//------------------------------// // The Dead Do Not Suffer The Living To Pass // Story: Gods of Equestria: How Will This Benefit Me? // by Fulgrim //------------------------------// After walking for a while in the forest Ah Puch was found near, the sun had gone down and they had still found nothing. Ah Puch had entertained his boredom by rattling his staff above his zombie while the ponies searched the surrounding woods. The ponies returned tired to the clearing Ah Puch was in. "Well, I got nothing," said Rainbow Dash, the other ponies nodded. "Well, we didn't find anything, we better head back and check tomorrow. " Ah Puch was angry at the ponies inability to find their monster, and he wished he could just do it himself. But he didn't want to make the ponies mad, just about everything he said did, but these ponies were strange in their ways of putting up with him even though he disgusted and horrified them. They made their way back to where they came when they reached a dark cave just off the path. The ponies looked at it. "Did any of you check that?" asked Twilight. Ah Puch was supposed to search, but eventually got bored of walking around and started playing with his zombie. He shrunk away from the question. "Well, we better check it out," said Twilight and they went into the cave. The cave was as most caves are, dark, damp, and utterly depressingly black. The ponies with horns made them illuminate so they could see better as they ventured farther into the cave. Ah Puch muttered a curse in Mayan when he tripped on a skull. Ah Puch shrugged and walked on. He assumed when the dead bodies weren't snatched up by the more sane members of mortal society, they just leave there body parts lying around. No biggie. He started to hear scuttling around in the cave, and he now couldn't see anything in front of him. He lit the middle of the staff with a magical light. He could sense movement around him. There was more sounds of movement, and the ponies started to back towards the exit, eyes wide and bodies tense. Ah Puch stood in front of the group as the huddled in fear. They looked pathetic, fearing the unknown, thought Ah Puch. The noise of movement stopped as a small figure jumped into their sight. A squirrel with an acorn looked confused at the group. Fluttershy smiled and started to move towards it. But before she could reach it, long tongue-like tendrils gripped the squirrel and dragged it into the darkness with a revolting gnashing sound. Fluttershy stopped and retreated slowly in shock. "More...food," said a fleshy voice, and the tongues lashed out at Ah Puch and the group. The wrapped around his zombie, and dragged him dully into the dark. Spitting noises were heard soon after. "Ugh, rotten... Don't want." The zombie was jettisoned back too the group, covered in sticky saliva. The ponies behind Ah Puch ran towards the exit, screaming all the while. Ah Puch could sense the figure racing forward to catch them, and braced himself as a figure smashed into him. They both fell over, but the beast recovered quicker and got up on all fours, its arms with fleshy spikes sticking through them and its chest a gigantic maw with teeth. Ah Puch managed to stick his staff out and cause a small circle around the demon to explode, angering the demon and turning its attention back to him. Ah Puch got up in a primal stance and stared the demon down. He wondered if he could even be hurt by this thing, being a god and all, but before he could react, it lunged at him, its chest opening and displaying a maw filled with teeth. A purple ball enveloped around the demon and caught it in mid-jump, encasing it in a force field. The purple pony known as Twilight walked towards Ah Puch, her horn glowing. "Well, I-I don't know what to say. If you didn't distract it, one of us could have gotten really hurt," she said. "Or worse," replied Rarity. The demon clawed in anger at it's prison. "I guess we should thank you. You saved our lives," said Twilight appreciatively. The other ponies came forward and expressed their gratitude. Ah Puch felt the same feeling he had first felt when he met the ponies. He had first responded by crushing down on it as a weakness, but now he didn't know how to react. Twilight was able to levitate the sphere containing their captive out of the cave, and the ponies spent the rest of the walk back observing the creature they had captured. It continued to try to break out, clawing at the walls and attempting to bite it open with its chest. A strange color of blue for it's skin, the creature wore nothing but a cloth loincloth and a cape and hood patched together with patch cloth. The other ponies looked at it with fear, but Twilight looked at it with a calculating gaze. Ah Puch sensed it, like him, was not of this world. Could it be connected with him? They reached Ponyville at night, and the ponies said goodbye and went to their separate houses. Ah Puch stayed with Twilight. She enlarged the force field and stuck it in a corner, the demon unusually silent as it observed its surroundings, namely Ah Puch. She said she was going to sleep, and flew up to the top bunk. Ah Puch had no need for sleep, so he sat on the floor staring at the captive demon as it stared back. Ah Puch had trouble breaking its nerve, so he opened the mouth of his mask, and let black smoke tumble out of it. The demon responded by opening its chest and displaying its horrifying chest. The night carried on without any significant events, and when dawn broke, Twilight found Ah Puch sitting cross-legged in front of the captive monster. "Ugh, do you ever sleep?" she asked. Ah Puch shook his, head and returned his gaze to the demon. He got up and moved towards the force field and decided to do something different. He looked the demon straight in the eyes and asked, "What is your name?" A moment of silence passed until the demon opened its fanged maw and replied in its intimidating voice. "Bakasura," it replied. Ah Puch stayed calm and asked another question. "How did you get here?" he asked. The demon didn't respond, but traces of confusion crossed its face. "You don't know... Do you," said Ah Puch. Bakasura didn't respond but Ah Puch felt right. "I... understand, I too do not know how I got here," he said. The demon surprised him by responding quickly after. "Then why do you work for these, horses? I know you are more than you seem. You could rule these petty creatures." He had no honest answer for the demon. He was going to stick with his original plan, but seeing as he still didn't have all of his power back, that would be hard. He also was starting to enjoy social interactions with the ponies, perhaps he could keep them around like jesters in his court when he rules them. "I-I am... abashed you would think such a thing! I am the most noble of all the gods! Can you not tell from my appearance?" He gestured to his skeletal thin frame, his skull mask, and his various human body parts hanging off of his body. Twilight was standing behind him, listening to the exchange. "Huh, I didn't think it would even talk," she said. She yawned and sat down at a small table where her dragon assistant was serving breakfast. "So, do you think I may, go outside and... get used to my surroundings?" asked Ah Puch. He had every intention of running away at the first chance and start to cement his grip on this world before he became compromised. "Are you kidding? We have a big day today. You two are the first non-pony intelligent lifeforms to be found in ages! Spike sent a letter last night, you two are going to Canterlot to meet the ruler of the pony nation, Princess Celestia." Ah Puch brightened his mood. Maybe meeting a ruler of these primitives would be better good than bad. "Um sure, I'll get ready," he replied. If his skull mask could grin, it would be. Seriously, He just wants to give an evil grin every once and a while, nothing a bit of face and skulls couldn't solve...