Derpy And Carrot Top: Friends Till The End

by Rtrotten

Spectral Steps

Acheron turned around to see three wendigos behind them in the fog. The wendigos roared up out of the fog and let out a furious sound. The wendigos started surrounding the boat and started going round in circles. Acheron shouted, "There freezing the boat"! Carrot Top looked over the side and saw the boat gaining more and more frost and ice.
Carrot Top screamed, "What do we do"! Acheron stopped to think what to do when she popped up. Acheron ran to the front of the boat and grabbed the lantern and tossed it to Carrot Top. Carrot Top let out a small shriek unaware the lantern was being tossed to her. Carrot Top jumped to catch it while on land Derpy was still being pursued.
Acheron yelled to Derpy "Get on to the boat you have to be on before we get to the next house"! Derpy running along the path shouted back "I can't my wings are too cold and I can't jump that far."
Acheron shouted back "Trust me I know you can make it !" Derpy ,still contemplating whether Acheron can be trusted or not, took the chance and jumped. Acheron yelled to Carrot Top "throw it now"! Carrot Top gave Acheron a quick trusting nod and threw it off of the boat as hard as she could, suddenly a fire spurred around them from hitting the windigos. Acheron ran over to another edge of the boat where she put one hoof on the edge and one out. The explosion of the fire heated of Derpy as Acheron leaned out using one hoof to pull her onto the boat.

Acheron said with an arrogant smirk "I told you to trust me"

"Thank you I'm sorry I doubted you," Derpy said while panting. Acheron looks ahead and says with a stern face says, "Were here."

Derpy remembered and asked again "Where did you say we were going"? Acheron hushes both Derpy and Carrot Top with a stare. Derpy looked ahead to see a rounded cave that was just above head level and at the end came a blue light. As they entered both Carrot Top and Derpy notice that Acheron's hair lit up the cave. When they came out of the other side a huge spiral staircase stood in front of them.

Acheron says with a quiet voice "Now all we need to do is go all the way up". Derpy started to speak when Acheron stopped her by saying "There are monsters nearby that have an amazing hearing".

As they all walked up the stone stairs Derpy noticed pictures on the wall carved from stone. The pictures showed a wendigo turning soldiers into skeletons. As they reached the top they came to a big door with fancy symbols on it.