst the red glow, but she was blushing furiously. "Could you…taste it…?"

"Uhh…A little…"

"Um…Like it…?"


There was a moment of silence as the two gazed at one another. There was a demure smile on Fluttershy's face, one that she couldn't exactly explain. She was still a little surprised at herself for being so bold, but she found that when she was gazing into Rudolph's eyes it wasn't really something worth fretting over.

Fluttershy unfurled her wings and used them to lift herself gently into the air. Rudolph watched her as she hovered over top of him and then lowered herself, placing her hooves squarely around his body and standing over him.

"Wh-What're you doing??" he asked, surprised and confused as he rolled onto his back.

"Don't worry," she replied, "I'll be super duper careful with your leg." She then gently lowered herself down onto his upturned chest, wrapping her hooves around him in a warm hug. His fur rubbed against hers as she lay on his chest, nuzzling herself into his neck and giving him a soft squeeze. She could feel his rapid heartbeat and hear his breathing. Eventually, after a moment, she felt his hooves wrap themselves around her as well as he returned the hug.

"I…I like you…" Fluttershy whispered.


"Do you…Um…I mean….Do y…"

"I like you too, Fluttershy," he said, guessing what she was trying to say.

She let out a tense sigh. "O-okay, good! I…I'm glad to hear…"

"Well, um…I mean, even if you hadn't done…that," Rudolph continued, "You still helped me out of the forest when I crashed, you gave me a massage and took care of my leg…and you've been so nice."

Fluttershy just blushed and continued to nuzzle him.

"You're like the nicest anybody I've ever met."

"Th-thank you…" she whispered.

The pegasus shifted herself so that she was basically sitting up on his lap, with her front hooves carefully planted on his fuzzy chest. He laid back flat on the couch, looking up at with wide eyes and rosy cheeks.

"I, um…" she murmured, "I don't know if you know this or not, but I don't really…y'know…talk to others a lot. I don't really have a whole lot of friends, and it's…It's hard for me…to do some things that are really easy for other ponies…But you're different, Rudolph. None of it seems as hard if it's just with you."

"Gosh…" he muttered, "I- I dunno what to say again…"

Fluttershy shifted her position a little bit and began to gently rub one of her hooves across his chest fur. Rudolph's face burned red and he put on a flummoxed expression.

"Y-you…um…" Fluttershy turned away and blushed just as hard, "You liked what…I mean…You liked the thing we just did…right?"

"Uh huh…" he murmured, almost sounding drunken.

"I…" she continued, her voice dropping in volume, "I liked it too…A lot…And, I mean…I kinda…" She brought one of her hooves up to cover part of her face bashfully. "I kinda wanna do more…" she whispered.

Rudolph once again couldn't find the words to respond. It seemed the only thing fully paying attention was his nose.

"Is it okay…if we try something…" She subtly turned and gazed at him with one nervous eye. "…else?"

Rudolph seemed initially confused, but his entire body tensed up as Fluttershy moved her hips back, rubbing them against his half-erect member. He gasped and shivered, staring up at her with his mouth wide open.

"Um…" Fluttershy muttered, "…Yes?"

The reindeer shut his gaping maw. "Well, um…I-if you want to do some more…stuff, then yeah. Sure… I mean, if you want to, right?"

Fluttershy responded by moving her flanks against his again, his buckhood having quickly grown to its full length once again. He let out hot, airy breaths as she continued to gently rub it with her backside.

She could feel how hard his member was against her, and a burning blaze began to ignite within her. She took a breath, paused for a moment, and then pushed herself back even more. She carefully repositioned herself, going by her sense of touch as she couldn't see behind her, and lifted her tail a little as she felt his cock slide into place where she wanted it.

She shivered as the broadside of his length pressed against her soaking wet lips, resting against them like a hot dog. She gave him a half-lidded stare, her face lit up not only by her own blush but by his nearly blinding nose. He was giving her a look of disoriented confusion, not entirely sure what was going on.

Then she began to move her hips in precise motions, grinding her pussy against the length of his cock. The two of them both let out a low moan at the same time from the sensation. She focused as much as she could on her movements, shifting her hips and letting his member slide against the full length of her sensitive opening.

"Is…Is that good…?" she asked genuinely, "I-I've never done this kind of thing before…I hope I'm doing it right…"

"That feels…gooood…" Rudolph replied, unable to say much more.

Fluttershy picked up the pace, letting out lustful moans as she continued to grind herself onto his cock. She was leaking like crazy, making a wet mess of both of them as she moved her hips. Little electric shivers danced through her whole body with every sway, and each one was accompanied by a small gasp from the reindeer.

She wanted to close her eyes and be lost in the pleasure, but she kept them open and regarded the young male as she moved. She let out a tiny giggle when she noticed that his nose dimmed a tiny bit whenever he gasped. It was almost like a metronome.

After a little more time Fluttershy paused, resting herself at the base of his cock. She finally took her eyes off of Rudolph and craned her neck downward to see the source of the excitement. Her yellow hindquarters rested atop his brown body in a perfect little formation. The fur between her legs was drenched with her juices.

She couldn't, however, see her own little opening. His cock jutted up right in front of it, glistening with her wetness and lined up in an almost foretelling position.

"G-gosh…" she heard him whisper.

Fluttershy reached one of her hooves down and touched his cock, pressing it gently up against the fur on her belly. His whole body shifted upon the contact. She rubbed it a few times, feeling its form and texture once again and shivering as it just teasingly touched the very edge of her pussy.

There was a fire burning within her that she had never felt before, and it was concentrated especially around her lower half. She felt an intense rush of desire surge through her entire body, and the sensation made her shiver.

To an extent, there was something incredibly strange about the way she felt. For the moment, at least, she felt like somepony entirely different and alien to her. There were sensations of desire, bravery, want and lust that she did not normally experience, and it was quite easy and enjoyable to allow them to overcome her entirely.

She stopped playing with his cock and instead placed her front hooves squarely onto his chest once again. He glanced up at her to see what she was doing, but she was already using him carefully as leverage to raise her hips off of him and line herself up. Rudolph only had a chance for his eyes to fly wide open before she made her move.


Rudolph's mind had been on time-delay, it seemed. Even now, with Fluttershy straddling his lap and playing with his painfully erect cock, he was still struggling to understand just what had happened and what was happening now. The only thing that managed to snap him out of his stupor was the pegasus planting her hooves onto his chest.

He realized that she was repositioning herself, and looked up at her to see what she was doing. He saw her give him a soft, warm smile that was seasoned with just a hint of hungry lust. That was all he could register before he felt an intense surge of pleasure as his cock was enveloped in a tight embrace.

He cried out as he felt himself enter her. Eyes wide, panting and his nose glowing brightly, he craned his neck to see what had just happened. His heart thumped wildly in his chest as he saw the top third of his reindeer cock buried into the soft, inviting lips of Fluttershy's pussy. It was a dizzying sight, almost rivaling the intense feeling.

"Flu…ttershy…" he panted.

"Oh…my goodness…" she panted right back.

The pegasus that he had been having a wonderful time with the whole day had been treating him to so many wonderful, amazing pleasures and this was easily topping them all. She remained there for a moment, letting his cock sit in her warm, wet passageway.

His breath quickened as she began to slide some more of him into her.

"Oooohhh…." she moaned, gently closing her eyes as she moved downward.

Intense lightning bolts of pleasure were flying through his nerves, unlike anything he had ever felt before. As more of his cock slid perfectly into her inviting warmth, it was all he could do to keep himself from bucking his hips and burying the rest inside all at once.

Fluttershy stopped when there was just over two thirds of his hardness buried inside. "Mmmph…" she moaned.

"Fluttershy…I…" he breathed.

"Shh…Just relax…"


She have him a half-lidded smile as she began to raise herself up off of his cock until only the tip was still inside. "Relax," she repeated, "Let me make you feel better…"

Rudolph let out a loud cry and his nose flashed brightly as she brought herself back down rather quickly. From there, she got into a rhythm and began to ride his cock.

He was unable to move even if he could. The intense, electrifying feeling of his incredibly sensitive cock sliding into and out of Fluttershy's velvety soft opening. He couldn't help but let out little moans of pleasure every time she brought herself back down onto him. He pretty much forgot about where he was or how he had gotten there, his mind focused only on the intense pleasure he was feeling.

He saw Fluttershy above him, a half-drunken gaze on her face. Her tongue hung out just a little as she panted from both euphoria and exertion. He saw that both of her wings were proudly on display behind her, extended stiffly to their full length. Her back arched as she moved, her two front hooves on his chest acting as her only stabilization.

Then, his eyes traveled down towards the main attraction. He watched as his cock, covered in her juices, was repeatedly engulfed by her sweet, demure set of pink lips. It was a mesmerizing sight for him to behold. Her hips moved in a rhythmic, precise motion as she repeatedly brought herself down onto him.

She picked up the pace just a little bit, causing her to let out a long, quiet moan. He could feel her shiver as the sensation no doubt intensified for her as well. His whole body trembled from the experience. The feeling of her tight pussy on his member was nearly too much to handle.

"Ahhh…!" he moaned loudly into the room.

Fluttershy groaned slightly and clenched her eyes shut, as if she were trying to hold back a wild cry of passion. He could see her tensing up and struggling, like there was something powerful inside of her that was threatening to come out.

She slammed herself down a few more times, filling the room with panting and lewd sounds, before she slowed herself down and eventually paused. She opened one of her eyes to look down at him, her tongue hanging out. He could only look up at her in dazed confusion.

Then, with a strange sort of determination in her eye, she lifted herself up until once again only the tip of his cock was inside her. When she hesitated again, Rudolph felt a powerful yearning to be inside of her once more. He sorely missed the sensation, but he would not miss it for long.

Fluttershy then swiftly lowered herself onto him, sliding the full length of his cock into her. There was a glitch in his brain and his own reaction died on his lips, overloaded with the electrifying sensation of being so deep inside of her. Instead, the pegasus herself provided the loud cry of ecstasy.

She shivered for a minute, letting loose a long drawn-out cry that slowly morphed into a euphoric moan. He felt her hooves quiver for a moment, and then they gave out and Fluttershy tumbled on top of him. They both grunted as she landed on his chest, his cock still buried to the hilt inside of her.

When Fluttershy gained her sense of equilibrium, she found herself nose-to-nose with Rudolph. The light from his nose was nearly blinding, but it seemed as if she didn't care. Rudolph was struggling just to get enough breath, and she certainly didn't make it any easier when she kissed him.

Her hips began to move again as she repeatedly lifted herself off of his cock only to slam back down and hilt it inside of her once again. The amazing sensations in his member were only building more and more every time it was buried into her wonderful, soaking wet pussy.

Fluttershy moaned into his mouth as she rode him, playing with his tongue like a toy. The only thing Rudolph could manage to do was bring his own hooves up and wrap them around the pony on top of him, hugging her tight.

He could feel himself getting close again. The way Fluttershy was moving and moaning seemed to indicate that she was just as close, if not closer. Rudolph wanted to say or do something in regards to this revelation, but he was too far gone into a state of ecstasy to do very much about it.

Fluttershy began to moan very loudly, working her hips even faster. This was by far the loudest volume he had ever heard her reach. Considering her soft-spoken mannerisms, this was an interestingly unusual behaviour for her.

Pressure built as the two heated bodies continued to move together at such a fevered pace. Rudolph's breath came in hot gasps and his vision became unfocused. Anything left in his mind became lost to the sensation of how good this felt. With Fluttershy repeatedly burying his entire member into her pussy with each buck of her hips, it was a wonder that he was able to hold back at all.

After one particularly hard, deep thrust, the pegasus let out a long moan and hugged him even tighter, laying her head across his shoulder and burying her face into the cushions.

"Fluttershy…" he panted, "I…I think I'm gonna…"

"Please…Rudolph…" she murmured into the fabric.

"Wh…huh…?" Rudolph drunkenly replied.

"I…I really want it…"


If Fluttershy had intended to say anything else, she ended up not being able to as her whole body was struck by a powerful jolt. She instead cried out in pleasure as her orgasm hit, continuing to hug him tightly as she rode the wave.

The sensation of being inside of Fluttershy while she came was simply too much to handle, and Rudolph immediately moaned loudly with an orgasm of his own. He used his hooves to hold her backside, pushing her down so that his cock was as deep inside of her as it could be. The two of them both shivered as he came. A generous amount of cum filled Fluttershy's deepest reaches, enough that quite a bit began to leak out and stain the fur of their legs.

Neither of them said anything until the whole dizzying event was over, and then all of the tension disappeared from Fluttershy's body as she fell limp against his body. Rudolph spent the next couple of minutes simply trying to catch his breath. He was exhausted and his head was positively spinning, but the rest of his body was filled with a warm, satisfied sensation.

"Mmmmmm…" Fluttershy moaned quietly from beside his head.

"Wow…" Rudolph said as he panted, "That was…um…unexpected…"

Fluttershy let out a tired giggle. "Are you feeling better…?"

He considered the question, though his fatigued mind wasn't running at 100%. "Yeah…" he murmured, realizing that he did not feel much discomfort in his leg.

"Mmm, that's good…" Fluttershy whispered, sounding like she was barely awake.

"Uh…" Rudolph's voice slurred, the world around him growing dim and fuzzy, "Are you feelin'…good? I mean…I hope I made you…"

"Shhhh…" Fluttershy soothed him, gently running one of her hooves along his midsection, "Don't worry about me…All that matters is you, okay?" She quietly yawned. "I'm glad that you're feeling good…"

Rudolph's eyes dipped closed for a moment. "But…"

Fluttershy responded by nuzzling him. "It was wonderful, Rudolph…"

That was the last thing Rudolph was aware of before he simply couldn't remain awake any longer.