Night, of the Were... Pony

by Cool writer

The Epilogue Chapter: One Month Later

"Didn't Charles say Sky would come back tonight?" Scoots asked Sarah.

"Well yeah, he's AB's brother, not mine." Sarah (or Sweetie as she was known to the other Crusaders) said.

"Didn't Jess say we should go by our real names, in case sky knows the actual Crusaders?" Scoots asked rhetorically.

"Then why do you go by Scoots?" Sarah prodded. "Scoots" was saved by "AB" entering the club house. She was carrying a tuffa-where tub of salad.

"What's with the salad?" Sarah asked.

"I figured, that since Sky liked it so much last time, he might like it this time." Jessica said, smiling. Scoots and Sarah looked at each other, and started oohing.

"You like him!" Scoots teased. Jessica rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I'm totally into a pony, I also look at triple x pictures of them too." Jess said sarcastically. Sarah gasped and Scoots slapped her in the arm.

"Don't say things like that!" Sarah gasped. Jess just rolled her eye some more.

"Clop." Jess said in Sarah's face. Sarah held her hand over her mouth, stifling a laugh. "Clop clop clop clop CLOP!" She began chanting.

"You mean like the sound I make when I walk?" Sky's voice abruptly said. Jess turned pale.

"Ahuh! That's exactly what I meant!" She said nervously. Sky sniffed at the air.

"Is that... salad I smell?" He asked. Glad of the topic change, Jessica held up the tub, and Sky grinned. "Good thing I forgot to eat before I came over." Jess laughed, and the four of them talked. Good thing Njeri decided to catch up on some "recent history" before the next full moon. He even formed a few head cannons on the "history" he watched. And hey, he was a pony, who'd argue with him? Certainly not the three girls.