
by owlicious

A Tale of Two Ponies

Professor Hareson began his speech as the cart speeded to Equestria.

"This story began five hundred and eleven years ago.
A powerful unicorn calling himself Borealis had come out of nowhere, with plans to rule all of Equestria. Nopony knew who he was before that. There's a few guesses, but nopony is sure.

He was a revolutionary who claimed that thousands of ponies were killed because of Celestia."

"That's crazy!" Lyra objected. "Celestia would never do such a thing!"

"Well, he didn't blame it on what Celestia did, it was more of what she didn't do.
Back then, Ponies were happy to play in the fields, and didn't have a care in the world.
The world was very different back then, as you SHOULD KNOW, IF YOU STUDIED.
Ponies didn't have huge libraries, or schools, hospitals, or anything like that.
In fact, many of the tools and appliances we use have only been invented recently."

Lyra didn't want to ask anything. "Go on..."

Harrison continued. "According to journals from that time, Borealis claimed that his sister had fallen ill. He thought that she could have been cured if Celestia wasn't so lazy. I think he meant that there should have been better doctors, better records of illnesses, and so on. Many ponies supported his ideals after hearing his speeches. He approached Celestia, but wasn't satisfied by her response.

That's when he turned to deceit and betrayed Equestria. After leaving, Borealis joined a party being hosted by Celestia, and met with her nephew, Prince Bloodless. Prince Bloodless... that pegasus was the one we saw in the dungeons. Prince Bloodless wanted to rule all of Equestria, but realized that Celestia's reign would never end because she was immortal. They agreed that Bloodless would take over the throne, and Borealis would be the royal advisor.

I don't really know what they were thinking at the time.

They were really, really despicable rulers. They established an army, and used it to oppress everypony. Hundreds were imprisoned or killed for defying them. Still, if you research it, not everything they did was evil. They set up the tax system, and imprisoned or beat those who couldn't or wouldn't pay. With the money, they commissioned the construction many of the buildings in Canterlot, even our university. Most of them were renamed, of course. Prince Bloodless's Battle Academy would have been a terrible name for a university. Those two made education mandatory, and set up the weather patrols.

They kept Celestia under house arrest, since neither of them could raise and lower the sun. Over fifty guards watched her every move."

Lyra perked up. "Wait, I know. Six friends from the army snuck into Canterlot castle, retrieved the Elements of Harmony, and imprisoned Bloodless and brought Celestia back to her rightful throne. They sealed the two usurpers and the army in stone, and then split them up. It's impressive, there must have been thousands, and that was THOSE STATUES?"

"Yes, and they they ruled Equestria for a year before that happened."

"Wait, what happened to his sister."

"We aren't sure. Ponies cured many illnesses since then, so," The professor cut himself off.

The carriage stopped.

"Well, we're here, so follow me. We have to warn Princess Celestia before they try to take over Equestria. I'm not sure what they're going to do."