Let's just call it... "Huh?"

by Lance Skyes

Pinkie can do Anything

I have a list of things Pinkie Pie can do. But, if I make a regular list, this story won’t pass moderation. So I’m just going to give a few example scenarios...

One day, Scootaloo needed help getting a piece of a cloud, so she asked Pinkie Pie for help. Pinkie jumped up and stood on the cloud. She then took a piece of the cloud in her hoof, jumped all 100 feet down to the ground, and gave Scootaloo the piece of cloud.

The next day, Spitfire needed help training for an upcoming show. He asked Pinkie Pie for help. Pinkie helped him by having a race with him. Pinkie lapped him several times in one race.

On the third day, Pinkie ran into a surviving changeling. She broke off its horn, tore off its wings, and shoved a pie in his face... all in the same second.

Pinkie ran into more crazy scenarios throughout the week. At the end of the week, she thought to herself, “My week has been pretty uneventful...”