Harmony House

by Cookie_Girl

Mini chapter

Luna swung her mighty hammer, and scattered six Skrulls. More came at her to replace the ones she felled. They were many, but she was worthy! She had not even begun to use her natural abilities for fear that-

She grinned wickedly as her weapon connected with one alien’s face with a satisfying crunch. She began to laugh as she battled. Soon her laughter could be heard across the entire park as the other heroes fought nearby. Loud, booming laughter.

“Uh, Tony? Why is she laughing like that?” Falcon asked as he deflected a laser blast with his wing.

Tony Stark glanced at the thunder powered woman as she got completely swarmed by Skrulls. “Falcon...that is why she is retired.”

With little effort, Luna lifted all of the more than twelve Skrulls over her head. A dark energy swirled around her body, and enveloped her. As the energy burst, Luna threw them all fifty yards away where they landed in a painful heap.

“Gone, gone the lady fair. Awakens the darkest Nightmare.” A few hours later, and Luna stumbled into her bedroom. She somehow managed to get to her bed, and unceremoniously fall onto it without missing it even though her eyes were closed.

She exhaled an exhausted groan. “I quit…” In her head she heard her constant companion. Silly girl. Pacts are forever.

Late at night, after all in the mansion had fallen asleep a single lone little girl walked across the backyard. She hummed to herself, and occasionally skipped across the lawn. Her path was clear as she headed straight towards the hedge maze.

Her light purple shoes scuffed through the grass, and her mismatched socks (one white with purple stripes the other purple with white spots) loosely bounced around her ankles as she skipped. What skin that was not covered by her light purple knee high dress looked oddly pale in the moonlight. A bouncy mop of dark purple and white curly hair flopped about her shoulders. On the top of her head was little orange and yellow hat with a spinning propeller at its top.

Into the maze she went. In the darkness of the hedge maze a spinning violet light could be seen coming from her eyes. She grinned mischievously like a Cheshire cat as she navigated her way with no problem. At last, she found what she was looking for.

The statue of her father. She climbed up onto the statue’s pedestal, and sat down next to it. Her smile disappeared.

“So here you are my Dad, a statue oh so cold so dead. You tore their world apart and everybody lost their head. Now I must carry on spreading evil for you instead. 'Cause you are my Daddy-” she paused here as she wiped away some tears. “- and I am a piece of you! I'll make them pay Daddy...