//------------------------------// // My Soul is the Mighty Phoenix... // Story: Life Fiber Harmonize // by Crystalis McCloud //------------------------------// "Are you sure you're ready, Sunny?" "Yes mom. For the hundredth time, I'll be fine. I've got this. There's no way I can fail." A young, orange-coated filly sat grumbling as her mother fidgeted with her yellow and red-streaked mane anxiously. Hooves smoothed out the back while a comb was repeatedly sifted through the front with a telekinetic push. Her bright green eyes turned up irritably to her mother as she grumbled, "Mooooom. Cut it out already. My mane's just fine." A soft sigh of relief left her lips as the comb and hooves left her mane. However, even the welcome return of her personal space wasn't enough to stop the anxious tapping of her own hoof on the stiff, uncomfortable chair she sat in. What was taking so long? Looking around, she and her mother were alone in the waiting area. Not long ago, parents and children had crowded this space, all of them eagerly waiting their turn to take the exam that would determine if the young filly or colt would be admitted to the most prestigious magic school in all of Equestria; Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Success would mean opportunity. A whole library of magical knowledge at one's hooftips, along with materials and other support in research. Failure meant a long, hard road, fighting and scraping for every last bit of growth that would be fully nourished otherwise. It's not like there was anything to worry about, though. The filly knew everything there was to know about this test. It was infamous in its difficulty, but after extensive research and information gathering, she had figured out the secret. For the test, young unicorns were all asked to use their magic to hatch a dragon's egg. Such a feat, however, was impossible. It was likely that the great Starswirl the Bearded, or even Princess Celestia herself, wouldn't be able to achieve such a feat. Obviously, with an impossible task set before them, the children weren't judged on their ability to make the egg hatch. Instead, the power and complexity of the spells used in their attempt, as well as how they handled their inevitable failure were the determining factors of acceptance. It was a guaranteed thing. She knew the secret of the test, and she knew she had the magical talent to back it up. She glanced down at her flank and smiled as she looked at the gold and crimson sun upon it. Her cutie mark was a magnificent sun, so much like the mark of Princess Celestia. Whenever she looked at it, she knew she was destined for great things, and this was just another step on that path. This was really strange, though. The last filly had left the testing room at least ten minutes ago. What was taking them so long to call her in? Was she somehow not on the list? Growing impatient, the little filly was just about to trot over to the door and knock until she got some answers. Her impending outburst was canceled, however, as the door swung open and three ponies in posh, stuffy, intellectual clothing stepped out. They were two mares and one stallion, each looking over clipboards and speaking to each other in hushed voices. This was really odd. Why were all three of them out here? Every other time just one of them had come out to call a candidate in. Looking up from the conversation, one of the mares stepped forward and said, "Miss Dawn Treader? Your daughter's exam is ready now. If you and Sunset Shimmer would please enter." She gestured a hoof to the open door. "Yes! Finally!" Sunset cheered, leaping down from the chair and bounding excitedly over to the door, her mother not far behind. When they were both inside, the door was closed behind them. "Hold on a minute," Sunset whipped around. "Why are they staying out there? How am I supposed to take the test?" She looked to her mother, who was wide-eyed with wonder as she looked past her daughter. "I will be the one overseeing your test, Sunset," a voice, calm, warm, and gentle, spoke up from behind her. That voice... It was unmistakable. Anypony who even heard it once had that voice engraved in their minds. Sunset turned around, eyes going wide as she beheld none other than Princess Celestia. Her presence was almost overwhelming. Towering at almost twice the height of the average full grown pony, she looked down on the pair with look of profound serenity in her violet eyes. Her white coat was like that of an angel from Elysium, with a long spiraling horn and broad, powerful wings to match. Her mane and tail, a colorful rainbow of cerulean, turquoise, cobalt, and lilac, flowed behind her like a glorious ether. The princess was clad in her stunning golden regalia, with ornate shoes and a mantle set with a large, gleaming amethyst at its center. The crown on her head completed the look, arching just behind her horn with a smaller amethyst set at its crest. "Princess! Why are you--" Sunset started to say, but cut herself short. What place did she have to question the princess? Besides, she would likely explain herself soon. Something about it didn't feel right though. The princess administering the test herself was unheard of, at least not since the founding of the school centuries ago. Why would she be the exception? Unless… Celestia bowed her head to Sunset and Dawn, and looked to Dawn before motioning for her to take a seat at one of the desks. The awestruck mother simply nodded and took a seat as Celestia returned her attention to the little filly before her. "So you are Sunset Shimmer?" she asked bluntly. Her expression was unreadable, and it made the filly anxious. "Um, yes!" she answered hesitantly. "I hear you've been doing quite a bit of snooping around, Miss Shimmer. I was quite surprised to learn that a filly of your age actually managed to discover the trick behind my impossible test." Horseapples. She was busted big time. What was Celestia going to do about her worming her way around the entire purpose of the test? A knot started to form it Sunset's stomach as she imagined the possibilities. Was Celestia mad? Was she impressed? She couldn't tell! Keeping that mysterious, unreadable calm about her, Celestia turned and walked over to a pedestal set at the front of the classroom. A red cloth was draped over the top of it, and the distinct, ovular shape of an egg poked up from the center. But this egg... Her heart sank as she realized that this one was way too small to be a dragon's egg. "As impressive as your investigative ability is, Sunset Shimmer, I can't just let you be accepted when you're holding the cheat sheet," Celestia explained, lighting up her horn and pulling the cloth from the pedestal. Underneath was a small egg, no bigger than that of a hawk. Unlike other eggs, this one was a brilliant gold with amber flames patterned across its surface. "As such, I have prepared a different test just for you. If you want to be accepted into my school, then you must hatch this phoenix egg. It must actually hatch for you to pass. There is no trick; only your ability as a sorceress." Sunset swallowed a lump in her throat. She seriously had to hatch a phoenix egg? Sure, that was far more possible than a dragon egg, but it was still something that eluded some of the greatest unicorns. How was she supposed to do this? Was this her punishment? A test well beyond her ability, but still possible? Couldn't Celestia have just failed her outright and gotten it over with? Calm down. Calm down. Deep breaths. She had to keep a level head. Her future was riding on this. Even if Celestia was setting her up to fail, she just had to pass anyway, and the doors to greatness would open! Sunset looked back at her cutie mark and mustered up her nerve. This was her destiny. She was meant to be a great sorceress, and maybe even change the face of Equestria itself one day. She was the morning star, the brightest of all lights, cresting the horizon in a dazzling glow, ever moving forwards, day by day. She wouldn't let anything stop her from being the greatest she could be. She took a step forward, approaching the egg as Celestia moved aside to observe. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her mother nervously gnawing on the nail of her hoof. A worry wart like always. Sunset stared at the egg in silent pondering, and when she came to her first idea, she zapped a line of green magic out to the egg. First she'd try a growth spell. The flash of light cleared... and nothing. Not even so much as a wiggle or crack on the shell. That one had been a long shot anyway. Sure, she could hatch a chicken egg that way or even cause a seed to sprout, but a phoenix egg would have actually been a shock. As a magical creature they had a strong resistance to spells. Another green flash, and fire wrapped around the egg's resting place. Another spell directed a bright, concentrated ray of light from her horn to the egg. A phoenix was a bird of flame and light, so perhaps this kind of thermal stimulation would get results? A few moments pass, and nothing happens. Another failed try. Extinguishing the light and flames, Sunset glared at the egg in mild irritation. Just what would it take to hatch this thing? The flashes of magic from her horn kept coming one after another. She tried everything she could think of, from different variations on the growth and heat approaches, to healing and magic boosting spells. She tried every way she could think of to stimulate the tiny life inside the egg failed again and again, all while Celestia watched on, stoic and unreadable. Sunset started to grow frantic, stepping closer to the pedestal and casting spell after spell on the egg. Something had to work. It just had to. She had to pass. She had to get into this school. She was meant for greatness, and she would not let this egg keep her from that! Her hoof swung out in frustration before she could even think about what she was doing. She struck the pedestal and caused it to sway violently back and forth. Her blood froze as she saw the egg tip from the edge and tumble down. Time slowed as she watched her future fall away, only to to be caught mere centimeters from the floor in the golden glow of Celestia's magic. No-no-no. What had she done? Stupid! She was so stupid! How could she have let her temper flare like that? Her frustration grew to the breaking point as tears streamed down Sunset's muzzle. She turned her leaky eyes to Celestia as the regal mare approached her, bringing the precious egg safely aloft beside her. Her previously unreadable expression was all too clear now. The disappointment in her eyes crushed Sunset's spirit, causing her to fall to her knees as she sobbed. "I see you understand that I cannot pass you after that little display," Celestia sighed, shaking her head. "If this is how you behave, then you would have also failed the dragon egg test had you not known what you do. I honestly expected better from you, Sunset." She turned and started towards the door as Dawn ran up to hug her daughter tight, lovingly running a hoof through her mane while she cried. Those words were like a lance through the heart. All of that hard work, and all of Sunset's hopes and dreams, had just gone up in smoke. She had no one to blame but herself. She'd let her anger get the better of her and almost destroyed a phoenix egg, a rare miracle of life. Why hadn't anything worked? If there was any magic that facilitated hatching, she had tried it. She'd put all of her heart and soul into it. A bright glow wrapped her cutie mark for a brief moment as realization struck. That was it! That was what she needed to do! Sunset vanished in a flash of green, appearing in the doorway just as Celestia was about to leave, much to her surprise. She held up a hoof to bar the princess' path and pleaded, "Princess, please listen to me! I can't apologize enough for the shameful display I just made, but I'm begging you, please let me try just one more time!" Her eyes welled with earnest tears as she kept going. "Attending your school would be a dream come true for me, but if I fail this last time, I'll leave. I promise." "Teleportation at such a young age?" Celestia whispered, just barely loud enough for Sunset to hear as she looked the filly over. After an agonizingly long silence, Celestia dipped her head and relented, "Just one more try, Sunset. If you fail, then you'll have to pursue your magical education on your own." "I understand," Sunset nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes. A moment later she was standing in front of the pedestal again, staring intently at the egg as Celestia and her mother watched. It was all or nothing now. She moved right up to the egg, tilted her head, and touched her horn to the delicate shell. The glow of her magic wrapped around her and the egg as she focused everything she could into her horn. Every last bit of magic and emotion she had swirling inside of her. She was going to nurture the egg with every bit of her heart and soul. Every bit of warmth, hope, and aspiration she held for the future; a future that this egg depended on, and was thus a part of. This egg was her future now, and she had to put everything into it that she would put into being the greatest pony she could be. Every bit of love and life in her flowing freely back and forth between her and the egg. It was so simple, really. Why couldn't she have realized it just moments ago? It was one of the most basic principles of magic ever taught. Magic was the projection of one's will to affect the world in some way. As such, the heart and soul of a pony affected the shape that magic took. Plus, the phoenix wasn't just a bird of flame and light, but an icon of the soul and rebirth in its many forms. Wouldn't it make sense that a phoenix egg would hatch in response to the love, warmth, and hope a parent has for its child? She just needed to be all of that to the little life in this egg. Her magic lifted the egg from its perch, bringing it down to her as she sat on her haunches and took it into her hooves. She held the egg close to her as she channeled her magic as a medium of her heart, eyes clenched tightly shut. She didn't know how long she stayed like that. It could have been seconds, minutes, or even hours, but the next thing she knew she felt a stirring inside the egg. A tap from within the shell caused her eyes to snap open, discovering a crack across the gold and amber surface. Another tap, and the crack expanded. Yet another sent a chip flying off. Finally, the opened up as a beak poked through it. It was a beautiful sight to see as more of the egg fell away from her hooves to reveal a tiny little chick chirping excitedly. It was a beautiful bird covered in the red and gold of its soft, fluffy down feathers. The little chick looked around at the bright new world it had been born into, and eventually turned its beady little eye to look at Sunset. It chirped and tweet happily, bringing a smile to her face. Grinning from ear to ear, Sunset leaned forward and grazed her nose along the chick's tiny beak, giggling all the while. "I did it," she said, tears almost on the verge of falling again. "I actually did it! I hatched her!" "Her?" Celestia asked, perplexed but still graced with a small smile for the filly's achievement. "How do you know that?" How did she know that? Strange. She couldn't exactly identify avian gender at a glance. "I don't know," Sunset answered honestly. "I just... felt it." "Oh Sunny, I'm so proud of you!" Dawn cheered, running up to her daughter for a tight hug. She was careful to avoid disturbing the chick, but still managed a spine-poppingly tight squeeze that left her daughter grimacing. "Yes, congratulations Sunset Shimmer," Celestia said, smiling down on the filly. "You've accomplished something incredible today; something that most ponies could never accomplish, and at such a tender age. You truly have the makings of a magnificent sorceress." Sunset's eyes lit up at the praise, her dreams of greatness all the more affirmed. "Thank you, Princess. Thank you!" Sunset beamed, looking down to see the chick crawl up along her forearm until it perched on her shoulder. It nuzzled against her cheek and gave another chirp. "I'll study hard and be the best student ever once I graduate from your school." Celestia shook her head, saying, "You misunderstand. I won't be accepting you into the school." Both Sunset and the chick's heads swivelled to Celestia in surprise. What did she mean? The test was complete. She'd passed the test, right? Celestia approached them, her smile growing wider as she announced, "Sunset Shimmer, I want to make you my protege so that I may overlook you education personally. You will further your studies in the ways of magic, and any other subject you pursue." The smile on Sunset's face was matched in size only by her mother's. The two whinnied ecstatically, and Sunset returned an equally spine-popping hug to Dawn. Sleipnir above! This was incredible! Beyond her wildest dreams! She was going to study directly under Princess Celestia herself? There was no greater honor that she could think of. Celestia chuckled at their enthusiasm and continued, "Your first task as my pupil will be one of your most important. I want you to raise this phoenix chick. You have forged a powerful bond with her already, and she is sure to be an important part of your life from now on. I trust you'll take good care of her?" Sunset nodded so hard her head seemed likely to come right off. "Yes, Princess. I promise that I won't let you down." The princess bowed her head ever so slightly, accepting her promise before asking, "Do you have a name for your new friend?" She did. Just as surely as she had known the chick was a girl, she knew what her name would be. She smiled, tickling the tip of her hoof under the bird's little beak as she said, "Her name is Philomena." ~*~*~*~*~*~ Sunset deftly twisted her head to the side as a fist flew past it. She reflexively grabbed it by the wrist, leveraged it, flipped Rainbow Dash down onto the floor mat, and sat on her back. "And that's how I became Princess Celestia's pupil," she finished her tale with a mischievous smile as she slowly twisted the girl's arm further and further back. "Ow-ow-ow! Mercy! Uncle!" Rainbow yelped out until Sunset finally released her. The pair got to their feet and dusted themselves off as a little smattering of applause came from off to the side. The rest of their friends were standing at the edge of the room, watching as they were sparring. With the match concluded, they came closer to cheer and pat them on the back. "Man, guess there's some sports I'm not the best at," Rainbow pouted, rubbing her sore shoulder. "But I'd still cream you at soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball, and-- Oof!" She was cut short as Applejack gave her a playful elbow to the gut. "Oh quit yer belly'achin," she laughed. "No need to lord yer athletics over her just cause ya lost at martial arts." Sunset smiled wide, more than a little happy to get one over Rainbow Dash and get under her skin a bit. The girl could be quite obnoxiously proud of her natural abilities, and it was fun to see her in a huff over being bested. Still smiling, she held her hand out to Rainbow and said, "You're really good, though; it's just that you were too aggressive. Not only did you completely ignore defense, but you went so overboard into offense that it was easy to put you off balance. If you practice on more control and protection, you'll beat me out in no time." Rainbow continued to pout as she stared down at Sunset's hand, but after a moment she sighed and took her hand. She laughed wryly as she squeezed it tight and said, "Thanks for the advice. I'll put it to use next time and totally wipe the floor with you." Sunset winced at the tight grip on her hand, but joined in laughter with Rainbow as the heat of the match started to wind down. She looked around the gymnasium where they had decided to spar, eyeing a few banners that still hung from the walls. They were what remained of the latest big event at school, a musical showcase turned Battle of the Bands where they had stopped a trio of sirens that had tried to steal the magic at this school. It had only been two weeks since then, but it still felt like she had been there just hours ago. She had helped her friends stop the sirens' plan, and since then her life at Canterlot High had been so much better. Most of the animosity she'd earned when she had been at her lowest, darkest point and become a demon had been swept clean, and she'd earned the forgiveness she'd wanted for so many months. She couldn't even begin to describe how happy she was to be free of the twisted darkness that had been clawing at her heels since that day. "I'm quite curious, wherever did you learn to fight like that, darling?" Rarity asked. A slight flush tinted Sunset's cheeks as she recalled the memories. "Actually, it was Flash Sentry that taught me all that. Him teaching me that, and how to play guitar, are how I got used to moving in my human body," she explained. She hid her embarrassment by picking up the mats and lugging them over to the storage closet. "It's just another way that I used him. I'm beyond grateful for everything he did, but I feel terrible for how I took advantage of him when I knew how he was." Fluttershy struggled to lift up another mat, smiling meekly as Applejack took care of it for her, hefting one onto each shoulder and following after Sunset. "What do you mean you knew how he was?" she asked. Sunset sighed as she dumped the mat back in its place in the closet. "The Flash Sentry in Equestria is one of the Royal Guard," she recalled with more than a little regret. "For about three or four years, up until I left for this world, he was also my personal escort and guardian whenever I went out into the field for research. I even had him teach me to fight back then too. I was a bit stubborn about not wanting to rely on others more than I had to." "That's Flash for you!" Pinkie cheered, bouncing along to deposit another mat on the pile. "Always willing to lend a hand, or hoof, to anyone that needs help!" "Yeah, he's been like that since before I even met him," Sunset chuckled, this time recalling some fond memories. "He always used to help me bounce theories and just listen to me talk while I was working. He's a smart guy, and was able to keep up with most of what I rambled on about. I guess it helped that his father's a scientist." Her hands drifted up to clutch at the sleeves of her jacket, frowning as she said, "I feel terrible for how I treated that Flash during the last year I was in Equestria, and how I treated this one as nothing more than a tool." "Chin up, darling," Rarity said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder as Rainbow Dash struggled with three mats just behind her. "We may not know a lot about how magic works, but I think everyone in this school understands that you couldn't have helped us stop those awful sirens like you did unless you'd completely changed." "I still have a lot to learn, though," Sunset admitted. Once all of the mats were stowed away, she shut the closet behind them. "I think my next big lesson on friendship is going to have to be how to make a real apology. I may have done a lot of horrible things to everyone, but Flash is the one I really want forgiveness from. It's hard, though; because every time I see him I feel too ashamed to say anything." The six friends left the gymnasium and started towards the front doors of the school, talking all the while. Part way into one conversation, Pinkie Pie suddenly chimed in, "Oh! Oh! I have a question. If the pony Flash is a Royal Guard, then why is he a guitarist in a band on this side?" "There's actually not as big of a difference as you might think," Sunset explained. "Human Flash always told me that he wants to be a police officer once he graduates. Heck, his best friend Strike Wing has already started training as a cadet since he graduated last year, and Flash plans to follow when he graduates." "Guess that don't surprise me one bit," Applejack mused, fiddling with the brim of her stetson. "That's just how folks like him are. People that have a shield mark live to protect others." The six of them nodded together, continuing their way through the empty halls. It was already well after class, and they had just stayed behind to use the gym and floor mats for the sparring match. By now pretty much everyone else had either gone home, holed away in the library or club rooms, or outside in the fields practicing for sports. So it was quite a surprise to Sunset when she heard a voices coming from a branching hall down the way. She held an arm out to stop her friends, holding a finger to her lips as she listened. "So they're doing better now?" the familiar voice of Flash Sentry came from around the corner. "They were in pretty rough shape before." "Thanks to you, they've already made a full recovery," another, unknown voice answered. "We've managed to reverse the Pale Death, and they've been back on their feet for the last week." The Pale Death? The fatal illness caused by an imbalance in the elemental spectrum of mana in the body? Seriously? That actually existed in this world? More curious than ever, Sunset creeped up to the corner and peeked around. The rest of the girls followed suit, crowding the edge with their heads poking around at different heights. She saw Flash with his back to her, speaking to a boy she only vaguely recognized. He was definitely a Canterlot High student, but he had to be fairly new since she knew almost everyone's name around here. The boy had a messy mop of dark green hair and pale pale gray skin. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of thick, round glasses, and he wore an unevenly buttoned dress shirt and too-loose jeans under a black jacket. A green shield emblem could be seen stitched to his chest pocket, and around his neck hung a necklace of a longsword with a silver hilt and a green blade. The jacket was probably the oddest thing about him. With the rest of his disheveled attire, the punkish jacket seemed out of place on such a nerdy looking guy. "I'm glad they're okay," Flash said, relieved. "I've been thinking about what you said before, and I still haven't made up my mind yet. I still have a lot to think about before I accept your offer." The boy broke into a big grin and gave Flash a playful nudge, saying, "That's okay. Take the time you need, but until then I want you to have something." He reached into his pants pocket and handed something off to Flash. "Things are going to get really dangerous around here really fast. We're still in the progress of creating a Three Star for you, but you can use this if trouble comes knocking. It'll weave the fibers into the outfit you're wearing, and the design has already been tweaked to match your abilities." Sunset couldn't make heads or tails of what they were talking about. The only clear part was that the boy had mentioned things getting dangerous. What did he mean by that? Flash took the mysterious item, thanked him, and the pair turned to head further down the hall, their conversation fading into the distance. Once they turned down another hall and out of earshot, Rarity spoke up, "I wonder what's gotten into Emerl? I've never seen him act like that." Sunset turned to Rarity, surprised. "You know that boy?" "Well, yes," she explained, brushing her long coif of hair out of her face. "Emerald Mist came to Canterlot High a little bit after the Fall Formal. He and a darling sweetheart named Coco Pommel joined my fashion club together. You wouldn't know it from looking at him, but he can sew a mean outfit. Poor dear doesn't have the slightest bit of design sense, though. Such a shame." "The fellah doesn't really look like much, does he?" Applejack commented. "I've seen him here and there around the school. Coulda sworn one time I heard him talking to his jacket, of all things. Called it Sam Ketchup, or something like that." "Hehe, sounds like a fun guy! I'll bet Maud and him would get along great!" Pinkie giggled. "They could have a play-date for Boulder and Sam Ketchup. Oh, I'll even bring Gummy along!" Pinkie's tangent might have normally gotten a smile out of Sunset, but her mind was far too occupied with Emerald. Something dangerous was coming, and he seemed to know what it was. Even more peculiar was that he was talking with Flash about it. Flash was a great guy and all, but after witnessing the Battle of the Bands, wouldn't he think that the six of them should know? Heck, he was even part of Rarity's club. For that matter, shouldn't he be talking to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna? Her thoughts were interrupted as Emerald's voice came shouting back down the hall. "Are you shitting me?! How could you let them escape with the uniforms?!" Fluttershy looked around the corner to see what was going on and gasped, "Oh my! He's coming back, and really fa-- Eek!"She didn't even have time to finish as a gust of wind knocked her back and Emerald came to a skidding stop at the intersection, his back to them. In that moment, he looked like a completely different person from before. His glasses were gone, and his messy rats-nest of hair was now neatly parted to frame his face. His entire disheveled and lazy look was replaced with control and conviction. His sharp gray eyes flicked over to Sunset for a split second, and a tiny smile appeared. He'd known they were there all along! Still that wasn't nearly as surprising as the second set of eyes on his jacket that glanced at her. What the hell was that thing? Holding a hand to his ear, Emerald said, "Coco, I want you to stay far away. I'll take care of this problem myself." He took his hand away, lowered his stance, and slammed his palm to the floor, looking straight ahead. "Are you ready, Senketsu?" As he shouted, a green aura surrounded him. A pair of pony ears appeared atop his head, and a ponytail grew from the back of his hair. "Yes, we have to protect the school," his jacket spoke, its own eyes turning forward too. "Let's go, Emerl!" The collective jaws of the girls dropped, and were summarily knocked onto their backside as, in another rush of wind, Emerald shot down the hall like a rocket. They girls were left gaping at what they'd just seen and heard. After a few seconds, Rainbow leaped to her feet and shouted, "Come on, girls! Let's follow him!" She broke into a sprint, hopping over her dazed friends, and the rest of them followed right after. "What in tarnation is going on 'round here?" Applejack asked between puffs of breath. "I have no idea, darling," Rarity called up, lagging at the back of the pack. "Emerl's normally such a sweet, awkward, and mousey boy. I never thought he had such a fierce side to him." Sunset shook her head, saying, "I think she was referring to the insane speed, the magic, and the freaking talking jacket!" "Oh yay! I wasn't the only one that heard that! I thought I was going crazy, hearing clothing with eyes talk. Guess I'll have to cancel that appointment with the funny farm," Pinkie giggled, typing away on her phone as she bounced along with them. "I hope he doesn't get hurt," Fluttershy whispered softly. Rainbow had already gotten to the school's entryway ahead of the group, and after looking out the doors, turned to call back, "Hurry up, slow-pokes! We've got big trouble!" She was about to say more, but she was interrupted by a loud crash and the shattering of glass. Just behind her, Emerald came tumbling into view along with a shower of broken glass. His face and body had gashes all over, but the rips on his jacket quickly mended themselves. "Damn it!" Emerald shouted, pushing himself back to his feet and ripping his necklace off. As the girls reached the chaos, there was a rapid, mechanical clicking sound, and the tiny sword pendant in his hand folded out, expanding into a full-sized, gleaming blade. The green blade flourished through the air, and Emerald's eyes flashed with the same color as he shouted, "You'll pay for that, you bitch!" With another leap, he shot back through the destroyed front doors, charging at his enemy. Beyond the doors several crashes shook the air, but were overwhelmed by the ominous melody of three voices singing in unison. Three voices that the girls remembered all too well. "Oh no," Sunset gasped, running to get a good look at the ones attacking their school. It really was them, the three sirens that had tried before to steal all the magic at Canterlot High; Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, and their leader, Adagio Dazzle. "They're able to sing again? How? We destroyed their amulets!" It shouldn't have been possible for them to use their musical magic anymore, let alone sound as hauntingly beautiful as they did once more. "This is nothing like they were before," Rainbow said, pointing to them. "They never had this kind of power, and there are there weird glowing stars on their clothes." Emerald came in to slash at Adagio, only for her to duck under his blade and deliver a kick that sent him sprawling again. The other two sirens stood behind Adagio, singing their low, dark tune in time with her as she continued to evade strikes and pummel Emerald in retaliation. The beating the boy was taking was brutal, but he got up every time and kept fighting with that green light in his eyes burning fiercely. They were never like this before. The sirens weren't fighters like this at all. They'd used musical magic to manipulate the school into conflict and fed off of the negative magical energy that was produced. With the gems that gave them that singing magic broken, they had been left completely powerless. Yet now Adagio was pounding Emerald into the dirt, and he clearly wasn't lacking in power or technique from the way he welded his blade. How were they this strong? It shouldn't even be possible. Wait, Emerald had said something about them stealing some uniforms. Did those clothes have something to do with it? They didn't look that different from what they'd always worn, but each of them had a single silver, four-point star emblazoned on the fronts of their shirts and glowing bright. That had to be it. There was no other explanation that made sense. The question then was where they got those clothes and what it had to do with Emerald. That would have to wait, because with a painful punch to the gut, Emerald was flung into the wall of the school. The brick surface crumbled like dust at the impact, and chunks of stone fell on the boy's collapsed body. With him taken care of, Adagio and the other sirens turned their eyes to Sunset and Rainbow, as well as the rest of their friends as they joined them at the school entrance The sirens’ melody grew louder and louder as they marched forward, a familiar song leaving their lips, but with a much darker twist. We heard you thought that it was over. We heard you thought you saved the school. Well we're back and even better, And now you'll see that you were fools. Why pretend our thoughts are tame, When they've gone much darker? You're the ones that are to blame, And now it's time to pay the Reaper. Me and you, You and me, Why don't we see who is stronger? We don't have to play your little safe game. Oh what's so wrong with a little confrontation? Are you afraid of a swift decapitation? If you're strong, then time to show it. We will put you to the test! But don't forget that you'll get hurt If you don't give your very best! Battle; This time we mean it! Let's have a battle, Battle to the Death! Let's have a battle, This one will end it! Let's have a battle, battle, battle! Battle to the Death!