Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The letter

2022 Edit: This chapter was on Fanfiction but not this website, so I'm adding it in now. But due to the way Fimfiction works, I'm just combining two chapters.

Okay, I have a lot of test to do, so... I'm putting this story on a small hiatus. This is for two reasons: So I can study, and, because as you'll notice, I'm losing my touch. Yes, for once, I'm having trouble writing for LTD, so, I'll be writing a few chapters for 'Living the Dream: Love conquars all... right?'.

Chapter 7 (Chapter 132)

Dear Lance,

Lance old buddy oh pal, how you doing? Me? Oh, I've been just great... just fucking great.

Let's recap the last year or so, shall we?

You've stolen everything from me, everything! You've caused me so much grief and pain. Even though we were friends! Why would you do something like this to a friend?

But, I care not for that. I'm more angry about recent events. Do you know what it's like being in a griffin hospital? Not fun! They don't know how to properly treat ponies!

No matter, I don't need my teeth.

Now, back on topic: Ever since that day, I've been laying in a hospital bed, recovering, becoming stronger. Now... Now I'm back, and I must say, this unholy magic is overpowering!

Lance, I love and respect you, but that only goes so far. You took my life you idiot! You've completely ruined any and all chances of me having a happy life!

Don't worry, I'm going to fix that. All in due time.

As for you, I hope you've made peace with your family, because...

Do you know a certain guy by the name of 'Satan'?

If you do, then, let's just say I made a little deal with him. In this deal, I've given him a little something, and in return, he's given me a way to actually kill you! Yes, he gave me the power to kill an angel!

I never wanted to resort to killing you, but I see no other choice.

You may think you're invincible, but believe me, when I make my move, you'll see just how naive you've been.

Oh don't worry, I'll treat your family nicely, better than you have anyway.

Now, concerning your... 'friends'. If any of them find out about this letter, well... let's just say they'll have a fun time in hell.

How about this: If you so much as say a word to anyone, I'll kill them, and the ones you love. How's that sound? Good? Yeah, I thought so. Keep this between me and you.

Also, concerning your friends. When I come back, I don't want you to bring any of them. If you do, then consider them already dead. My patience is very low as of now, and I don't feel like dealing with minor threats.

Here's what I want you to do: Enjoy the time you have left with your family, because when I do come back, you'll be gone and I'll be left to take care of them.

I hope that last part made you mad, because it's one hundred percent true.

When I return, you will know. Trust me.

Your friend no longer,

I put the letter down and gritted my teeth.

Who sent this? WHO?

[There's no way to tell Lance. Ditzy just dropped it off and left.]

I rubbed my face and looked around the living room.

"What now?" I asked no one in particular.

Simple, we do what the letter said, enjoy life. Come on Lance, there's no way anyone made a deal with the Devil. If they did, then it would be our job to remove them. Am I correct?
{I hate it when you're right... And trust me, I'm going to enjoy life. And who ever this is, I will face them when the time comes.}
[That ah boy, Lance!]

I chuckled lightly and picked the letter up. Better hide this before anyone else reads it.

This chapter was a filler, but a necessary filler.

Chapter 8 (Chapter 133)


"Wait!" one of the small fillies up front yells out.

I smile and close my memories book, "Yes?"

The small filly looks around the library and back to me, confused, "Who sent the letter?"

"I'm getting to that," I say with a chuckle.

"But," a colt in the back says, "Did Twilight get k..."

"I'm getting to that also," I state, a little smile on my face.

Another colt looks at me in confusion, "But, weren't you suppose to die when..."

"Listen, do you all want me to tell you my story, or would you rather me spoil it all for you?"

"Story!" they all yell out at the same time.

I smile and start to open the book again.

"One more thing," a older colt up front says, "What happened to Fawn and Spark? Are they still okay?"

I held up a hoof, "My children are fine." I put my hoof back on the book, "Shall I continue?"

They all gave a nod.

"And," another says. "Did you really kill your friend?"

My eye twitches, "... Are you all going to let me finish? You've all be quiet up till now." I held a hoof to my face, "I invited you all to my library for a story, not question and answer time."

"Sorry," he mutters.

I sigh and looked at the book, "As I was saying before I was interrupted..."

Present day
Five days after the letter

... And this is why I never go to Greg's.

[What were we thinking?]

I groaned and sat up, shaking my head in the process.

Note to self, don't drink anything Greg gives me.... it only leads to this.

I stand up and trot over to one of the sinks in the bathroom and turned it on.

<God, why did you drink that?>
[I told him to.]
<... Of course.>

I chuckled and splashed some water on my face.

Now, should I go kill Greg for doing this, or should I head home?

[Number one.]
<Number two.>

I shrugged and turned the water off. I then trotted out of the bathroom and into the destroyed living room.

Damn, Greg's and Pinkie's house is a mess... Well, what do I expect from two crazy ponies?

After walking through the house and out the front door, I take in a deep breath of fresh air.

That whole house smelt like punk and marijuana.

I let out a sigh and take to the sky, wanting to clear my head a little. I mean, hangovers, gotta hate them.

I flew through the sky lazily, letting the wind blow through my mane.

[... Why do I have an urge to have sex?]

I rolled my eyes and...

A small poof of fire appeared in front of my face, followed by a piece of rolled paper to fly into mouth.

I stopped mid flight and brought my hooves to my face.

I grabbed my throat and began to try and force the paper out of my throat.

After several attempts, I was able to pull the paper from my throat. I coughed a few times and looked at the roll of paper.

"Da fuck?" I muttered as I unrolled it and read the words it contained.

'Hey Lance,

Sorry I didn't reply to you in such a long time and, sorry to hear about everything on your side... I .... I really don't know what to say except that I am glad you're safe. If there is anything I can do, I would love to help you out and some of Ponyville too once everything on my side clears up. I can't do much though, my wing is sort of.... Different and by different, I mean not mine... It's a changeling's wing. Mine got ripped off and, well, I died. I died and was only brought back to life to see Ditzy leave me confused and hopeless.

One thing man, it's not your fault. You did your best and that's all that matters, it was their fault. You shouldn't beat yourself up about this or else I would. Give me around two days man, I will be there for my bro.

Also if I can make a request, I would like to pay a visit to that filly's grave. No pony should go through that. I've lived a few seconds of it and detested every bit except for seeing my mom.

Just a small visit, that's all I ask and after, just you and me bro, we are going to catch up and live life to the fullest for the weekend, okay?

I guess, this is just a part of life. Best we live it to the fullest, right?

Two days man!

No Shame. No Pride..... Wow, I haven't said that since, a really bucking long time man.... We really have a lot to catch up on.

Razor Graze.'

He finally replies! After seven or so months!

[What was our last letter to him again?]
<Fine... Luckily, I remember it.> *Clears throat* <Hey Graze, bad news.

A few of my enemies came together and attacked me and a few of my friends on Nightmare Night. They actually beat us, as in they beat the shit out of my friends and forced me to surrender.

Luckily, Twilight and the others came for me and rescued me. And, we were able to remove all of the threats, at a high cost.

Ponyville is gone. As in, it was completely destroyed during the fighting. So many innocent ponies died... and it was all my fault. I don't care what every one says, I screwed up!

I'll never get those images out of my head... I saw a filly die, killed by a explosion. And knowing it's my fault is the worst of it.

Wish me luck, I'm going to try and go on with my life.

[Oh yeah...]

I smiled and quickly flew off towards me house.

Five minutes later

I sat in front of my desk, writing out my next letter to Graze.

As I finished it, I shook my head.

Seriously, I only see trouble in the near future thanks to this simple letter. But hey, it's going to be fun!

I quickly read over the small letter:

'Yo, Graze,

Sure, you can come visit. All I ask is that you prepare for a lot of changes. You'll be surprised at how much everything has changed.

Anyways, I would say more, but come on. If you're coming, I see no point.


Short and sweet. That's how I like it.

After sending the letter, I turned to the room and sighed.

I really should get to picking up all those sheets.. Meh, maybe at a later date.

Right now, I just want some damn food.

I shook my body slightly and trotted out of the living room and down the hall to the living room.

[Feeding time!]

Damn, that was hard to write... crossover next chapter.