//------------------------------// // %Chapter 7% Dashing For Rainbows // Story: Where the Rainbow Begins // by Alizilith //------------------------------//         Dasheroo hadn’t seen Rainbow in such a long time and she felt anxious to see her, but no matter what Rainbow’s two friends kept on persisting on not letting her see her, she wanted to see her so bad, but no matter what she knew that Rainbow was an important pony and that they needed her whole attention to help solve the crisis of Equestria. Sighing she couldn’t help but watch the moon as it clashed with the sun above. She wonders if Rainbow is staring at the very same moon….         I have to do this ‘You have to do this’ My voice rang out in my head, no turning back, this is a new breakthrough and i will not waste time on small things like moral. It happened by accident, one little critter fell into the vat and it had produced the one thing i was looking for, pigmentations of spectra danced into existence before dispersing so effortlessly just as it came.         I was holding a red fox as i stared at its luxurious fur, “This time for sure” i spoke to myself         It squirmed in my grasp, trying desperately to get away. It knew, for some reasons all the animals knew, or rather they could at least sense something was amiss. The little fox flung itself to the right before the left, it was trying so hard to get away. It then curled up in a ball, i thought it had finally gave up when its mouth shot out, twisting its body caught me off guard as it sunk its teeth into my hoof. I wince before throwing the thing off of me, I smirked as it landed right into the machine. It seems that I have gone deaf as the little fox screamed in pain. I looked away, pushing my thoughts away as i stared at the end of the machine, waiting for an existing red that would last forever.         It was then I heard a loud gasp permeate the room, my eyes shrunk as I heard this and my ears swiveled back. Slowly, I turn to see who was behind me, and there stood two mares, staring in shock and horror as they were in the room that no pony was permitted in.         The room was filled with countless bodies of mangled animals as each of their essence was extracted them all the while they were alive to bring forth the spectra that I so desperately craved.         My friends stared agape as they saw the countless animals being strung up         “This whole time…. you’ve been making me give up countless creatures, leading them here, only for you to slaughter them!!” Plain Swifter shouts         I rolled my eyes “Yes, yes, but all for a good cause, i mean how else was i going to get my perfect machine to work without experiments, but of course each animal you brought lacked in color, each giving the effects that i don’t want, so it caused me to pursue into larger intake of creatures, the more the merrier, for the betterment of Equestria”         Dawn was crying as she was laying on the ground, “all this time, i was using my magic for… for” she chokes up         “Oh get over it!” I shouted, my eyes growing wild “we are on the verge of eternal night and possibly the end of Canterlot and CloudsDale, do you really think that the cost of some animals for ponies is so wrong!” I exclaimed         i then turned away “either way, i am in control here, this is my domain so i call the shots, Guards!” I exclaimed as they were getting on my nerve         Immediately two Pegasi came to my side “Apprehend them and put them in the brig, i want them to continue on with their duty” i ordered         “Yes ma’am” the exclaimed, racing towards the Unicorn and Earth Pony         “Rainbow!” Plain shouts “we’re your friends!” She shouts         i then looked over my shoulder at them, a glint in my eye “yes and seeing how we’re such good friends i’m sure we’ll work harder than ever to get this machine to work properly, I'll be having Midnight magic to look at you two” i stated walking away         “Rainbow” they shouted out after me “RAINBOW!”         then the large doors were closed, i sat there, alone, contemplating on the next step of my beautiful machine. They will just become better work ponies after all, they’ll come to understand, I know they will, i mean it worked for the other ponies, it’ll work for them and we can work even closer now that I don't have to hid this horrible truth from them, i smiled wickedly as a cackle entered my head, I will do as Celestia asks of me and bring forth a rainbow so spectacular that it’ll help rejuvenate the elements of harmony and Blast Nightmare Moon far away! I couldn’t help but race towards the Brig to see Midnight work her magic on my friends, We’ll get to know each other so well now, no more secrets, no more hiding, i can be myself as they help me enact the beautiful machine!  I finally made it to the brig to see Midnight in front of the other two ponies, they cowered beneath her as she charged up her magic, Dawn tried to flair her magic only for Midnight to dispel her in an instant, she wasn’t Celestia's prodigy for nothing. Plain tried to fight back as she bucked at the mare only for two colts to come in and hold her down as one colt held down Dawn.         I was so giddy as Midnight did her magic. It went on for a while, i watched as Midnight raised her magical powers and touched the forehead of two of my closest friends, there eyes flashing white as their minds were being controlled, i placed a hoof over the glass and lowered my head, a realization hits me as a part of me was resurfacing, I was literally taking the will away from my pony friends, and here they were kicking and screaming, trying to dissuade Midnight’s magic as if it were for their very lives.         “I’m sorry” i whispered, turning away         ‘hey what are you sorry about!’ a voice rang out and i shook my head         ‘my friends, i hypnotized them to this’ i then lowered my head “and for what”         ‘for the betterment of Equestria of course!’ the voice rang ‘i mean, if you didn't do this, who will? if the machine wasn’t completed then who will save Equestria? you’re saving them, and we care a lot about them and this is for there own good’         ‘you’re right,’ i called back         ‘I'm always right, i am you, and if they break away and tear your trust, then only one option will remain’         i sighed ‘i know’ was the only reply before i trotted back to the lab         “for the betterment of Equestria” I kept telling myself, over and over again, it had become a mantra now as it helped me sooth my ever growing insanity...         i watched as more and more creatures were subjected to the machine, some remained alive once they exited but was put back in as a sort of mercy and experimental process, to see how we can receive different color variations from the animals. I'm not proud of this, but my machine demanded more of it, only giving dull colors and sputtering the constant color of red. in frustration i slammed my hooves down         “WHY Won’t you WORK!” i exclaimed         everything was perfect, the set up, the extraction, i saw Plain Swifter about to drop another bunny into the machine when i opened my wings, signaling for her to stop         “Enough” i say, begrudgingly,         she looks at me confused but once she saw the look on my face she understood         “these are futile, i need more products, things larger than a mere bunny”         “then what Rainbow?” Plain asks         I need more, something colorful.” i then thought a moment I need… a manticore” i stated “it may not be easy, but with its large body I'm sure we can get some color” i stated before turning away, “so that is your next target, now Go!” i ordered         i watched as Plain swifter ran off, going beyond her plains she frolicked in, and into the forest of the Everfree. i looked at the source of energy, making sure there was a constant source of energy flowing through to power my machine, giving it the energy to press all of those creatures. i looked up to see DawnGuard, strapped up in a metal saddle, holding her up with multiple cords and metal wires to her horn, it glowed a bright yellow as it energized the machine, i sighed softly         “sorry but with this I don't have to worry about losing power, and i don't have to worry about annoying ponies always running out of magic in the process, your magical supply is much more supple than that of any other pony, it is part of your talent after all, so hang in there” I said softly as I trotted off, now expecting a new shipment of Creatures soon to go into the machine...         I had worked so hard, Sleep was never an option, since Midnight had casted her little spell I was always awake and alert, but with each passing day it seemed my wall of sanity was chipping away more and more, becoming nothing more than rubble as my objectives became blurred as I mercilessly threw in a cockatrice with my eyes closed, I listened helplessly as it crowed and hissed, crying out in pain as its entire being was becoming nothing more than Spectra. I had collected different hues of colors, mixing them and matching them to their right form of Pigments, out of all the colors Purple was the most difficult as there wasn’t that many critters that shared those colors, and getting a dragon was way out of the question.         Using process of elimination I ended up setting up a team to combine the pigments red and blue together to get the final product, but that just meant that i had to sacrifice more critters that shared the color of red and blue, meaning more animals were to be ready for death. I found that the process was more profitable if the specimen were alive a long time ago but it wasn’t enough, I ended up having to strap new equipment to the machine and removing some items to lengthen the extraction process as that showed more results than before.         I had Midnight work on the combination process of the spectra as she tried to weave the colors together without combining the colors. But with each try it ended up a muddy brown color that made me look upon it in disgust. Midnight's magic is wonderful and there was no flaw so it was all in the spectra that the equation befell upon…         “The Spectra you provide me with lacks an element that grows within us all, it lacks magic” That was what Midnight had told me.         Magic, i was at a lost for words, I couldn’t think of a creature that had contained magic in their being and would produce the amount of spectra i needed.         ‘I know of one’ the voice said coolly as i wince         ‘shut up’ i growled back         I paced back in forth as I called out for  and Ursa minor, its large stature would surely produce what i need, of course we had to tranquilize the Ursa major as that one will follow suit after this beast. For the young ones I had allowed them to tranquilize it, I had some tact of sanity in me as the cub was torn asunder in the new and improved machine. I watched as the pigments of blue began to usher out of the machine as i smiled happily for Midnight to get to work, who graciously took the job whole heartedly.         “Bring in the Next Specimen” I barked as CloudTrotter grabbed a caged Chimera, all three of their mouths gagged as they ushered it to the edge of the podium where the steep drop would surely land in the clutches of the Machine.         I nodded before the cage was opened, CloudTrotter grabbed an electric prod and jabbed at the beast, pushing them further and further out of the cage before it plummets to their destined end. So many pigments and yet none held the magic that I needed.         Grimacing I inspected the chart as I wrote down another critter now checked off of the list. My ears perked up as I heard the sound of hooves racing into the room.         “Rainbow!” It sounded so excited before turning into horror as that small voice gasped “Ra-Rainbow?”         My eyes shrunk to mere pinpricks as my ears splayed back, slowly I turned towards the voice as she was just behind me.         “D-D-Dashy? Wha-What are you doing here” I held my hooves up as well as my wings as I tried to cover the visage of the device with all its gory bits still intact.         “Wha-What is this Rainbow?” She asks, taking a step back as her eyes were glued to the machine, forever burned in her memory as the workers went on as if nothing was going on between the Head mare and her little sister.         “Um, this is, uh, ah, an accident! yes, well, the chimera was doing some tests and well, eh-heh, fell in” I tried to come up with meek excuses as I walked closer to the filly         She was shaking her head as she spotted the cage and CloudTrotter with the electric prod, more tears were presenting themselves on her precious face as she looked so torn, her friend, her hero, her sister, was doing all of these heinous acts and… and… and she knew nothing about it.         “how can you do this Rainbow? i looked up to you, i thought you were my sister,” Dasheroo whimpers as she was huddled away from me         “Dashy, i am Your sister” I tried to explain but she shakes her head         “This is just too… just too horrible!” She cries out         “Dashy, you don’t understand, this is for the best for everypony” i stated, taking a step towards her         she huddles further back “No! this is wrong, you’re not the real Rainbow!” She exclaims, she went to make a run for it when i stopped her in her tracks         “Please Dashy” i pleaded         the only pony who was keeping me sane, the only one who keeps me, me, was breaking away from me, no! i don't want this, i don't want to lose her!         “Don’t call me that!” she shouts at me, now anger burning in her         “Dash” i tried once more only for her to ignore me         “You’re nothing but a monster, i thought we could relate but i was wrong” she shouts         ‘you know, you gave everything to this brat’ that one voice spoke again to me ‘and this is the thanks we get?’         ‘no, you’re wrong!’ i complied         it only laughed ‘just accept it, that brat didn't love you from the start’         “NO!” i shouted, finally breaking, i didn't care anymore, i just wanted it all to stop “I gave everything to you Dasheroo, i tried to give you what i never had when i was little, a friend, some pony to depend on and give you helpful advice, and this is what i get!?!” i shouted, stepping closer towards her         she returned to cowering, the look on her face would have worried me if i were my old self, but this is the new me, the one who she called a monster. that look only drove me further insane as it proved the fact that she doesn't recognize me.         “This device here, this is the future, i work day and night so it would work cause this thing is going to save Equestria! This is going to save you!” i then got right in her face once she was cornered “do you know how many living things i had to put down, how many were experimented on to create the different armament of colors, only for it to fail in the end! I'll tell you, 4,591 creatures have been in this machine and all came out with the same result, dead and no rainbows” i withdrew, glaring down at her “my whole life I've been nothing but a failure, but this time, i will become victorious, i will create the perfect rainbow, to save Equestria, and no pony is going to stop me!” I shouted         Dash quickly ran to the side, going around me and made a run for it, i quickly jumped towards her with a flap of my wings, giving me only the smallest of boosts so i could tackle the filly,         “you’re not going anywhere!” I shouted, a hoof on her shoulder “you’re going to understand, your going to learn so much more with me!” I shouted         i went to call out for Midnight when she pulled away, she jumped up and tried to flap her wings as hard as she could only to hover, she started to move forward but i snarled,         “Oh no you don't!” I shouted, reaching out and grabbing her tail with my teeth, she yelped out in pain “No pony is to know of my beautiful machine”         Soon Dasheroo grew tired and fell from the air, the extra weight made me slump down as she was dangling from the side, right over the Pegasus device. my heart began to beat rapidly as i tried to pull her up when thoughts entered my mind         ‘she’ll understand, all i have to do is tell her, make her understand’         ‘and when will that happen? you saw her try to run away from you, like you were some monster’         ‘well, she has a reason why’         ‘yeah, and you’re doing this for the betterment of Equestria, now that the brat is where you want her, why not just drop her huh? it’ll save so much time’ it quips         ‘No! i would never do that to Dasheroo’ i shouted out at the voice         “Don’t Worry Dashy” I said with her hair in my mouth, making it muffled “I’m going to save you, I will never let anything happen to you” Tears were now streaming down my face         ‘come on, this thing will never love you like you love her, she’ll just rip your heart out and spread terrible things about our machine, the thing that's going to save Equestria’         ‘but-’ i thought as i stared down at the helpless filly i knew         ‘this is the very thing that's going to save her’ it states, getting at me ‘so just drop her!’         “Never!” i shouted, pulling hard at the tail and swinging her up         i swung Dasheroo up and practically threw her against the railing that separated the edge of the walkway and the long fall into the machine, i began to felt different once i accomplished that.         ‘Damn it I'm sick and tired of this’ i then felt a sharp pain in my head, making me wince ‘I'm taking over now, i was nice enough to let you have control but now it's my turn’ it states as i got back up on my legs ‘I'm going to make this machine better with a new test subject’ the voice rang, the pain spreading in my head as I held my hooves up to my head, screaming in pain i tried to get it to go away, to prevent it from invading my body but it was far too late, i was weak, with lack of sleep or food i was practically a carcass for the buzzards.         ‘no!’ i gasped but as defiant as i was, i couldn't control what i once thought was my body.         i looked down at the filly, smiling so gleefully as i placed a hoof onto her chest, adding pressure and i could hear the cries that she made,         ‘i was the one that had to do the dirty work, hearing the screams, making sure the animal went through nicely, only to get awful results’ it stated         this can’t be happening! why is this happening, this is madness!         ‘Madness? yes it quite is but the only reason this is the way it is, is because of this stupid little filly’ and that pressure was added onto the little ponies body         “once i rid you of this world, then I'll be in control” i said, but it wasn’t me saying it! It was dark and malicious as my eyes Dilated to mere slits.         slowly but surely she was taking control, my hoof adding more pressure as Dasheroo was against the railing         ‘please no’ i begged, ‘this is the only pony that was keeping my sanity’         ‘no more!’ it shouted ‘the only reason you exist is because of this little shit, and once she’s gone I'll be all alone! not only that but I'm positive that this is the perfect test subject for my machine, with vibrant colors I'll rid cloudsdale of a flightless pegasi!’         With that a spark ignited in me, ‘Never!’ i shouted         i regained control once more as i moved away from Dasheroo, i thrashed my head about, trying to shake the feeling of her trying to take over         ‘I'm going to win this, not you!’ she shouts         “NO!” i shouted out loud         i bucked in the air, my hoof colliding with the railing and making it come loose, the guards were confused as to why i was thrashing and came to my aid, i looked at them and only saw them as obstructions         “LEAVE ME!” i shouted at them, they quickly dashed out and i recoiled to the ground, putting my hooves on my head, trying to quell the battle raging inside me         “rainbow?” a soft voice asked in a small whisper         with that both of us got riled, hatred from her as love in mine reacted from that voice, pain struck once more as i thrashed my head, hitting up against Dasheroo and making her lose her balance         “Stop it! Stop IT Stop IT!” i growled         ‘No’ it complied ‘Never!’         i got up on my legs once more when i heard a scream, i looked up to see Dasheroo losing her balance, teetering on the edge, i rushed forward         “DASHY!” i shouted, reaching out for her         But just as i reached her she fell backwards, i fell forward onto my chest. with one last ditch effort i reached far off the edge, hooking my leg to the railing until i finally grabbed the young filly's hoof in mine.         i was panting, the machine merely feet away and i was holding as tightly as i could. i looked down at the helpless filly as she looked terrified beyond belief         I-its alright.” i panted, pulling her up slightly "I got you, i will always have you” i stated as i tried to pull her up         tears began to flow out of her eyes as she look behind me, then right in my eyes “no.” she states quietly “you don’t”         “Dashy?” i questioned         But with that the railing i was holding onto jerked and i was slumped forward, nearly losing my hoof on my Dasheroo         “come on, we can make it” i say, grunting as i pulled even harder, but a sharp pain hit my back and i whimpered softly         “Rainbow?” Dasheroo says softly         i looked back at her with pleading eyes “Don’t” i pleaded         “You know this can’t hold us”         “It can! so Don’t!” i shouted         With that the railing inched even more “Rainbow, i always thought of you as an older sister, i was happy that we were together. but… but i don’t think i know you anymore, this was probably all my fault anyways” she states         A sudden burst of adrenaline hits me, i pulled her up so that she was face to face with me “we are sisters, i can fix this, i’ll stop the project, even if it ends Equestria, just stay with me”         Dash only shakes her head “You always had beautiful eyes” she states before letting go of my hoof         Being against this i held on as hard as i could, “Don’t give up on me Dashy” i stated pulling her up “Please” i begged as tears were constantly going down my face “You’re the only one keeping my sanity, you’re the only one i care about,” i choked up “you’re the only one i Truly Love!” i shouted         Dash only smiled, as my consciousness slipped, i felt myself grin evilly, ‘finally that brat gave up’ and with that, my grasp slipped         “NO!” i screamed as Dasheroo fell down, seeming to go in slow motion she spread her wings one last times with such a peaceful look, before going right into the machine         “DASHY!” i hollered, attempting to let go of the railing when some pony else grabbed me from behind, pulling me up “DASHY, DASHY, DASHY!” i screamed         But nothing came back, nothing at all. i went to go shield my ears, but it was futile, the pony who was holding onto me tightly wouldn't let me, my arms were secured under hers as the scream finally came. it was so blood curdling and full of so much pain, i gritted my teeth and turned away, tears forcing themselves out of my eyes as i heard the pained and withering pony. the machine did its work as Dasheroo was forced into the multiple contraptions, draining her of the beautiful color she once had.         Finally the machine stopped, the screaming had died down and i slumped down, it was Midnight who was holding me back and she finally let go of me once i had given up. Midnight approaches me from my side. i look towards her without moving         “Go get her” i stated simply         “But Rainb-” she starts         “Just Do IT!” i barked out.         Begrudgingly Midnight left, using her levitating powers she lifted up the mangled body, being careful not to move to suddenly so the body wouldn't tear or break, she brought her to me. I pulled her into my arms when Midnight saw something, her eyes growing wide as she went up to it, i only sat there, staring at the only thing that kept me, me.         “I can’t believe this” Midnight says astonished, “this- this” she utters         i sighed as i expected for her to pity me, to say it was going to be alright, or something, but what came next was the last straw         “This is wonderful!!” Midnight shouts Holding up the vat that held the bright hues of orange and magenta “This pigmentations, this spectra, its perfect! Not to mention the magic that is literally radiating from it!”         My eye twitched as the voice in my head cackled ‘Bwahahahaha! You See!? You SEE! I told you!’ It taunts         My breathing was becoming ragged when my ear twitched Wide eyed i looked down at the mangled body. To my horror and slight Delight she was still alive. Barely breathing wish cuts all around and broken bones with one of her wings missing. I nearly gagged at this when i tried to look into her eyes only they were scraped and was barely even there. It was so horrifying to see such a beautiful young filly in such a state.         “No more” I whispered “I am so Sorry Dashy, I wish I was there for you more and not on this.. this… rust bucket” I spat I then held her close and winced when i heard her moan in pain.         A new idea came to mind as I sighed sadly, looking at my coat i soon smiled “Together forever right Dashy?” I said as I got up and went towards the edge of the balcony.         The bloody mess barely nodded “This will be the last time the machine will be used Midnight!” I ordered         “But, Rainbow, we still need the other colors!” She shouts         “You will receive them” I said as tears fell from my face “Equestria without Dashy is no world of mine” I then cuddled the poor filly “Maybe in the next life we can actually be sisters Dashy, and even if we aren’t I will find you, and I will love you in every aspect of yourself and never leave your side”         “Rainbow Wait!” Midnight shouts         But before anything could happen I took one last step, falling to the side of the edge, and straight into the jaws of the machine.         “I’d Like that Rainbow” She was barely audible but I managed to understand her as I held her closer, wrapping my wings around her as I tilted my head down towards the machine         “Together”         “Forever”         The machine I worked so hard to achieve had finally claimed its final victim, relishing in the new source of flesh as I was being broken and torn apart, Dashy Died in an instant as I remained, but no matter what, I held onto her as tightly as I could as my colors were being bleed from me. I guess this is where the Rainbow Begins, as well as its end….