A Year in Equestria

by dimension shift


On December 21, 2012 it was predicted on a Mayan calendar that the world would end, destroying all life on the planet as we know it. On the prophesied day the world did not come to an end and the prediction was false, with all life continued on as normal. However despite the world not ending did not mean that an earth shattering event did occur on that very day.

Early that very morning in the middle of central park in New York City, a portal opened, startling all citizens in the area. The police arrived to the scene and blocked off the area from everyone but the damage was already done. Thanks to modern technology the portal event was all over the web and the world was at a standstill over what cause this mysterious anomaly to appear. Governments demanded answers on the event and had sent the greatest minds to figure out the cause and determined if it was from the world or from another.

The scientists examine the irregularity to the best of their abilities but it was all for naught as the portal brought strange readings that they couldn’t figure out what was causing them. For days they worked but progress was moving at a snail’s pace, until they got an energy spike as the portal was getting more and more violent. At the pinnacle of the energy spike the scientists noticed the portal creating ripples as what appeared to be a shadow of a figure was emerging from the portal.

Tensions ran high as the ripples were making difficult to properly see the incoming visitor. Police and military guarding the site had weapons at the ready in case the figure was going to be hostile. When the figure crossed the portal everyone was shocked to see that the strange figure was what appeared to be a human woman. Her skin, free from any blemishes and scars, was a perfect shade of bronze as if she bathed in the sunlight since the day she was born with her arms adorning golden bracelets that had the symbol of the sun and her neck wearing a golden choker with a large ruby on the center. Her curvy body showed her wearing a white dress with golden trimmings that was a bit form fitting flowing down all the way to her ankles showing her petite footwear resembling those from ancient Greece. Her young face was that of a model with high cheek bones, a small elegant nose, and supple lips, her eyes, large with shock, were a light shade of violet. Her hair, flowing all the way down to her lower back, was unusual by human standards as it was mixture of green, purple, pink, and light blue that seemed to be shimmering in the sunlight. The most peculiar thing about the woman was the additions she had with her. Sitting on top of her head was a golden tiara with a large amethyst nestled in the center, above the tiara was what appeared to be a halo glowing in a golden yellow light. On her back, right where her shoulder blades are located, are massive wings that resembled those of a swan and a tail with the same colors as her hair.

Regardless of the beautiful figure in front of them, the guards aimed their weapons at the women with the commander telling her to stand down and identify herself. The woman, confused from the events, looked at her surroundings, from the people in front of her, the buildings surrounding her, and stranger still examining her own body. The Commander of the armed forces, not liking her failure to comply, told the women to stand down or she will be fired upon. The women looked at the commander like a mother disappointed with her child as she raised one hand to the guards. The guards, tensed as she lifted her hand towards them believing she was going to be hostile, failed to notice the halo above her head was glowing slightly brighter than normal. As her hand was glowing with the same color as the halo, along with the guard’s weapons, she thrust arm towards the sky sending the guns off the guard’s hands and above their heads. Everyone, with the exception of the woman, was in shock at what they see as the weapons moved away from above them towards the ground a few feet in front of them. When the woman’s hand stopped glowing so too did the guns as they were placed on the ground and when she placed her hand back to her side she spoke with a lovely but angered voice “I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, and you strange creature need to learn some manners.”

After a short amount of time The United Nations sent a few diplomats to discuss with the princess about the cause of the portal and her reason for crossing. In a calmer matter than the misunderstanding earlier that day, the princess explained to both the diplomats and scientists of the cause of events that had transpire. When questioned on how they could create a portal the princess explained that on her world her people, which she calls them ponies, are able to use magic to try and make a faster way for the ponies to travel from place to place but the experiment had backfired causing the link to both worlds. In regard of closing the portal the ponies tried everything they can think of but all attempts failed. The princess worried for her people volunteered herself, despite the cries of both her citizens and guards alike, to cross the gateway and determine if those on the other side would be friend or foe.

After a few hours of questioning the princess about her world, the diplomats, ignoring the commander’s protest to keep her contained, decided to let the princess to return to home if she would let a few diplomats, along with an escort, go with her to world to see her world in person and discuss a mutual arrangement between the people of earth and the ponies. Celetsia, with a motherly smile, agreed to the arrangement so long as she can ask questions about the people of earth, which they agreed to some extent. The princess along with a few ambassadors and their bodyguards crossed the portal, with some hesitation from the humans, hoping to bring some good news for both worlds.

Over a week has passed when on January 12th 2013, everyone that ventured through the portal returned with smiles, with the exception of the bodyguards who had deep scowls, with a non aggression pact for both worlds hoping to quell any hostility between both species. However humanity, with their xenophobic nature, was reluctant to sign the treaty not trusting the princess’s word that the ponies would agree to this pact. Celestia nodded and said “I understand, this treaty, though beneficial to both our species, has been forged rather quickly. The treaty will however remain open to humanity whenever you’re ready to sign.”

The princess walked towards the portal hoping that the humans will change their minds on day. Just as she was about to cross the threshold she turned towards the diplomats and said “I will have my guards watching the portal in the event of anyone crossing to our world with ill intentions against my citizens, I hope that one day we will all co-exist in harmony.” She then crossed the portal waiting for the day humanity will accept her olive branch of peace. When word about the treaty reached the public, protests for both with and against the treaty has reached across several countries. Despite the peaceful intent the ponies have for humanity it seemed that the world would never be the same.