//------------------------------// // Chapter 2- The Songs // Story: A Different Kind of Romeo and Juliet // by Godmutt //------------------------------// "Not my scarf!!" She yelled out when she stepped inside. The mares and stallions inside looked to her in shock at the sudden outburst. She looked quite ridiculous with her saddlebag, mane, and coat soaked from the rain, while still holding her umbrella. With all eyes on her, she shook herself off. The water was soon shaken off, and she stared ahead as she walked to her agent's office. It was filled with orange furniture and different electronics, such as phones, laptops, and other gadgets. Her agent, Starstriker, was sitting in his orange computer chair. His mane was a dark blue, with his coat a darker blue, almost black. He made his office bright on purpose in order to cause contrast between him and his surroundings. It was also because he liked the color orange. In front of Star was a middle-aged mare with her mane pulled up into a bun. She had a teal blue mane and a mint green coat. She had bright icy blue eyes and a horn. She was talking quietly to Starstriker, about something to do with paperwork. Note slowly stepped closer to the two adults. Star turned his attention to her and smiled. "Mint Solo, this is my mare, Noteshade! She's the young lady I told you about!" He said with a big smile. The mint mare stood up, revealing her height, which was surprising. She was hardly up to Noteshade's snout! She held out a hoof to Note. Her hooves were very small. But Note shook it anyways. "I am Mint Solo of Canterlot, and I have come to hear some of your musical talent. Your friend here has told me a lot about you." Her voice was surprisingly deep for a mare of her size. Almost like a stallion's voice. It reminded her of the stallion she had bumped into, Soma. He seemed very familiar. Almost as though she'd met him before, when they were younger.. "Note, snap out of it!" Said Star. She had been lost in thought. She slowly came back to reality to find she had sat down on the bright orange carpet. Her agent looked at her with a face halfway between anger and confusion, and said "Why don't you sit down in the record room and sing her one of your songs. How about Youth? Is that one finished yet?" She nodded at him and pulled her notebook out of her bag and found that Youth had fallen into one of the puddles, and had smeared ink. She had memorized most of it, but she had trouble remembering a few lines in the second verse. She slowly put the paper back in her bag and walked to the recording door on the other side of the room. The room was simply another section that was closed off by a window/wall. It was sound proof, and whomever was in the room could connect to the outside world via mic and headphones. Her mind was clouded and she found it hard to focus. She sat on the stool in front of the microphone, and sat down. She placed the headphones on her head, and spoke into the microphone. "Can I have a moment to focus myself?.." She asked quietly. Mint solo slowly climbed onto a chair to speak into the mic on the other side and whispered "Take as much time as you need. I have all day." Star stood behind her and mouthed to her "You better hurry your bucking flank up or else." She nodded, and took a deep breath and forced herself to clear her mind. She thought of nothing, and then she focused on an unheard melody. She listened to the rising and sinking notes, and began to voice the lyrics. She closed her eyes and felt herself get lost in the music. Her heart merely sped up at her song. She sang of a past that she had never known, and old memories that she had imagined. Her song was telling someone to be grateful for something, because she had been through worse, and she sang more of blame and bitterness. This was the very first time she had sang that song for anyone, and it was a contrast against her normal love songs. She felt all of her worries melt away as she sang, and she never left out a part. She faded from the song's final note to find that Mint Solo was sitting in front of the window with her mouth agape, and Star was sitting beside Mint smiling like he'd just won a prize for a contest. Note smiled and spoke into the microphone. "What do you think?.." She watched Mint turn her gaze from Note to Star and back again. She slowly pulled the other microphone down to her mouth, and she whispered. "Sing more. All of your songs.." Note smiled and sat back on her stool. She took a ribbon out of her back, and pulled her mane up. She also pulled out one of the few songs that weren't ruined. It was titled 'Is it real?' She sang of her own imaginations of different worlds and alternate realities where everything was happiness, and nothing was wrong. Mint was once again astonished at her music, and immediately demanded more. So Note kept singing. She sang for hours, gaining endless respect from the small mare. When Star's watch beeped at five, Noteshade was beginning to feel her throat becoming sore from all the singing. Mint ran into the recording area, and grasped Note's hoof in a firm shake. "You, my dear, are going to be famous, and everypony will know you. That is, if you can sing like that in front of a crowd." At this, Note froze. She was NOT a mare to do stage things. She could record in front of a few people, but only when she wasn't facing them, and even then, she was nervous. "I'm afraid I can't do that, miss. I don't do stage concerts, unless it's a small crowd, like ten or so ponies." Mint looked at her with disappointment. She then looked to Star, who was standing in the recording doorway. He was frowning at Noteshade with a look of contempt. Solo took a step back, and nodded. "I understand. That's alright. But if you don't do this, you won't have anypony to buy your music." Star looked to Note. Note stared back. "Thank you, Mint. I appreciate you coming and spending your day even though it was for nothing. I hope we can eventually progress to have those albums out when Note manages to get over her fear of crowds." He said with a hint of disappointment in his tone. Mint Solo nodded and walked out of the recording room quietly, shutting the door and taking Star with her. She shut off the other microphone, and began to talk with Starstriker. Note tried to read their lips, but they were talking too fast. Mint shook her head once and then nodded as Star spoke. They seemingly came to an agreement and Mint walked into the recording room. "I would like to come back tomorrow and record your songs. Will that be okay?" She asked with her deep voice. Note nodded. "Why do you need them recorded? I can't perform live." But Mint was already out the door. She shut the entrance for the Recording room. She spoke with Star for a moment, he nodded, and she ran out. Star walked to the door and opened it, his smile wide and proud. "Well, kiddo, you just scored a career with Mint Solo of Canterlot."