Maid to Please 2: Loopholes

by videomaster21XX

...can make all the difference...

Evening peaked around the corner, carefully studying the streets and it’s inhabitants before walking out into the open, Peppermint once more riding upon his back.

        “Remember Peppermint, keep your eyes out for anypony that might know us. We don’t want them to stop us okay?” He whispered, his eyes darting this way and that.

        “Okay daddy!” She whispered back, causing him to sigh.

        “Are you seriously going to keep up the daddy thing all night?” She blinked.

        “Daddy is daddy.” She said simply.

        “Geez when you commit to a job, you really commit.” Evening said with what he believed to be his eighth sigh that night. “I guess it’s better than how you were as a maid though.” Something about all this still felt really off, but he wasn’t any closer to figuring it out than he had been a few hours ago.

        The dinner had gone on a while longer, Rainbow Dash finally waking back up near the end of it. She was even acting much more like her usual self, her ego still in tact, but much more subdued. Finally it was time to call it a night and have a bit of time to themselves before bed.

        It had only taken him a few short moments to fill Twilight in on where his spell had gone haywire. She was still searching for any possible enchantments he’d wiped out, when he snuck away with his new care.

        Usually around this time, Twilight would have him do magic practice in an attempt to improve his spellcasting, as well as give herself time to study just how his magic worked. Though in truth he didn’t know if any of it was really helping.

        Tonight however, he was playing hooky using Peppermint as an excuse to get out of the castle and go find a late night ice cream shop. He knew he saw one on the way here from the station. He just had to find it again. Thankfully he was much better at traversing the streets of the kingdom then he had been trying to find his way inside the palace.

        Though trying to make sure he kept an eye out for his teacher incase she thought to look for him outside the palace, he still couldn’t keep his mind from mulling over this small filly on his back. Once she began to act like one, and still to his embarrassment his daughter, she had livened up considerably. Though still a bit on the shy side, she seemed a lot happier, and looked every bit the happy little filly.

        The problem was, she seemed to slip into that role a bit too well. How did the dead eyed maid he met a few hours ago, just suddenly turn into this perfect representation of a filly? It didn’t make sense. Was it just that the ponies from that long ago fell apart without some role to play? That was ridiculous! Besides, she wasn’t even a crystal pony! True, he had heard from Twilight that a few non crystal ponies did inhabit the city when she first helped liberate it, but it all seemed too convenient.

        Then there was still that one line she had said earlier. ‘Find the truth’. What did she mean by that? Was he trying to find the truth about a place? A pony? He’d tried asking her again about it before heading out on this outing of theirs, but she just stared at him blankly. It was all so frustrating. Why did he care so much about this? About her?

        You know exactly why. His brain said causing him to squeeze his eyes shut and issue a silent command to his own mind.

        Shut up.

        No need to dig up painful memories. All he wanted to do right now was enjoy a nice bowl of cold delicious-

        “Ice cream!” Peppermint cried from his back, causing him to stop. She was pointing frantically to their left, to which he turned his gaze. There it was! It was a small sliver of a building, more of a concession stand really. Though what it lacked in size, it made up for in allure. A bright pink canopy hung from it’s front to provide shade and shelter. Many tables set up with their own parasols littered the small lot before it, allowing you a place to eat outside and enjoy the weather. Evening briefly wondered if it ever rained here, or if they employed pegasai to keep the air clear of clouds?

        “Good eye! Now let’s get us some nice delicious ice cream before Twilight notices.”

        “Notice what?” Came a smug voice above him. “That you two went for a walk, or that my pupil is trying to weasel his way out of his studies tonight?” Frozen in place, he slowly lifted his head up to see a purple alicorn lying lazily in a cloud not twelve feet above them. His teacher's eyes staring directly at him.

        “I learned this from Rainbow Dash.” She said with a smirk as she leapt from her flying cushion to land before him. “You’re not very good at being sneaky by the way. I was easily able to follow you.” Evening’s ears drooped.

        “You saw me leave huh?”

        “Well…” Twilight said with a wave of her hoof. “I did luck out in a sense. I was actually just taking in the view from a balcony when I noticed you darting off down a road. I simply grabbed a cloud and followed.” This time it was Peppermint’s ears that drooped.

        “No ice cream?” She asked sadly. When her daddy had told her that’s what they had been doing, part of her had gotten really excited. She honestly couldn’t remember the last time she had been allowed to partake in such a treat. She was also pretty certain that when her filly mindset went away again, she’d no longer feel she could have any. Twilight just giggled.

        “Don’t worry, I’m not here to stop you.” Evening blinked.

        “You’re not?” She shook her head.

        “I think it’s sweet that you wanted to help Peppermint relax like this, so I’ll tell you what. We can forget about our usual session for the night.” Evening had to stop himself from doing a little dance. All right! No two hour magic session! This was the best night ever!

        “Instead I’ll just give you a magical experiment to perform. Think of it as a magical pop quiz!” His smile faded. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy.

        “I don’t suppose I can take a raincheck?” Twilight’s face fell flat.

        “It’s not raining.” Damn it.

        “Can I at least enjoy my ice cream a bit first?”

        “Of course, after all we don’t want to make little Peppermint wait right?” She smiled down at the seemingly anxious filly. She still acted a bit reserved, but at least she seemed a lot happier now.

        “In fact, just to show I’m not so bad.” Twilight said while walking up to the counter. “I’ll pay for us. Which flavor will you have?”

        “Death by chocolate!” Evening cried almost immediately. With a slight chuckle, the stallion running the stand rolled up a couple of scoops and placed them in a bowl for him. To which Evening happily grabbed in his magic.

        “I’ll have some banana nut swirl.” Twilight said. The stallion nodded, already working on it as he turned his gaze toward Peppermint.

        “And for the cute little lady?”

        “M-Mint chocolate chip!” She replied almost shaking. She couldn’t believe this was happening! She kept fearing that any moment she’d wake back up on her worn out bunk. Tired and exhausted. Instead she watched the stallion prepare her bowl, smiling all the while.

        “Sprinkles?” She asked as he set the bowl down. For some reason it seemed appropriate that she add them.

        “Sorry little lady.” The stallion replied clearly upset that he had to disappoint her. “Fraid we’re all out right now.”

        “O-Oh…” Peppermint said, trying not to show her disappointment. This was silly. She never cared about sprinkles this much before. This was the spell making her act all filly like wasn’t it?

        “Tell you what,” The clerk said before dumping another scoop of ice cream into her bowl. “Have a bit extra on the house.” Her eyes brightened.

        “T-thank you!” She cried as loud as she could. On second thought, being filly like wasn’t bad at all!

        “Bleh.” Evening muttered as he lifted Peppermint’s bowl along with his own. Twilight actually gave off a scoff.

        “You get an ice cream called ‘death by chocolate’ and you say bleh at mere chocolate chip?”

        “Not that part of it!” Evening protested as he picked a table and set their treats down. “It’s the mint part. Just bleh.”

        “B-but I like mint…” Peppermint said dejectedly. Did this mean she couldn’t have it after all? She could actually feel tears begin to form. Please Celestia don’t take this from me now!

        “No! No, please enjoy yourself!” Evening quickly said, forcing a smile. He levitated over a spoon for her, which she grabbed eagerly. It’s funny how being an earth pony for three months taught her the necessary skills to grip it with just her hooves. Now a days she barely remembered what it felt like to have magic.

        Staring at the frozen confectionery before her, she couldn’t help but savor the moment. Dinner had been wonderful, but this. This could blow everything else away. Spoon in hoof, she dug into it, marveling at how well it collected upon the steel oval. No longer able to hold back, she shoved a giant clump of it into her mouth.

        “Oooooooh.” She murmured as her taste buds shuddered with the flavors. She vaguely remembered she had being doing something adult many many times these last few months, she also vaguely remembered the pleasure she had gained from a few of them. Yet if there was one thing she was absolutely certain of at this moment, was that this topped them outright.

        “I’ll never understand how ponies like that flavor.” Evening commented as he ate his own ice cream. “It’s just so terrible.” Thankfully, Peppermint was too busy eating now to pay attention to what he was saying, though Twilight gave a little laugh.

        “Don’t let my brother hear you say that. That’s his favorite flavor.” Evening made a face.

        “Then he’s weird.”

        “Says the pony who hates a popular flavor like mint, and yet loves coconut.”

        “I stand by my ridiculous claim.” Twilight laughed before digging into her own ice cream. The sound stirred something deep within Peppermint, though she wasn’t sure what it was. She tried to think of what it could be while they ate, her taking longer in order to savor each and every bite. After all, who knew when she’d ever be able to have this stuff again if ever.

        After several minutes of silent eating, Twilight took a quick glance around before letting her horn flash. A simple spell to insure that her and Evening could talk without Peppermint overhearing.

        “Now that we’re alone, I’ve been meaning to ask.” She said while making sure Peppermint wasn’t paying attention to them. She might not be able to hear them, but anypony would wonder why they could see mouth flapping but hear nothing.

        “I want to hear everything about your first meeting with Peppermint. She seemed much too distressed earlier for it to be something trivial.” Evening nodded.

        “I know it’s not. I could see it in her eyes. It looked like she lost somepony important to her.” Thus, while making sure Peppermint was none the wiser to their discussion of her, Evening relayed to Twilight everything he could remember about their meeting.

        “Find the truth?” Twilight repeated after the story was done. “What does that mean?” Evening shrugged.

        “I have no idea, and she won’t tell me.” He sighed. “I really want to help her, but I don’t know how.” Twilight sat there watching him for a few minutes before blurting out:

        “You really do sound like her father you know that?” Evening blushed, while Peppermint looked up from her bowl. Twilight had let the spell blocking their speech end.

        “I wish ponies would stop bringing that up. It’s bad enough even she’s calling me that.”

        “Daddy!” Peppermint added helpfully, earning another groan from the stallion.

        “Well I think you’re doing a fine job so far.” Twilight said with a smile, “Though I am concerned with how easily she’s fallen into this role.” Peppermint did her best to ignore the statement. Much as she’d love to explain herself, it was impossible for her.

        “Maybe she’s just over stressed.” Twilight mused. “This role of being a filly is just her way of escaping reality for a day?”

        “No, there’s more to it than that.” Evening said flatly. “I know that look of loss all too well.”

        “How would-” Twilight began, before a memory caught the words in her throat. Her heart sank at the reminder. It was one of the first secrets she had learned about her pupil.

        “Because of…” She let herself trail off. She didn’t want to make him talk about it if he didn’t want to.

        “Y-Yeah.” Evening replied with a short nod, and here he thought he didn’t want to bring up the painful memories. “It’s okay I guess, I mean it was a long time ago, but yes you guessed right. That face she had…” He looked down at Peppermint, watching as she stared back at him. She was hiding something big. If only he could get her to talk about what it was.

        “My sister and I had the same looks on our faces when mom died.” He shivered. “I’ll never forget that look.”

        Peppermint stopped eating, her appetite suddenly gone. She still didn’t want to think about what she heard earlier that night. She didn’t even want to remember what she had been doing today before becoming a filly. If only things could remain as they were right now. Being Peppermint wasn’t so bad. She at least was able to see Twily again.

        Does disappointing Cadance really upset her that much? Twilight wondered as she tried to connect the dots on why a maid might speak of losing their princess’s affection.

        “But you didn’t lose Cadance, I mean your majesty’s love Peppermint. She really does care about you!” Twilight tried to sound upbeat, but Peppermint didn’t look up.

        Oh Twily, I wish I could make you understand. She thought wearily. I really have lost her in that way. Even when she does look at me. I may as well not exist. Soon after the thoughts faded from her mind. She was becoming too sad to be the happy filly she was suppose to be. She began to eat once more, though at a much slower pace. Thankfully it seemed the shop had the forethought to put the ice cream in enchanted bowls, keeping it nice, cold and solid.

        “Perhaps she feels it’s close to the same?” Evening suggested as he watched her. “I wish you’d tell me Peppermint.”

        I wish I could tell you daddy.

        “Your mother raised an amazing stallion Evening.” Twilight said with a smile, causing Evening to smile back in return.

        “Thanks Twilight. It’d mean the world to her if she could have heard that from a princess.” He looked down at his bowl in wonder. “Did you know her favorite flavor was vanilla? Just plain ordinary vanilla. Can you believe it? You’d never tell I was her son seeing me eating this.”

        “Come now Evening, you can’t compare yourself to her because of that!” Evening actually chuckled.

        “I know I know. It’s just one of those things I think about sometimes…”

        “You really miss her…” The moment Twilight said that she regretted it. “I mean not that you wouldn’t but uh-”

        “I know what you meant.” Evening said, giving her a reassuring look. “Don’t worry I’m not upset or anything just… well I don’t think you ever really stop being sad.” Twilight nodded, though she had no idea how he felt. She had never lost anypony that close to her and shivered at the thought.

        Peppermint was also feeling down at the current conversation. Even though she had technically lost her majesty, the princess was very much still alive. Despite how hopeless it seemed that she’d ever be able to hold her again, the fact is there was still a chance.

        Evening had no such luck. His important pony was gone forever. Feeling a newfound compassion for this stallion, she nuzzled his side.

        “Heh, guess we’re being too depressing huh?” Evening said, giving her head a little rub. “Sorry about that Peppermint.” He straightened in his chair.

        “I still have my sister and my dad. I’ll be fine.” He laughed. “Maybe I should take a picture with you and send it to them with the caption: Out with my daughter! Their faces would be priceless!”

        Though they all laughed, the heaviness of the conversation still hung over them, leaving them in an awkward silence.

        “W-well how about a change of topic?” Twilight said suddenly, while opening her saddle bags. Reaching into it with her magic, she floated up a single orange, placing it on the table.

        “Your pop quiz.” Evening stared at it, trying to shake himself out of the mindset brought on by what they had been just discussing.

        “I hope you don’t plan to have me make that move on it’s own power or something.”

        “No no, just a simple color change.” She replied, scooting back enough to take in the area. She’d need to be ready for anything with his magic. “Focus on the orange and change it to blue.”

        “Change it to blue huh? I-I think I can do that…” Evening began to focus on his magic, slowly channeling it into his horn. He just had to remember what Twilight told him about proper magic tapping. Focus on what you want it to do, then let it trickle into the spell like a flow of water from a facet. It’s almost like sewing, Rarity had once added. The magical threads of the spell are much like the threads you used in everyday dressmaking. Both the types and manner of which you wove them determined the end result.

        All he had to do was turn the color orange into the color blue, without destroying the fruit in the process. What could be simpler? Concentrating on what he wanted his spell to do, he let the magic fly from his horn, toward the orange, weaving itself into a construct. As he watched his magic wrap around the fruit, he noticed that it didn’t immediately catch fire. That was a very good sign he had done this correctly.

        “You’re doing it!” Peppermint cried out happily as the fruit’s skin, slowly began to darken, taking on a bluer tint. Evening watched in eager anticipation as the color continue to change. Had he really done it? Had he finally managed a spell with no side effects?!

        He got his answer as the moment his horn began to hum. An enchantment! Here? He was blocks away from the palace! How could he still be picking up such a strong sense of magic!? No way the minor freezer enchantments on the bowls would trigger this! Soon after the fruit changed from orange to blue, it exploded into a shower of small blue pellets, coating them and their ice cream. The three of them just sat there for a few moments in awe before Twilight broke the silence.

        “H-How!? How could you turn a simple color changing spell into, into, this!” She cried waving her hoof over the carnage. Luckily, besides the shop owner, not too many ponies were around to see this display, or get covered in tiny blue objects.

        “T-there was interference!” Evening cried in despair. “My horn’s still picking up some build up of magic nearby!”

        “What?!” Twilight shouted before she began to look around. She knew Evening long enough to know he wouldn’t lie about something like that, but then what would cause such a sensation way out here? If only she could sense things like he did. Then she might be able to pinpoint it.

        “There isn’t anything out here!” She exclaimed. This made no sense! Even for his magic!

        “I know!” Evening agreed in frustration. “I don’t get it! Unless, maybe the crystal heart?”

        “Well, it does absorb the love from the crystal ponies, but you were fine when we got here!” She waved her hooves around. “Why would it just randomly-”

        “Berry sprinkles!” Peppermint cried suddenly, causing both of them to look down at her. They were just in time to see her stick a spoonful of her ice cream into her mouth, still covered in the small blue pellets. “Yum!”

        “Sprinkles?” Twilight echoed, her train of thought forgotten. She took a closer look at some of the tiny little cylinders now held in her magic, studying the things before concluding that they were indeed edible. With a shrug, she popped one into her mouth, her eyes widening.

        “They are berry sprinkles.” She said dumbfounded. Why berry? Wouldn’t it make more sense if they were orange flavored? She shook her head. Dear Celestia, she was trying to put logic to Evening’s magic. No good would come from that.

        “Huh…” Evening said licking a few sprinkles off his muzzle. “Well, uh this solves our sprinkle problem?”

        “I give up!” Twilight said, as she slumped in her seat. Picking up her spoon, she went back to eating her ice cream in defeat. Evening’s magic never made sense.

        Despite the day she had been having, Peppermint began to giggle. It was always so funny how dejected Twily got when she couldn’t find an answer to something. She still remembered how he’d cheer her up in the past when they were younger. While her brother, he always did try his best to help her out, eventually earning him the title of B.B.B.F.F.

        Droplets began to fall upon her ice cream, causing her to look up in surprise. Had it begun to rain? Maybe pegasai didn’t clear the sky over this shop after all. That’s funny, there weren’t even any clouds in the sky period, yet she could clearly feel something dripping down her face.

        Tears, she realized with a start. She was crying.

        “Peppermint? Peppermint dear what’s wrong?” Evening asked, suddenly by her side. Shakily she looked up at his face which was quickled joined by Twilight’s. Both of them filled with worry for her.

        “I-I’m fine.” She whispered, giving them a smile. She didn’t realize how much she missed this. Missed being able to just hang out with friends and family and smile along with their antics. W-when this was over, she’d not be able to do this anymore, possibly ever again. The thought weighed heavily upon her. Turning her gaze to the worried Twilight, she realized something else.

        Before the purple mare could protest, Peppermint leaned forward and hugged her neck, crying out into her neck. She was vaguely aware that the spell shouldn’t allow her to be this sad, though she supposed they could be tears of happiness. Right now all she cared about was giving Twilight a hug.

        “P-Peppermint?” Twilight said softly, but mercifully she didn’t pull away. “N-Not that it’s bad, but why are you hugging me?”

        “Because.” She whispered back quietly. It was all she could manage to say out loud.

        Because Twily, she thought bitterly, this may be the last time I’m ever able to.


        “Well, it’s getting late. Guess it’s time to turn in.” Evening said as they made their way back to the palace. Twilight nodded in agreement.

        “Speaking of turning in, where is Peppermint going to sleep? It seems cruel to make her sleep in the maid’s quarters while like this. I’m afraid they’ll make fun of her.” Peppermint breathed an inner sigh of relief. She had actually been worried about that herself. Maybe she could suggest to bunk with Twilight? It’d be nice to have even a little more time with her once sister.

        “She’ll sleep in Evening’s room of course.” Shining Armor announced, stepping from the shadows. “I’ve already taken the liberty of having a small bed put in there for her.”

        “I-In my room?” Evening echoed, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling that had just crept upon him. What was it about Twilight’s brother that bothered him so much?

        “Of course, you are her guardian for the night are you not?”

        “W-well I suppose I am, but-”

        “Shiny! We can’t have her sleeping in his room!” Twilight tried to protest, but Shining merely shrugged.

        “Why not? From what you told me in your letters, he’s more than trustworthy, and you yourself said he was her ‘daddy’ for the night. I figured this was perfect.”

        “W-well that does make some sense…” Twilight nodded. Evening really wasn’t the kind of stallion that would do anything bad, and given what she’d seen from him tonight, he’d take good care of her. Peppermint also seemed to relax the most when around him, so perhaps this was for the best.

        “Great! Then it’s settled!” Shining said with a smile. “Why don’t you two head to your rooms? I’ll bring ‘Peppermint’ by in a bit. I’d like to have a word with her privately. I never did apologize myself.”

        “Um, y-yeah sure.” Evening said stepping back. Part of him felt he should be protesting against this, but the idea of having her as his daughter for a bit longer actually pleased him.

        Ugh, I hope I’m not getting too use to this. He thought. She’s not really my daughter, and I can’t just foalnap her away from the palace, nor would I ever dream of keeping her this way.

        Even stranger was the feeling he got when he thought about Peppermint being alone with Shining, but that was just silly. He was Twilight’s brother and the prince of this empire. From what he had seen from Princess Cadance tonight, he couldn’t imagine her marrying a bad pony.

        Peppermint meanwhile, was staring up at Shining with barely concealed fear. He wanted to talk to her privately. There was no good reason he’d want to do that. He was going to punish her! Desperately she tried to move her legs to run, but the spell held her in place.

        You will be respectful to me at all times. She hear his voice say in her mind. You will not quit your job or run away. Her legs had locked in place. If she ran from him now, not only would she be disrespectful to him, but it would most certainly be seen as her trying to abandon her job.

        You will obey my orders above all others, and you will not seek to defy me or undermine me in any way…

        “Come along please.” He spoke to her slowly, almost menacingly. “I’d like to speak to you in private.” His horn glowed, opening a nearby door. She could feel her hooves dragging her toward it against her will, as both Evening and Twilight watched on. Neither the wiser to what they were allowing her to walk into.

        The moment the door shut behind her, she had expected him to turn on her. Certain he’d beat her or worse. That’s why her fear was quickly replaced by confusion as her lord simply smiled at her pleasantly.

        “Enjoying yourself? Tell the truth now.” He asked, his voice sounding rather happy and amused. Unable to resist she nodded. What was going on? Why wasn’t he angry at her? Why wasn’t he humiliating her even now?

        “Excellent!” He laughed merrily sending a chill up her spine. He was far too happy about all this.

        “Stand still, let me look at you.” Compelled to obey, she stood there shivering as he walked around her, sizing her up for something. She knew she should know what that usually meant, but the spell kept her thoughts strictly to those of a filly. All she could recall was it was something grown up.

        Something she knew she wanted no part of.

        “You make a cute little filly.” He said at last, sitting before her. “Though I much prefer how that body looks when it’s all grown up.” He licked his lips, causing an icy chill to grip her heart.

        “Well, you’ll be back to that way soon enough. In the meantime I suppose I can let you have your fun with your daddy.” She looked up at him in shock. Though he had put a bit more emphasis on the word daddy, his face didn’t betray any ill intent. W-was he really going to let her have a night off? It couldn’t be!

        “Oh don’t look so surprised my dear Peppermint! You make it seem like I’m a terrible master, and you wouldn’t say that now would you?”

        “N-No Lord Shining!” She squeaked. His smile grew.

        “You really shouldn’t worry. I have no intention of taking you away from the role you play tonight. Why do you think I went through so much trouble of getting that bed set up in Evening’s room?” Pausing, he moved his face toward her’s. She could do nothing to pull her own away.

        “I very much wish for you to spend the night in his room.” He said stopping only when his face was mere inches from hers. “That way, when it’s time to go to bed, you can give him a surprise.”

        Her heart began to hammer in her chest.

        “W-what shall I give him my lord?” His grin twisted to that of a demon’s.

        “A blow job.” Her heart nearly stopped.

        “The moment it’s time for bed, you’ll attempt to give him a blow job. You will tell him that the only reason you gave into being his daughter, was because of how hot you found it to call him ‘daddy’ while sucking him off. Be certain to make it sound convincing.” With each line she could feel herself begin to break. Any of the wounds that had begun to heal, tore back open.

        “You are to beg and plead with him to go along with it, and at no point are you to tell him anything of this conversation or my commands. In fact, you are not to mention that I have anything to do with this at all. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

        Please say no! She begged her mind, pushing, clawing against the walls that was the persona spell. Please! She repeated, hoping against hope that for this one moment she could fight against her forced obedience.

        “A-as you wish my lord.” She felt sick.

        “Very good. Oh, and don’t try to warn him or do anything that would make him suspicious that something might be up. Now come along.” He said opening the door back up. “You need to get back to your daddy.” He spoke the last part with a sneer, his face triumphant.

        As for Peppermint, she followed him out of the room by the power of the persona spell alone, her own strength taken. Evening had been the one pony in months to show her this much kindness. To go out of their way to try and make her happy and not themselves.

        Now, no matter what she did or tried, by the end of the night he too would hate her.


        “Here she is, excited to spend the night with her daddy.” Shining laughed as he entered Evening’s room. The black stallion was currently looking over various scrolls strewn about the desk he was seated at. If Peppermint had to guess, they were some of the magical scrolls from their library. Probably looking for a way to help control his magic.

        “Hmm? O-Oh Lord Shining Armor. I-I’m sorry I didn’t hear your knock.”

        “I didn’t knock.” Shining replied, bowing. “Forgive me, I thought with you being my sister’s pupil we wouldn’t have to worry about such formalities.”

        “O-Oh of course not!” Evening stammered as he put on a nervous smile. “I look forward to getting to know you more during my stay.”

        “As do I.” Shining replied with a grin. Especially if I can get that genderswap test approved.

        “Go along now Peppermint.” Shining said stepping aside to allow her entrance. “Why don’t you give your ‘daddy’ a hug?”  Hastily, she made her way to Evening, lifting her front half to hug him around his waist. It brought her no comfort.

        “You guys are having way too much fun with this.” He said with a sigh, though one could see just the slightest hint of a blush.

        “Hey, what’s a little fun between friends right?” Shining replied, giving Evening a wink. “Now don’t stay up too late you two. We have an early day tomorrow.”

        “We won’t.” Evening said, with Peppermint echoing. Her voice had come out innocent and happy. True to her master’s commands, she was forced to do everything she could so Evening wouldn’t suspect the horrible crime she would be forced to commit. Her only hope was that Evening was like his sister and spent the night reading. Maybe if she fell asleep before him, she wouldn’t be able to carry out the act.

        “Have fun!” Shining called before turning and leaving, the door closing behind him. Peppermint could hear him trot down the hall, a small pang of sorrow sparking in her heart as she realized he was going to share her majesty’s bed. Looking back to Evening, she mentally shook her head. She didn’t have time to worry about that right now. Instead s had to find a way to delay ‘bedtime’ as much as possible!

        “Hmm, I suppose my reading wouldn’t be very exciting for you.” Evening said as he began to roll up his scrolls. Crud.

        “I don’t mind.” She said quietly. She couldn’t portray much emotion through those words, but at the very least she could say them. After all, a good little filly wouldn’t protest such things.

        “Nonsense, I’m not going to have you sit there while I ignore you.” He looked through his bag. “Hmm, sadly I don’t have any games on me, or even a deck of cards.”

        She began to rack her brain for any sort of game they could play with just themselves. The only thing that came to her mind was something she use to play with Twily all the time.

        “Twenty questions?” She suggested. Evening laughed.

        “No offense, but that’s like the one game my teacher always wants to play.” He shrugged. “Maybe I can call her in to join us if you’re really stuck on it. She’s right next door.”

        Peppermint shivered at the thought. What if Twily was still in here when she had to... No! She couldn’t let her see her like that! She couldn’t! Looking back up at Evening she cringed inside. What other choice did she have? If she didn’t do something, he’d say it was time for bed!

        “S-sure!” She replied trying to look excited. Evening seemed to ponder it for a moment before shaking his head.

        “No, no she’s likely lost in a book right now trying to find a way to fix your age. Probably best to leave her alone.” Her heart fell.

        “C-can we still play?” Once again Evening laughed.

        “You’re really stuck on playing aren’t you? Tell you what, I’ll make sure we have a game sometime tomorrow. I’m sure Cadance won’t mind you joining us after you’re back to normal.”

        She wanted to scream no, but that might be seen as something wrong so instead she just nodded. Damn it! At this rate there was no hope for her!

        “A-another game maybe?” She asked. She couldn’t think of one but maybe he could.

        “Sorry, I can’t really think of any and it is getting kinda late.” He said glancing at a clock on the wall. No! NO!

        “It’s probably best we just head for bed.” She could feel her body begin to inch itself forward, her eyes moving to focus on the one part of him she wished she couldn’t.

        “Unless you want me to tell you a story!” He laughed. YES!

        “I-I’d love a story!” She cried, her body stopping. Evening stared at her blankly.

        “What? But you’re not really a filly!”

        “B-but you’re daddy and I’m your daughter! Daddy’s read their daughters stories!” Evening rolled his eyes.

        “You’re seriously going to make me do this?” She nodded vigorously. Yes! Darn you, yes!

        “Please?” She said, using the same puppy dog eyes she had earlier. After only a few moments, he sighed.

        “Alright, just to humor you.” Success! Now if she could only think of a way out of this while he was distracted. If his magic wasn’t so unpredictable, she’d ask for a magic trick, maybe letting herself get hit by a sleep spell.

        “What kind of story to tell?” He mused tapping the underside of his muzzle. “Oh! I have one. My mom use to tell me this when I was your age!” He smiled at her brightly, before what he just said caught up with him, causing him to blink.

        “Er I mean, when I was the age your body currently… M-Moving on.” He coughed. Even now he was trying not to upset her.

        You really do seem like a father. She thought as she sat there. She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream or do anything that would alert him to his danger. To everything that had happened to her. She wanted so badly to plead with him to save himself. The one pony who had reached out to her.

        P-please. Please don’t make me do this! PLEASE!

        “Once upon a time,” Evening began, doing his best to make his voice sound mysterious and alluring. “There lived a talented unicorn mare whom possessed amazing magical powers thanks to the aid of four golden horseshoes she wore. However, other ponies were jealous of the magic they gave her and stole them, spreading them to the four corners of Equestria to insure she could never use them again…. Peppermint are you okay?”

        Peppermint shook from her thoughts with a start. She had been so preoccupied in trying to find a way out that she hadn’t been paying much attention to the story. She had to make it look like she was interested or he might stop!

        “Y-Yeah, sorry. Um,” She tried to remember what he just said. “Why didn’t they just keep them for themselves?”

        “Ah! A very good question.” Evening said, falling back into storyteller mode. He was actually quite good at it. She only wished she could actually enjoy the tale. “They knew that only she could properly utilize the magic of them. However, if spread far enough apart, it was possible for an individual to tap into the power of just one of the horseshoes, therefore-”

        He continued on to talk of how the princess thought her horseshoes lost forever, and that it was a few generations later when her descendant got sick due to the magic of the horseshoes being out of her family line for far too long. It was thanks to that ponies friends that the four shoes were tracked down and brought back together.

        He described the trials her friends went through to get each one, doing a fine job of making the story seem alive. She was only able to barely pay attention, her eyes constantly flickering to the wall clock, the hands seeming to move ever so quickly. Besides asking him to tell another story, she couldn't’ think of anyway to prolong this.

        She hoped she might tire out due to her new body having less energy or something, but thanks to the horrible feeling of what she’d have to do, she just couldn’t find the peace of mind to relax enough to get sleepy. The sound of each tick causing her heart to plunge deeper and deeper into her gut, till she swore she felt it in her stomach.

        “-therefore, thanks to her friends, all four golden horseshoes were placed upon her hooves, and life came rushing back into her body! Mimic was saved, and all thanks to the power of her friendships.” He smiled while rubbing the back of his neck. “I know it ends a little cheesy like, but my sister and I always loved it when mom told it.”

        “I-It’s a good story.” Peppermint replied nervously. “Another?”

        Evening laughed, “I think that’s enough for tonight. It’s really late now and we need sleep.” Using magic to fluff his pillow he added, “It’s bedtime squirt.”

        Peppermint shuddered. At some point during the story they had moved to his bed, her laying comfortably beside him. In any other situation she may have enjoyed the night. Instead she felt ready to hurl as her body forced her head toward his underside. He was laying on his stomach, so she’d have to get him to roll over. Trying desperately to pull her head away, she began to wiggle her muzzle underneath him.

        “Peppermint?” He asked puzzled. “Am I laying on something of yours?” He began to shift his weight away from her, exposing his underside.

        No! No lay back down! Lay back down! Please no! Don’t make me do this!

        It was no use, she could not defy her master. With a heavy heart she felt her face inch toward the area of her downfall. In mere moments she’d make contact.

        Mercifully she never got the chance, as she felt her body suddenly get pulled away. Before she knew it, she was floating within his magical grip, staring at him from several feet in the air. The look he held, she could barely meet his eyes.

        Upon his face was an expression of shock and horror. She wailed inside her head as her body even now tried to break free so she could continue. I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Please don’t hate me! I never wanted this!

        “W-what are you doing!?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. She wanted to bite her tongue to stop the words, but was still unable to harm herself.

        “E-exactly what you think!” She hear herself say, her mind starting to break. It was too much. It was all just too much. “I only pretended to be your daughter for this! Come on baby, it’ll be so hot!”

        For what felt like hours she didn’t hear a response from him. Finally unable to take it any longer she met his eyes once more, dying at the look of disgust upon his face.

        “Y-you can’t be serious.” He said dumbfounded. No!

        “I am!” She cried. “Please! You’ve got to let me! I need it!”

        “You’re joking!” He cried, louder this time. “All this time this is what you wanted? I don’t believe it! What about your face? What about that look you had while staring in the mirror?”

        “A trick.” She replied, spurred on by the spell to make it sound as convincing as she could. her lord Shining Armor had told her to beg and plead with him. “Now please! I want you! I want to while calling you daddy! I’m such a naughty filly!” Lies! All Lies!

        Evening just stood there staring at the filly he held in his magic. He felt sick, betrayed. After all he had done for her, after all he had tried to still do, this was what she wanted? This was why she had fallen into calling him daddy so easily? Was this what she meant by find the truth? That she was nothing but a slut?

        His horn began to hum once more, only irritating him further. Again?! How many times was this stupid thing going to go off? He wasn’t safe in the palace, he wasn’t safe away from the palace. Everywhere he went tonight it had been bothering him and now he had to deal with this?

        “Gah! I can’t believe any of this!” He said, trying to keep his voice low enough that Twilight wouldn’t hear him. The last thing he wanted right now was for her to find him like this.

        “I know that look you had! I can’t believe you could play it so convincingly! I was so certain you had lost something dear! I was so certain you were hurt! Now you tell me this?” He began to rub his horn, trying to get it to suppress its sensitivity again. “Not one thing about you or this situation has made any sense tonight, and now my horn is doing that stupid twitchy thing again! What are you, under a spell?”

        “YES!” She cried in despair.

        Her eyes widened as everything seemed to stop. That hadn’t been said in her mind. She hadn’t said that in her mind! She had spoken that out loud!

        “W-what did you say?” Evening asked again. Peppermint braced herself and tried to speak.

        “I said yes.” She floated there stunned even as Evening stared at her. Was this another trick? Only one way to find out.

        “Do you know what kind of spell.”

        “Yes.” Again she spoke!

        “What spell are you under?”

        “A persona spell.” She stared at him amazed. H-How was she doing this? She was defying her master’s orders! Was the spell breaking? Immediately she began to try and tell him the truth of who she was, only for her lips to lock shut. Furious she tried to force out more words, but none would come.

        Then why had she been able to tell him about the spell?! She wasn’t suppose to be able to! This didn’t make any sense. Once more the words her lord and master spoke to her on that fateful night three months ago began to play in her mind.

        In that case, from this moment onward until the end of time, I order you to be Lowly Servant. You will answer to that name, and only to that name. She had done that up till she was ordered to respond to Peppermint while a filly. She guessed that since her ‘Peppermint’ name was only temporary, it was allowed to slip by.

You will not attempt to inform anypony that you used to be Shining Armor, nor shall you reveal to anypony the details of what’s happened to you over the last forty-eight hours. Even in your own mind, you will know yourself as Lowly Servant. And you will think of me as Shining Armor, Lord of the Crystal Empire—and your master

In her mind she did still think of her name as Lowly Servant. She was only Peppermint for a role, like in a play. Perhaps that could be the reason it was allowed? No! That wasn’t important right now! What was important was the fact she had been told not to reveal to anypony the details of what happened to her! Yet she had just told Evening about the spell!

You will not beg, plead, or at any time ask me to reverse what I have done to you, or to free you from this situation. You will be respectful to me at all times. You will address me as ‘Sir,’ ‘Milord,’ or ‘Lord Shining Armor.’ You will not attempt to change back to normal. You will not quit your job or run away. You will not ever seek to cause harm to me, nor to cause harm to yourself, nor through inaction allow either one of us to come to harm. You will obey my orders above all others, and you will not seek to defy me or undermine me in any way…

She wasn’t suppose to try and reverse her change, nor could she run away or defy her master. So why? Why could she say that?

It came to her at once, her eyes widening at the realization.

She wasn’t trying to return to normal right now! She was only trying to get Evening to understand why she was trying to do what she didn’t want to do! Telling him about the spell did just that, and it wasn’t defying an order! Her lord had never told her she should lie about being under a spell, or that she couldn’t say she was under one! Telling a pony that wasn’t giving them any details about what happened to her during those forty-eight hours! All she was doing was stating a current fact!

He had never told her anything to prevent that!

“A persona spell?” Evening repeated. He had gone through countless scrolls and records while in Canterlot, looking for any way that might help him control his magic. After he had become Twilight’s pupil, he had even managed to get a hold of some scrolls that spoke of the forbidden spells. They didn’t share any details of how to cast them of course, but he did know of their existence. If that’s what she was under…

“T-that’s it!” He cried as it began to piece together in his mind. “That’s why you won’t tell me what’s wrong! Because you can’t! That’s also why you fell into being a filly so easily! Because you were commanded to! You must have to obey whatever anypony tells you!”

With each passing word from Evening, she felt her spirits soar. She was not allowed to do or say anything, but now she didn’t even have to! He had figured it out! Now all he had to do was get Twilight or Cadance and she’d be free!

Except what if he went to her Lord Shining Armor?! What if because of that he managed to get the same spell cast on him!? She couldn’t bare it if he ended up in the same position thanks to her!

“We have to break the spell. I should tell Twilight right away! And Cadance! And Shining Armor! They’ll be able to free you! Then you can tell us who sent you here and what their motives are!” Still caught in his magic, she began to float along with him as he began to head toward the door.

No! No! He’ll trap you! Please don’t he’ll trap you! She wanted to cry out, she wanted to warn him. Unfortunately all she managed to get out was:

“Come on daddy! Can’t we have some fun first?” Evening made another face of pure disgust.

“I hope whoever did this is caught quickly. Giving you a command to…” He stopped right before the door, his hoof up and ready to push it open.

“Who gave that command?” He asked, looking up at her. “It seems very unlikely that you’d be told to do that in this particular situation, which means somepony must have told you after you became a filly. Except the moment you became one you’ve been by my side the entire time except-”

His eyes widened.

“Shining Armor wanted to speak to you privately! He’s the only one who would have had the chance to do this! That’s why I got such a weird vibe from him! Either he’s been a psychopath this entire time, or that’s not the real Shining Armor.”

Yes! Yes! Oh Evening I could kiss you! Peppermint cried in her mind. Evening, however wasn’t as pleased.

“What do we do?” He asked out loud. “Twilight won’t believe her brother is the villain! Okay, so I don’t tell her. But what if she insists we bring it up to him and Cadance? What if he’s already in her room, waiting for me to throw you out of my own? I’ve been Twilight’s pupil for three months! She’s had a brother her entire life! He could tell her anything and she might believe it! Maybe even say that I’m under a spell too!” He slumped down, holding his head in his hooves.

“How am I supposed to fix this! I’m no magician! I’m no powerful unicorn! I can’t even get a stupid color changing spell right! Never mind the interference I’m still getting with your spell right next to me!”

Peppermint sat in the air trying to think of a way to help. They were so close! So close! If only she could think of something! Say anything! She racked her brain. There had to be something! Anything! Oh if only it was the stupid persona spell that got erased and not the-

Her head jerked up. That was it! When he had cast his spell, it had erased her vibrator spell! She didn’t know if it’d help, but it was worth a shot! She opened her mouth-

-only for the words to die in her throat. No! She had to say it! Why? Why couldn’t she?

You will not attempt to change back to normal.

No! If she told him, then it’d be defying her master’s orders! She might know the answer, but couldn’t tell him!

Wait, wait calm down. She told herself, trying to focus. You're not defying your master. You aren’t! You don’t want to change back, you just want to help daddy. Daddy is so sad, and a good little filly would do anything to make her daddy happy! I have to be a good little filly! Daddy wants to know, and I can tell him! Good little fillies would do anything to make their daddy smile!

“E-enchantment d-d-disrup-t-tions!” She managed to force out. Thankfully Evening picked up his head when she said that. She didn’t think she’d manage to say it again.

“Enchantment disruptions?” He repeated confused, before his face began to brighten. “Of course! Enchantment disruptions! When I try to cast spells, I sometimes erase lesser spells!” His face immediately fell. “But those are lesser spells! This is a powerful enchantment! There’s no way I can erase that!”

Peppermint merely stared at him sadly. She hadn’t been able to help her daddy after all. It had taken all her resolve just to say what she had. It was clear the spell would not let her again, as it even now made her wiggle in Evening’s magical grasp. Still trying to get close to him to fulfill the mission her lord had given to her.

Evening stared up at the filly as she struggled to reach him. No, no he had to try. He couldn’t let her remain under this persona spell. He had never tried to purposely disrupt a spell before. Who was to say he couldn’t? So what if it was essentially a curse? He was Evening Storm! Spells never worked correctly around him! Why should this time be any different!?

“Peppermint, or whatever your real name might be.” He really doubted it was Lowly Servant. “Brace yourself. I don’t know if I can do this, but I’m going to give it everything I’ve got!”

With that he began to focus magic into his horn, letting more and more of it collect. Instead of trying to mold it into a spell, he instead tried to let it do as it would upon her body. Somewhere within her was a construct of magic, if he could just connect to it, then maybe…

To his surprise he did find the spell, much sooner than he thought. There it was, a powerful source of magic feeding off her own natural earth pony magic to keep itself sustained. In one way it was amazing. By doing that, it insured it’d never weaken or wear off.

Well too bad, I want you gone! He thought, forcing his magic into it. Almost immediately he could feel the thing begin to quiver, unsure what to do with such an intrusion. At first it seemed as if it would break right away, but it quickly began to try and filter his magic around it, trying to make itself a rock within a sea of energy.

Oh no you don’t! He increased the flow of his magic. He would not allow it to escape! Focusing his magic like small drills, he began to direct it straight toward the center of it, forcing the spell to take it all in.

The effect was immediate, as the air around them began to whine from the strain. Peppermint could feel the very fabrics of the persona spell begin to twist and pull against each other. If felt as if there was a ball of power inside her. A sphere that something was trying to push and rip apart. With its disruption came certain boons.

S-She was not a maid! She was not named Lowly Servant!

The freedom of those thoughts renewed her hope in full. It was working! It was working!

Tendrils of energy began to shoot off from her, as the spell fought to keep itself together. Various spots upon the walls and carpet being scorched. A shattering noise sounded to her right, distracting her only long enough for her to notice a vase had been obliterated by one of the blasts.

        “What’s going on in here!?” Twilight screamed throwing open the door mere moments later. She took one look at Evening and gasped.

        “Evening what in Celestia are you doing!? You’re going to kill her!” Her horn blazed to life as her magic overtook both Evening and Peppermint, attempting to extinguish his spell. Peppermint could feel the persona spell re-shaping itself. No! NO!

        “Twilight you don’t understand!” Evening cried, trying to keep ahold of his magic. He could feel it being suppressed! In a minute he’d lose any progress he had made!

        “I don’t understand!?” Twilight screamed. “You’re the one letting your magic go wild! What are you trying to do? Blow us all up? Now help me contain this!” Her magic pressed down harder, threatening to snuff out his own. He couldn’t let that happen! This could be his only shot! If the fake Shining came in now, all could be lost! Peppermint would have to go back to being a maid, back to possibly being any sort of plaything to whatever twisted mind had been commanding her!

        She’d just be his toy! Any pony who asked her to do what she had tried tonight did not respect her! She was likely just his property! If he failed, she’d go back to that life, she’d go back to forever carrying that look of loss and hopelessness.

        He would NOT Let that happen!

        Forgive me Twilight. He thought, before pushing back with every last bit of strength and magic he could muster. The effect was like changing a garden hose into a fire hose. His power shot out in a torrent, causing Twilight to step back in utter shock, her horn fizzling out.

        Evening had never gone against her like this before! Never!

        With her magic no longer trying to suppress Evening’s magic, the Persona spell was slammed hard with another wave of energy. Energy obsessed with tearing it apart. The very essence of the enchantment began to twist and warp, small tears appearing all throughout it. Despite all this though, it held, and even now was trying to find a way to convert the attacking magic into his own power. Fighting to keep its prey in its clutches.

        Peppermint no longer felt like the ball was inside her, but rather felt that she was inside the ball. It’s walls her prison. Twilight had been thwarted due to her shock at having her pupil go against her wishes, but Peppermint knew that wouldn’t stop her for long. This could be her only shot at freedom!

        Slowly she tried to claw her way out of the spell’s grasp. It being far too busy to keep her from defying many of her commands. Even so, she could still feel the biggest one of all. She couldn’t defy her master! She was not suppose to attempt to change back!

        Except she was! She thought furiously. Feeling as if she was wading through mud, she began to push herself toward the edge, away from the influence of the persona spell, away from her miserable life as an obedient maid. Even now, while under attack, the spell tried to wrap it’s claws back around her, but still she fought on. She had been shown kindness, freedom. For the last three months she had been in despair, her free will eroding away. If it wasn’t for Evening trying so hard to help her, she might never have gotten back the will to fight.

        Help her however he did, and fight she would! She didn’t care what her master said! She didn’t care about the form she wore now. All she cared about was re-gaining her right to choose her own path! Choose how she acted! Choose who she was!

        I’m not Peppermint! She screamed in her head as she pushed onward. The threads of the spell shaking against her limbs.

        I am NOT Lowly Servant!  The threads felt as if they dug into her very flesh, threatening to cut her to pieces, but still she moved on..

        M-My name… My name is- She pushed with all her might against her prison, summoning every last bit of strength and will she had left.

        I-I’m… Pain tore through her body as the spell tried to regain dominance, but she no longer cared. She wasn’t stopping, even it it tore her apart. Focusing on her mouth, she began to force it open.

        Say it! She screamed in her head. SAY IT!


        The spell shattered.

        Evening’s magic blinked out in an instant, him dropping to his knees, Peppermint herself fell unceremoniously to the floor. For a few minutes she just lay there, breathing heavily, waiting for the spell to make her move. Make her crawl over to Evening so she’d give him his horrible gift, but she didn’t. In fact nothing happened at all.

        It was truly and completely gone.

        “W-what did you say?” Twilight asked quietly staring at the small filly on the floor before her. Peppermint, no Shining Armor, she told herself. Transformed and age regressed husband of Princess Cadance, looked up at Twilight as she got to her hooves.

        “Twily it’s me!” She cried, amazed at every word that sprang so easily to her mouth. No resistance! No meekness! Nothing! “I’m Shining Armor! Your B.B.B.F.F! Big brother best friend forever!” Predictably, Twilight only stared at her like she lost her mind.

        “You’re lying!” She cried, taking a step backward. “Shining is in his room with his wife Princess Cadance! You can’t be him!”

        “Y-You’re Shining Armor!?” Evening repeated in awe, re-joining the conversation.

        “Of course she’s not!” Twilight interjected, pointing her hoof at the filly. “Why are you lying? What did you two do!?”

        “Twilight listen!” Shining screamed, causing her to flinch. She had to do this while Twilight was still stunned. “Cadie cast a spell on me that turned me into a mare and an earth pony. Then as part of the ‘fun’ she cast a persona spell on me to make me act anyway she wanted. It just so happened to include me being a very obedient and submissive maid! Except she didn’t break the spell before going on her morning jog, letting me get found by a maid! They mistook me for a new hire and told me to get to work! I’ve spent the last three months as a servant while some other maid got mistaken for me and took my place! But the Shining you saw today isn’t me! I’m me!”

        Twilight held her head in her hoofs, a massive headache forming.

        “T-that can’t be! This isn’t right! None of this can be right!” No good, she was going to have to prove herself.

        “Smarty pants!” She cried. Twilight blinked and stared at her blankly.


        “Smarty pants, your doll. Dad got her for you for your birthday. Mom and him use to laugh, because unlike other fillies who had tea parties, you’d hold classroom and pretend to teach her. You’d make me join in all the time!” Shining crossed her hooves across her chest. “She always got better grades than me too. I’m your brother Twily! You couldn’t cut me a little slack?”

        Twilight shivered as ‘Peppermint’ spoke, her own eyes widening. The twitchy thing of Evening’s horn, the look on her face when she ate those vegetables, the flavor of ice cream she ordered! The reason she seemed so willing to go along with what anypony told her!

        “S-shiny?” She said quietly, staring at her in awe. “That’s really you?”

        “It’s me Twily.” Shining said, sighing in relief. “And now that you know, I need your help!”