//------------------------------// // Captain Jack Harkness // Story: The Twelfth Doctor Tries to Understand Canterlot High // by Helblade Master //------------------------------// The cold air of the Antarctic nipped at Clara and The Doctor, they had just helped an Ice Warrior find colder regions before his suit was unable to move. Ice Warriors were always getting into bad situations on their own. As a brigade they were sure to bring ice cannons and coolant to keep their bodies and suits cold. "So Doctor where to next," Clara asked. "Well it's time for your weekly check in," The Doctor replied," you haven't been given the all clear just yet remember?" "Right," Clara grumbled," more annoying wires." "Oh cheer up Clara. This is supposed to be your last time." "You said that last time." The Doctor and Clara reached the TARDIS and walked in. "Yes, I know, but every time you hear about it you get grumpy. Let it happen Clara." The Doctor flipped a few switches on the TARDIS controls and turned a few knobs. "Easy for you to say. Last time we were there you were a grumpy bum. After your little episode with Davros you're the kindest and most enthusiastic i've seen you." "What can I say Clara? I'm a dead man walking." The Doctor flipped one last switch and the TARDIS began to wheeze. "Promise me that after this I get to go home and enjoy a nice afternoon of relaxation." "You can have the whole weekend if you'd like. I can always do a few errands and such on my own." "That would be fantastic." The TARDIS' wheezing stopped and The Doctor and Clara stepped out onto the street leading to the apartment building. The trees were covered in toilet paper and Jack-O-Lanterns lined houses. Paper ghosts hung in windows and children walked by in costumes. "Halloween? Could the girls pick any better date," Clara grumbled. "The girls said every Friday. This just so happens to fall on a Friday," The Doctor replied," oh cheer up. While you're in the middle of your tests i'll see if I can't muster up some candy." The Doctor opened the apartment building door for Clara. The building was dark, with false cobwebs lining the walls. Lights shined through them and tiny toy spiders hung off of them. The elevator on the left was open just a crack and from inside the smell of copper wafted through. "Boo," shouted a voice from behind. Clara spun around hands at the ready. The Doctor just continued to look at the elevator, sonic sunglasses on. "Oh come on," Sunset Shimmer groaned," what does it take to get a good jump on you Doctor?" "More than some copper spray," The Doctor replied turning around," and about a couple hundred Daleks, Cybermen, and Mire." "What are those," Sunset asked. "Forget that, what are you wearing," The Doctor asked. Sunset was wearing her leather jacket, but instead of her usual clothes she had dawned a pitch black shirt with fake blood splattered across it. Jeans, torn in many places, a hockey mask, and some very thick, black eye shadow. "My costume. What's wrong with it?" "It's so simple. So primitive. So slapped together at the last second." "Doctor can we just get this over with," Clara groaned. "Right, sorry guys," Sunset began," the weekly check up was moved to tomorrow." "I'm sorry but I promised Clara the whole weekend to herself. This will only take a few minutes," The Doctor said. Sunset sighed," unless you can change Twilight's mind it'll have to wait until tomorrow. She's got plans of her own with Nightmare Night." "Well this is more important than some candy and a few paper ghosts," The Doctor growled. Sunset rolled her eyes and walked to the stairs. "Alright, Clara you wait here," The Doctor said. The Doctor followed Sunset Shimmer up the stairs and out of sight, leaving Clara alone in the dimly lit main entrance. Something itched at the back of her mind, desires. The usual ones, like her boy friend Danny, impossible to please now. Another was adventure but what could she do sitting in a stuffy room? But another itched at the back of her head, answers, were they hiding something from her? Was she going to die? Was that the real reason The Doctor was so upbeat? Soon fear clouded her thoughts. "Alright, Twilight said she'll be here within the next few hours," Sunset said setting down a leather book. "Right put this on," The Doctor said handing her a small ring. "Why," Sunset asked taking the ring. "It's a, ha that's funny, it's a Shimmer." "Oh my god," Sunset sarcastically laughed. "Just try it on, trust me," The Doctor said motioning to the shimmer," you want to be really scary don't you?" "Wait why are you giving me this?" "Because it's Halloween and if you haven't noticed i'm not the same grumpy old man you remember from last week." Sunset Shimmer shrugged and placed the shimmer on her ring finger. A beep rang out from the shimmer and the room turned blood red. The Doctor looked her up and down. "Alright. Go look in the mirror." Sunset Shimmer walked to the mirror. What she saw wasn't her old costume it was a seven foot tall man, with no hair, a deep brown leather jacket, a white shirt, and black jeans, with heavy boots and black gloves to match. Where its face should have been was a hockey mask with pitch black holes for eyes. She wasn't looking at herself anymore, she was looking at Jason Vorhees. "Well," The Doctor began," what do you think?" "How did you," Sunset said still staring at her 'costume'. "Like I said. A shimmer, it's like putting on a costume, but much more comfortable, and accurate." The door opened and a purple haired female walked through her arms crossed. "Sunset Shimmer, we've been," Rarity said before stopping in her tracks. They all stood silent for a few seconds, beads of sweat beginning to form on Rarity's forehead. "Oh, right," The Doctor said fumbling over his sonic sunglasses. He looked at Sunset's ring finger and the shimmer deactivated. Jason Vorhess vanished and in his place stood Sunset Shimmer in her, not so well made, costume. "Oh my god," Rarity said sighing in relief," for a second there I really thought you were that horrible man. On the other hand, we've been waiting for you for the past ten minutes. What have you been doing up here that is so important? Rainbow Dash was getting very impatient and wanted to get going." "Well, my costume," Sunset replied," you saw it." "Right," Rarity said," how did you do that anyways?" "It's called a Shimmer," The Doctor stated," very high-tech equipment." "Alright, great, now come along," Rarity rushed," Rainbow Dash has started blasting one of her wretched band's songs from my car speakers." Down below the echoes of 'Psychosocial' can be heard from a white car parked across the street. "Right," The Doctor said looking back at the shimmer, reactivating it," you best be off. I can wait for Twilight here. Just send Clara up." "You sure you don't want to come with," Sunset asked," we can all meet up for a nice time on the town, after the school dance and stuff." "Well I don't really," The Doctor said putting his sonic sunglasses away. "Come on Doctor," Sunset pleaded," it'll be very convenient for us, and Twilight if you did." "I'd have to talk to Clara," The Doctor said," it's her choice before she disappears for the weekend." "Great," Sunset said with excitement," see you at the TARDIS in a few." Sunset Shimmer walked out her apartment door leaving The Doctor and Rarity alone in the room. "Well, aren't you going with," The Doctor asked raising an eyebrow. "Watch out for her okay," Rarity said pointing a finger at him," no taking her across the universe or back in time." "It's only to the school dance," The Doctor said," The Doctor Disco will make sure she gets there safe." The Doctor pulled his sonic sunglasses back out of their pocket and placed the rim just low enough to look over. "The Doctor Disco," Rarity asked," that has to be the worst nickname I have ever heard." The TARDIS room was quiet. The only noise being the turning gears and switches. Clara sat on a step reading a book from The Doctor's large collection. Sunset sat on the railing looking at all the the switches and buttons. The Doctor looked at the terminal as the Gallifreyan signs made their thirtieth rotation on the screen. "Doctor," Clara said getting up from her position at the step," Doctor I need to ask you something." The Doctor didn't move his eyes still glued on the screen. "Doctor answer me," Clara demanded. She shook his shoulder and his head rolled off his body landing on the ground. Suddenly the main lights in the TARDIS shut off leaving the only light coming from the main console. Sunset and Clara screamed as large bodies of green moss and mold climbed up from below them. Small gargoyle like creatures zoomed over their heads as a skeleton in a space suit slowly stomped up the stairs asking who turned out the lights, repeatedly. From the darkness stepped a robed figure orange eyes piercing through the shadow of the cloak. His laugh echoed amongst the sloshing and screeching. "The Doctor is dead," the robed figure laughed," his regeneration energy and life stolen in the blink of an eye." His hand raised, a small device placed in his palm. "Who are you," Clara asked swatting at a gargoyle. "I am Basil," the robed figure replied," The Doctor's greatest threat." The device beeped a few times, the lights came back on, and the creatures disappeared. The Doctor's decapitated body fizzled out and the man removed his cloak. Underneath was The Doctor, a smile spread across his face. "Gotcha," The Doctor said taking the cloak off and resting it on the railing. "Doctor," Clara growled putting her hands on her hips," you had us scared half to death." "Well at least you aren't right," The Doctor asked pointing at the two of them," it was just a small scare. Nothing more." "But how did you do that," Sunset asked," i've seen some great CGI, but this is a whole new level, they looked way to real." "Holograms," The Doctor replied flipping a switch. At the door stood a man. Possibly into his late twenties, early thirties. His hair was short but stuck up. He wore a grey trench coat with a dress shirt and pants. His eyes were bright and his face showed not a single blemish. "Well hello," the man said as he walked towards the two girls," the name's Jack, Jack Harkness." "And as you can see," The Doctor said pointing to a gargoyle," looks real. Very real." He flipped the switch and the gargoyle disappeared, but Jack Harkness remained. The Doctor turned around to the girls and his face went from the smile he had been wearing, to an angry face as he brought his fingers to his brow. "Hey Doctor," Jack Harkness said," long time no see. Like the new face, really matches your age. But i can't help saying, you look like an old politician, no joke." "Good afternoon Jack," The Doctor groaned. "You know," Jack said turning to the girls," I like your choice. Two companions, really works. Two, very good looking ones at that." "Stop it," The Doctor groaned," just stop it." "A bit grumpy much," Jack said winking at Sunset. "Doctor," Clara said with a questioning tone," you never told me Jack was so good looking." "That's because if I did you'd want to meet him," The Doctor continued to pinch his brow. "Aw come on Doc," Jack said," you missed me." "No," The Doctor shouted," I miss Davros more than i've ever missed you!" "Doctor," Clara growled smacking him across the cheek," that is very unDoctorly." "Wow," Jack said clenching his chest," I don't think my poor, fragile, immortal heart can take much more of this." "Good," The Doctor shouted, rubbing his cheek," now get out!" Jack's beaming smile sunk to a frown, he put his hands into his coat pockets and walked towards the door. "Well," Jack whimpered," it was nice seeing you again Doctor." "If only I could share that feeling," The Doctor growled," now leave." The TARDIS' cloyster bell rang menacingly as the door locked and the main terminal flashed. The TARDIS began to wheeze and moan as it began to travel through time and space. "What's going on," Sunset shouted over the cloyster bell. "The TARDIS is angry," The Doctor replied," what is it girl? What did I say?" The cloyster bell continued to ring as the TARDIS shook. The occupants were thrown around the room as the TARDIS crashed, books were strewn across the floor. Sunset was slumped over a fallen bookcase, Clara had wound up on the floor below. The Doctor was holding onto the railing, and Jack Harkness lay in a heaping pile of books and wood. "Is everyone alright," The Doctor asked," nobody has anything broken?" "Yeah," Jack groaned," my heart." Down below Clara groaned, she had taken quite the fall. Sunset got up and rubbed her neck she made a mental note not to make the TARDIS angry. However that worked. "Shut it Jack," The Doctor growled as he looked at the TARDIS' monitor. "Where did the TARDIS take us," Clara asked as she slowly walked up the steps," i'm guessing it isn't Canterlot High." "Zygor," The Doctor said sliding the monitor to Clara. "Zygor," Sunset asked," what's a Zygor?" "Zygor," Jack said getting up from the rubble," home of the Zygons. Big, red aliens covered in suckers, with poison sacks in the tongue. Still great kissers." "Yes," The Doctor growled," thank you Jack for your explanation of the planet and its inhabitants." "Glad to be of service," Jack said bowing. He walked over to Sunset and hugged her, then turned to Clara and hugged her. "You girls alright," Jack asked. "Yeah," Sunset replied," just a bit sore." Jack's smile returned as he looked Sunset up and down. She was quite the female. With eyes so bright he could lose himself in the sea of turquoise. Hair so well kept he could have related it to Rose's, and a figure so perfect he'd be more than welcome to take her home, and then some. Then he noticed the shimmer on her finger, sparking. He grabbed her hand and raised it to his mouth, kissing it as he removed the shimmer from her ring finger. He kept his eyes glued on Sunset. She was so radiant, she had an aura he thought he could feel. It called out to him, like a moth to a flame. "Jack," The Doctor shouted," would you quit flirting with her. Her face is the color of a cherry." "I was only saying hello," Jack chuckled," I never get to say hello." "Well if you had said hello any longer I would've thought she was a Zygon," The Doctor growled. Why, of all days did Jack have to show up, this was supposed to be a quick night at a dance, a few tests, and then dropping off Clara. Now Jack was here and things weren't getting any better. A knocking came from the TARDIS door and another voice echoed in to the TARDIS. "Doctor," the voice called out," Doctor what are you doing in there?" He recognized that voice, it was Petronella Osgood, which meant they weren't on Zygor, they were in Zygor. A home town built for peaceful Zygons who were living on Earth, as remembrance of their fallen planet Zygor. "Oh thank god," The Doctor sighed walking to the door," someone who I can actually talk to." He opened the door to reveal a female in her late twenties, her hair tied back in a ponytail. She wore thick glasses, a black leather jacket, converse, and a multicolored shirt. It looked as if colors had exploded all over her shirt, and pants. "Are you Zygella," The Doctor asked. "I'm Osgood," Osgood replied. "Right," The Doctor said," well the TARDIS got angry and took us here. Even tricked us into believing it was the planet Zygor. Not the town." "Why did it get angry," Osgood asked raising an eyebrow. "I think Jack made her angry," The Doctor replied turning around. The door slammed in his face and locked. He was locked outside the TARDIS. The TARDIS' noise echoed as it began to dematerialize. The Doctor pinched his brow. Was the TARDIS really siding with Jack for once? "Well ladies," Jack said holding the school door open for them," mind if I accompany you to your party?" The hall was decorated with cobwebs and paper ghosts. It was so slapped together, nothing fit where it should. Ghosts stuck to cobwebs and false spiders hovered over their heads. The echoed sounds of music traveled down the halls. It was some sort of pop song, one about tweeting. "Jack, who are you exactly," Sunset asked. Jack Harkness looked at both of them before taking a deep breath. "I'm Jack Harkness," Jack smiled," I come from the very far future. Or at least I used to. I died hundreds of years into the future but was brought back to life for reasons I, even the Doctor, have yet to explain. Thing is, I can't die." "So you're immortal," Clara asked raising an eyebrow. "Basically," Jack smiled," except no matter how I die, I live on. I've been blown up, from the inside out, Exterminated, shot in the forehead, encased in cement, poisoned, you name it, it has most likely happened to me." "That sounds terrible," Sunset said patting him on the back," I don't think i'd stand being immortal." "You get used to it," Jack sighed," seeing everything you love die of age. Or living while the person next to you dies, from poisoning, radiation. Killing your own grandson to save millions. The things I have seen, the pain I have felt. It's a fate worse than death." Jack's expression went from ecstatic to depressed in a matter of seconds. He went into his pocket and pulled out a small, white patch. It looked alien, it wasn't cloth. "Take this," Jack smiled setting it in Sunset's hand. When you are at the brink of death, please use it. Just place it here," Jack pointed to her forehead," or here," he pointed to her chest," and then come see me." "What is it," Sunset asked. "You'll find out some day," Jack smiled. He turned around and began to walk back down the hall. "Wait, Jack," Sunset shouted chasing after him. Jack Harkness walked down the street, looking at his feet. She'd find out some day, when that day was, he may never know. Jack had handed her a Mire Med Kit, used by the alien race, Mire. It was so powerful it would prevent Mire's from dying. He knew a woman who had been given the same device by The Doctor, thousands of years ago. Her name was Ashildr, but she wasn't one for love. "Jack," shouted a voice from behind him," Jack, please wait." He turned around to see Sunset Shimmer, running down the street. He stopped and looked at her, maybe he had made the right choice. Sunset caught up to him and stopped, panting. "Jack you forgot something," Sunset said between each breath. Jack raised an eyebrow, a smile forming across his face. Sunset kissed him on the cheek. "That's for being so kind," Sunset smiled," and this is for feeling sorry. About everything that you've been through." Sunset kissed him on the lips. "So," Jack smiled after their lips parted," you wanna know what that little thing is?" "Well yeah, but," Sunset said. "But what," Jack asked. "I'm sure it can wait until i'm ready," Sunset replied. "So be it," Jack chuckled," just be sure to find me when you use it." Jack turned back around and flipped open something on his wrist. With a press of some buttons he vanished in a body of light, leaving Sunset alone. "So i'm guessing you understand what the device is then," Clara asked. "No, I don't," Sunset said twisting the med kit between her fingers. "Well whatever it is, he sure trusts you with it," Clara smiled," i'm sure it'll become clear to you some day. Plus, I think he's got the hots for you." "He's got the hots for anyone," The Doctor said walking down the hall," he's got the hots for an alpaca, a bug lady, anything living. He's just taken a particular liking to you, Miss Shimmer. Or, in due time, Mrs. Shimmer." "Welcome back Mr. Grumpy," Clara joked," did you enjoy the trip back over to the States?" "Kate was very pleased to see me again," The Doctor replied," so what is this about something Jack handed you?" "Oh it's just some sort of white box," Clara smiled," no opening to it or anything." "Well i'd like to see it," The Doctor held out his hand," just to be sure it's safe." "Mind your own business," Rainbow Dash shouted from across the hall. Here came the rest of the girls, each wearing a costume. All of them looking much better than Sunset Shimmer's. Rainbow wore a lab coat, fake blood dotted it in multiple areas, and in one of her pockets was a syringe. Underneath she wore a black shirt and pants, with black shoes to match. Eye shadow gave her face an almost insane look to it. Pinkie Pie was nowhere to be seen, that is until she popped out from behind The Doctor in a completely black jumpsuit, covered in gadgets. She wore a bandana around her head and had her hair, some how, packed down. Over one eye she had an eyepatch and a few scratches were drawn onto her face as well as a morning shadow. Rarity had dawned a blue dress, a dress so blue The Doctor thought it was annoyingly blue. Rarity's hair was braided into a long ponytail and her nails painted a bright blue color. Applejack wasn't with them, apparently she was to busy helping her grandmother run a corn maze. Apparently the human world Twilight hadn't come along, neither did Fluttershy. Twilight's excuse was because she hadn't completely moved into Sunset's apartment, Fluttershy's being, she was very afraid of Halloween. "Now Rainbow darling lets not jump to conclusions," Rarity sighed," perhaps The Doctor is just afraid about what this 'Jack' character has given Sunset Shimmer." "Afraid," The Doctor laughed," you're joking right? Clara when was the last time I was afraid?" "A few days ago, when Colony Starf found you," Clara replied," I didn't forget Doctor." "Alright fine," The Doctor groaned," i'm slightly afraid, but i'm also very curious. I've known Jack longer than any of you." "Didn't you ever learn that curiosity killed the cat," Sunset asked. "Oh i've heard that saying," The Doctor replied," but i've been in much worse situations than this due to curiosity." "Like," Rainbow asked. "None of your business," The Doctor replied," it's my life i'll share what I want to." "Exactly," Sunset said," so it's my life, i'll share the box with you if I want to." The Doctor turned to Sunset and frowned. His eyebrows looked like they were going to pop off his head. "Right," The Doctor said," right. I should have seen that coming." That afternoon was filled with laughs and a trip over to the TARDIS for Clara's check up. Little did the Doctor know, what he'd encounter before his next visit. His world was about to crumble, and he was unaware of it.