Opal's Adventures

by SweetieStar

Chapter 10: The Puzzle Explained

Chapter 10

“Rarity?” Opal gasped.

Rarity stroked Opal’s fur with a gentle hoof. “Oh, Opal... I knew about everything from the start. About your past, your sister... and everything else. Bluestar told me. I sacrificed my Spirit of Generosity for you.”

“But if you knew… why did you not… tell me?” Opal looked confused.

Luna wore as close to a poker face as a cat could get.

Rarity started explaining the situation to Opal. “Bluestar told you that you were in search of your sister, because there would be no way you would go searching for Luna. She wanted you two to unite, in order to save Thunderclan from the horrors of Bloodclan.”

“Y-you mean Bloodclan returned?” Opalescence shivered.

“Yes, my little warrior, it is true.” Bluestar walked up to the cats and Rarity, with three other cats by her side.

“OHMYGODIT'SRARITY!” The first cat yowled. It was a butter-yellow, with pale pink stripes.

“RARITY, YOU'RE ALIVE!” The second caterwauled happily. It's purple fur was darker in places, with a single pink stripe down it's forehead.

“Uh... I guess... yay...?” The last cat monotoned, it's snow-white fur bristling impatiently.

“Okay... what is going on!?” Luna interrupted. Opal also didn’t quite understand. Even Rarity wasn't fully sure what was going on. Fluttershy, the yellow cat, Angel, the white cat, and Twilight, the purple cat, were a little bit confused about Luna. Bluestar, with a smug grin on her face, was the only cat that understood the whole situation.

Bluestar meowed for everyone to sit still, quickly explaining all of the seperate parts of the puzzle.

Rarity stood up. “I will help Opal.”

Then Luna joined her in standing, although shorter. “I will help Opal.”

The three non-cats padded to the last pony's side. "We're already helping, right?" Twilight commented.

Bluestar purred. “Starclan shall help you, little warrior.”

Opal jumped to her feet. “LETS DO THIS!”

All of the cats - and pony grinned. “YEAH!” They yelled, excluding Bluestar.

The leader surveyed the ragtag group of heroes. “Starclan will hold of Bloodclan for seven days. You have until then to prepare. Good luck, all of you."


Together, they set out to the forest where Opal had been born. Two days later, Rarity woke up with a white coat covered in leopard-like violet rings, whiskers happily twitching. Their camp lay just outside Thunderclan territory. Everybody shared a den; Fluttershy with Angel, Rarity with Twilight, and Opal with Luna.


“Angel, I feel nervous…what if we won’t make it?” Fluttershy timidly mrrowed. Angel patted the yellow cat on the back with a comforting paw.

“Don’t worry 'Shy…I'll be with you till the end.” They hugged. “I just hope everything will be all right for Opal. She’s my buddy”

Fluttershy smiled. “Don’t worry, Angel…Opal is a great warrior…she will be fine…" Under her bretah, she added, "...I hope.”


“Twilight, dear, what are you reading? And how did you carry a book out here?”

"Herbal Healings.” Twilight answered. “Bloodclan sounds dangerous.”

Rarity facepawed and looked at Twilight. “We only have five days, Twilight…we need to train on physical stuff. In the dirt.”

“Rarity, I'm useless in a fight. Sweetie Belle could beat me. I might be more useful if I healed you guys.” Twilight explained with a sigh.

“But Twilight dear, we all agreed that Fluttershy will be in charge of that.” Rarity softly reminded her.

Twilight looked down, back at her book. “Rarity…I am not really… sure in myself to say the truth… I feel weak.”

Rarity sat down beside her once-Unicorn friend. “Now, are you the same Twilight who defeated Nightmare Moon? Who defeated Discord?"

"Well... yes..."

"Are you the same Twilight who unleashed the Elements of Harmony?”

“The Elements... of Harmony…yes! That's it!” She yowled kicking the book away as she jumped up. “We can defeat Bloodclan with the Elements!”

Rarity looked at Twilight, ears flat. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Twilight, but we don’t have Rainbow Dash, Applejack or Pinkie Pie now… we can’t just drop everything and go after them. On top of that, you are a cat now, and you don’t have your Element at your disposal - magic.” Rarity pointed out.

Twilight sighed. “I guess…”

Rarity put her paw over Twilight's. “Don’t feel bad. You are far more useful then you think.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks, Rarity.”


“Heh, heh... I never expected our next meeting to be… like this.” Luna purred, giggling.

“I know…its very weird seeing you as…as a tom.” Opal muttered shyly.

Luna came closer to Opal. “Give me your shoulder.” He said.

“Um... okay…” Opal twisted so her shoulder was facing Luna. The tom extended one claw carving something on her shoulder. It was excruciatingly painful, but Opal didn’t care. It was the touch of her loved one.

“There we go.” Luna said, stepping back.

Opal twisted to look at her shoulder. Luna had carved a heart in her skin. It was beginning to fill with blood, but it only made it more visible.

“If something happens… please don’t forget me.” Luna said in tears. “I love you.”

As the tom settled off to sleep, Opal gently groomed her shoulder. With a voice barely above a whisper, she purred, "Why didn't I get to give you a weak spot?"

~Newly edited by IceOfWaterflock~