Falling In

by Captain 1 percent


Twilight flew over the trees of the whitetail woods, scanning the ground for any sign of anything out of the ordinary. Letting out a sigh she flew down to a clearing in the trees. "Come on twilight what are you even doing?", she asked her self, walking in a random direction. "You shouldn't have ran off to here with out a plan!", she ranted, still talking to herself. "I don't know what i'm even looking for.", she continued, no longer referring to her self in 3rd person. Hopping over a tree root, she was about to fly back up and continue the search before she heard a voice that sounded like Rainbow Dash.

Turning her head she pushed a low hanging tree branch aside and gasped. There standing a few feet away was Rainbow dash but not as she expected. It was Rainbow dash from Canterlot High and not just her, there was also everyone else from the school and more that all wore uniforms. Letting the tree branch go in her surprise she yelped as it swung back and hit her in the face.

(Few minutes earlier)

"You mean, THE Equestria! As in Equestria, Equestria?!", asked Pinkie Pie, eyes bulging out and her jaw nearly hitting the ground with everyone else who knew what Sunset Shimmer was talking about.

"The one and only", Sunset said, turning around and looking at them.

"What dose this mean?", asked Twilight, who was still looking extremely guilty and close to crying.

"It means were going to have to post pone the Friendship Games.", said Rainbow dash, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes, the full gravity of
the situation not having sunk in all the way yet. But before Sunset could start ranting at Rainbow for ignoring the the full extent of the problem they all heard a yelp from the bushes behind Rainbow dash. Everyone turning to the origin of the sound. No one moving a muscle as Sunset approached the bushes and hesitating for only a moment pushed the branch aside.

Following the lavender leg attached to it she came face to face with Twilight Sparkle, who had been following the light amber arm and stopped as her gaze landed on Sunsets face. Both of them stared at each other before they both shouted out "Twilight! Sunset! What are you doing here?!". Both of them letting go of the branch which swung the other way and hit Sunset in the face, making it her turn to yelp as she stumbled backwards, losing her balance and falling down at her friends feet.

"Sunset!", Pinkie, Rainbow, Apple Jack, Fluttershy and Rarity shouted, picking there friend up.

"What did you see!", Rarity asked, other students voicing there own questions. Ignoring the wave of questions ,she watched as Twilight ran through the bushes with a worried face.

"Sunset! Are you alright?", Twilight asked, ignoring the gasps of the students. Twilight walked up to Sunset Shimmer, realizing that she had to look up to see her face. Sunset rubbing the spot on her face that the branch hit looked down at Twilight.

"Yah", she said, lowering her hand.

"Good, but what are you doing here?! In Equestria!?, twilight shouted a little with the weirdness of the situation, waving her hoof around.

"We fell through a Rift in space", Sunset said, looking at the sky above them as if she'd see it there still, swirling and glowing with the school on the other side.

"Wait! A rift in space suddenly just appeared at CHS?", said Twilight, unbelieving of what she was hearing.

"No, they were caused by.... A person on the grounds.", sunset said, hesitating before she said the name of the one who brought them to Equestria.

"Sunset, are you the one who caused it?", Twilight asked, taking a step back.

"NO!", Sunset said, stumbling over her words as she tried to explain what she meant, her hands flying around.

"Perhaps I can explain", said a quiet voice, Twilight and Sunset looking over to see the Twilight from the other world. No one speaking as Twilight from Equestria tried to get over her shock from seeing the Twilight from the other world.

The silence was broken as a shout was heard in the distance, "TWILIGHT!".

Everyone looking at Rainbow dash, who was looking at the sky for something, "What?", she asked noticing there looks.

"That's the Rainbow Dash from this world", said Twilight, still looking at the sky, "I better go get her, she's with the rest of the girls.", Twilight finished before taking off. Everyone watching in silence as she flew off.

"I'm confused", A brave person from crystal prep. said, speaking what almost everyone there thought. All of them nodding there heads in agreement.

"Rainbow dash!", Twilight called to her friend who was scanning the ground for her.

Rainbow dash looked up, "Hey Twi, everyone else is right behind me, did you find out what was falling from the sky?", she asked.

"Your not going to believe this but it was actually my friends from Canterlot HIGH!", Twilight explained, getting up in her friends face as she grasped exactly what she was saying, "And get this! The Twilight from their world is here. ME! FROM THAT WORLD!", Twilight shouted, shaking Rainbow dash around, her eye twitching.

"Easy there Twilight", Rainbow said, pushing Twilight out of her personal space. "What do you mean it's your friends from Canterlot high. Aren't they, like, in a totally different world?

"Well, I asked them that too and they said it was because some one there caused a rift in space that led to Equestria!", Explained Twilight.

"So what should we do?", asked Dash, with a face that say's 'OK- I don't get it, what's the point?'.

"Hmm", said Twilight, getting into a thinking pose, as her eyes drifted up in thought, "Well, we can't just leave them in the forest. Take the girls back to the castle and get it ready for the students, we need to be prepared for when the reality of this crashes down on them."

"Got it", said Dash, before flying down to tell their friends of the change of plans, while Twilight flew back to the mass of students from both schools.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE! IF YOU WOULD PLEASE FOLLOW ME!", Twilight said, before landing and taking the lead of the mass of the confused student's and teachers. "I'm never going to get time to read what Sunset wrote to me about", she muttered quietly to her self.