//------------------------------// // EPILOGUE // Story: Power Ponies: Origins // by Epicdiscord214 //------------------------------// Behind the Maretropolis museum, a shipment of crates were carefully carried inside. The curator took a good look at the most important crate before turning to the man in the truck, who was concealed in the shadows. "And you're sure this package is going to change Maretropolis?" "I guarantee it." the voice came from the shadows. "Okay." the curator said holding out the clipboard and a pen. "I just need you to sign here and I'll take it off your hooves." "I don't have hooves." the voice said. Out of the shadows came a long, metal hand that spooked the curator. The hand took the pen and signed a name on the clipboard before returning into the shadows. "Now, don't tell anyone about this. Capiche?" "U... Understood Mr..." The curator looked at the name on the paper. "...Tartus." The curator then walked away. Two sets of metal arms reached out from the shadows and stroked the top of the package he just gave away. "This is going to be fun. I can't wait for the results. You're definitely going to change Maretropolis before the Multiverse... Anar D." Inside the crate, there was a small box laying in a pile of hay. The box was made of stone and had golden hinges waiting to be open.