The Ice Cream Pony Awakes

by in10secondsflat

I Skipped 3

“So where’d that guy go?” Applejack asked.
The five legged pony responded. “I dunno. Maybe he fell over trying to get that thing back. Or maybe he went back to find that Krastos guy.”
“Wait,” Bon Bon started. “I think you might want to get that leg checked out.”
“What leg?”
“The one hanging off the side of your body! You're limping! It seems like all of the blood drained out and you broke some bones, it looks empty almost...”
“That’s nothing! I live for limping! Er, danger!”


“I’m sorry sir... so sorry...”
“You know that doesn’t mean anything to me,” he responded, not visible from behind his chair.


“Aren’t you glad our fake id’s could afford these?”
“Well it just wouldn’t be the same without them.” She pushed her dark shades onto her face.
They were arriving by van. It had a picture of a reel of film on the side.
“You kept the tickets right Pinkie?”
“Of course!” She pulled them out of some strange dimension. “Here, put them in your saddlebags so Krastos doesn’t wonder about them.”
“It’s strange that I’ve never even noticed that theater before...” She thought for a second.
“Really? Oh and also, make sure you save the glasses, you wouldn’t want to have to buy more...”
“Gummy sure is a good driver. Won’t we be there soon?”
“Actually... yes. But there’s one thing about that...”
“...Pinkie?” she asked nervously.


“Mmk then... let’s try this aisle...” She walked by a stand displaying some pushpins. They were on sale.
“What exactly are we looking for again?” Rainbow I MEAN THE PURPLE POLKA DOTTED MANE ONE asked Bon Bon. I can’t let you know that. That was close.
“Well a way to get out of here of course.”
“We can’t just fly?”
“Well I don’t see you suddenly sprouting wings and carrying us out of here.”
“I guess not... Hay do you hear voices?”


“See aren’t you glad we had our dark shades on when that happened?”
“So we couldn’t see as well?”
No, silly, because we looked cool when it happened.”
“You told Gummy... to drive us... off... the side of a cliff. Although, I have to admit, I WAS wondering why there was so much padding in that van.”
“Get over it... and you better be happy that he drove over that syrup.” She gestured behind her.
“What’s so bad about the syrup?”
“You don’t see ‘Human to glue syrup‘ in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS on the side of it?”
“Why would that affect me?”
“Well... get back inside the destroyed van and I’ll tell you.”


“So gummy is where?”
“Long gone by now. If I know him he’ll be back in my room above Sugarcube Corner right now, trolling the internet. But that’s not important.” She paused. “I happen to be Krastos’s top agent, or so he thinks, and I know all about something important to us that happened back in the eighties...”


They all listened for a bit.
Rainbow Dash wait no argh this supense is killing me THE FIVE LEGGED ONE SAID, ”Well, I guess not then. It sounded like it though for a bit... although who knows whats in this place."
“Wait... STRUM?!”
“Her shades there are pretty fancy. Where’d she get 'em?”
Bon Bon ran up and hugged Strum Awesomeposture. “Where have you been?”
“What? Oh right, Pinkie Pie trapped me in her basement and forced me to make disguises for ponies. I remember being a little mad at first, you know, kidnapping... But she did give me some useful information.” She explaned what happened back in the 80’s. She would have explained about Pinkie but she knew that somepony might hear. “But where did you think I’d be? Did you think I’d do something crazy like running off with Fluttershy into the sunset to start a butterfly milking farm?”
“No... but anyways, so if Krastos or his employe hadn’t’ve been an idiot...?”
“I’d be glue.”
“Oh right. And I got a bunch of movie tickets and cool dark shades for everypony. Oh and you’re wearing one of my disguises!”
“Um... no... this isn’t a disguise...” She started.
“It isn’t? I made one exactly like that..." She went up to the not Rainbow Dash, put her hooves on her shoulders, and looked straight into her eyes. “Well... ok then.”
“So now what?”
“I dunno.”


“So what am I supposed to do exactly, sir?” He was new.
Krastos began talking from behind his chair. “Well, the first thing is that you should know that you will, eventually, be desposed of by me. You might end up falling through the floor at some random time, whatever. Usually it will be a worse way to go. But, for now, just go and press the button for a trapdoor in the second half of aisle seventy two.” He paused for a second to think. "I think the one with a chute leading to the room with the moving walls would do?”
“Ok! I’ll be right back.” He walked over to his right and searched for the button. He pushed it happily. It wasn’t like anypony would get hurt right?
“Oh, and let Pinkamena in. I need to speak with her. You can go back to your room now.”


“AH! Where are we?” Not Rainbow Dash shouted.
“What? Oh, let’s just leave. This is nuts. I think the exit is over there.” The room was all shiny and made of steel, completely empty, except with a door to their right with a large sign over it saying “EXIT” in large letters.
They began walking through the door, and as they did so heard an argument going on over the intercom.


“So where are we now?”
“No idea. But look, there’s some cool stickers.” Strum Awesomeposture said. They appeared to be standing in a craft store, and had just walked out of the mare’s bathroom.
“Wait, Strum,” Bon Bon started saying, “Why did I ask you to come do this with us again?”
“I’m not really sure. But it’s fun doing this isn’t it?” She looked around.
Derpy made them stop for a second. “Do you think these muffin stickers would be any substitute for the real thing? Nah, I doubt it... never mind..."
“Well ah guess that now’s the time to start figurin’ are way outta here again...”


“Look! I didn’t mean to let that happen! I forgot to lock the exit door. Is it that much of a problem?”
“Yes, it is Pinkamena. We shouldn’t have let them get away. Now, I might have to show myself to them. Maybe... yes. I have the answer to all of this.”
“What?” She began to sweat.
“I will get Strum Awesomeposture to join us. She never wanted to go on this trip to save Equestria from me anyways, you said...”