The Return

by R-Dashiefan20

Chapter 23

After getting everyone together, Twilight led us to the ruins entrance.

"Ah don't see how you're gonna kick through that mess. It's pretty solid, sugahcube." AJ said as I approached the entrance.

I examined the rubble. I tried to punch through it and almost broke my hand.

"Fuck! That hurt!" I said as I shook my hand.

"Ah told ya it was solid." AJ said.

"Yea. I got that, thanks." I said.

'Use the dark magic.' I heard a voice say.

"What?" I asked as I turned to the others.

"We didn't say anything." Twilight said.

'Use the dark magic!' The voice yelled.

"You guys don't hear that?" I asked.

They all listened then shook their heads.

"Are you sure you're okay, darling. Maybe you should sit down for a minute." Rarity said.

'USE THE DARK MAGIC!' The voice screamed at me.

I saw an image in my head of the doorway exploding open.

"Guys, stand back. I have an idea." I said.

"What are you talking about?" Twilight asked.

"Just trust me." I said.

They all backed up a few feet. I approached the door and raised my hand. I concentrated on the image I had seen. A bolt of black fire shot out of my hand and exploded against the doorway. The rubble was gone and the way was clear. I turned around to see everyone staring at me with their mouths hanging open. Twilight broke the silence.

"How did you do that?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. I just pictured the doorway exploding and that happened." I replied.

"This is impossible. In the history of Equestria, there's never been a pegasus be able to use magic before. I don't understand how this is possible." She said as we entered the ruins.

It didn't take us long to find the throne room. We searched around and found another inscription. It read, 'Μόνο εκείνοι που ασκούν τις μαύρες τέχνες πρέπει να περνούν από σώος.' There was also an arrow pointing to the left of it to a set of pillars that looked like it should be a door.

"It's Greek." I said.

"What's it say?" Twilight asked.

"It says, 'Only those who wield the black arts shall pass through unharmed.' It's a warning to trespassers." I said.

"The black arts. As in black magic?" Twilight asked.

"That would be my guess." I said.

"How are we supposed to get through then?" She asked.

I thought about the voice I had heard.

"I think I can get through it." I said.

"What makes you think you can do that, darling.?" Rarity asked as I approached the wall between the pillars.

"Back outside the ruins before I saw the doorway explode in my head, I heard a voice telling me to 'use the dark magic.' I think that instead of corrupting me like it did to my teammates, Blackblood's dark magic was somehow absorbed into my body." I said as I explained about my dream, Luna's appearance, the dark versions of all of them, and the black smoke in the orb.

"Wow. That's incredible. It somehow managed to corrupt your memories of each us and turn them against you to try and break your subconscious. When it didn't succeed, you somehow took it's power and harnessed it." Twilight said.

"Yea. That's why I think this will work." I said. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked.

"We don't really have a choice. If I don't survive this, please take care of Dash for me." I said as I took a deep breath and stepped between the pillars.

I felt like I stepped into water.