Foxes in Equestria

by ImAPonyXY


"This land isn't our home"

Equestria is a fairly binary land with predictability around every corner. There are four seasons, happy citizens and a never-ending supply of powerful god-like figures popping up every so often. So it is to be expected that when something goes out of whack people would start to freak out, right? But what if I were to say that the thing screwing everything up was just a couple young foxes with no grasp on their own reality, would you still be freaking out? Probably not. But it is to be expected that you would, and you wouldn't be blamed if you did. After all, foxes in Equestria are anything but normal and from how Zecora or the buffalo were treated it is obvious to tell that differences were not trusted. Or tolerated.

But this is all just speculation. We can brainstorm scenarios all day and get no closer to the truth. To find out what really happens we would be to delving deep into a tale of tragedy, fear and profanity. For when something never before seen in the land pops up out of nowhere, it sure as hell will not provoke a positive response.

You see, the magical land of Equestria has seen some unprecedented changes in the weather patterns over the past few days. Storms and gloominess have plagued the skies during a season of sun that would normally leave the average person longing for a dip in a pool or a spot of shade to lay in for a couple hours. However instead, the populace of Ponyville had been warned to stay indoors, lock their windows and shut their blinds as the weather was supposed to be worse then it has ever been before.

Yet these freak weather occurrences were not the only thing to appear in the land without warning, because up on a hill outside of the colourful town was a farm that had been receiving the worst of the rain. Although this was great for the plentiful crops that the farmer owned, it was bad for the two unconscious teenage foxes that lay on their backs in the middle of a patch of corn who would soon drown if they failed to wake in time. The appearance of the foxes and the storms could not simply be written off as coincidence, but with so little evidence to connect the two anomalies together it would sound more like a conspiracy than an accusation. Lucky for the commonfolk of Equestria, no one would actually have to listen to someone rant on about this conspiracy as no one had actually seen the two foxes yet. They were unknown to the world just as the world was unknown to them