//------------------------------// // And we all go tumbling down // Story: Falling In // by Captain 1 percent //------------------------------// Evil Twilight laughed even more as the portals that were leading into another world grew even more. FINALLY! She was done with being pushed around, and with this power she could do what ever she wanted! Seeing all the other students helping each other out of the main portal she sneered. ¨NO ONE ESCAPES¨, she yelled, magic going down her arm and sending a blast of magic that widened the portal. The portal joining with all the smaller ones and making one HUGE one. Students falling in as they tried to escape the crumbling ground. Only a few didn't fall in. ¨This isn't the way! I know you feel powerful right now, like you can have everything you want! I´v been where you are, I´v made the same mistake you´r making¨, the girl named Sunset Shimmer shouted out to her, catching her attention. ´This isn't a mistake!´, Twilight said to her self in her head. ¨I put on a crown and just like you I was overwhelmed by the magic it contained, I thought I could get everything I wanted!¨, she continued. ¨Oh you´r wrong¨, Twilight said, shaking her head and smiling evilly,¨Unlike you I can have everything I want.¨ ¨No you can´t, even with all that magic power, you´r still alone! True magic comes from Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, Kindness¨, and as she named each, the nice girls that she had seen from before started glowing, beams shooting into the sky before redirecting to the containment unit she had built that Sunset Shimmer was holding above her head. As Sunset Shimmer rose into the air she continued, ¨I understand you Twilight and I want to show you the most important magic of all¨, closing the containment unit she threw it down, the magic inside bursting out and creating a glowing ball of energy just like it had for her. Thinking quickly she blasted the ground around the remaining students and teachers calling them to fall in. The still glowing nice girls falling in as well, But the damage had already been done and now stood Sunset Shimmer with glowing wings looking like they were made out of sunlight even though it was dark out and a glowing horn on her four head. Though unlike hers it wasn't full of gaps and missing spaces and her cloths were now a long dress. Both of them powered up a ball of energy in each of there hands and flew at each other, But they were equal in strength and were both sent flying back and down into the portal. Twilight powered up a magical bolt as did Sunset Shimmer and the beams met in the middle both trying to beat the other. For a moment it started to inch towards Twilight, but Twilight pushed harder and sent it back towards Sunset Shimmer, who was fighting to keep it away. ¨TWILIGHT!¨, a voice shouted from above them. Keeping the beam going Twilight looked up seeing spike holding onto the edge. ¨spike¨, Twilight said distracted her eyes turning back to normal. Spike who was unable to keep hold on the edge fell in the portal as well, but twilight couldn't do anything because Sunset took that time to send the magic beam back at her. Twilight yelling as the magic washed over her and all was suddenly white only Sunset and Twilight were there. ¨Twilight, take my hand¨, said Sunset, holding out her hand. Twilight shying away from it, before putting down her head and closing her eyes fighting the part of her that didn't want to take the hand, the part of her who didn't want to stop what she was doing. Looking up with tears in her eyes she held out her own hand and took Sunsets. Everything around them brightening to the point that both of them couldn't see. As they lowered to the ground all of the students and principles watched from the ground a little bruised but mostly unhurt from the fall. Looking around them Twilight spoke first, ¨Were are we?¨ ¨A place I was hoping not to see for a long time!¨, said Sunset said, looking at the castle that was build on the a mountain side on the horizon, everyone else looking at her, ¨Equestria¨. "Did you see that?",Rainbow dash asked, looking at the Pegasus next to her who was helping clear the weather. "Yah", said the Pegasus, looking back over at the sky above the whitetail woods where a giant rip had appeared. "Can you finish this up? I gotta go tell Twilight this", she continued, leaving when the other pony nodded. Flying to the giant castle at the edge of Ponyville. Opening the door she called out, "Twilight! Twilight!", frowning, she took a deep breath, "TTTTWWWWIIIILLLLIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTT!" "What?", asked twilight who was rubbing her ear, walking out of a door. "Sorry, Did you see out side?", Rainbow said, not yelling anymore. "No, why?", she answered, looking out one of the windows on the wall. "Well me and the weather team was clearing the sky from last nights rainstorm, But while we were working the sky over the whitetail woods sort of..... Ripped apart.", Rainbow explained, making a ripping gesture with her hooves. "What do you mean 'Ripped apart'?", Twilight asked, "You mean like a rift in space?" "I don't know, that's egghead stuff", Rainbow said rolling her eyes. "Did you see anything else?", Twilight asked, but clearly irritated about being called an egghead. "Yah, a lot of creatures seemed to be falling out of it and a fight seemed to be going on", That was all Twilight needed to get going. "Quick, go get the others", she said, putting on a saddle bag and heading out the door with Rainbow Dash. "I'm going to the whitetail woods and see if I can find out what happened and if there's any pony there.", she said with a determined face on. Opening her wings she flew of towards the whitetail woods.