Two Aliens and a Robot

by antinomian


Yelling was taking place within the slightly cramped confines of a purple spacecraft.

"Take your filthy hands off the controls, Dib-stink!"

"Just let me fly the dang ship!"


"Let g- is that a wormhole?"

"Yes, and as we are obviously not escaping its pull, let us hope it does not lead to a room with a moose..."

"May we agree to share equal blame for this?"

"Fine, but in my mind this will ALWAYS be your fault!"

"I know Zim. I know."


Twilight Sparkle woke up thinking she would have a normal day. She was wrong.

As she walked through the door of her throne room on her way to the kitchen, she saw something that made her stop and stare. Bits of purple crystal were strewn across the floor, and sunlight filtered through a gaping hole in the roof.

In the center of the room was a crumpled purple something. It was made of some kind of metal, and debris and wires were all over the floor, even trailing down from the roof. Come to think of it, it looked like something had been torn off when the contraption had broken through the ceiling.

Twilight quickly sealed all the doors and cast a spell on herself. It wasn't exactly an invisibility spell, more of a 'advert your eyes from this place' spell. Much easier to cast. Then she pulled out a notepad and started writing things down.

After about seven minutes, there was movement from within the wreckage.

Twilight began her observations.


Dib forced his eyes open. Bright light blinded him as he let out a groan. His face was smushed up against the controls of Zim's ship, and he felt bruised all over. What had happened last night? Oh, yeah... the wormhole happened.

Forcing himself up, he took a look at where exactly they had ended up. They looked to be in some sort of throne room, not a good thing. Bits of crystal and ship parts were everywhere, not good things. Zim and GIR were both unconscious, maybe good things.

Crawling out of the wreckage, Dib took another look around. They were definitely in some kind of throne or conference room in a structure make of solid crystal. Looking up at the hole they had torn through the roof, Dib winced as the saw one of the side pods and thrusters caught on the jagged edge, still connected to the crumpled Voot Cruiser by overstretched cords.

Giving a light tug on the one of the wires stretching up to the ceiling, Dib confirmed that the parts weren't coming down without assistance. Ignoring the feeling he was being watched, Dib climbed back into the Cruiser so he could bring Zim back to consciousness.

"Wake up Zim." Dib shook the green alien's shoulder.

Shining red eyes peeled themselves open. "Why are you bothering me, Dib-stink?"

"The ship crashed and I need you to gather up all the pieces I can't reach."

Zim ever-so-slowly got up and stretched. "How bad is it?"

Dib replied with what he knew would get Zim moving. "There are pieces of thruster on the roof."

"WHAT?!" Zim screeched, tearing out of the Cruiser faster than it took you to read that. He stared up at the bits for a few seconds, a look of horror on his Irken face, before launching himself up the cords with his robotic PAK legs.

Dib started gathering bits of crushed and burned metal off the floor - the bits that hadn't melted on, that is - while his alien friend scurried up to the ceiling. Friend, what a strange way to refer to the being who had been his sworn enemy just a few months ago, before he realized his mission was fake.

Within a few minutes, Zim was inching his way down the thickest cord, his PAK legs holding the torn off pieces necessary for flying the ship. His feet touched the floor and he let what he was carrying drop.

"Will it fly?" Dib asked as he looked at what had once been advanced alien technology.

Zim looked over the remnants of his Voot Cruiser, a very outdated vehicle. "Maybe."

There was suddenly a high pitched scream as a small, silver robot burst forth from the wreckage. GIR ran around the large room, still shrieking his head off. Literally. After a few laps around the room his head exploded and the metal corpse clattered to the floor.

Zim sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose, an action he had picked up by observing humans.

"Does he need repairing, or should we let him come back himself?" Dib asked nobody in particular.

"Just give him the dog suit, he'll get up."

Dib reached into the Cruiser and pulled out a limp green dog costume. He tossed the suit in the direction of GIR, who had inexplicably regained his head. GIR jumped up to catch the costume, then put it on, zipping the zipper in front and pulling the head up like a hood.

He looked absolutely adorable.


Twilight flipped to a new, fresh page of her notepad and began writing observations on the small metal creature that had just woken up. After scrawling down a few notes, she concluded that this was as good a time as any to make contact, even if they didn't speak the same language as her.

She quietly slid her notepad into her personal pocket dimension and drew out her crown, then put it on. She wasn't trying to show off or anything, she just wanted to show she had a position of power. Twilight took a deep breath.

'I am not worried. I am not afraid. I am the princess of friendship. I will make an alliance with these creatures. They will hold respect for me, and I for them. I will learn about their culture. I will learn their language. I will help them when they need assistance. I will be a good friend.' Twilight reassured herself.

Then she lowered the spell cloaking herself and gave a light cough.