//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 // Story: The Failed Spell // by silverspawn //------------------------------// Was she satisfied with how she had lived her life? She had always been learning. Always reading up on something to know she was prepared. Always chasing for the light beyond the horizon. And always trying to make the world around her a better place while she was at it. It was not a bad way to live, was it? Progress was more than just a way to reach a goal. It was also in itself a means for satisfaction, for purpose. For happiness. Yes, she had been happy. And wasn’t that, in the end, the only thing that counted for something? If she had a regret, it must have been that she had spent so much of her time alone. Progress alone, so it seemed, wasn’t enough after all. Her life had been like a tunnel that only opened up towards its end. Not all unpleasant... but lonely. That, and maybe the complete absence of romance in her life? There was a desire in Twilight, a deeply rooted longing, always there, never forgotten, just overlooked. There had always been so much time left...