Maid to Please 2: Loopholes

by videomaster21XX

...and bring the truth to light.

        The ‘new’ Shining Armor was not happy, something was wrong. First he hears nothing from Evening or his little slut despite delivering her to his room over an hour ago. Then not one minute ago, some strange wave of energy causes his horn to shiver like crazy. His wife Cadance was looking around quizzingly as well from her spot at their desk, where she had been spending the last hour looking over various scrolls on any information they had about age magic.

        “Cadie?” He hoped her puzzled expression meant that whatever that was, isn’t something any normal unicorn grew up knowing about. “What was that?”

        “I’d like to know what caused that magical disruption myself.” She said while slowly getting up. Magical disruption? Now he really didn’t like what was going on. This whole thing was suspicious.

        “I think we should check it out.” He said while opening the door. He wished he could go by himself, but given he didn’t know about the more advanced types of magic, Cadance would likely be the only pony to recognize what any of this was. He’d just have to keep watch and make his move when necessary.

        “Good idea, let’s start with Twilight.” Cadance quickly made her way toward him. “I’m sure she sensed it as well, and is the most likely to help us find what caused it.”

        “Sounds like a plan.” If anything was going on, then he wanted Twilight near him. He needed to be ready to sweat talk himself out of any trouble just in case. If only that pupil of hers hadn’t made everything so testy with is stupid magic turning Lowly into a filly. If it wasn’t for him, he’d be plowing his wife, with the prospect of plowing Lowly in the morning.

As he walked down the hall with Cadance, he frowned at just how quiet things were. His ‘sister’ and her friends had their rooms located just around the corner, that twit Evening Storm included. Surely by now he’d hear a sobbing filly, or at the very least an angry stallion.

        Instead all he heard was silence. Had he misjudged the guy? It couldn’t be he was actually enjoying his little gift could it? The thought almost made him smirk. If that was the case, that unicorn was more kinky then he thought. Best not to let his guard down though.

        More likely Evening was like what he learned of Twilight. A late night book worm. He was probably sitting at his desk mulling over various texts. Perhaps he should drop in and convince the guy to sleep soon. He could argue that with Twilight and Cadance working on the case of fixing Lowly’s age, he could just rest and enjoy the night.

        “What ever caused it made quite the discharge.” Cadance said worryingly as they turned the corner. Shining took this to mean that whatever was behind this wasn’t ordinary. All this managed was to increase his suspicion.

        “We’d better check on that Evening Storm first,” he said changing direction toward the pupil’s door, “he’s the one with the weird magic after all.” Cadance seemed to silently accept this as she stepped beside him. They were almost to the door when a furious looking Twilight stepped out and slammed it behind her.

        “Twilight?” Cadance asked stepping back. She had never seen Twilight this angry before. The look in her eyes scared her. “What’s wrong?”

        “What’s wrong,” she growled while staring at them both, “is that I thought I knew somepony, thought I could trust them, but apparently I was wrong!” This only caused Cadance to shrink back more. Her words and the way she was looking at her flat out terrified her. It was almost like she was talking directly to her!

        Shining on the other hoof, was trying to suppress a grin. This was better than he hoped! Twilight must have caught them in the act, and thought Evening planned it! How delicious! With this, he was certain he could convince her to drop him as a student.

        “Twily what-” He began to say, while trying to look concerned. However the glare that she shot at him killed the words in his throat. Wow did she look angry. It actually sent a shiver up his spine. He’d have to remember never to piss his new sister off.

        “I need to talk to both of you privately. Now!” She commanded unfurling her wings as she did so. Both were quick to nod their heads. In truth she could have told them to jump out a window at that moment and they’d comply. Such was the power of her anger.

        “I’ll meet you in your room. I have to take care of something first.” Her voice was cold. Cadance still wanted to ask what happened, but could only utter ‘okay’ before turning to trot back to her room. What caused Twilight to act like this? The look she had gotten still haunted her a bit. Had she done something wrong?

        Shining was trying to keep himself from jumping with joy as they entered their room again. He’d let her scream at them for a bit longer when she came in here, most likely to demand that Lowly be punished, and possibly have Evening thrown in the dungeon. He began to contemplate the opportunities this could create. He wasn’t experienced enough with magic himself yet, but perhaps he could hire a unicorn to change Evening into a mare like he mused earlier. Better yet, maybe he could get the persona spell cast on them as well and get another new fuck toy. That Blueblood fellow he had talked with during a royal meeting seemed like a good pony to inquire with. He did rather enjoy how the maids were treated here.

        “Shiny?” Cadance said shaking. “I’m scared. I’ve never seen her like this. What do you think happened?” Damn, he’d have to put his thoughts on hold. His wife needed him to play the loving husband right now.

        “I don’t know,” he said with his best poker face, “I’m sure she’ll tell us when she comes back in. Till then all we can do is wait.” Gently he rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. She really was an amazing mare. A perfect catch really. He smiled as he thought of the foals growing in her womb.

My perfect catch. My number one mare. He thought happily to himself. Don’t worry, I’ll always hold you above those others. My greatest prize.

        Unless of course he ever got good enough with magic that he could cast the persona spell himself. Imagine, both Celestia and Luna as his concubines. The mere thought made him hard.

Damn, getting too worked up. With an inner sigh he began to calm himself. Probably not a good idea to sport an erection with what was going on right now.

It was just as well, since the door slammed open to reveal a still peeved Twilight, now carrying three cups full of wine inside her magical aura. She stomped over to them, downing one of the cups in the process, while floating the other two over to each of them.

“I’ve never felt so disappointed in a pony before.” She said coldly, shaking with barely concealed rage. “Of all the stupid things. Drink!” Both Shining and Cadance shared a look with each other before grabbing their cups with their own magic.

“Twilight, we had a lot of wine earlier-” Cadance began, but Twilight simply glared at her.

“DRINK!” She repeated with a scream. Startled, Cadance quickly drank her entire cup, unnerved by how Twilight is acting. Shining simply took his and downed it. He was ready for the show, and the damnation of that party pooping unicorn.

Huh. He thinks as the wine flows down his throat. I haven’t tasted this brand before. I’ll have to ask her where she got it when she’s calmer.

“Twilight will you please tell me what’s wrong?” Cadance pleaded, growing more concerned by the second. Twilight’s response was to fix her with a long cold stare.

“I will in a minute. I’m just waiting for my pupil to get in here with our special guest.” Immediately Shining felt fear grip his heart. While this could still mean that she wanted to discuss his behavior, why would she leave him alone with their fillyfied maid if she caught them in such an act? Looks like it was time to play the older brother card.

“Alright Twily what happened?” He demanded, standing firm. “You never get like this without reason.” Well he didn’t know that for certain, but from what he remembered from his ‘notes’ that should be well enough true.

“Don’t I?” Twilight asked dangerously. “You would know after all. Just like you’d know how in the Monster-pedia the wood sprites are listed on page?” Shining blinked. Was she seriously asking him to name the exact page? He knew the original Shining and her were very big on being Monster hunters or something when younger thanks to the diary entries, but to memorize the page numbers? What did that even have to do with anything? He really didn’t like how things were progressing.

“Twily,” He said slowly, “I just want to help-”

“Night sprites! Found on page?” Twilight demanded, taking a step toward him. Despite himself, he took his own step back. Sweat began to drip down his face. Why was it getting so hot?

“T-twily what’s gotten into you?” He stammered feeling trapped. Did she know? How? How could she? He had been so careful! What could have possibly made her suspect? His knees suddenly stopped working, dropping him to his belly. What was happening? His entire body was on fire! Why couldn’t he move his limbs? Panic quickly began to rise within him.

“I didn’t want to believe it.” Twilight said with bitterness, as she stared down at him. “That Cadance would play with such dangerous magic. But the fact you are feeling the potions effects means it’s true.”

“Dangerous magic?” Cadance cried feeling a rising panic herself as she watched her husband collapse upon the ground. “Twilight what are you talking about? What did you do to Shining!?”

“What did I do!?” Twilight screamed, whirling upon her. “What did you do!? How could you Cadance? To my brother! I trusted you! I thought you were smarter than this!” With each word Cadance flinched, the rage concealed in them was staggering.

“I don’t understand!” She cried, her body beginning to shake. “You’re the one attacking Shiny!” Twilight actually laughed, a sad bitter laugh that made Cadance’s blood run cold.

“That’s not my brother.” She said with disgust, her gaze once more on the collapsed stallion. “If he was then he’d know without any doubt you’d find the Crystal Ghost listed on-”

“Page eighty nine.” Came another voice from the hall. One that was eerily familiar to the currently incapacitated Shining on the floor. Wild panic began to seize him as a large shadow entered the room.

No! No! It can’t be! There’s no way they could have figured it out! No way he could be here like that!

Shining watched as his worst nightmare slowly stepped into the room. The old Shining was wobbling, still held a feminine gait to his stride and motion. One likely brought on by countless hours of being forced to perform them. Yet still he looked imposing, deadly. His eyes filled with hatred as he stared down at him.

“I-Impossible!” The fake Shining screamed, even as his limbs erupted in pain. “T-This is a trick! A lie!” Another wave of agony washed over him, eliciting a cry. When it was over he barely managed to turn his head toward a very stunned Cadance.

“C-Cadie it’s me! Help me!” He pleaded, but she could only stare at him with a stunned look, her gaze switching from her husband on the floor, and the one that had just walked in.

“W-what? Who?” She asked blankly as panic gripped her. “Who are you!? What’s going on!? What are you doing to Shiny! Why are there two of you!?”

“You still haven’t figured it out yet?” Twilight asked, her voice dripped with venom. “Let me tell you what my brother told me before the spell delay wore off.” She began to walk toward the pink alicorn who took one step back as she approached, eventually ending up against the wall with nowhere to go. Her heart hammering in her chest.

“Three months ago you decided to cast a spell on him that turned him into an earth pony mare. From what Evening tells me, she had a cutie mark of a pail and bucket. That’s important Cadance, so remember it well.” Twilight brought herself directly to Cadance’s face, who continued to press herself against the wall, desperate for any escape.

“T-twilight, how do you know that?” She cried, “Shiny is right there! He’s hurt! Please let me-”

That monster is NOT my brother!” Twilight screamed, in rage. “Whoever that is, is some random maid you mistook for my brother! A maid you let dance around as him while he got stuck being the subservient little maid you demanded of him!”

“No…” Cadance whispered, her breathing becoming more and more erratic. “No, I-I fixed Shiny! I-It was him! I saw! I checked!” Twilight shook her head.

“No, you didn’t. I’m sorry Cadance, but you need to see this.” With that she forced Cadance to look at the downed Shining Armor with her magic. Cadance was about to cry out that Twilight was hurting her, until the image before her caused a gasp.

The Shining Armor that she had just been talking with, had shared many signs of affection with this very night, began to glow. She watched as he cried out in pain, his body shrinking in size and shape. Wallows of pain rising in pitch spewed from his mouth as she slowly shrank back into a grey earth pony mare with an ink black mane. For a reason Cadance couldn’t yet determine, Shining had just become the same pony maid she had turned him into so many weeks ago.

To her horror it didn’t end there. With growing dread, Cadance realized something else that was familiar about this mare. Now that she saw her without clothing, it dawned on her that she looked exactly like the maid Evening had turned into a filly earlier. W-why did this mare look like that maid Lowly Servant? What kind of magic was causing all this!?

“C-cadance.” The other Shining spoke, drawing her shaking focus to him. He looked haunted, almost dead, as if he had been drug through tartarus itself and back. With a weary, shaking hoof he pointed to the stunned maid.

“Look at her cutie mark.” He groaned, fighting to say each word. “W-what is it missing?”

Missing? She thought. Nothing is missing, it’s the same mark I gave Shining during our role play. A mop with a-

Her heart stopped. The maid’s cutie mark was just that. A mop. It was only a mop! Shining’s cutie mark had been a mop with a pail! Why didn’t this mare have the pail!?

“No! I couldn’t have! I couldn’t!” She cried, no longer able to keep her panic at bay. “H-How do I know this is true and not a trick!? What magic is this!?”

“A true form potion.” Evening answered from the doorway. Cadance hadn’t even noticed him come in. “Twilight told me about it as we heard you two approach. That’s what I was getting and feeding to Shining while she sent you back to your room. It’s also what this maid drank in her cup of wine.”

“I didn’t want to have to use it.” Twilight said, the anger in her voice hadn’t faded in the slightest. “The ingredients needed for it are extremely difficult to find, and the time it needs to stew can take months to make it work. Certainly not a thing to use for an age correction, but to expose a dirty liar...” She stepped toward the new maid, who was only now beginning to regain the use of her limbs, already trying to stand.

“Stay down!” Twilight hissed, pushing the maid into the ground with her magic. “It was very condensed, but Shining told me all about what you’ve done to him. How you used her as a sex toy. H-How you’ve been masquerading as him this entire time!”

“I-I…” Lemonfresh was both furious and afraid. She had been forced back to her old body! She didn’t want to imagine what they’d do to her now that they knew the truth! How could this have happened!? She had been so careful! Three long months of planning and watching her step! It couldn’t be all over just like this! It couldn’t!

“Y-You must be a changeling!” Lemonfresh cried, desperately grasping at anything that might save her. “You’re trying to replace us! Cadance! Call the guards!”

“SILENCE!” Twilight screamed, using her magic to gag the maid’s mouth. “A changeling? Really? Why would I come in here like this then huh? The real Shining knows more about Changelings then that! Knows how they operate! In fact the entire reason the potion you just drank even exists is because of the changelings!” The floor cracked as her magic pushed the maid further into it. In turn, the maid tried to cry out in agony, but her sounds only came out as muffled groans.

“B-but...Shiny…” Cadance whispered, her mind starting to crumble. No! No! If what Twilight said was true, then… then that means I… I…

“T-this must be a trick! I-I couldn’t have! I-I was so careful! I’d never let anything happen to Shining! I-I...”

“F-fall formal parade…” Shining croaked. She stopped in mid protest, merely staring at him in fear. “I-I… I-I love pretty pink m-mares…”

With those words, Cadance’s world came crashing down. The horror of the truth finally dawning on her. She had thought it was because of the persona spell. That her constant personality commands had jumbled his brain. She had thought he’d been rescued from being a maid, but in truth she had, thanks to her she-

Shining had spent the last three months trapped in the role Cadance had forced upon her. Suffering all this time, while she herself had pranced around with a fake, and even went so far for her to get… g-get...

It was too much.

        “NO!” She screamed, shaking her head frantically, “No! No! I didn’t! I never meant! No! NO!” She flung herself at the wall, shaken, broken, desperate to flee from everything. How could she!? How could she have not noticed!? She had replaced her own husband with a random maid! All this time Shining had been suffering, and it was all her fault!

Pictures fell from the walls as she thrashed about, the protective glass shattering while she stomped upon them in her dismay cutting her hooves. This entire time he’d been living a nightmare! A nightmare she had trapped him in! She had said she’d protect him! She had said nothing bad would happen! The wail that flew from her throat was heartbreaking.

        Twilight however, had little compassion for her old foal sitter as she watched her take in the full brunt of what she had done. Persona spells were forbidden for a reason. To even think that Cadance would use one so casually was sickening.

Now she knew, knew the dangers of such things. Twilight didn’t blink when the now mad alicorn began to run toward the nearest window. Content on letting her scream herself ragged. She never realized Cadance’s true goal in rushing for that, but luckily Evening figured it out, rushing to block her path with his body.

She impacted against him, pushing the stallion backward by several feet as he frantically tried prevent her from reaching the large pane of glass.

“Twilight! Stop her! Hit her with a sleep spell!” He cried, attempting to summon up any scrap of magic left to hold her back. He was rewarded with barely a spark, pain erupting in his forehead as he tried. Breaking the Persona spell had taken all the magic he had. It’d be days before he could use even simple levitation again.
        “Stop her?” Twilight cried, still too angry to see what was happening. “Stop her from what? From realizing her mistake? Her crime?! No Evening, she needs to take this all in!” He gritted his teeth. He didn’t know how strong the windows were here, but he did know that they were on the twentieth floor. She’d never survive the drop if she broke through, and he doubted she’d remember to use her wings.

        “Damn it Twilight listen to me!” He bellowed, shooting her a glare. “Don’t you get it!? She’s trying to kill herself!” Though Twilight’s anger didn’t disappear, it did seem to lessen at those words.

        “W-what?” She stammered, “She wouldn’t-” Before she could say anymore, Cadance remembered her magic and threw Evening aside, rushing once more toward the window at full speed.

        “SHIT! TWILIGHT CAST IT NOW!” Evening cried even as he was sent tumbling. Spurred by the seriousness in Evening’s voice, and the memory of what happened with his magic earlier, she quickly summoned up the strongest sleep spell she could, blasting Cadance with it.

Said Princess continued forward, only to wobble as the spell took hold, only the momentum driving her on. She just barely reached the window when her body gave out, collapsing before it. She was still reaching a hoof toward it as her mind was plunged into a deep dark sleep. Twilight couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Cadance couldn’t have really meant to kill herself could she?

“W-why did you have me do that!?” She screamed, turning on her student. Her mind refused to believe his words. “After what she did!? After all she put my brother through!? She needs to-”

“She needs to what!? What Twilight?” Evening screamed back at her in fury. “Die for her crimes!? Should we just kill her then? Is that what needs to be done!?” Twilight was so stunned by his sudden eruption that her own anger faded to a dull heat. She had never seen Evening like this before either. How many new things about him was she going to learn this night?

“I-well no, of course not, but she has to pay as well!” Twilight reasoned. “You know that!”

“She will pay.” Evening repeated sadly. “She’s going to pay for this the rest of her life, and that’s why you’re going to support her.”

“Support her!?” Twilight cried, her rage returning. “She hurt my brother! She betrayed him! What? Are you going to tell me it’s okay because she didn’t mean to!?”

“No! It’s not okay, but that’s exactly why she’s going to need you!” Twilight couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Evening, how can you possibly say-”

“BECAUSE THIS IS MY NIGHTMARE!” He screamed at the top of his lungs. Once again she found herself stunned into silence. For a moment, she could have sworn she saw something behind his normal upbeat exterior. Pure terror buried deep within his eyes.

“W-what do you mean?” She finally managed to ask. Evening began to shake, the same kind of fear she had just seen manifest with Cadance.

“Twilight this is what I fear the m-most.” He replied quietly, looking down. “That I’ll do exactly what she just did.”

“What? But you wouldn’t cast a spell like this! I mean you couldn’t even if you-”

“Exactly.” Evening cut her off. “Even if I tried. But my magic never really does what I try to make it do, does it?” She couldn't reply.

“What if I didn’t hit your brother with that age regression spell?” He asked slowly, his body shivering. “W-what if it went out over a balcony or something and hit a random pony in the street? I might never know, never find if the spell hit a living being.” The more he spoke, the more his eyes took on a haunted look of their own.

“If nopony saw it happen, they might mistake him for a foal telling tall tales. Punish him for lying.” Twilight shook her head. That wasn’t anything like this situation.

“Evening, surely the locals would notice and-”

 “Damn it Twilight, what if he wasn’t even from here?” Evening interrupted. “He could be a father on business from Canterlot! It’s a very likely conclusion that the grown ups wouldn’t believe who he was. They could put him in an orphanage, too afraid of allowing a little colt to ride the train by himself. Not believing such a wild story! His family might not see him again for weeks, months, even years! And it’d all be because of me!” The logic in his words made sense, but she still didn’t want to believe it.

“E-evening that’s a rather elaborate misunderstanding, the odds-”

“Are about as great as a dedicated wife mistaking a common maid for her husband.” Twilight flinched as if she’d been slapped.

“It’s not just that Twilight.” Evening continued, tears slowly trickling down his own muzzle. “My magic has always been crazy yes, but never fatal I’ve always kept faith in that.” He squeezed his eyes shut.

“But what if one day it is fatal? W-what if one day I do something I can never take back? I might turn Spike to stone, or shrunk Rarity to the size of a mouse with Opal nearby. W-what if I wake up and discover I transformed Rainbow Dash into cupcakes or something?! I-I couldn’t live with myself Twilight!”

His body slumped. “I-I just couldn’t…”

As they stood there in silence, Shining took a few steps toward the stallion who had become his savior. It was getting harder to keep himself together, the spell delay wearing more and more off as time went on. He was kinda surprised he could still remember those lessons from school. Sometimes an enchantment meant to influence the way of thinking or feeling could have a delayed effect once dispelled or removed. He had been under that persona spell for months. It was enough time that even after shattering it, his body and mind had kept going as if on some sort of scripted pilot.

Thankfully it had lasted just long enough for him to convince Twilight of his plight. As it was, only his desire to see this all end kept him going now. When he had begun to explain to her what had happened to him the last three months…

He shuddered as his body even now threatened to give out. A-all the things he had done… all the horrors he had faced while that, that maid. He squeezed his eyes shut as if they could block it all out, push back the memories. He had been used, and violated. Forced to live day after day in a life he never wanted, desperately wishing for his old one back. To be standing here now was a dream. If it wasn’t for the dull pain he still felt from the transformation back to his true form via that potion, he’d fear it really was just a dream. An illusion brought on by his fragmented mind.

No. He told himself firmly as he stood there. It wasn’t a dream, Evening saved you. His knees were shaky, but he remained standing. He couldn’t rest yet, couldn’t weep. Not until this was over. The drive for the truth to come out was the only thing that had kept him going. That had just been joined by Evening’s plight.

This was the stallion that not only gave him his hope back, but also his freedom, and now his real form. He may not be in much condition to do much, but if he focused on helping Evening. He was certain he could manage.

“Y-You won’t.” He forced out. When had speaking become so hard? “Y-You saved me.” Evening stared at him for a moment, then shook his head, a smile slowly returning.

“Y-Yeah I guess so. I actually did something good didn’t I?” He turned his gaze toward Twilight. “A-as such can I ask a favor?” He waved his hoof toward the sleeping Cadance.

“I know she can’t just be forgiven. Again I know, but trust me when I say I have an idea of how she’s feeling right now.” He gazed upon her sleeping form with silent understanding. “So please don’t let her do something stupid. She made a mistake, but please don’t let that lead to death. Please...”

“Evening,” Twilight said, feeling a small shiver herself. “I’m angry at her yes, but… but I’d never want her to die for it! I just need to make sure she knows the weight of this. Evening she has to understand the magnitude of it all!”

“I know, just watch her okay?” He asked meekly. “Watch her and see how she reacts to this. Then and only then decide how to proceed… please…” Twilight stood there for a few moments, her attention shifting between her pupil and her old foal sitter. There were still embers of rage buried within her, but she knew Evening had a point.

“I promise.” She finally said with a sigh. “But only if you answer me this. When… when you say you couldn't live with it. What do you have planned?” He didn’t meet her eyes.

“L-let’s just hope it never comes to that.”

“Do you mean to…” She couldn’t even complete the sentence. He shook his head.

“I find it best not to think about what might be, and instead focus on what you can do.” He smiled at her, the streaks of his tears still visible on his face. “Words my mother use to tell me.” With a shaky hoof, he wiped his eyes. “Besides, my sister and father already lost a wife and a mother. I-I don’t want to make it a son and a brother as well. For their sake and for my own I try to preserver.”

Inwardly, she felt great relief at those words. To think he’d been her pupil for over two months and she had never seen just what kind of things he had been going through.

“I really was right.” Twilight said with a smile. “Your mother raised an amazing stallion. I know she’d be proud of you Evening.” Despite the situation, Evening felt himself blush.

“T-thanks Twilight. I really hope so.” They smiled at each other as some of the tension began to seep out of their bodies.

Only for Twilight’s eyes to widen in pure terror as a large shard of glass plunged into Evening’s neck. She stood there in utter horror as his blood sprayed from the wound, coating the earth pony mare next to him. With a look of pure hatred, Lemonfresh let go of the shard that had been held in her now bloody mouth.

“Join her why don’t you!?” She screamed in rage. “You ruined it all! Just had to stick your muzzle where it didn’t belong! I had everything! I was the prince! I could have gone on like that forever if it weren’t for you and your infuriating magic turning her into that filly!

Twilight’s mind had broken. For the first time in a long time she didn’t know what to do, couldn’t think. How could she have forgotten to keep the spell holding the maid capture going!? She had been too absorbed in her conversation to notice the earth pony grab one of the pieces of glass Cadance had broken from the pictures in her panic. Shining could barely keep his mind together to notice, and Evening was too concerned with the sleeping Cadance.

She should have been paying attention! Her mind screamed as Evening plummeted to the floor. She shouldn’t have let this happen!

Shining meanwhile could only stare as the stallion that had saved him collapsed upon the ground. He had never even noticed the earth pony move! Hadn’t seen her till it was too late.

His gaze fell upon her, who stood there laughing.

“How do you like it!?” She mocked with a scream. “How does it feel to go back to where you belong?! Die like the waste you are!”

Something in Shining snapped. Without thinking, his horn blazed to life, wrapping the maid in his magic’s glow. As he lifted her into the air, she turned on him.

“You should have remained a whore!” She sneered, “should have just given that blow job like I told you to! Now it’s too late! Say goodbye to your fucking ‘daddy’”

In that instant, all the resentment and rage he had endured by the hoofs of this monster came rushing back into him at once. With a strangled cry he slammed the maid into the wall again and again, her cries of rage, becoming screams of pain. Much to his chagrin, he was only able to keep up the act for a few seconds before his magic gave out, his body and mind still too fragile to use it.

The maid dropped to the floor, blood trickling from her mouth. She was hurt but still breathing. In a way he was glad. He wanted her alive for all the suffering he planned to give her. Right now though, Evening was hurt. He had to help him! As he tried to make his way toward Twilight, he began to wobble, his vision going in and out of focus. The magic has spent him.

As his body collapsed upon the ground, the last thing he saw was a frantic and weeping Twilight as she stood over a still pony frame. The floor becoming red.


Three days later:

        Shining Armor stood outside the door to his room. The room he and Cadance had shared since moving in here. How funny it seemed now that he hadn’t stepped through them for three months. He hadn’t even come by here since the incident a few days ago. Instead opting to sleep in a guest room. Usually with one of Twilight’s friends watching over him.

He’d have been upset with being treated like a little foal, except in truth he didn’t want to be alone just yet. Nightmares of his time as Lowly still haunted his dreams. Twily had said she’d contact Princess Luna for help with them. He really hoped she could come soon.

Even with three days under his belt, he wasn’t fine. It had taken a full day just to regain the ability to move around. How he ever managed to do it directly after being restored was an enigma. One didn’t live three months as a meek submissive maid, and simply bounce back unscathed. He felt he was making progress, but couldn’t really be certain. As he stepped closer to the door, the two guards that stood on either side saluted him, eliciting a flinch. It was embarrassing, but at least they didn’t say anything about it, having been ‘briefed’ on the situation.

The official statement had been altered drastically of course. Anything about Cadance and her involvement with the persona spell being omitted. Instead the ‘story’ was a pony maid had gotten a hold of a powerful enchantment and used it to switch places with the Prince, keeping the real Shining Armor as his personal plaything.

Most of the rest was kept the same. How he’d been trapped for three months, how no pony ever suspected anything was amiss till Evening Storm’s kindness brought it all to light.

Bet you never thought you’d be a hero huh? Shining thought to himself with a sigh. Well, like it or not you’re certainly my hero.

He shook his head. He didn’t have time for that. There was another reason he was here. Something he hadn’t wanted to put off, but needed time to sort out his mind. It was still rather jumbled, but he’d wasted enough time. Trying to collect any resolve left, he addressed the two guards. Fencer and Typhoon he believed, two of his most trusted.

        “How is she?” He asked. Though neither of them spoke, he could see the answer in their expressions.  He nodded to them with an inner sigh and opened the door, marveling at how he stood a good two inches above them now. As Lowly he’d barely come up to their muzzles.

In fact everything looked smaller now. He couldn’t believe just how foreign being in his true body felt now that he had it back. Hopefully it’d be a temporary thing, he had no desire to go back to being a mare or a filly. Even if he did still move about as one from time to time.

        “Cadance?” He called stepping into the room. Her sobs could be heard the moment the door cracked, and just got louder when walking in. There was his bride, the normally beautiful Princess Cadance, strewn upon her bed in despair.

        She was, quite frankly, a wreck. Her mane hadn’t been combed since she learned the truth, probably hadn’t bathed either. Her eyes were nearly bloodshot from the constant flow of tears, tissues and ruined bedsheets were everywhere.

        “Go away!” She screamed, while Twilight tried to calm her. Poor Twilight, he knew she was still very upset with Cadance for what had happened, but was still trying to be as supportive as she could. Both for Cadie’s well being, and to honor Evening’s wishes.

        “Cadie please…” He said stepping forward, only for his horn to instinctively flash into action to block the pillow thrown at him. If he wasn’t so worried about his wife, he may have spared some time to relish at how quickly his magic had come back. As it was, he hoped it never left him again.

        “Don’t come near me!” She screamed in pure terror. The look upon her face was wild, panicked.

        “Honey please, I want to talk.”

        “How can you call me that!?” She screeched, causing both him and Twilight to wince. “It was all my fault!” She lay there staring at him her eyes unfocused.

        “Yes but-”

        “But nothing! It’s my fault! I-I did this to you! For three months you’ve been trapped in a nightmare! A nightmare I created! That I wanted!”

        “C-Cadance!” Twilight cooed, placing a hoof on her back. “You didn’t want this, I-I know you didn’t.”

        “Yes I did!” She screamed, slapping her hoof away. “You said it yourself Twilight! I made him like that! ME! And for what? A kink? S-Shiny went through all that just because I wanted… wanted...a-and then I…” She grabbed a nearby waste basket with her hooves and began to throw up what little substance she had into it.

        Twilight waited until she was done before taking the basket to the restroom. Shining had no doubt this ritual had been a constant thing for a while now. Deciding to let Cadance calm down a bit more, he wandered into the bathroom as well. Sure enough, he found Twilight washing it out in the sink. A stained rag in the grasp of her magic.

        “No improvements?” He asked, his voice very low. The last thing he wanted was for Cadance to get anymore upset.

        “You should have seen her yesterday, she kept trying to break her horn.” Twilight replied with a similar hushed tone. “I’ve had to stop her from hurting herself in other ways several times. Especially when she remembers… what’s inside her.”

        The foals.

        It was the very news that had thrown him into such despair in what already felt like an eternity ago. How ironic that it would eventually lead to the return of his true form and freedom. Still, he didn’t know what to think about them, or to even begin to understand how Cadance must feel, knowing the truth behind their conception.

        “Y-Yeah…” He replied, trying to make sense of his emotions. Did he hate them? Shouldn’t he? It’s not like they had done anything to him, in fact they hadn’t even been born yet. Still, they were the seeds of that one.

        “Shining? I-I know you have a lot to deal with right now-” He snorted.

        “Understatement of the century.”

        “-but you are going to have to talk to her about them.” She continued, ignoring his interruption. He sighed heavily.

        “I-I know, but what do I even say? Part of me still feels sick over just knowing they’re in there.” Twilight winced, clearly not enjoying his words, though she made no argument against them.

        “Look, I don’t know what you should do. I-I-” Her firm demeanor broke. “Oh Shiny I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you! You were standing right next to me!” Her tears began to flow. “What kind of sister am I that I can’t notice my own brother?”

        “Shhh, shhh.” He said, pulling her into another hug. It was funny how the simple fact he could do that filled him with so much glee. “I forgive you. You didn't know. No one did.”

        “Evening knew.” She replied bitterly. “He knew something was wrong right away.” Sorrowfully she flapped her wings. “Sometimes I wonder if I deserved to get these.”

        “Twily you’re doing fine as a Princess.” She shook her head.

        “No brother. I’m a horrible princess! I didn’t recognize you! I-I almost let Cadance kill herself. I-I let that monster go and a-attack Evening…”

        “And then you helped me lock that monster away forever. You pulled the shard from Evening’s neck and got him to a hospital. With your help, we’ve fired Noblebroom, sent Miss Marinette for re-education in Canterlot, and helped re-structure how our staff runs here. All the while making time to take care of Cadance. Twilight you’re amazing!”

        “I don’t feel amazing,” she sighed but looked up at him, “but thank you for the kind words. I-I just want to do what I can.”

        “And I thank you for it.” He replied giving her a nuzzle. They stood there for a few moments, comforting one another, before Twilight spoke with shaky words:

 “H-how is he?” Shining parted from her, sadly shaking his head.

        “He hasn’t woken up yet. H-He lost a lot of blood.” The words nearly choked him. Though Twilight shared his worry, she tried to reassure him by gently placed her hoof on his own.

        “H-he’ll pull through.” She said solemnly, “we’ve both seen his strength.” No more words needed to be said.

        “I have to go to her.” He said after a while. Twilight nodded, then walked past him, through the room and out the door. He knew she’d be right outside, ready to burst in case anything happened. He tried to keep that in mind as he walked back toward his wife. The one who had started this all.

        Part of him wanted to scream. Another part wanted to run away. The part that was Lowly Servant still couldn’t shake that idea of speaking to her majesty so boldly, but with an effort, he pushed that down. He wasn’t that pony anymore. He didn’t have to listen to what she thought.

        “Cadance…” he spoke quietly, trying his best not to upset her. Thankfully she didn’t scream at him to leave this time. Instead she just stared at him with a defeated expression.

        “Why do you even bother with me?” She asked, her voice weak. “I’m nothing but a monster.”

        “Cadie that’s not true.” He stood next to her. He wanted to place a hoof on her back as well, but knew she wasn’t ready for that yet.

        “Yes I am.” She said in the same lifeless voice. “I went on and on about how I’d never let anything happen to you… Then I replaced you and left you…” The tears returned to the corner of her eyes. “What else does that but a monster?”

        Shining could barely fathom it. To think this mare was the same one responsible for the last three months of his life. Looking at her now, one couldn’t help but feel pity. Despite everything that had come from that nightmare, he couldn’t hate her.

        “Look… Cadance.” He said slowly, trying his best to gather his strength. “I’m not going to lie. Part of me is furious with you for what happened.”

        He took a moment to let the words sink in as he heard her sob anew. He assumed by now she was simply too weak to do much else. From the lack of eating and the constant wailing, she must be almost spent. It was the fact that this pained him so, that gave him the will to continue.

        “However,” he said bringing his head closer to hers. “Another part of me, a larger part of me, still loves you dearly.” She tried to laugh at that, but it barely came out as a squawk.

        “Why?” By now her voice was so low, even this close he could barely hear it. “Why would you love somepony like me? Who can’t even tell who her husband is from a fake?”

        “I couldn’t tell you apart from Queen Chrysalis.”

        “This is nothing like that!” She croaked with a glare. “That horrible creature locked me away and hypnotized you into thinking she was me! I however grabbed the wrong pony and couldn’t tell they weren’t you like some sort of idiot!”

        “Okay, they aren’t that similar,” Shining sighed, “but I’m saying the blame isn’t solely on you. I realized that. That maid could have told the truth, but instead she manipulated us all.”

        “But I gave her the means!” Cadance cried, her voice strained. “I should have seen her for what she was! I should have known it wasn’t you! I-I shouldn’t have left you alone while still transformed! I-I should never have changed you in the first place.” The more she spoke, the more soft her words became. Too stricken by her own guilt and the fading of her body to continue yelling.

        Shining sat there next to her in silence. The truth was she really shouldn’t have left him like that. While he wasn’t so sure he could forgive, he could at least understand why she had been fooled into thinking that the maid Lemonfresh had been him. Despite her maid status, she was quite the actor. Able to talk her way out of any situation. A skill she had learned in time, rather than being born with it, as her mark spoke of. In a way, her mark might have even aided her. It representing how she was able to keep things clean and appealing. Just applied to her outward appearance and manner, rather than a room or object.

        Regardless he had seen how cunning that pony had been. No it wasn’t that he didn’t understand how Cadance hadn’t seen the truth, but it didn’t make any of it right. It didn’t stop the pain or anger. something he wasn’t sure would ever truly go away. Yet deep down, he still loved Cadance. Still remembered all the good times they had shared. That alone he felt was worth fighting for.

        “Cadance, I have to know, please.” His words were pleading, and despite her flinch, he pressed on. “Why did you leave me as I was that morning? I can understand the form of the earth pony, but why the persona spell?”

        “I-It’s because I’m an idiot.” She said slowly. He was a bit surprised she answered so quickly. Perhaps this was something she had been wanting to get off her chest.“I actually thought it had worn off by the morning. I had no idea it was able to go on forever. Shiny, you have to believe me! I’d never have left you had I realized that! I’d never!” Her wild panicked look had returned

He could tell she spoke the truth, though that didn’t make it better. It was the same reason she had made the rune carvings on the ground to transform his body. To give her the strength to completely alter any living form in the room permanently. Otherwise he would have possibly changed back in a day. Large spells like that usually never remained indefinitely. Something that actually made Evening’s magic all the more curious.

        “I know, Cadance, I know.” He said before looking away from her. “But you did. You did and I paid the price.” Cadance’s head dropped back onto the bed in despair.

        “W-will you lock me away?” She asked mournfully. “Or do you want to execute me in public?”

        “Cadance!” He cried, turning back toward her. “I could never do that, let alone hurt you! You know that!”

        “But I hurt you!” She wailed quietly. “I hurt you…” It was another few moments before either of them could speak again. The sheer mass of everything that had happened, weighing upon them.

        “You did.” He said finally. “You did and in truth I don’t know if I can forgive you right now, or maybe even ever.” He expected her to flinch at those words but instead she only nodded. Somehow, that just made his heart ache more.

        “I don’t know what the future holds Cadance. I don’t know if we can recover from this.” He paused there, looking her over. She refused to meet his eyes, or even look in his direction. Right now she appeared so lost and broken. Was this how Lowly looked to Evening when he had first extended a friendly hoof to her? Was this what he saw when he felt the need to do all he could without knowing who she even was?

        “But I’m willing to try.”

        This time Cadance did look at him, her eyes wide in surprise.

        “B-but it’s all my fault-” He placed a hoof over her muzzle, silencing her.

        “A very large part of it is yes, but not all of it falls solely on you.” This time he did place a hoof on her neck. Though she still flinched, she didn’t pull away.

        “In a way you are a victim as well. That maid did her best to keep things as they were, and for that you can’t blame yourself.”

        “But I should have noticed…”

        “Twilight feels the same. She feels she should have noticed as well, and I wish you two did, but you didn’t. What’s done is done Cadance. I went through a-a very bad time, and you now are with…”

        Though he didn’t complete his sentence, he knew she understood the meaning just fine. The foals in her womb, put there by his impostor. Both knew they’d have to talk about that eventually, but at the moment, neither wanted to think about it.

        “So I can’t say I’ll ever be able to forgive you Cadance, or trust you as I once did. What happened very may haunt me for a long time to come.” He shivered. “I still feel Lowly inside me. Peppermint as well to a lesser degree.”

        “So why try?” Cadance asked, her voice nearly gone. “I’m clearly no good for you.”

        “Because like I said Cadance. I still love you, and I’m willing to fight for it. Even after what happened. Deep down I still love you. Do you still love me?”

        “Of course!” She cried, her voice gaining just the tiniest hint of strength. “Oh Shiny I’ve always loved you! That’s why I don’t want to be near you! I can’t stand the idea of hurting you ever again!” He smiled at her, a warm kind smile.

        “Then can you grant me one favor tonight?” Though weak, she nodded eagerly.

        “Of course! Anything! Oh Shiny if you told me to be your slave for the rest of my life I’d do it!”

        “Nothing like that.” He said booping her nose. “It’s just been a good long three months since I’ve been able to hold you in my hooves. May I please do so as we drift off to sleep?” She shivered.

        “B-but after I hurt you-” He shook his head.

        “I don’t want to think about that right now. Make no mistake we have a lot more talking to do. Many things that still need to be discussed, but that can wait for the morning.” Hesitantly, he began to rub her back in a slow soothing manner.

        “It’s just in those three months, I’d dream about being able to hold you in my hooves one last time. So please, may I? For at least one more night?” Though clearly still shaken, she gave him a small nod. Relieved at her approval, he wrapped his hooves around her, trying to ignore how she jerked under his touch. How even now her body was rigid, the tension unable to drain from it.

        Right now he was holding his wife in his hooves. A dream he had thought all but lost to him forever. He didn’t know what the future held, or how this would all turn out. He didn’t know if this was the first night to recovery, or the discovery that it could never again be. All he knew is that at this moment he felt wanted, loved, and safe.

        For the moment, that’s all he needed.