The Prince of Storms

by Sweetmiss2121

Chapter 11: Grand Disaster Gala

The prince of storms Chapter 11: Grand Disaster Gala, not exactly the best night EVER...

Ponyville – Library -

In the small room where usually the Elements Bearers met to talk and resolve things peacefully at the moment there was not even the slightest feeling of peace as every mare present was trying to out-scream the other while stealing glances at two tickets still held in Spike's hand as neutral party of their discussion.

"QUIET!" Twilight finally roared silencing her friends and stopping their arguing mid-sentence.

"But Twi! I wanna go impress the Wonderbolts!" Dash said whining.

"Yes, but I only have two tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala and we are six...I don't want to disappoint any of you, okay?! That's why I tried to take time with my decision!" the purple Unicorn answered in exasperation.

"Oh!" was the collective answer of the now-kind-of-ashamed mares present.

Celestia had that morning sent two tickets for the literally MOST famous ball in all Equestria to Twilight, the problem was that the delivery through Spike happened while the mare and the dragon were helping Applejack harvesting apples, from that onward AJ, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy even had tried to "Bribe" their way into convincing Twilight to take them with her to the Grand Galloping Gala by playing favours to her in not very subtle ways, or in Pinkie's case literally singing about her reason for doing it.

"Besides." Twilight then said looking at Dash with narrowed eyes.


"I thought that after that incident with Spitfire you had abandoned that dream of yours." she continued.

"She decided to stand aside, and I can always take her place by showing my being better than her." Dash answered with crossed hooves.

"You others are romantically involved with the Prince! You don't even need a ticket to go there! Just ask him and he will tell the guards to let you in! I am the one that need that thing to enter!" Rarity added indignant.

"Aaah...Kinda forgot 'bout that actually." AJ muttered chuckling weakly.

"That would be unfair though." Fluttershy said uncertain.

"I am writing to the Princess, like hay I will choose a friend over another. I prefer to not go there if that's the case." Twilight said shaking her head and rapidly composing a letter and adding the two tickets to it.

"Twilight..." Pinkie said sadly.

"It's okay, I prefer seeing my friends happy than going to a Gala." she answered smiling.


"On it!" the small dragon replied sending the message away in a flare of magical flames.

"So? What now?" Dash asked bumping her head with the unicorn's.

"What now? I really need some cupcakes and apples. I am starving!" Twilight answered making the others chuckle.

"WAIT!" Pinkie yelled as her tails twitched violently.

"What?" AJ asked.

"INCOMING!" the pink pony yelled taking a military helmet and sand bags out of thin air to hide.

"Guh?! OOOOOOH! IIIIIIIGH! BLEAAARGH!" in that same instant Spike started groaning before his belly inflated to comically huge proportions, as soon as he seemed about to explode he simply puked-out an immense fireball shooting something against the wall at terminal speed opening an hole to the outside.

" worked!" a voice said weakly with a broken chuckle.

"Meally!?" Dash said with wide eyes.

"Prince Maelstrom!?" the others echoed.

"Oh, hey there!" the rust-red Alicorn said smiling wide while climbing inside the hole in the wall before repairing it.

"I am not feeling so good..." Spike moaned from the floor.

"Sorry if I messed-up your stomach, but I needed to escape. Can I stay hidden here for a while, please?" Maelstrom asked.

"Why you are here? And why coming here through Spike?" Rarity asked curious.

"I need a place to hide until that Grand Gala is over." he answered shrugging.

"The Grand Galloping Gala? Why you want to hide from it?" Dash asked as she moved closer to him.

"Mother and Auntie are driving me nuts with lessons about bon-ton or whatever those fancy good manners are called. I am a warrior for Kami's sake! A SHINOBI! For us the most elegant thing is sharing a glass of sake with friends after a mission to share stories! Only Clan-heads do that stuff and even then only the Hyuuga are all that pompous...we are people with our feet, no, with our hooves on earth! I don't want to learn which of the six forks or seven knives and four glasses in front of me I have to use first! Hide me Twi-chan! I'll do everything you want but please. HIDE. ME!" the Prince answered in despair and looking at the Purple Unicorn with his best Kicked-dog expression.

The fact that he had reverted to Human terms told the girls he was very close at snapping, he had long stopped using terms like 'Kami' or suffixes like "-chan" since he didn't want people to get confused about what he said.

"Well, I am sure it won't be so bad instead...maybe you are exaggerating..." Twilight tried saying, disturbed by how hard he hugged her to renovate his plea for help.

"What's this?" Pinkie asked as she noticed something resting on the floor near the wall the Alicorn had flew through.

"NO! Don't look at those!" the only stallion in the room yelled in horror.

"SIX TICKETS! The Princess says that you should have just asked for more! We can all go!" the pink mare said excitedly.

"YES!" the mares yelled as one in happiness.

"NOOOOOOO!" Maelstrom answered in pure sorrow as he curled into a ball to cry.

"Come on! Don't be like that. We all will be there together, if you think there will be only stuck-up mares and stallions at least you'll have us to talk with." Dash said nuzzling her colt-friend with a gentle smile.

"And, darling? That should be your element now, sophisticated company and important figures, better starting now to get used to them..." Rarity said with a malevolent gleam in her eyes.

"Wh-what?" the stallion said taking a step back.

"Now that I think about it...your name DOES have some pretty great weight in the "right circles"...right?" the fashionista said moving closer with a frightening smirk on her face.

"GULP!" Maelstrom could only swallow loudly at the other mares' hungry gaze as they developed the same light in their eyes.

"EEYUP! You can help me then! Ya can talk them into trying the products of the Apple Family of Ponyville! You would do that for your mare-friend AJ...right?" the farm mare asked while leaning closer to nuzzle him.

"We are friends, I am sure you WILL tell them how good I am at creating dresses." Rarity added showing fangs that by norm should NOT be in an horse's mouth.

"It would be an awesome Party! And I know my best-friend/ Colt-friend will help me making it even more awesome...right? You will help little Pinkie Pie-chan, right?" Pinkie added as she nibbled his ear with her cutest pout.

"You can introduce me to Princess Luna and Celestia's pets in the Royal Garden...can you please do it?" Fluttershy asked as she too nuzzled the Prince.

"Ehm...Ehhh!...I...I don't..." the stallion stammered as his back went pressed against the wall as he looked at Twilight for help.

"Don't look at me. I had to go through that myself all day, not going to switch their attention back on me." the mare muttered shaking her head.

"Hooves down! He is my stallion first...and he will first help me joining the Wonderbolts and THEN, if he has a spare minute and we are not having fun together, maybe he can try and help you others." Dash answered, turning the momentary smile of relief on Maelstrom's face into a deeper frown as her own request wormed its way in her words.

"RUN, YOU FOOL!" Kurama screamed from the Seal.

"EEEEEEEEEEP! TAIJU KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU! (Massive Shadow Clone Technique)" the Alicorn Prince answered before an army of clones erupted into the small library to cover the Real Maelstrom's escape.

"Did we scare him?" Pinkie asked confused.

"I think we did, dear. Now what?" Rarity asked huffing.

"Ehm, Hello?...Boss says that he admits defeat, he will wait for you others at the Gala and be done with it. That and to dress comfortable other than nice as there is not a too-strict dress-code, the thing should go well into the night so do not sacrifice comfort for excessive fanciness..." a lone clone said peeking inside from the open door.

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you." Rarity answered with a grateful nod.

"Tell him that I will show-off some leg, at least he'll have something nice to look at!" Dash said grinning.

"I-I'll let him know." the blushing clone answered dispelling.

"You are a temptress." Twilight said chuckling.

"I just know my stallion." the other mare answered.

"OKAY! Enough chit-chat! I will need time to turn you others into something presentable, TO THE BELLE-BOUTIQUE! AWAY!" Rarity said as she hurried out.

" She needs time to 'Turn us others into something presentable' nice of her." Dash said with a sarcastic tone.

(Batman-style "Scene transition" With Rarity's Face on it.)

Night of the Grand Galloping Gala – Outside the Royal Castle -

"It would have been a good idea." Twilight said with a frown.

"And I am with you, arriving with a fairy-tale carriage dragged by white horses would have made a wonderful impact." Rarity answered sighing.

"I seem to remember that it was your cat that scared the mouses-turned-horses away." Dash added while glaring at the fashionista.

"My little Opalescence just misunderstood the situation..." she answered clearing her throat.

"Good thing ya convinced those two ta help us." AJ said pointing at the two heavily panting, almost unconscious from fatigue, stallions that were trying to not collapse and at the same time appear as dashing as they were when Rarity convinced them to drag the whole thing to Canterlot.

The fact that they were drenched in sweat and shaking did ruin the effect a little though.

"Thank you for helping us, Mister Clover and Mister Caramel!" Futtershy said with a tiny smile.

"Ooh! Pant! It was...WHEEZE! Nothing hard. I-I-I (Hard intake of air) do this everyday to keep in shape." the stallion with a clover-themed cutie-mark said puffing out his chest.

"M-M-Me too. PANT! I bet I can drag it back to Ponyville by myself with how light everything was..." Caramel added.

"We'll keep that in mind, thank you. BYE!" Rarity answered uninterested as the group of mares walked towards the Castle.

"...Can we collapse now?" Lucky Clover asked as soon as the Element Bearers were far enough.

"Oh, Celestia, yes!" Caramel answered making both faint instantly and at the same time.

Canterlot Castle -

While the Element Bearers were moving closer to the palace, the Moon Alicorn and her beloved son were already helping Celestia in greeting the guests that kept arriving in hordes eager to thank the two sisters for the chance to take part to the Gala.

The Alicorn Prince although was desperately fighting the urge to bolt out and hide in the Everfree Forest until the thing was over; but at least he managed to convince Luna to not force him to wear a dress but the scaled, bulky armour with both Sun and Moon crest on its chest area under the flamed cloak he usually wore when on-duty as guard (although both that and the Konoha Forehead-protector he was wearing on his forehead had been shined to be blindingly sparkling).

"...I swear, any more of this and I'll go Six-Tails on their ass." Maelstrom muttered in dismay.

"We barely started, my dear. Have strength, we need to support to each-other if we want to survive the night." Luna answered as both plastered their most convincing smile on their faces as a new guest neared them.

"You just want to stop Celestia from whining about us abandoning the Gala leaving her alone at the Guests' mercy."

"That too."

"A thing I don't get though, how did you two convinced Discord to play nice and not prank the whole Gala?" he asked.

"He is away at the moment and will return only late tonight." Luna answered.

"Where did you send him?"

"A book presentation." the Moon Alicorn said smirking.

Meanwhile Konoha (Time-flow 'adjusted' by the Princesses to finally be parallel with Equestria just for this reason) – Old Leaf Book store -

"Good evening, tonight we are all here together to have a group reading of my latest two books: 'Icha-Icha: Yandere Goddess' and 'Icha-Icha: The Sexy Umbra Wizard'. Thank you for coming." Ino said proudly at the huge gathering of fans in front of her that immediately started applauding at her in adoration.

"YAY! I LOVE YOU! You are the greatest!" a rather strange man with mismatched clothes and a goat-like beard was heard saying squealing while clapping harder than anyone else.

Back in Equestria -

"Princess Luna! Your beauty knows no bounds and tonight especially you are dazzling!" the Mare said with a mellifluous voice.

"Thank you dear, you too are wonderful tonight! She is Opera Prima, Maelstrom. Owner of one of the biggest art galleries of Manehattan." Luna answered introducing the woman.

"My pleasure to make your acquaintance." the Prince answered kissing the offered hoof.

"Hohoho! Such a powerful pair of eyes, my dear, I almost felt overwhelmed for an instant! I bet my daughter could go crazy in trying to reproduce them on canvas for days!" Opera said with a courteous laugh.

"You have a daughter?" Maelstrom asked with only his mother catching the sarcasm hidden in his words.

"But of course! My dear Opera Magna, she is a genius of an artist if I can say so myself." the old mare answered pointing with obvious pride to a brown-maned young mare with a paintbrush cutie-mark that immediately trotted closer to them.

"Don't look at me like that! It doesn't mean that everypony here will try to have you fall in love with their daughter!" Luna muttered in answer to the glare of her son.

"Princess Luna! How nice to finally be here! Do you know my daughter Pristine Mantle? She is just coming out of a tragic break-up with her colt-friend so I hoped this little Gala would help raise her spirit. I hope you won't mind if I took her here with me." A near stallion wearing an expensive monocle and top-hat said hurrying closer to the Moon Alicorn.

"...This means nothing." the Night Princess muttered ashamed as Maelstrom's glare hardened.

"Ah hope ya won't mind a little distraction." a familiar voice said from the side of the room.

"AJ! Considering who would distract me, I am all for it!" the Prince said as he joined the farm-mare at her booth with a relieved expression.

"Who is she, daddy?" one of the mares asked in petulant annoyance.

"An old friend of my son, sweetie." Luna answered with a cold smile, in that moment deciding that an honest hard-working farm-mare was more suitable to her son than the spoiled brat she was being introduced to by her sycophantic father all things considered.

With AJ and Maelstrom -

"You look delicious, AJ! Nice dress!" the Prince said as he attacked the second slice of pie the mare sold him.

"Eeyup! Rarity went nuts to dress all of us...Isn't it, ya know...too girly?" the mare answered embarrassed.

"Naah! You are one of those lucky ponies that can look good no matter what they wear; but where are the others?" he answered chuckling.

"The others? Let's see...I saw Pinkie try to join the dances." AJ said unsure.

"I fear she won't find a lot of people ready to join her, people here are kind of stiff in that regard." Maelstrom answered worried.

"Ah tried to tell her, but she went all the same. Ya know how she is..."

"She is just Pinkie Pie." he said laughing.

"Yep! For all we know she may manage tha shake'em a little!" AJ added laughing along.

"God knows they need that. And the rest of the group?"

"Twilight is with Princess Celestia...Ah think tha Princess desperately wanted tha have Twi close."

"I can relate to that, I don't think I will remember half the names of who I have met here at the end of the day and yet most of them think I will walk down the aisle with their daughters...or sisters in the case of the most daring."

"They really?" the mare asked as she glared at the mares looking at her stallion with hungry eyes.

"I am young, they think that I am another spoiled colt easily bought with a show of legs or flank. Honestly I find it offensive." Maelstrom answered shrugging.

"And you prefer my flank to theirs." AJ said smirking.

"Yes!...I mean no, I that apple cider?" the Prince answered immediately before blushing and trying to chance subject.

"Huhuhu!...A kiss for a pint." she answered chuckling.

"Uuh! I like those prices!" he answered smirking as he kissed her cheek before taking his drink.

"Hoy-hoy! Hooves down!" Dash said with a joking glare as she took the stallion's side.

"Ah am just'a flirting Dash, keep yar feathers down." AJ answered huffing.

"I know, I know. Just kidding!" the cyan Pegasus answered laughing.

"You others look stunning by the way. Gorgeous." the blond stallion said circling her with a low whistle.

"Oh! Thank you. It's just the first little thing that came out of my dresser, Hohohoho!" Dash answered with a theatrical haughty laugh.

"Dash! Mael!" a known voice said happily.

"Soarin! What'ya doin' here?" the Prince answered smirking and bumping hooves with the Wonderbolt.

"Me and few others are the chosen squad to entertain the guests. It's that apple pie?" the Pegasus answered excited.

"Home-made and filled to tha brim in deliciousness! Want some?" AJ answered proudly.

"I'll take the whole thing! Me and Fleetfoot are starving, that high-class stuff fills you just like hot air would." Soarin said.

"There ya go!" the farm-mare answered accepting her money and watching the whole pie in her hooves disappear in an instant as a Fleetfoot-shaped blur flew away with it.

"Hi, Mael! Hi, Dash! PIE! Goodbye, Mael! Goodbye, Dash!" the disembodied voice of Fleetfoot said rapidly in the half-a-second time it took him to arrive, grab the pie and then leave.

"Yep! He is starving." Maelstrom said grinning.

"Hey, Dash. Me and the others have our own "VIP Area", want to join us?" Soarin asked.

"Spitfire is there too?" the Prince asked curious.


"That's nice to hear, but I'll have to decline." Dash answered.

"WHAT?!" both males said with wide eyes.

"Ya okay, sugarcube? Do ya need to sit?" AJ asked worried.

"Hoy! I am a great fan of the Wonderbolts and even the rocks know that...but I have other things to do." the Cyan Pegasus answered nonplussed.

"Which is?" Maelstrom asked.

"Dance with the Prince and make everypony watching jealous of course!" Dash answered smirking.

"Oh! Now we come second? I have never felt so much shame in my life! Even Rainbow Dash herself is snubbing us now!" Soarin said chuckling.

"Why don't you join Fleetfoot, oh great drama-queen? I can see your friend devour that pie whole by himself from here." the Prince answered snorting.

"DON'T YOU DARE, YOU GREEDY FOAL!" Soarin bellowed as he hurried away leaving behind the laughing trio of friends.

"You sure you don't want to spend some time with them?" Maelstrom asked.

"They know me already, I'll be able to sneak-in to impress them another time; but now I have a colt-friend to dance with that is more important to me, why do you think I went through all the pain of dressing-up like this otherwise? For Spitfire? Please!" Dash answered smirking.

"Do you know how to dance?" he asked surprised.

"Nope! I don't even know where to start."

"Good! I feared I was the only one!" the blond Alicorn said relieved.

"Want to come, AJ?" Dash asked.

"...Eeyup! It's not like Ah'm having a good time here, people here are ignoring ma booth." the mare answered sighing.

"Until 'Madame Slim Figure' and her magazine won't say that eating is once-again cool, I don't think that those snob will ever eat something more than non-caloric shakes." Maelstrom answered shaking his head.

"They think starving is cool now?"


"Ya know what? Whatever! Ah can take five minutes of pause. Ah am missing the Gala, Ah'm cold and ma hooves are killing me! Ah need to move!" AJ answered huffing before putting a 'Be back in 5 minutes' sign on her booth.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" the Prince said creating two clones of himself.

"One to guard the thing, and one to dance with the lady; me and him will also switch between you two, to be fair to both!" he said smirking.

"Shall we go?" the Shadow Clone asked with a low bow.

"Eeyup! Show the way, Sugarcube!" the farm-mare answered with a wide smile.

The Dance floor was luckily large enough to permit even to amateurs like the three of them to try and move with the rhythm, it wasn't the grace of a professional dancer or anything, but to them it was clearly more than enough; same going for the various gold-diggers present that saw the Prince focus only on those two 'Commoners' instead of them (The notion of them being two of the Element Bearers went also conveniently forgot in their ranting).

"I can see Twilight from here, she seems bored." Dash muttered as she leaned closer to him.

"She is not the only one, me and Mother Luna are hanging to straws to not bolt-out, she has spent a thousand years on the Moon and so she forgot how dull those events can be, I am just too used to more 'hectic things' instead to fully enjoy this. But you others being here actually helps." he answered trying a Casquet and making Dash' head lean down almost touching the floor.

"Smooth!" she answered snorting.

"Aunt tried to give us lessons, but me and Luna are completely hopeless when it comes to dancing, this is the best I can do in terms of dancing skills."

"Ah still like this, don't ya worry." AJ answered as she and Dash switched partner making the Original Prince now dance with her.

"I can't see Rarity anywhere..."

"She said she wanted to see if she could gain some new customers for her shop by showing-off her dress and ours." Dash answered.

"That shouldn't be hard, she is a genius in creating dresses." Maelstrom answered.

"Ah am more surprised she is not flirtin' with everypony important enough." AJ said looking around.

"She doesn't need that anymore." Kurama said from the Seal with a grimace as images of whips and handcuffs flashes through the minds of both Biju and Shinobi.

"I thought the Omake was not influencing the Plot!" Maelstrom thought in horror.

"Change of plans, it's now part of the Plot. I am dealing with this myself: Suppressing memory in"


"Scarring memory completely suppressed." The Fox said relieved.

"Aaah." the Prince sighed happily.

"Do I want to know?" Dash asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Trust me, you don't." he answered.

Said that the couples just focused on dancing, sometimes stopping to laugh at the way Pinkie tried to liven-up the party to her tastes with a small degree of success as one or two ponies did join her in her more hectic style of partying; it was only an hour later that something managed to put a dent in the feeling of the night, and it was the farm-mare to notice the disturbance.

"Why is Rarity crying?!" AJ said shocked.

"WHAT?!" both Dash and Maelstrom yelled with wide eyes before looking in the same direction the farm-mare was pointing.

"That's Blueblood, in theory he is my cousin; whatever happened I can see it from here that he is being a bastard." the Prince said sneering

"Let's go." Dash said making the three reach for their sobbing friend.

"Go call mother, just in case he manages to piss me off." the blond Alicorn ordered.

"Yes, Boss." the Clone answered immediately.

"What is happening here!?" Dash asked as she moved between Blueblood and the fashionista just in time to cover the Unicorn as she was about to lose control and cry for real instead of holding back her tears.

"What are you doing, Blueblood?" Maelstrom asked with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing you should concern yourself with, Cousin!" the stallion replied putting as much sarcasm as possible in the 'cousin' making the three ponies with him laugh uproariously.

"Ah'll take her outside to take a breath." AJ offered while launching a smouldering glare at the stallion before accompanying Rarity away.

"Forgive me if I ask. But what did she do to have you treat her so badly to reduce her like that?" the shinobi Alicorn asked with narrowed eyes.

"She simply tried to mingle with people way above her level, I just gently remembered her our differences." Blueblood answered shrugging uncaring.

"Gently? I saw earthquakes leave behind less damages compared to what your words did."

"Please! I don't pretend you to understand those finesses." the Unicorn answered scoffing.

"Because of course I spend too much time with the 'wrong sort of ponies' of course." Maelstrom answered bitterly.

"See? You understand then, you are way smarter than what I thought! At least those losers have not ruined you completely yet!" Blueblood answered making his cohorts laugh again.

Of the group only Dash caught the warning sign of the blond Alicorn's temper rising at Bueblood offending him and more importantly his friends in a single move as his whiskers had got ticker together with the DEEP breath he took to calm himself.

"Let me guess...that ship outside is yours." Maelstrom asked almost too casually.

"Do you like? My new personal cruiser 'The Blueblood' had cost only few tens of thousands pieces, but it was worth every cent." the stallion answered in pride.

"Tens of thousands? Do you know how much I can do with those money!?" Dash muttered shocked.

"Surely make sure you appear like a girl instead of a wreck, missy!...or you are a boy? Sorry I can't tell." one of the ponies said smirking producing a new round of laughs.

The rainbow-maned mare bristled angrily at that, but she couldn't help but almost physically hearing the distinctive sound of something snapping coming from inside Maelstrom's head.

"Can I?" the Prince muttered.

"Be my guest, if it isn't something lethal, I am all for it!" Dash answered nodding.

"And tell me, Blueblood...the crew?" Maelstrom asked.

"Away at the moment, if they linger about they may risk ruining the parquet or try to sit on one of my sofas." the other answered huffing.

"So nopony is on-board..."


"Good! I heard that certain kind of personal cruisers tend to catch fire by themselves, it would have been a pity to have victims."

"That must be the most stupid rumour I have ever heard, cousin." Blublood said snorting.

"You sure? Because your ship is burning..."


"Exactly there...Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu! (Fire Element: Great Fireball Technique)." Maelstrom answered flaring his horn to open a window and then spit out of his mouth a colossal sphere of fire that tore the solitary ship in two before rapidly burning it to ashes.

"AH!" the Unicorn yelled in horror.

"Too much?"

"...No. if the guy here is so rich to throw away money just to show-off then he can easily buy a new one, but the chance to see a meanie like him whine because you broke his new toy will be priceless!" Dash answered after a short pause of thought.

"My cruiser! My wonderful cruiser with personalized initials on sofas and the toilet seat! my mahogany parquet! My Chippendale library! MY TOILET PAPER MADE OF PURE 100% SADDLE ARABIAN SILK HOOF-CHOSEN BY PURE-HEARTED VIRGINS AND BLIND MONKS!" Blueblood shrieked as guards hurried to put-off the fire.

"I am so very sorry, cousin! I get destructive when I sneeze..." Maelstrom answered with a mocking tone similar to the one the other had been using before.

"YOU BARBARIAN! Growing-up in that garbage-filled hole of humans has rotten your brain! But instead of returning here and act in a proper way you waste your life with losers! With commoners! AN THAT'S THE RESULT!" Blueblood said with rage-filled eyes.

"Pay attention to what you say about my human friends and the Elemental Countries. I fought with them and saw even too many of them dying to let the first passing-by insult them." the Alicorn hissed lowly, by now everyone else had stopped doing anything just to listen.

"BIG DEAL! Some vermin less to pollute the air! Let those savages destroy each-other, they are all useless, hair-less apes after all!" Blueblood answered.

"What...what did you say?" the shinobi asked with a distant voice.

"Now let's calm down before somepony says something they don't believe." Luna tried saying with a worried expression.

"You heard me! You are a mistake! You shouldn't have returned, you shouldn't even be here now, this is not your place and never will be! You are not one of us, you are just a malformed creature that should have been left rotting with the other useless, dirty, stupid humans! And if some of them even befriended you, then those one especially are the worst of their kind!" Blueblood answered almost foaming at the mouth.

"Oh, God..." Celestia muttered in horror at seeing the blond Alicorn's eyes dull considerably in colour.


Maelstrom's answer been instantaneous as he "gently" stomped down with his front right hoof, creating a dull echo and a furious tremble that silenced everyone and everything in there as deep cracks covered the whole floor, the walls and the ceiling and had the windows rattle furiously enough to have cracks appear on their glass as well; when the surprising earth-quake stopped every eye moved towards the source of the shock, and immediately after those same eyes grew huge and filled with fear at their first taste of TRUE Killing Intent of their lives.

It awoke everybody's deeply-buried, evolution-driven fear; all caused by the huge predator in the room that was actually in the mood for dismembering and devouring the unfortunate prey that had the misfortune to drag said Predator's full attention and ire on themselves.

Because deep inside Prince Maelstrom's eyes, now red as blood and with slitted pupils, no such a thing as Mercy, Compassion or Patience could be seen but just Anger of the purest and most primal kind all directed towards his cousin; and if the ponies present were feeling rooted in place just by observing from afar, few of the presents were wondering how it felt to be the sole target of all that fury.

"Now listen well, you filth..." the blond stallion muttered with a growl heard by everyone, showing how his mouth was now filled with the same sharp fangs normally found on beings like Dragons, Ursas or timberwolves.

"I..." Blueblood tried saying before a new roar eclipsed his words.

"SILENCE!" Maelstrom bellowed in a tone bordering on the monstrous and making the whole castle tremble once more.

"You insufferable, miserable Bastard! Have you any idea of how many died in that 'garbage-filled hole of humans' you said was the place that I have been sent to? Do you know how many lives I saw getting extinguished thanks to over-glorified assholes like you that thought they could do with the others as they please!? DO YOU KNOW?!" he yelled.

"N-No..." Blueblood muttered while shaking his head wildly and backing away.

"Then don't you dare insult the one I grew-up with, don't you dare talk badly of the people precious to me that I have left behind to come here! do not disrespect the sacrifices me and the others had to endure to bring Peace in the Elemental Countries...we bleed, cried, cursed, screamed in anguish at seeing everything we hold dear getting destroyed, and we were proud when we managed to salvage just few scraps...until you come down from the pedestal you have put yourself onto don't talk to me ever again, do not look at me until you will have understood how much shit you have just spat in order to appear like a fucking God-send!" Maelstrom growled with a snarl.

"O-O-O-Okay...c-cousin, okay..." the other prince said nodding rapidly.

"Good! Learn some manners while you are there wasting time in parties and cruises like a spoiled shit, it will help you to not have a list of enemies long enough to circle the planet five-times-over, no-one likes a self-centered idiot, try to have some 'real friends' for once. Because I know that deep inside you can be a decent pony and I would like to really know you."


"Oh! And a last thing...should you have the balls to insult my human friends, my pony friends, Konoha, Ponyville OR the Elemental Countries as a whole like that again, or even just try to seek revenge on me directly or through the others because I dared insult you...well..." the Prince then said before leaning closer to Blueblood to whisper in his ear.

Now the scared audience could not hear what the blond stallion was saying, but they all could SEE the reaction Blueblood had; especially since in the complete silence of the wide room the faint dripping sound of the stallion peeing himself could be heard clearly along his heavy swallowing.

"Now go...before I do something I will regret." Maelstrom said before walking towards the gardens and leaving the pasty-white Blueblood move with shaking steps in a corner of the ballroom where he collapsed down to sit on the floor, sweating heavily and with wide unblinking eyes.

"Play that music, it's all okay now." Luna said calmly before joining her son outside, making the orchestra return (with some difficulty) to their music.

Outside – Gardens -

"You okay?" Dash asked as she sat near her colt-friend.

"Sigh!...I ruined your night, eh?" he answered looking in a far-away point in the sky.

"No. If ever, it was that idiot to ruin your AND Rarity's night, mine got bad just because a self-centered fool angered my stallion. I was having a good time before that happened." she answered leaning her head on his shoulder and moving her wing on his back.

"Hoy, is there place for another girl? Ah want to console ma stallion as well." AJ asked as she sat at Maelstrom's other side.

"Always for you." he answered shaking his head.

"Don't let that mean bag o' hot air ruin tha night. He just said a bunch of stupid things he probably doesn't even think himself." the farm-mare answered bumping his shoulder.

"At least you defended me...sure it was not a very refined way, but I still got my honour avenged by seeing the prick lose bowel control. It's still something. That brought some light in a rather dull, bad night; those ponies wouldn't recognize good taste even it it falls on their heads, it was a waste of time coming here in the end." Rarity added as she and Spike joined the trio.

"Feeling better?" Maelstrom asked.

"Once she adjusted her ruined make-up, yes." Spike answered snorting.

"A lady should always appear at her best." the fashionista answered huffing.

"Then you were wasting your talent, Rarity Belle. Those ponies are not worthy of it." Luna answered as she sat close to them with a sigh.

"Sorry for my outburst, mother. I'll learn to reign my temper." the blond Alicorn answered.

"Just remember that we others know the real you and are actually grateful of your human friends for fighting by your side. And honestly, after all he said about your friends here and in Konoha I am more surprised about him getting away just with a threat, I personally was about to throttle the fool for what he said about you now and before when he thought I couldn't hear him, you just had beat me on giving him a proper answer." the Moon Alicorn answered smiling.

"Is he jealous?" Dash asked.

"Pretty much, Maelstrom here as my son is the first in line to inherit the throne of night while Blueblood is way, WAY lower than him. And I guess his mother never saw the usefulness of spanking him when he was younger, being Noble is not just holding a title, but holding oneself in a manner befitting High-class society. Don't concern yourself with what those people may say today, by this time tomorrow almost everypony will just remember this as a quarrel of two cousins."

"I hope you are right..." the Prince said with a new sigh of dismay.

"It will happen...Unless some kind of disaster of unimaginable proportions strikes the Gala in the next ten seconds in such a big and outstanding way to totally eclipse what happened between you two so that nopony will even remember it in the first place..." Luna answered.

"As if that will happ-"

"YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE ME!" In that moment Fluttershy's madness-filled voice resounded everywhere.

"...How much time has passed?" Maelstrom asked with wide eyes as every animal of the gardens could be seen enter the main room of the Gala in a frenzy of horror chased by a crazy-looking Pegasus hot on their heels.

"I SAID THAT YOU WILL LOVE ME AND YOU WILL! WHATEVER YOU LIKE IT OR NOOOT!" the normally shy girl bellowed as she followed the animals inside.

"ENOUGH! THIS PARTY IS BORING! A PARTY CAN'T BE BORING!" Pinkie's mad growl echoed as the first barrage of her infamous 'Party Cannon' shooting a dozen shots per second gave start to the scared screams of every guest inside.

"...Eight-point-three seconds." Luna answered weakly after checking the time.

"Shall we run away in shame like cowards?" Dash asked.

"Ah don't know, what do you think Twilight would say in this case?" AJ asked back.

"RUN AWAY IN SHAME LIKE COWARDS!" Twilight yelled as she ran past the group while dragging Pinkie and Fluttershy behind her through Magic.

"Now, girls! I don't think that it will be..." Maelstrom tried saying before turning away from watching the horde of escaping guests to see the Element Bearers already turning into tiny dots in the horizon.

", nice sprint that." he muttered in awe.

A long escape later – Joe's Donut Shop -

Sitting around the lone table at the corner of the donut shop the Element Bearers were attacking the fifth mountain of food bemoaning the night as the worst one of their lives.

"It could have been worse, at least I didn't make a fool of myself," Dash said happily as she kept eating.

"You had your Prince distracting you at least, I just wanted to mingle with some high-class ponies and got treated like dirt in answer, Ugh! And they call themselves Nobles. Pfeh! I saw goldfishes with better manners." Rarity answered as she forgot her diet for a day just to dive-in herself.

"All that hoof-shaking..." Twilight muttered in horror.

"Meh! If only Ah could save ma stuff at the booth, Ah hate wasting good food, but we had to escape and forgot to take everything with me." AJ grumbled.

"...But it was still funny watching everypony run away screaming..." Pinkie muttered.


"Pffft-HAHAHAHAHA!" as one the group of friends simply melted into laughter at the memory of their comically-bad night, happy that at least they had been there together.

"Do you think the Princesses will be mad at us?" Fluttershy asked.

"I hope not, but they won't be happy either." Twilight answered sighing.

"I am happy instead! Thanks to you the thing finished a lot sooner! I just love you, girls!" Maelstrom said ecstatic as he, Luna and Celestia entered the shop.

"What!?" the mares yelled in surprise.

"The Gala is always so darned awful, I was actually hoping that you and the others would have bought some fun in this one, that's why I have sent those tickets to you." Celestia said with a gentle smile on her face.

"You should have told us about your 'Master Plan' though, sister. At least nor me or my son would not have been so utterly bored!" Luna answered shaking her head.

"I thought that you still liked them as they were." the Sun Alicorn answered shrugging.

"What about Blueblood?" Dash asked.

"Somepony had just thrown her own earful at him before we tracked you down, I am pretty sure he learned his lesson and he should soon write you a formal, heartfelt letter of excuses, Rarity." the Prince answered.

"And about you?" the fashionista asked.

"He said that until I promise to stay as far away from him as possible he won't bother me, he added that he was sorry for what he said while blinded by anger and that he never really believed in half of what he told me." he answered.

"You understood his stuttering? I couldn't get a word right!" Celestia said surprised.

"I had a lot of practice with Hinata, nervous stuttering is always the same either if coming from fear or repressed attraction." Maelstrom answered.

"Very well, since we are done, do you mind if we join? The buffet may have been stylish, but we are still starving thanks to the guests never leaving us alone for a minute to eat something." Luna said eyeing the mountain of donuts every once in a while.

"We would be honoured, your Highness." Twilight answered smiling as the others made room for the three Alicorns.

"Thank you, but is getting late, so to excuse me for my 'using you' to liven the Gala, I offer the guest rooms in the Palace for the night, are you okay with this?" Celestia said trying to ignore the kind-of-undignified way in which Luna and Maelstrom kept wolfing-down donuts at her sides.

"R-Really!? We can sleep in the Castle?!" Rarity asked in wonder.

"If you want." Maelstrom answered.

"In separate rooms." Luna added with narrowed eyes.

"Luna..." Celestia said sighing in defeat.

Later that night – Maelstrom's Room -

As the Prince was preparing himself to go to sleep he heard a faint knocking at his door, upon opening he could see a very red-faced Dash rapidly bolt inside to sit on his bed.

"What's happening?" he asked worried.

"I...I had been thinking..." the mare answered while looking down.


"T-tonight it had been magical, incident with Blueblood aside...I-I liked to dance with you and being the only thing you focused on." she said uncertain.

"It was not hard, you are easy enough on the eyes." the Alicorn answered while sitting near her.

"So you are with me just for my good looks?" Dash asked with narrowed eyes.

"Of course!" he replied cheekily.

"Oh, well! At least I know I am not the only one then!" the Pegasus answered making both laugh.

"Seriously, are you okay?" Maelstrom asked as soon as the two calmed down.

"I...I wanted to close the night the good way." Dash said.

"The good way?"

"I-I-I think I am ready." she answered as her face returned being furiously flustered.

"D-Dash! A-a-are you sure? You have nothing to demonstrate!" the stallion said shocked.

"I am not doing this because I have something to demonstrate! B-But I want to cement the fact that we are together...that I am yours...and that you are mine." the mare answered with her voice losing gradually volume until it was just a whisper.

"I will always be yours." he answered kissing her cheek.

"Then prove it to me...please." she answered.

"Sigh! Give me ten minutes." Maelstrom answered with a nervous sigh.


"This will be our first time, I may be dense in romantic things, but even I know that for a girl this is important...l-let me organize something more 'Romantic' please." he answered.

"Oh! Thank you. I'll take a shower in my room in the meantime." Dash replied with a small smile while kissing his cheek.

"I'll be back soon." he answered bolting out, intended to find Rarity and ask for suggestions.

He just hoped Luna won't hear about this.

Canterlot – Royal Castle – Celestia's room -

The Moon and Sun Alicorn had teleported inside the wide room as soon as the door they were "casually" eavesdropping from was being opened by the running stallion after following Dash to see where she had been going.

"Are you sure you are okay with this?" Celestia asked worried.

"Sigh! I can't pretend to always control every aspect of his life, facing myself in those blasted Falls of Truth showed me how bad I can become if I don't calm down. Even if it pains me to think that he is becoming...a stallion...I can try and console myself with the idea that he won't abandon me altogether." Luna answered with a suffered sigh and gladly accepting her sister's hug.

"He is doing it with the girl he loves, they are both sharing something really precious, and by the looks of it, it will just be the first step towards their future relationship." Celestia said gently.

"So she will be my future daughter-in-law?" the Moon Alicorn said flinching.

"Probably. But it is still a very important moment for both all the same, do you really want to stop them? To ruin it?"

"Sigh!, I would have hated had somepony interrupted me and Storm the first time we did was such a romantic moment, I gave my first time to the man I loved and he did make sure I would remember it as my sweetest memory..." Luna answered with a fond smile.

"See? For your son this is the exact same. The first time a couple mates is always the most romantic and more often than not it cements the couple as a strong one, both of them are not just giving-in to Lust, but just sealing the deal."

"I know, I know. Being the overprotective mother is funny and all, but even I have to step back sometime." Luna answered as she walked outside.

"Where are you going?" Celestia asked.

"I am going to give my touch to his room to make it romantic enough. Do you remember where we put that dozen scented candles we took for my midnight bath?" the Moon Alicorn asked.

"Huhuhu! Wait, I will help you, otherwise you'll exaggerate like always." the Sun Princess answered with a soft laugh.

Later that night – May contain suggestive images -

It was happening! Dash could hear her heart thumping deafeningly in her ears as her lover kept kissing her all over her body before diving hungrily in her most sacred place with gentle licks and deep suckling.

"M-Mael!" she whimpered as warmth kept amassing in her chest.


"I-It's so intense!" she gasped-out.

"Good! Enjoy it, my dear." he answered before returning to his job.

She never before now noticed how actually bigger he was than her; longer legs, bigger body, bigger wing-span...what if he will be unsatisfied with her? What if he saw that she was not good enough? He said that it was the first time for him as well, but what if it was his first time as a pony only? M-maybe as an human he already did it and knows what to expect, and if she fails? Will he leave her?

"Stop putting yourself down. I won't leave you." the Prince muttered as he moved to cover her neck in kisses.


"I can recognize the signs of Rainbow Dash having self-doubts now, and I am determined to show you once and for all who is my most beloved mare." he answered kissing her.


"Really, really, Dashie. Ready?"

"B-Be gentle..." she muttered while looking at his thing as it poked her.

"It will go inside? W-will it fit? Will it hurt?" she thought before he started moving forward.

"Aha!" she gasped at feeling her body part to let him inside.

"It's going to hurt a little, hold me and then tell me we I can move again." he whispered before waiting for her nod.

"Remember to control yourself at the beginning or the pain won't recede." Kurama suggested.

"AGK!" the rainbow-maned mare yelped as she felt him go all the way, tears streaming down her face as something inside her got pierced making her whole body burn as if a piece of her soul had just been shredded.

"I am here. I love you." The Prince muttered kissing away her tears.

"I love you too." she said with an happy smile.


"Yes..." Dash answered, gasping as soon as he started going in and out.

"Aha! F-Faster! Faster!" the girl said as she felt heat bubbling in her lover regions as soon as pleasure took the place of the pain.

"Oh, God! Y-you are so warm...and t-tight!" Maelstrom grunted as he could feel her body gripping tightly around his shaft making it almost painful to take out.

"M-More! MORE!" Dash bellowed as she threw back her head to moan aloud.

"This is so different...D-Dash I am going to...I can't stop!" he whimpered as gained even more speed in his thrusting as he desperately needed release.

"D-D-DO IT! I-I am close! S-SOMETHING BIG IS C-COMING!" the mare answered as she flipped on her stomach and moaning louder as the new position had her lover hit her insides with a new angle.

"D-DAAAASH!" Maelstrom growled as he felt like his whole being went shot-out of his body inside her.

"AHA! AHA! S-so warm..." she muttered weakly as both collapsed on the bed with her moving to nuzzle his chest with a tired smile on her face.

"I love you." she muttered.

"I love you too." he answered kissing her forehead.

"...are you still hard?" she muttered in wonder.

"Sorry. I hate my Stamina sometimes..." Maelstrom answered blushing.

"Huhuhu! It's okay. Let me catch my breath and then we will continue, okay?"

"Y-You sure?" he said gulping.

"I need to excel, so I'll do what your friends wrote in her books...and pump you dry." Dash answered with an husky tone.

"DASH!" a very horny Maelstrom could only gasp out pouncing on her.

"EEEEP!" the girl squealed as the now out of control Alicorn moved to systematically drive her insane through pleasure.

Maybe citing those books was not such a good idea...

"KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!" the stallion yelled.

...Change of plans, it has been an awesome idea!

"BEST. NIGHT. EVEEEER!" Dash' squeal could be heard for kilometres that night surprising everyone that could hear.

Sorry for the poor Adult Scene, but I wanted it to be more on the 'Romantic side' to reflect the fact that it was Dash and Maelstrom's first time, the others will be more on the "Lemon" side, promise, down here there is an Omake written like that to appease the more "Dirty minded" of you XD. Thank you for reading me.

Trivia: the title of the two Icha-Icha books are titles of two Fanfictions, the two authors are Tremor230 for "Sexy Umbra Wizard" and User 627 for "Yandere Goddess".

Omake – ADULT CONTENT - a girl's first time SHOULD always be romantic normally, but apparently Dash and Maelstrom are NOT normal...-

Canterlot – Royal Castle – Celestia's room -

"Are you sure you are okay with this?" the Sun Alicorn asked worried.

"I can't pretend to always control every aspect of his life, facing myself in those blasted Falls of Truth showed me how bad I can become if I don't calm down. Even if it pains me to think that he is becoming...a stallion...I can try and console myself with the idea that he won't abandon me altogether." Luna answered with a suffered sigh and gladly accepting her sister's hug.

"He is doing it with the girl he loves, they are both sharing something really precious, and by the looks of it, it will just be the first step towards their future relationship." Celestia said gently.

"So she will be my future daughter-in-law?" the Moon Alicorn said flinching.

"Probably. But it is still a very important moment for both all the same, do you really want to stop them? To ruin it?"

"Sigh!, I would have hated had somepony interrupted me and Storm the first time we did was such a romantic moment, I gave my first time to the man I loved and he did make sure I would remember it as my sweetest memory..." Luna answered with a fond smile.

"See? For your son this is the exact same. The first time a couple mates is always the most romantic and..." Celestia's answer went soon eclipsed by a long, shrieking scream of pleasure that rocketed the castle and woke-up pretty much everyone.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN!" Dash' voice echoed everywhere in all its ecstasy-filled glory.

"WHAT?!" the Sun Alicorn yelled in embarrassment.

"...Pfft! All his father's son...romantic the first three seconds then he becomes a sex-starved beast...Aah! So many wonderful memories!" Luna said snorting before melting into a long sigh as she shook her head at the past memories.

"S-S-Sex-starved beast?!" Celestia shrieked with wide eyes.

"Why do you think he was called 'Storm', Sister? For his talent with wind? Nope! Because he used to take mares by storm and turn them into puddles of goo during mating, it took an Alicorn for him to meet his match! And yet, even after our wedding I had to keep beating other mares away with a stick to keep all the goodies to myself." Luna answered proudly as the screams of pleasure kept filling the whole castle.

"GUH!?" the Sun Alicorn answered with a strangled gurgle of horror.

"I wonder if he too will have the same fixation for sticking it in the flank like his father used to...I hope not since physically speaking an Alicorn is kind of bigger than a normal stallion by default, and yet his father could match those measurements all the same in THAT department, but if Maelstrom got that "gift" too from Storm...well...then I hope Miss Dash won't have anything to do tomorrow...or at least that they have a bottle of baby-oil at ready." Luna muttered to herself.

"GAH!" Celestia answered with a very green face.

The answer of Dash, though...

"Oh Celestia! Yes Mael more! I can feel you fill me up with your thick -Censored! - " she could be heard screaming at the top of her lungs as the faint thumping noise of a bed slamming against a wall increased even more.

"Oh, God." the Sun Alicorn groaned in dismay.

"How far is his room? For us to hear the bed slamming against the wall..." Luna asked curious.

"LUNA! Stop analysing this horrible thing!" Celestia yelled in disbelief.

"Well who knew my little Rainbow had such a dirty mouth. Well, use it more then, Dash! Tell me how much you enjoy having your tight little snatch – Censored! – by your beloved Master!" the Princesses heard the Prince answer in a deep masculine voice that had both shiver.

"Darn...totally his father's son." the Moon Alicorn muttered impressed.

"Yes Master! I love it! Please don't stop pumping in me. F-Censored! me anyway you want! this body is yours. I want to feel you flood my insides!"

Celestia instead...she simply could not comprehend how her beloved nephew could ever say those things while the thumping if possible grew tenfold in both speed and ferocity, making her regret her snooping around the Falls of Truth and discover her supposed true-self indulging in crazy, dirty lust-driven mating with the golden form of her nephew with her double howling and moaning in apparent bliss at each thrusting of his.

But she had to wonder what the Other Elements Bearers were going through since their rooms were very close to Maelstrom's one.

With AJ -

"Wow...that's some bucking going in there..." the farm mare muttered in awe as her ear was glued to the wall.

Twilight's Room -

"I don't get it..." the Purple Unicorn said while re-reading her book and at the same time listening in to her friends' activities.

On the book cover stood just the title on white background.

'Dummies' guide to Kegel exercises and more: reach a three-hours-long orgasm in ten easy steps!'

Fluttershy's room -

"I won't pleasure myself while listening to Dash...I won't pleasure myself while listening to Dash...I won't pleasure myself while listening to Dash." the mare kept repeating like a mantra as she buried her head under her pillow while begging her own wings to stop stiffening at each screaming orgasm of her friend.

With Pinkie – right outside Maelstrom's door -

"Gyrating...bouncing. Okay, seems easy! Then...oh! he likes to bite on the mane to pull the girl's head back and go deeper. Got to remember to use a good-tasting shampoo then..." the pink mare said while taking notes and spying from the keyhole the activities inside.

Rarity's room -

"Guess who will be the one screaming between us instead?" the Unicorn asked snapping her whip.

"Oh, please no, Mistress!" Spike begged from the corner of the room.

"Don't worry, I silenced the room. Nopony will hear your screams other than me." Rarity answered with a wicked smile.

"Please let me go?" the dragon pleaded again.

"No. I am aroused and YOU will help your mistress in dealing with it...I know you enjoy it yourself, you disgusting pervert!" she answered stealing a glance at his crotch with a fanged grin.

"I want to stay in character and seem forced...but the flesh is weak..." Spike admitted ashamed as his mistress loomed closer covering him in her shadow.

Back with the princesses -

"Oh sweet Harmony! Why they are not finished!?" Celestia said groaning.

"With his Stamina? Not likely, sister! Now silence, I want to hear my son once and for all establish his status as the 'Studliest of the studly studs!' and show why no-pony will ever be worthy of him." Luna answered hushing her.

"Ookay..." the Sun Alicorn said looking at the other with a worried look in her eyes.

"Well, Dash! If you are such a naughty mare I will use every inch of your tight body till I'm watching my seed pour out of every hole you have..." the Prince answered making every girl in hearing distance (Element Bearer, Guard and Princess alike) snap their wings up stiff instantly at hearing something like that coming from an usually 'Goody-two-hooves' like Maelstrom.

"Daaamn! That's dirty..." a random guard muttered to her companion in the rounds, neither of the two surprised by their instinctive leaning closer to listen better.

"Wait! Why are you pulling it out? Where are you go- AAH!" Dash had in that moment left out a muffled scream as apparently she was burying her face in her pillow to not be heard by everyone in Canterlot.

"Why you ask? Dear Dashie...I told you I would have took every part of your body and I meant it. God you are so tight! but you will loosen-up once done tenderizing your insides with my hot thick -Censored! - until I bursts. Tell me how it feels Dash! Scream it with that beautiful lust-filled voice of yours! Let the world know how it feels!"

"What are you doing, mister Prince?" AJ muttered confused, unable to imagine what 'strange thing' they were doing to warrant those words.

But its did sound hot all the same.

"B-But G-AAAAANH !everypony m-might h-HEEEEEAR!" Dash answered with several moans breaking her words in fragments.

"Well, duh! We have communicating rooms! Of course I can hear you!" Twilight couldn't help but roll her eyes at that statement.

"What's the problem? Let everypony hear it then! let your best friends hear you moaning and screaming as you are being mated savagely! Let them know the naughty mare you are in reality! scream how much you are turned-on by thinking they might hear you orgasm over and over again while you have the thick shaft of your stallion inside of you!" Maelstrom answered as the thumping was now slower in rhythm but even fiercer in power.

"You know? His father used to say the same thing every time we went at it, right before he slammed his thing inside my..."

"I DON'T CARE, LUNA!" Celestia yelled in answer interrupting her sister; it was then that Dash simply admitted defeat and started screaming for real.


"Holy Hell!" the now wide-eyed Rarity couldn't believe what her best friend was doing on the other side of the wall.

"...Don't you even dare to think about it! I won't permit my sister to get off while listening to my son mating!" Luna hissed furious.

"W-what are you saying? I-I-I w-would never do such a thing!" Celestia said scandalized.

In answer the Moon Alicorn simply glared at her harder as the Sun Princess kept rubbing her back legs together too much for Luna's own tastes.

"T-that was great Dash...Ready to go again?" the Prince was heard asking panting.

"What?! Already?" Fluttershy muttered in awe.

"Aha! Aha! Sigh! Y-yeah but use my p*** this time since my flank is a little sore now..." Dash said while clearly still in a lust-filled haze.

"Sure Dash, but I have something else for there that I picked up after work thanks to a friend in the Griffin territory..."

"What are you two planning?" Twilight muttered with narrowed eyes.

BZZZZZZZ! A very recognizable buzzing was then heard soon followed by Dash' surprised gasp.

"Oh, you have to be kidding me! How did he manage to find one of those?!" Celestia said with her mouth falling wide open when she recognised 'the device' in question.

"Oooh! I heard about those! It's one of those vibrating..."

"YES, LUNA! IT'S ONE OF THOSE!" Celestia answered with a very red face.

"YEEEEEESSS!" the rainbow-maned mare howled happily as both Stallion and Toy 'filled her' at the same time.

"Come on! We are never going to get to sleep if they keep this up!" Was all Discord could say groaning while burying his head under his pillow.

Why he had to be the last Draconequus around? IT WASN'T FAIR! His magazines and Icha-icha could help only so much, damn it!

The next day -

The next day no-one had the courage to look at either Maelstrom or Dash without sputtering or turning deep-red in embarrassment; the only calm one was surprisingly Luna as she just smiled and enjoyed her own breakfast.

"You are taking this well, sister..." Celestia said surprised.

"Just because this is a mere continuation of the dream I had last night, I am sure once I wake-up the Grand Galloping Gala will still have to happen and in reality there won't be mating afterwards." Luna answered with a wide kind-of-not-there smile.

"Sorry, sister." Celestia said sadly as she stomped on Luna's hoof making her shriek in pain.

"OUCH! That Hurts! Wait! It hurts?! This IS NOT A DREAM!?" the Moon Alicorn asked with wide eyes.

"...The word you are looking for is 'Ahh!', Luna." the Sun Princess supplied with a worried tone.

"...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! A mare just deflowered my innocent baby! AAAAAAAH!" the Moon Princess answered with a loud scream of horror.

"Now that you finished making of this an huge deal; can we have breakfast? I am hungry!" Maelstrom asked with a pitiful moan.

"Ya can have some of my "Apple juice"...if ya catch me meaning." AJ said as she leaned close to him.

"NOPE! Choose me! I am sure I taste sweet!" Pinkie said as she took his other side to nuzzle him.

"Uhum! Uhhm...I-I am here as well..." Fluttershy said with her lowest voice yet.

"Darnit! Respect the line! I will be the first one to get boned!" Twilight said huffing.

"Nay! He will pork me first!" AJ answered roaring.

"YOU KNOW WHAT!? FUCK IT! I'll deal with this myself but then I won't be stopped from eating my own body-weight in muffins!" Maelstrom roared in rage as his horn flared in energy.

"WHAT ARE YOU-EEEEEP!" Dash yelled as an army of Maelstrom Clones pounced on her and the others to drag them away.

"I'll be gang-banging those pests into silence if ya need me, Rarity." the Prince said as he personally took Dash away.

"Okay..." the Fashionista answered weakly.

"Gang-bang?! THUD!" Luna shrieked before collapsing in a dead faint.

"LUNAAAAA!" Celestia yelled startled.

Easy to say, no-one managed to have breakfast that day, for a reason or another...

Extra long Omake, I know.

But I thought it would have been funny...sorry.