//------------------------------// // Chapter 14: Wild Wire. // Story: Monster-bumps // by Napalm monster //------------------------------// The girls ran a few blocks into the neighborhood where Canterlot High was located. After succefully defeating the Spider Princess and her cronies. The group ran quickly into the local district as to avoid anymore encounters of the monstrous type. But due to Ralph's cardio being so poor, they had to take few stops. They needed him alive, not passed out from over-exertion. While they were walking Ralph was busy writing down the event of the following two days. " 'The nosy, annoying, and bothersome girls entered the Shiverriba residence and-' " "Hey!" Pinkie chirped, slightly startling him. "What Pinkie?" Ralph said anxiously. "Are you gonna include me?" She asked, beaming with a smile. "Well duh, you girls are the deuteragonists." He replied. "The doo-what?" She repeated, scratching her hair. "It means you all are the second important characters in my story." Ralph explained. "Then whose the main character?" Rainbow asked, raising a brow. Ralph chuckled, "Well isn't it obvious? its me." "Why do you get to be the main character of the whole shebang?" AppleJack asked, slightly offended. "Well you girls aren't being hunted by monsters are you?" He asked sarcastically. "What are you talking about?" Rarity asked rhetorically, "I was almost a spiders dinner." "Yeah," Rainbow chimed back in, "We've been chased by monsters all night." "Yes, because your all with me," Ralph explained, "They want to kill me the most, especially Dead." "That's true," Aiden overheard, "He hates you the most." "Not really helping easing my anxiety," Ralph remarked, deadpanned. Aiden shrugged and looked away, muttering, "Well it's true." Sunset decided to join in the conversation, "Excatly how many monsters did you create?" Ralph eyes darted up, drumming his fingers against his chin. He mulled over the answer of that question for more than a minute before replying. "I lost count after 120." The girls all gulped in unison, making them anxious more than before. The girls defeated a lot of villains in he past. But more than a 120 was bit overwhelming for all of them, even with Twilight. "Well we're almost at the school," Sunset said, trying to ease everyone's mind, "We'll let Ralph continuing writing and tell Celestia about what's happening." "Yeah," Ralph nodded, "Hopefully we won't run into anymore surp-" "HEY YOU CRAZY KIDS!" Everyone eyes widened as they swiveled around, their eyes darted across the streets. Trying to find the strange voice that suddenly made them tremble. They kept looking around, but the only sign of life was in their group. "D-did you girls hear that?" Asked Fluttershy nervously. "Wait..." Ralph trailed off, that voice sounded somewhat familiar, "That voice, I only know one thing in this world that talks like that." The speech was needlessly loud, a bit slurred, and it elongated every last word at the end of each sentence. "Oh no," Ralph moaned in dismay, "It's-" Ralph was cut off his sentence when a bolt of electricity was sent flying overhead and hit the ground a few feet away from Ralph as he was knocked and recoiled back. The other girls turned and yelped at the sudden electricity almost hitting them. They turned and heard loud laughing, it began sounding more like static, and a bit distorted. "I GOT YOU THIS TIME PA!" They turned to see a near lamp post as it began generating an abundant source of electricity. The electricity grew and grew profusely until the bulb shattered along with the rest of the glass making electricity fly, with sparks showering over the street, making a blinding explosion along with more laughter. "MAN DID I FELT GOOD TO GET OUT DAT BOOK AND STRETCH DESE ELECTRIC PARTICLES." "Wild......Wire...." Ralph moaned, finishing his previous sentence before a bolt of lightning almost crashed into him. "DAAAAAAAATS RIGHT!" Wire slurred, "I'M BACK, GOOD AS NEW PA, DIDJA MISS OL' WIRE. I SURE IS WAITIN' ON YOU RELEASIN' ME, BUT YA HAD TO WAIT THREE YEARS!?" As one of the monster Dead released earlier, during his wild ride across Canterlot. Wild Wire soon materialized infront of the girls revealing himself. He was nine feet tall, had circuits running across his body, his head was in the shape of a lighting bolt. With the rest of him being made of blue energy and electricity. He had a permanent alligator grin, along with mismatched eyes that told anyone who stared into them that he was not the brightest candle on the cake. "ITS CRAAAAZY GOOD TO BE BACK!" He bellowed. "What are you!?" Sunset asked, startled by the talking bolt of lighting. "IM CRAAAAZY AND IM ALSO ANGRY AT A CERTAIN SOMEONE WHOSE NAME RHYME WITH MALPH." "Oooo! Ooooo!" Pinkie squealed raising her hand like if she was in class, "Is it Talph?" "NO." "Calph?" "Now what kinda name is that?" AppleJack asked incredulously." "Sure ain't my name." Ralph muttered. "Then whose name is it?" Pinkie asked. "WOW, DHIS CHICK MORE CRAZY THAN I AM!" "Meh," Ralph shrugged, "You get use to it surprisingly fast." "WELL I DONT LIKE HER, AND I DONT LIKE HER FRIENDS, SO IMMA JUS' KILL YOU ALL!" Wild proclaimed. "What!?" Rainbow said, baffled, "What did we ever do to you?" "NOTHIN' BUT SEEIN' YOU WITH RALPH MAKES IT SO I WANNA KILL ALL OF YOU." Ralph then elbowed Rainbow, she glanced at him and he held some sort cheeky arrogant grin, like an 'I told you so.' face. "Told ya." He muttered, still smirking. "Run!" Aiden yelled. The girls took her words and ran in the opposite direction as the living bundle of wires and electricity soon began chasing after them. Wild Wire had taken a good distance by traveling through the phone wires. The wires surrounded in an electrifying aura, indicating Wild Wire was tracking through them. "YOU CANT RUN WHERE I CANT FOLLOW!" "Well we can try!" Ralph yelled running in the middle of the streets. The electric aura soon left the telephone wires as it blasted itself into one of the cars. Like the phone wires, it also was surrounded in an aura of electricity. The headlights to the car turned themselves on as it began honking the horns wildly. The head beams then shot in an arch-motion a string of electricity over the street, as Wild laughed....wildly. (pun fully itended) They all ducked underneath the arch of electricity while Wild continued laughing madly. The girls hair gathered static electricity after running underneath Wild Wire. Wild Wire rematerialized in the middle of the street and was soon surrounded in a pulse of energy. He then shot an electric bolt at the group. "Everyone down!" Sunset cried, before ducking underneath the bolt of electricity. Everyone followed her example and ducked before being charred by the lighting bolt. "Man we could really use Twilight right about now!" Rainbow shouted getting up to her feet. "If I ever meet her, then you should totally make her stay so we could be more prepare in case this happens again!" Ralph cried getting up. The group kept running, Wild Wire shot more bolts of electricity at the group, but they kept ducking underneath each one he fired. They kept running. "So what's he's weakness!?" Susnet yelled dodging another bolt of electricity. "Water!" Ralph answered, "He can't take it!" "BUT ILL TAKE YOU!" Wild Wire shouted, "ILL TAKE YOUR LIFE!" Rainbow clasped on to her baseball bat before swinging it around and throwing it at Wild Wire. Hoping it would slow him down. But the bat just went through him, the electric specter didn't even seemed fazed by it. Another bolt of electricity was shot out and the group had to duck behind the cars to avoid getting zapped. "JUST DIE!" Wild Wire roared, bringing his arms over his head and slamming them against the ground that created a shock wave around him. The dirt from the neighborhood stirred from the impact billowing up into the air. The headlights from the car began blinking on and off erratically, so did lamp post lights began acting crazy from the surge of electricity. Everyone recoiled as they felt the electricity pass by the car they were all hiding behind. They peeked behind the car to see Wild Wire absorb more and pulling more electricity from the power lines above, feeding him and making him powerful. Wild Wire turned to glance on one of the yards was an electric lawn mower. He smirked at this. "SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DONT DO YOUR CHORE. THE LAWN DOESNT GET MOWED, SO ILL MOW YOU ALL!" Wild Wire then disappeared into a cloud of electricity and traveled across the air into the electric lawn mower possessing it. The lawn mower turned itself on and the engine roared loudly. The blades began moving wildly as it chased the group. The group saw this and screamed before bolting down the street with a killer lawn mower behind them. "We need water!" Ralph yelled, the lawn mower getting closer, "And lots of it!" Sunset turned and glanced to a near house and saw a water hose rolled up on the side. "Quick distract him!" She told them before running to the house with the water hose rolled up. "Right!" Ralph moaned, "These monsters wanna kill me." Ralph then turned the next corner. The lawn mower quickly dashed past the girls, completely ignoring them and going after Ralph instead. It's focus purely concentrated on him. "Wow!" Pinkie said, "They really hate him. Huh?" Aiden shrugged, "Well, you don't get someone to love you by locking them for three years." "Should we help yer brother?" AppleJack asked. "Nah," Aiden replied, "He's got this." "I don't got this!" Ralph yelled, jumping over a fallen trash can, with the lawn mower behind him. The lawn mower went through the dirty cylinder by cutting through it with its blades and electricity. "YOU DONT GET FASTER BY GETTING CHASED BY MONSTERS, YOU JUST GET TIRED!" "Why did I make you so crazy!" "CAUSE 3 PLUS 6 EQUALS FISH AND DRIED BONES!" Ralph just screamed louder as the lawn mower kept getting closer. The girls helped Sunset with water hose and set it up to high blast on the settings. They then went in the direction Ralph went. Thankfully the hose was long enough for the girls to see Ralph currently still getting chased. "Help!" "Ralph over here!" Sunset yelled, waving her hand. Ralph smiled inwardly and went in a u-turn back to the girls as Sunset aimed the hose. Once the lawn mower was close, she activated it as she unleashed a high pressure blast of water. The water soaked the lawn mower as it paused and electricity traveled across it, it recoiled and began trembling as the electricity around the lawn appliance went crazy. "OOOOH CRAP! YOU DONE IT NOW BACON HEAD!" The lawn mower roared before an electric current was shot out and Wild Wire rematerialized back into his original form. He then shot a random pole between them on the sidewalk. The sudden explosion from the pole caused the pole to topple over smashing into a car destroying it and causing an accident. The pole fell between the group and Wild Wire. Wild Wire shuffled closer and absorbed all the electricity in the pole, making him grow slightly bigger and the electricity around his form began growing more unstable. He was feeding on the poles energy currents. "NOW THE APPETIZERS IS FINISHED, TIME TO MOVE ON TO THE MAIN COURSE!" Wild Wire glided over the sky and grabbed on to more telephone wires before absorbing more electric currents, making him gradually grow in size and power. The group looked unnerved, they knew if he kept absorbing more electrcity he would only grow bigger. "If he keeps this up, he'll be too powerful to handle." Ralph said, looking unnerved. The girls looked around, trying to come up with a solution to fight a voltage phantom. Wild Wire then transformed himself back into electric currents, before taking himself a good distance by traveling through the power lines. The girls wondered if it made it easier to collect more electricity that way. They all looked in the direction the power lines were traveling and they gasped when they saw Wild Wire heading towards the power plant that was a few blocks away. If he reach there and absorbed all the energy in the city, he would be too powerful to stop. "We need to stop him before he saps all the power in the city!" Sunset said. "Let's go then." Aiden yelled before heading into the direction of the power plant. They followed the living electricity ghost as it was highlighted in a blue current still traveling across the power lines. They could hear the electricity cackle as it approached the plant. The girls continued following him to the power plant. He chuckled darkly, his grin twisting into a half maniacal smile as he landed softly on the ground near the entrance. The group paused and were waiting for another attack from WW who they watched carefully. Though Wild Wire seemed to be purposely ignoring them. "IS THIS BURGER KING?" Wire asked. "NO? CAUSE IM GONNA HAVE IT MY WAY, AND EAT YALL CITYS POWER." "Wild no!" Ralph yelled. "WILD YES! IM HUNGRY!" He bellowed. Ralph felt himself get launched back by a vicious strike of electricity. It wasn't fatal, but Ralph felt dazed by the impact. Wild then turned to the entrance and shot a bolt of lightning, it exploded loudly. It completely disintegrated. The girls ran to Ralph's aid and helped pull him up. "Are you okay dear?" Rarity asked. "My lungs feel fried, but yes." Ralph replied, exhaling a puff of smoke. He looked down to his chest seeing a few rips spread across his jacket along with soot. "What do we do? Wild Wire is gonna absorb all the electricity in the city." Sunset proclaimed. "Not if we stop him." Rainbow said with determination. "How?" Fluttershy asked. "What if we shut off the power to the plant? it could work." Aiden suggested. The girls weren't sure if that was a solid plan. But they were currently desperate and plan debating wasn't their forefront at the moment. That electricity ghost was gonna keep growing bigger and stronger if he absorbed all the city's energy. So they had to go with Aidens plan. Ralph had gone with Sunset and Rainbow to help prolong Wild Wire from absorbing the energy by once more using Ralph as bait. The other girls searched through the facility for the power room. The girls could see the power of the city flickering on and off meaning Wild was feeding currently. "Hey Wild Wire!" Ralph yelled. Soon enough, out of the nearby electricity sockets, Wild Wire apperead infront of them, looking around 15 feet tall, he grew more wider and more broader than his previous forms. "HELLO PA, SORRY, I CANT KILL YOU NOW," Wild said nonchalantly, "MAYBE COME BACK IN AN HOUR AFTER IM DONE WITH MY MEAL." "But wouldn't you rather have you vengeance, by the time you finish devouring the city's power, I'll already be long gone." Ralph stated, hoping this would stop Wire from feeding further. Wild Wire paused and contemplated. After a moment of silence he shrugged. He definitely was opposed of Ralph getting away and he knew he would take more than a while to absorb all the city's energy. "IN THAT CASE KILLING YOU SOUNDS AS MUCH FUN AS EVER!" Wild Wire then released a burst of electricity, hurled at the group. The group anticipated this and quickly ran and ducked the lighting. Wild tried his luck again, and sent more electricity their way, Ralph and the two other girls raced around the corner trying to get away from him, but Wild missed. Based on the blueprints of the building Aiden picked up earlier the power room was only a few corridors away. Eventually they found the correct room with plaque saying in bold letters: "POWER ROOM" The girls threw themselves through the door and quickly searched over the large panel trying to find the emergency off switch. But there was like a thousand buttons and switches on the panel. The whole panel stretched across the entire room with a bunch of other machines against the wall with more flashing buttons and switches, along with little screens displaying meters and other stuff that wasn't important now. Finding the right button would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. "Hey!" Pinkie said earning the girls attention. They turned to Pinkie who was standing next to a red button within a small glass emergency case. "Look at this: Emergency Off switch'? Huh, I wonder what that does." "Press that button!" AppleJack said loudly. Pinkie shrugged and lifted the case off and pressed down the button making a loud whirring sound as he lights to the plant suddenly turn off on their own independently. Followed by the rest of the town. The gears to the plant slowing down, immediately to a halt. Indicating the power plant stopped producing energy to the city. Meanwhile at Canterlot High where the students had gathered to celebrate the Halloween Dance. Everyone came dressed up in their costume enjoying the night, a disco ball was hung over the gym along with Vinyl Scratch who was the DJ. Celestia and Luna were leaned against the wall surveying the dance along with other staff members. Everyone was enjoying the night, until the power and lights unexpectedly turned off. The gymnasium was surrounded in darkness and the students screamed and yelled in surprise, startled by the darkness. There was mild panic, that would no doubt develop into chaos. Student then began muttering in the darkness on what happened to the lights. Celestia decided to calm the panic before it got too wild. "Everyone calm down!" Celestia said loudly, "It's okay, it's just a rolling black out." "It looks like we're not the only ones sister." Luna said peering through one of the windows as she soon saw all houses and buildings across the city fade into darkness, "It seems the whole city has went dark." "I'm sure it will all be temporary, in the mean time lets go start the emergency generator and resume the dance." There were a few more loud murmurs as the students sounded worried, but quickly shrugged it off when Luna went and turned on the generator restoring the lights back in the school. The students resumed back to their dancing, unaware of the monsters in their neighbor hood. "WHAT!?" Wild Wire exasperated, gazing around. He could no longer feel the flow of electrcity through the plant, all the wires and power currents felt hollow without a trace of electrical energy. He watched to see all the city's lights go out. He then glared at the Ralph, Sunset , and Rainbow. "YALL RUINED MY MEAL, NOW IM GONNA RUIN ALL OF YOU!" He yelled, his voice turning into garble static. The three raced around the corner as Wild Wire raised his hand to let out one more blast of electrcity. The group then raced within the building looking for somewhere to hide. They found a supply closet and quickly locked the door. "That's not gonna hold him." Rainbow said nervously. "Well what are we gonna do?" Sunset asked anxiously as hey we're now trapped. Ralph sighed, also running out of ideas. They stopped Wild Wire from absorbing the city's energy, but now he was gonna get in and fry them like a roasted chicken. Things seemed bleak for them at the moment. Ralph felt guilt run through him, knowing these girls were in peril because of him. Ralph looked around saw someone had left their phone charger plugged up against the wall. Ralph tilted his head in defeat, he could hear Wild Wire stomping near them with the sound of electrcity cackling and crunching underneath him. "Oh boy, I'm sorry you guys." Ralph sulked, "I'm sorry I put you all in this tight spot." He then felt Sunsets hand over his shoulder. He gazed up at her to see her giving him a sympathetic look, that told him everything was going to be fine. "It's okay, I'm the one who opened the book." "But I'm the one who created these monsters. I'm so sorry." Rainbow glanced at Sunset who looked at her. They both then gave a sad smile to each other, before looking at Ralph. They didn't know if things were gonna be okay. It was hard imagining after the demons and sirens they were gonna die like this. Killed by a giant bolt of electrcity. Ralph glanced at the phone charger again. His eyelids then began slowly to widened. He then had a crazy idea. It may seem ridiculous, but right now they were in a tight spot. Ralph stood back on his feet and quickly unplugged the phone charger. He looked around the supply closest and found two jumper cables. This could work. "What are you doing?" Rainbow asked seeing Ralph grab the phone charger "I got an idea, it's crazy, but it might work." Ralph said. Rainbow and Sunset turned and glanced at each other. Knowing they were both thinking the same thing. They turned back to Ralph with a smirk. "Lay it on us." Susnet said, crossing her arms. "HEY PA! WHERE ARE YOU?" Wild Wire said, roaming inside the power plant hallways looking for his prey, "WHERE DID YOU GO...I JUST WANT TO TALK. ABOUT SHOCKIN' YOU, WHICH I'LL DO ONCE WE'RE DONE TALKIN'." "Hey!" Wild peeked over his shoulder to see Ralph standing there holding the phone charger. His eyes narrowed in determination. "I'm here," Ralph said bravely, "So come and get me!" Ralph bolted towards the exit as Wild Wire didn't hesitate to chase him. Ralph turned the next corner and kept ducking bolts of electrcity flying past him. Once he made it to the exit, he found Sunset and Rainbow leaning against the wall near the exit. "Now!" He told them. Ralph skidded in front of the exit, waiting for Wild Wire along with the girls. The double doors flung open as Wild Wire stomped his way towards them, looking angry. Electrcity sparking across his body as he shuffled closer to the trio. "ILL KILL TILL YOUR DEAD FROM IT!" "Not tonight!" Sunset proclaimed, she pulled out the jumper cables from behind her back before twirling it. Rainbow followed Sunsets movement as she began twirling the second jumper cable in her hands. In a swift motion they jerked the cables back before the clamp ends were hurled at Wild Wire. The clamps griped onto Wires chest and were tightly secured. The metal of the clamps began generating electrcity, slightly startling Wild Wire. He looked up in time to see Ralph running towards him holding the phone charger connected to his phone. Wild Wild screeched in pain as Ralph jumped up and plunged the charger into his chest. Making him recoil slightly. Sunset and Rainbow took the other end of the jumper cables before clamping them to the phone charger. A larger surge of electrcity began flowing from Wild towards Ralph's phone. "You've been disconnected!" Ralph smirked, activating his phone. More electrcity began surrounding Wild Wire as he recoiled violently. He screeched louder in pain as all his energy was being transferred into Ralph's phone. He then began to shrink gradually down to size as Ralph's phone began sapping and stealing more energy from Wild Wire. Filtering more electricity towards his phone from both the jumper cables and the phone charger. Wild Wire was shaking his head back and forth while he screamed no over and over. Wild Wire began shrinking more rapidly as the more energy was running through the jumper cables into the phone charger. "LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" Wild Wire slammed into the machines electrocuting himself, making him shrink more, electricity began flying across the sky as Wild Wire began losing control over himself. More bolts of lighting kept shooting aimlessly in different direction as Wild Wire kept getting tiny and tinier. Wild Wire was reeled towards the phone until he was the size of a doll. The last bit of Wild Wire was immediately sucked through the charger. The girls stared in awe as a blue electrical energy travels through the charger until it reached Ralph's phone. More electrcity kept entering the phone. Ralph's phone apparently couldn't take the large build up of energy. So Ralph's phone unexpectedly exploded out of his hands knocking him, Sunset and Rainbow on to their backs as the explosion sent Ralph's phone flying over the city. Aiden, and the rest of the Rainbooms heard the explosion and ran towards the exit. Fearing the worst for her little brother, she quickly slammed both doors and gazed to see Ralph, Rainbow, and Sunset on the ground with smoke trailing across their body and a large score mark where Wild Wire was a few seconds ago. Aiden and the others sighed when they saw the trios chest rise and fall. Meaning they were alive, slightly shocked but alive. Along with smoke billowing from their bodies. Ralph was the first one to get up as he grunted and stared at his sister and the others. Feeling very weak. He looked rather worse for the wear at the moment, much worse than when he had been electrocuted the first time. "Oh man...." Ralph said weakly, he then coughed up more smoke as electrcity coursed across his body, ".....I was not expecting that to work." "Ralph!" Aiden said, hugging her little brother, expressing great relief, "Oh I'm so happy your alive." "I'm surprised to be alive after an explosion like that." Ralph muttered, still dazed. "What about you two?" AppleJack asked Sunset and Rainbow lying on the ground, completely dazed. When they rose up, the groups eyes widened. They were alive, with lots of soot, a few minor burn marks, and a little electricity cackling across their body. But that wasn't their focus. It was their hair. The extreme build up of static caused their hair to grow all frizzy and puff up to oversized afros. Everyone stifled their giggles as they covered their hands over their mouths as they saw how frizzy their hair had grown. "W-what?" Rainbow said weakly, unaware of her rainbow afro, "What's so funny?" "Oh noooothing," Pinkie said innocently before resuming her loud giggling. "Then why are you you laughing at us?" Susnet inquired, as static coursed across her hair. "Uh," Ralph smirked, snickering crazily, "Forget it, the school is only a few blocks away." "But seriously girls," Rarity chimed in, "After this is over, our first priority will be a trip to the spa." Sunset and Rainbow just raised a brow at this in unison. Ralph's phone had flown a really good distance. It landed in the middle of the street, with smoke trailing from it. It was amazing that it was still intact. Except for a few cracks on the screen. The phone then unexpectedly turned itself on, all on its own, however there was something not normal with it. Instead of the normal screen wallpaper. Wild Wire appeared and looked around his surrounding. He pressed his face against the screen and accidentally slammed too hard making him recoiled. He swerved his head around trying to find an exit. The phone acted as a container, and he was bouncing around like wild. But no matter what he couldn't break through. He was now trapped in the phone. "ILL GET YOU NEXT TIME YOU CRAZY KIDS!" He shouted through the screen as he banged his fists against the screen. A giant shadow was soon casted over him. He glanced up and was surprised to see who had found him. "OH ITS YOU." Wild Wire moaned. He was then picked up from the ground and gazed to see Dead holding him in his new prison. Behind him was Arachnida, Posion Thorn, the Zilther Beast, and a Gingerbread Monster sitting on Deads shoulder. He even spotted more monster far behind him. Dead rotated his head 180 degrees and looked at Zilther Beast. The three headed monster nodded and understood what Dead was going to ask it. The Zilther began flowing its energy into the giant blue rock to a purple color. Dead turned the rest of his body and aimed the phone with Wild Wire inside infront of the Zilther. The Zilther shot a high pressure beam of energy at Ralph's phone with Wild contained within. The phone then exploded releasing Wild Wire as he laughed maniaclly, free once again. "So...." Wild Wire turned and grinned at Dead. "Wanna crash a party?" Dead asked before pointing at Canterlot High only a few blocks away. Wild Wire glanced at the school, he then grinned evilly before nodding.