The Winding Northward Road

by Rambling Writer

Day 2

Night was cooler than I expected, but my sleeping bag worked just fine.  Woke up just in time to see the sunrise.  Sky was practically glowing, the sun was so bright.  Wonder if Celestia’s ever looked at the sunrise herself.

Spent almost half an hour packing up.  Couldn’t remember how to get the tent back in its bag, didn’t want to look at the directions.  Eventually just stuffed it in, but it looks bad.  I’ll take a look at the directions tomorrow.

Pretty much the same as was yesterday; lots of scrub, few ponies, mountains don’t look any closer.  Saw an interesting-looking rock formation that looked like a top-down view of the sun and moon; may have been carved.

Couldn’t find water tonight, but I filled up my canteen yesterday, so I’m good on that front.  Plants a bit stringier, but taste the same.  Tent went up a bit faster, looked a bit better.

Had a thought.  I’m trying to broaden my experiences, right?  Maybe I should do the same with my mind.  I’ll try writing poems or something at the end of every day.  Those 5-7-5 syllable ones, haikus, at least to start.  Those are usually nature-focused.

Opening my mind,
I’m trying out a new art form.
I hope I don’t suck.

Hey, no one said MINE have to be.  Seriously, though, that was just a start and I got lucky.  Going for a better one.

With my tent on my back
My tent on my back,
Supplies on my back,
And my journey open before m
The road open before me:
My journey’s looking
My expectations ar
Great expectations.

Okay, this is harder than I thought.  Still, not that bad for a first try, I don’t think.  (The previous one doesn’t count.)