It was the Zest of Times

by Sir Doodlington

Satan and Science. Why not.

Lemon grinned as she sat down at the back of the coach set to take the competitors from CPA over to CHS even though she had no reason to be doing so. In fact, she had no reason to smiling at all. Well, there were a few reasons. Fall Out Colt had recently released their newest album so that was a plus. She'd been waiting for Saving Rocks and Rolls for months now and, after a few weeks waking up suuuuuuper early (who even wakes up at seven o'clock on a normal basis?! Crazy people, that's who!), she'd saved up enough money to buy it. It helped that she hadn't quit the job so now she had a way to get Area 12's new album in February as well. THE HYPE WAS REAL!!!

But as Lemon pulled her headphones up from her shoulders to her ears, she pulled herself back to the present. There were, at least, a few people on the coach she wouldn't be adverse to talking with. The girl at the front who looked kinda like a hawk but with blue hair, for example. She just had this overwhelming aura of activity that made Lemon want to gravitate towards her. But it wouldn't help to get to know her. Friends didn't help people get a leg up in life. People had to do that themselves. That was what her parents had said. And it was why she had recently sent off her Appaloosa University Scholarship application. She was still waiting for their reply; however, the thought of her dream school reminded her of her recent debacle with the demon that called itself CPA's principal.

Cinch had gone back to her desk and sat down. Playing with a pen on her desk for a moment before her eyes brought themselves back up to Lemon's. For some reason, they looked very cruel and unforgiving. Like a predator looking at its prey. Lemon involuntarily shivered. It was a complete contrast to the side of Cinch she had just seen. The demon had come back.

"Miss Zest," she had said, "I understand that you recently applied for a music scholarship at Appaloosa University, correct?"


"Was that a question?"

Lemon had been shocked. Just a moment before, Cinch had looked like she was about to burst out crying. The Cinch Lemon was looking at was a demon. No doubt about it. A demon from the deepest pit of hell.

"Miss Zest, was that a question?" Cinch had asked with a certain air of danger punctuated by her words.

"No, Ma'am."

"Then did you recently apply for a scholarship from Appaloosa University?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

That had seemed to satisfy Cinch as she had then leant back on he chair a mote and the fire in her eyes seemed to turn down a millimetre.

"In the few minutes before I called you to my office, I had the pleasure of reading your application and I am certain that you will get your wish."

"Um...w-well thank-"

"However. There is a small event coming up in the next few days in our school calendar. Do you know what it is?"

"The Friendship Games, Ma'am."

"Correct. So named because Crystal Prep and Canterlot High created the event with the intention of increasing inter-school relations. Unfortunately, it seems that, over the years since its establishment, Canterlot High standards have been declining. Their school's grade point average of a C compared to Crystal Prep's A+. Do you understand what I'm saying, Miss Zest?"

"Yes Ma'am."



"No stuttering."

"Sorry, Ma'am. You're saying that Crystal Prep has become so far above Canterlot High that the friendship games aren't really necessary anymore to show the differences between our schools."

For a moment, Cinch had looked impressed with Lemon's interpretation of her words. Clearly, that had been what she'd been trying to say.

"Correct again, Miss Zest. But even with their...horrendous standards and their atrocious history of losses, they still have hope, In fact, within the last few months, they've managed to pull up the standard of their reputation. This is not good for Crystal Prep. If they continue on this path, they will attract the attention of some of the more powerful and influential people instead of our own prestigious academy. In turn, this will take away from what Crystal Prep can do for its students as we will be losing the backing that the students will provide. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Crystal Prep has a reputation as well, Miss Zest. One that involves winning the Friendship Games. I am certain that you wish to know what this has to do with your application."

"Yes Ma'am."

"My proposition to you is this. Compete in the Friendship Games and I won't interfere with your application letter. Do not and I will. Do I make myself clear?"

Lemon had been stunned for moment but had no time to get angry as Cinch followed up with another:

"Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?"

Lemon had immediately agreed and went along with the necessary procedures in order to be a part of the games.

Back in the present, Lemon sighed as she scrolled through the music on her phone before reaching the Saving Rocks and Rolls. It wasn't like she could've done anything against the demon anyway. But that was the past. In the now she was on the coach preparing to depart for CHS.

As the first notes of "Philomena" pounded through her ears, her spirits picked up and she could feel herself getting in the groove. She almost lost a hold of herself before she looked around and saw something else that shocked her.


Sugarcoat was competing.

Oh, they were so screwed.

Sure, Sugarcoat was good at managing teams and all that but she really had nothing substantial on her personal record. It took Lemon a moment to overcome the shock. And then another moment to overcome the despair she felt when the implications of Sugarcoat competing kicked in. The Friendship Games had a reputation for being very physical. Nothing someone like Sugarcoat would ever have come across before.

Sugar coat was the student council president. But, as stated before, the student council held no sway over the way the school was run. And there was nothing really that special in her grades. Average all round. Maybe she was competing as team captain?

"Hey. Sugarcoat." Lemon called, taking off her headphones momentarily, "What're you doin' on here?"

She didn't turn at all.

"Principal Cinch thought it would be best for me to lead the team seeing as none of you have any experience and wouldn't know how to lead if you tried."

1 point to team Zest!

"She blackmailed you with your position on the council didn't she."


And another point! Damn, she was good. Lemon quickly put her headphones back on before any of the other students had a chance to ruin her mood.

A few minutes later saw Lemon literally rocking out as she bounced back and forth, held by the beat of the music. She almost missed the student sit down next to her. For some strange reason she looked sad. The only thought in Lemon's mind right then was to cheer up this unknown girl. It wouldn't be good for team morale if someone was being a downer. That would achieve nothing.

"Dude, you gotta try this!" She yelled as she placed her headphones on the other girl's head and watched as the girl ws momentarily shocked before she settled down and started to actually listen to the music.

After another minutes and the end of the song "Old Tsunamis", the strange girl took off the headphones and handed them back to Lemon, who immediately placed them around her neck.

"Whaddya think?" Lemon asked.

"It's very...energetic, I'll give you that." The girl replied, clearly having a different type of music as her preferred. Lemon then put out her hand in front of her as she said:

"I'm Lemon Zest. You new?"

To which the girl replied with a sigh.

"No, I'm not new. I just don't really get out of my lab much. I'm Twilight Sparkle"

"Dude, Twi! You have a lab! Awesome! What do you actually do in there? Anything cool?"

The girl smiled momentarily before she launched into an explanation of what she did in her lab. Lemon just sat and listened, interjecting occasionally. Just because she loved music didn't mean she didn't like other subjects. It just meant she wasn't as good at them.

The rest of the ride over was spent like that. The two girls talking about science even though Lemon knew she was in way over her head with the subject around Twilight.

It was actually pretty fun.