Empress of Flame 3: Midnight flame

by Pathious

Yin and Yang

Twilight spent years after this studying both sides of Yin and Yang. she never came to a conclusion. she eventually lost hope and gave up. Sunset was now a teenager and she had become rather condescending and egotistical. The time of the year had arise and The gala was now a day away. Sunset was apparently invited to go by some stallion. Twilight was weary about this because the school had been telling her sunset had been bullied by this group of ponies that the stallion was a part of.

"Mom, Where is the cereal? are we all out again?" Sunset said as she came into Twilights room. "I have looked everywhere for it and I cant seem to find any. Also every bowl I dirty." Sunset rolled onto the floor as she was complaining. "can we please go shopping for something?"

"Now sweetie do you know why every bowl is dirty?" twilight said with a smile across her face.

"Let me guess....Because I dirty them all?" sunset giggled as she started to stand on her all fours again. "sorry mom... I never have been very good at keeping the house clean. Have I?" Sunset smiled as she looked at her mother.

"Since you owned up to it.." Twilight appear by her daughter and nuzzled her. "We will go shopping. We may even get you a dress for the gala" she smiled as she put a wing around her.

"Really mom... your not joking I can get a dress...~!" sunset nearly jumped out of Twilights grip. "that would be the coolest thing." her tail wagged slightly in excitement.

"Sunset, of course I'm not kidding. Even though I don't want you going to the gala that wont stop me from helping you have a good time while your there. Of course your gonna have to stay safe." Twilight said as she looked at sunset.

"mom I told you before there is no way any guy looks at me that way. I'm not exactly that attractive" sunset said as she rolled her eyes

"sunset your a very attractive young mare. At your age it's best to listen to your mother. she's been in your position and knows what she's talking about." Twilight said as she used her magic to place her own saddle bag on her back. "come on, shopping cant happen without us." Twilight smiled once more at her child as she began to walk out the door. Sunset followed slowly behind her.

"mom, I always wanted to know this... Why does everypony judge me?" Sunset asked as they were heading for Rarity's boutique.

"sunset I told you this before.... Maybe they think your somepony else." Twilight said as she wanted to get off that topic as quick as she possibly could. "You look an awful lot like a pony that lived a long time ago." Twilight said as they made it to the doors of the boutique.

"Why would they judge me for looking like a pony that I'm not?" sunset said as she entered the boutique with her mom. "Did that pony do something wrong.?" she asked softly.

"She didn't exactly do something wrong. It was what she couldn't control that gave her a bad name." Twilight responded with a sigh. She looked up and saw the inviting face of her friend Rarity.

"Hello darlings..Whaaaat can I help you with?" Rarity asked as she was wearing her work glasses. She momentarily looked at sunset with a concerned look.

"I need a dress made for the little one here." Twilight said as she gave sunset a joking smile. "she's been invited to the gala." Twilight said to her close friend.

"if you give me the specifics I'm sure I can get it done before you even know it." Rarity smiled. It took Twi about an hour to give her the specifics. By the time she was done she was suppose to meet Celestia at the castle.

"Sunset you wouldn't mind coming to the castle with me would you?" Twilight asked sunny with a nervous smile. Twilight didn't know it yet but if she brought sunset to the castle it would be the end of her innocent little girl. A very long time ago Celestia had made a deal with a demonic entity. that deal was to put empress back inside of sunset. Sunset unfortunately went with Twilight. This was going to be a bad visit. Twilight and sunset both were on their way to the castle. they were in high spirits, it seemed like there was nothing that could break that.

"Mom, what is Celestia like? You have told me so much about her... Yet I have never met her." sunset asked with a smile toward Twi.

"well she was my teacher. The kindest of them all actually. she's made mistakes like everypony... Though I assume like everypony else she has learned from them." twilight said as she entered the castle with sunset at her side. As they entered they were met with a blunt object to the back of their heads. The ponies who had hit them were guard? Twilight blacked out and was brought into another room. When she awoke she saw Celestia sitting upon her thrown.

"Celestia w-what happened. My head really hurts?" Twilight asked as she tried to stand but was stopped by the tug of chains. She looked over and Saw sunset was also chained to the ground. She was also still unconscious.

"Twilight it's best you just do as I say. Empress is inside of you and she promised she would cause no harm if we put her back into sunset." Celestia said as her horn began to glow. "this will only hurt a bit." Celestia shot a beam of energy into the chest of Twilight. Twilights eyes turned black as a black mist started to pour out of her mouth. "I'm sorry twilight but this is what is best for Equestria." Celestia said as she had successfully put Empress into sunset.

"you believed her when she said she would cause no harm? I had her under control~!" Twilight yelled out as tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked at her baby girl who was laying motionless on the floor.

"It was either you have her or sunset. I never cared for sunset I do care for you~!" Celestia yelled back at her. "I wasn't going to let you fall victim to that thing."

"you are a monster. After all these years I have done nothing but talk highly of you. I cared about you I care about Sunset." twilight said as the chains disappeared off of both her and Sunset.

"you are to go home and speak nothing of this Twilight. The Gala is tomorrow night." Celestia motioned for the guards to take them both home.

"You've ruined Equestria. The gala will be a disaster. You put the empress of flame back in her kindling~!"