when slenderman left me in paradise

by Jimbob




“GO GO GO!” I screamed at the ponies as the Cyberponies looked at me

the unicorn Cyberpony threw a ball of fire at me which I met with my own fire. The earth one charged me and tried to kick me, only a quick dive to the side saved me. I looked at the wall where the kick had landed and saw that it had crumpled a good five feet of solid metal. The Doctor was leading the ponies out of the room since both Cyberponies were distracted. I pulled out my revolver and aimed at the unicorn.



I heard a metallic ping and saw the unicorn’s head jerk back and then come right back up.

[They must have stronger metal!]

{I noticed!}

A silvery magic aura enveloped me and slammed me into the wall, hard. I slid to the floor and looked up to see the earth one charging me. I tried dodging to the side again but I wasn’t fast enough as I felt a hoof connecting with my hand completely shattering my bones. I yelled in pain and the room became a whirlwind of shadows.

I can’t honestly say I know what happened next but what I do know is; Cyberponies can feel pain, Cyberponies can scream loudly, and that there’s a lot of oil in Cyberponies. When the shadows stopped swirling I looked around; hunks of metal and oil covered everything.

I quickly examined my blood and oil covered hand and saw that there were several small shards of bone sticking through it. I stood up slowly and began to walk towards where I thought we came from, clutching my hand to my chest. You don’t realize how much your hands are in motions until one of them is in searing pain, I was praying that the Doctor had some way to fix this because honestly I’m beginning to think it’s beyond a ‘heal with magic’ area.

“Jake!” I turned around and saw the Doctor running down the hall-way, he ran over too me looking at my hand.

“What the hell happened?” he pulled a syringe out of somewhere and injected it into my hand

“Turns out that strong Cyberponies with hard metal shells bucking you hand is quite painful.”

“Well that will help with the pain for a bit” I heard him murmur something about nanobots and I felt a small flame of hope, slowly a warm numbness filled my hand and the blood stopped coming out

“We’ll deal with it on the TARDIS but first we have some problems”


“Yes first we need to get rid of everything in this base and I mean everything, second there’s a problem with the TARDIS”

“What kind of problem?” he turned and began to run down the hall-way with me running right behind him.

“The kind that makes the TARDIS try to leave the area immediately” he saw the confused looked on my face

“It appears that there are several fixed points in time coming up, if I were to make even the smallest mistake I could end up smashing all of time together.”

“Yeah that does sound like a problem.”

“Yes so we need to hurry, I showed Ditzy how to hold the TARDIS in this time zone but it wont last long.” We ran into a smaller room that had several computers and boiler-like objects on the far wall.

“So how we getting rid of this place Doc?” he pointed his screwdriver at the computers

“Simple; we’re blowing it up!” the computers exploded in a shower of sparks and glass. Alarms began to ring all through the complex

“Come on we have too go!” I didn’t argue with him as we both head out of the room, we ran down a corridor I was sure we hadn’t been in before. That’s when I heard it, a filly crying, the Doctor stopped only because I had then he heard it he looked at me

“Jake we have to go.” Inside my head a war was being waged on one hand I could; ignore the filly and run to safety and live the rest of my life not knowing I could have saved her or not or I could go find the filly and possibly die in a time zone I don’t even belong in on a world that I don’t belong in.

“Godamn it” I ran down the hall-way towards the crying, I looked over my shoulder

“Doc if you leave without me I’m kicking your ass!” I turned and continued running down the hall-way, I ran past a door when Knight spoke up

[She’s in there]

I didn’t bother questioning him I just turned around and slammed through the door, at first I didn’t see anything but boxes but I heard that crying coming from a corner and headed that way. Behind one of the larger boxes I saw an azure unicorn filly curled into a blue crying in her tail, I approached slowly and tried to talk softly

“Hey we have to go now, ok?” she opened her eyes and looked up at me and her eyes got wide with fear

“Calm down I’m not going to hurt you, but we have to leave now” her eyes went back to their normal size and I noticed how bloodshot they were

“I-I want my m-mommy” she broke down crying again

“Ok I’ll help you look for your mommy, but everypony else left so we have to go find them ok?” she nodded and I gently scooped her up in my good arm. She wrapped her hooves around my arm as I began to run out of the room and backtracked through the various hall-ways. Soon the hall-ways were beginning to fill with smoke and the alarms had become quicker and louder.

I burst through the smoke and found myself back in the sewers, I bolted down the path the Doctor and I had taken earlier I turned a corner to where the TARDIS was waiting. Except it wasn’t instead there was a white sheet of paper, I carefully put the filly down and picked up the paper

I’m sorry we tried holding the TARDIS here, really we did but it was giving out and I couldn’t risk destroying time to save you. I’m sorry, I am so so sorry but I promise you Jake we will be back. Hold on Jake because we WILL BE BACK!

As I read it the reality of the whole thing slammed into me; I was stuck here for an unknown amount of time in a place where if I was found I could potentially stopped a fixed point in time and destroy everything. I sighed wearily and sank down to the floor figuring that I might as well get comfortable; a loud boom from down the tunnel interrupted my thought

[At least we stopped the Cybermen]

{Yeah I suppose}

The filly was looking at me like I was a monster; I patted the floor next to me

“Come on I don’t bite” she slowly walked over and lay down next to me I wrapped her up in some of my trench coat when it occurred to me that I didn’t even know her name.

“What’s your name Hon?” she replied in a slightly trembling voice.


A/N: Might be publishing another story soon, Keyword: Might