Queen Mommy

by Evowizard25

Waking Up

I don’t think I’ve ever known such peace. Here I was, next to my beloved mate and our children sleeping in our hooves. I… I just didn’t know what to say or do. This was so strange. All my life I knew what to do, whether it was my own decisions or my father’s orders. There was never a moment in time that I didn’t know exactly what to do. I was always in control.

Was this what love does? Does love make any bit of sense? Probably not. My whole family was made up of chaos deities, so my life never really made any sense. Sad really. I’m the only sane one amongst my family. I wasn’t going to let my daughters fall into their madness. No. They were going to be normal.

Normal little girls that will one day rule this pathetic little world! I can see it now. Their armies crushing the last bit of resistance and emerging victories. The cries of despair and woe of their enemies. Their victory shrieks. Oh so beautiful. My little ones were going to make mommy proud. Oh, I remember the first time I razed a planet clean of life.

Fun times. Sad that I can’t do it here, but my mate lives on this planet. Oh well, I can retire in peace. I’ve done a lot in my life, quite a bit I’m not proud of. Oh who am I kidding, I’m proud of most of it. The key word ‘most’. Even so, I didn’t want that life for my daughters.

Wait, do I want them to conquer or not? It’s in our blood. That’s what I was raised to do and it’s what my instincts tell me. Yet, my daughters aren’t gods like I am. Their father is a mortal, so they’re more susceptible from harm. They could be…

Killed. No, I was not going to allow that. They would not be sent on the missions my father sent me. Yes, I will train them to be queens and to conquer, but… I don’t know. I want to kill, to ravage, to destroy. I am a changeling, the first of my kind. They aren’t changeling. They were the first of theirs. I didn’t know what they would want. This is just too confusing. I felt something nudge my shoulder and I looked at my mate. Thankfully, Hurricane was a rather large stallion so I didn’t have to peer down all that much.

“Something’s troubling you,” he stated.

I snorted. “Nothing gets by you, does it?”

“No,” Hurricane was a very direct stallion. He adored honesty, a concept I’m still getting used to. “I’m a Commander. It doesn’t pay to be unobservant in that position. So what is troubling you, my change?”

My change. It was his little nickname for me. It was cute. Simple, but cute and I loved it oh so very much. Still, I hesitated to voice my doubts. I bit my lip, not so hard that I would break the skin. I loved him and he’d understand. Of course he would. He found it in him to love me. Me! The queen of the changeling, devourer of worlds, and the grandest ruler that has ever lived. “I… Do you think we can do this?”

“Yes,” Hurricane snorted. “Are you having second thoughts?”

“No,” I quickly sputtered, careful not to raise my voice. I was not going to mar this day with scaring my young. “I just don’t know if I can do this properly. They’re the first of their kind and… All I’ve known is war and killing. I’ve taken care of my own kin before, but this? This is just…” I sighed and gave Sonata a gently nudge. The little one kept trying to crawl away in her sleep. Definitely going to give her a cradle with high walls. I’m just thankful they can’t fly. “Stay with mommy, Sonata.”

“You have the right attitude,” Hurricane noted and kissed my cheek. The way his fur feels against my leather skin is just so intoxicating. It’s leather, not chitin no matter how hard it can be. Mammal-like reptile for life. “You just need a little more confidence in yourself. Remember, you’re the mare who slaughtered a legion of griffins.”

“Isn’t that how these three came about?” I quirked an eyebrow. Hurricane was the kind of stallion who loved strong mares. More so, he loved a good fight. A female who could break the back of a griffin army was certainly something to ravage…

So much ravaging~

“We’ll be a bit more careful next time,” Hurricane had a small blush on his cute. I couldn’t help but nuzzle him there. He was just so cute when he blushed. I wish he did it more often, but he’s a very stoic character. “Though I’m not complaining really.” He nuzzled little Aria who lay between his forelegs for protection. Both the others were laying about between mine, but Aria just seemed so vulnerable, even when she was asleep. “We’ll take this one step at a time.”

“Oh why do you have to do that?” I pouted.

“Do what?” He turned to face with. His eyes were brimming with curiosity. Most adorable conqueror ever.

“Make me fall deeper in love with you,” I stated. It was true, however cliche that was. His love gave me such strength that I could raze this planet and five more with nary a thought. I didn’t care much for the power no, however. Okay, I care about it quite a bit but I love my little Hurry Worry too much to do much with it right now. Unless, of course, someone attacks his country. Then I’ll have the go ahead to have some bloody fun.

“I’m a master strategist,” Hurricane smirked. “I don’t think there’s anything I can’t do.”

I chuckled. He was just so sure of himself. Just like me. “Very true.” I happily captured his lips with my own and the age old ‘battle’ for dominance began. Oh he always wanted to be dominant. Sometimes he was, sometimes he was defeated soundly. Our tongues raced back and forth, vying for attention and victory. It was so intoxicating, exciting and… oh, I think I’m heating up again. Perhaps I’ll take him now. The kids are sleeping and-

They’re crying. Pulling back from the kiss so fast I was sure a mortal could get whiplash, I saw my little Sonata crying out and rolling on the ground. Adagio was crying, but it sounded more agitated than Sonata’s. Was she angry at her sister? That won’t do. Family, no matter how annoying, sticks together. I tolerate my brother… Somewhat. Okay, my daughters would be different. I sighed. They were hungry.

I gagged and coughed as I brought up their breakfast. Thankfully, I had eaten a little griffin shortly beforehoof, so I had enough for the duo. They might garner a taste for griffin and try to hunt them down later in life, but I seriously didn’t care at that moment. Rather, I just didn’t care period. Some may call this vomit, but it’s actually cruse. It’s a changeling term for it. Yes, I made it up since I’m the first changeling, but it’s better sounding than vomit. My little ones didn’t seem to mind as they poked their heads within my jaws to scarf it down. I rumbled in my throat in encouragement. They were so adorable when they were feeding.

Still, once they were finished, they were a bit messy. They needed to learn to eat properly. A future ruler is never messy, unless she’s covered in the blood and bits of her enemies. I picked them up by the scruff of their necks and trotted to the bathroom to clean them.


There was only one thing I enjoyed about my wife leaving. Her behind jiggled rather pleasantly as she tended to sway her hips a bit as she trotted about. I have no idea if she did this intentionally or not. Perhaps she does just to mess with me. If so, very clever. Keep my focus on her sex appeal. I commend her spirit and attitude. Truly, I was wise to take this female as my own.

What surprised me was our offspring. I did not delude myself into thinking they would be normal ponies or changelings. Yet, I had thought they would be a combination of us both. These creatures? They were barely pony and I saw so little of their mother that it was a joke. Perhaps there is something to her title as ‘The Mother of Monsters’. I had never given it much thought till now. Foolish of me, given how many of her self-made children I’ve come across.

Was this going to affect how I cared about them? I had to ask this of myself, just as I had to tear this thought apart. They were my children. There was no way to get around this. Thus, they would forever be under my protection. If someone dares to even hurt a single...scale? on their bodies, they will have to answer to me. That much I promise them.

They will grow strong and proud. Grand warriors they will be. I can see it now. Slaughtering their enemies before them, making their parents oh so proud. Yes, I was going to make them my little warriors. Adagio showed much promise already. She had the makings of a warrior with her viciousness even in her early life. I don’t know what to think about the other two, but I have several decades to work something out.

The little one before me was stirring. I frowned. Aria was a coward. A true warrior does not shy away from a foe, no matter if they are older and bigger. Perhaps that was just a thing she did when she hatched. Perhaps she really is a warrior at heart. My Aria opened her eyes and squealed in terror. She dived under the sheets and shook about in fear.

I sighed. She was not a warrior. She was a coward. I would have to be extra observant for her. There is no telling how many beings out there in the world could use that cowardice against her. I was going to have to keep an extremely close on my daughter. I put my muzzle at the edge of the blanket. “Come on out, Aria. It’s just your father.”

She shook some more and I quirked an eyebrow. “Do you really find me that terrifying?” I had a little experience with newborns, given how mares wanted me to bless their children to be strong warriors, so I kept my voice nice and gentle. Even warriors needed a soft touch here and there.

The shaking stopped. “I will not hurt you. You have my word on that and a warrior’s word is law.” Eventually, I saw my little one slither back on over to me and poke her head out. Her big eyes stared up at my own and I could see fear in them. I could see fear, but I could also see curiosity and hope. I gently scooted forward until my muzzle was just in front of her. She could do the rest.

Little Aria sniffed me before touching my nose with a hoof. She tilted her head and moved her own muzzle towards mine. Then she started to purr. It was so strange and garbled, like she was under water. Maybe those fins really do mean something. Either way, my daughter wanted affection. She would receive it. So I gently nuzzled back and she giggled.

My daughter was a coward, but I loved her more than life itself already. The world is full of things that could hurt this little one. I was going to have to break the world’s back. It is a father’s duty to care for their own and this little one needed me the most.

“Stay where I can see you, Aria. That’s the safest place in the world.”