//------------------------------// // day 2 and farwell to Mr. Roseace // Story: Mr. Roseace comes to visit // by riley19845 //------------------------------// It was a warm, fall day When we all woke up in the morning. Yawn time to get up I said to myself. got to brush those teeth I said to myself. Oh Mr. Roseace must be up taking pictures already. He is one of the best photographers i know his pictures are great. I went to the Little restaurant next door after getting ready and said I'll have the usual to the waitress and sat down in a booth. Water Gun saw me and said hi dear. Hey my little wet one I said and we gently nuzzled each other. Here you are said the waitress said Hayster Strudels and Orange Juice. Thank you I said to the waitress. So Dear I said to Water Gun has Mr. Roseace taking pictures all morning? Water gun said he sure has, he's been up the lighthouse and trotted all over the beach taking pictures. That's great I said I can't wait to see them i said. Let's see what's playing tonight Dear, (reads movie times.) oh yeah I said. Hayliens that is one of Mr. Roseace's favorite movies and besides it's very close to Nightmare Night. So I think we got a good evening scheduled then we can go to Hay King and try one of there Spooky Burgers. I can't to try one said Water Gun. After breakfast I talked to Flare and Mr. Roseace about the movie and they agreed it would be a good movie to go to. We walked to the beach and I played in the sand. Mr. Roseace came over and said enjoying yourself lovey? Yup I always do when I come to the beach I said. So I said to Mr. Roseace what did you think of the restaurant's cooking? Oh lovely Mr. Roseace said. They have the best pancakes I have ever eaten in a long time. Yeah I said I usually just get what I have a home in the mornings. Usually if I have a big breakfast group, sometimes I'll get there alfalfa flavored pancakes with Hayseenberry syrup. Anyway Mr. Roseace, I asked how is your picture taking going? Just fine lovey he said. Oh and i Met Flare's Mother Bow Gun she is a nice Mare. Yes she is I said she raised two great foals. Mr. Roseace said I saw a little colt that was about your size, with a pony with a guitar cutie mark. Yeah I said Tim and Regan Hoofscastle. One wants to be a rock star and the other just likes to play arcade games he comes around a lot to our store with Regan. You know Regan's mom was a guard too She knew Mr. Nocturne from helping the lunar unit in the service. She is very protective of Tiny Tim. They officially adopted him after his last adoptive parents couldn't handle him anymore. Oh Mr. Roseace, is he's a bad colt? No I said he takes a lot of care like I do and all his adoptive parents still love him and he see's them on occasion. His mother got sick and died a few years back and he was afraid of being put in a family and being just used as a promotional thing because of his size. So he took off and eventually found a great permanent home his parents would have been proud of the Hooftscastles. He has a mare friend named Snowball she is a royal princess but the lowest in her family but she is very nice. Mr. Roseace said wow talk about a real fairy tale lovey. Your telling me I said. Honk! uh-oh I said that's Flare's mom Bow gun I said, I think were going to go spend the afternoon at Nana's (in the car.) thanks lovely for giving us a ride said Mr. Roseace. Don't mention it Bow Gun said. So lovey what was the best thing that happen all Summer? Mr. Roseace said Oh yeah! I said we got to see Weird Hoof in concert! it was great a show and flare bought a cd over there too. Flare takes a part of my pay and puts it away for a special surprise and gives the rest too Water Gun. she handles my bits. and One more thing we went to a splaty HII U charity event for Haybieetes, at the comic book store. Keith Flare's Gun's Cousin was there too. Our team was "The Small Fry's" we consisted of Regan and Tim and Maci Hoofcastle and me! I was amazed we even got even far enough in the rankings to play his team the "Colts From Hayrule" it consisted of Keith and a few of his friends. I knew we were going to get splatted badly by his team and we did but we splatted him a few times and his team came out on top and they all got one hayibo figure of there choice and the charity was a great success. Mr. Roseace said that's good I went to a Final Dream Concert and I went out to some of the islands near Ponyville and got some good pictures. That's great I said I want to see a Haysevania concert with Don't Neigh at Night From The Haunted Barn Arcade game. We finally arrived at Nana's house. Flare said I am going on a walk before lunch see you he said. I went in and hugged Nana Gun. Nana gun said I heard your friend takes a lot of pictures. Your right lovey I do I got some right here, from a one hour photo I went to today. Wow I said you sure take a lot of good photo's you ever win a photo contest? I asked Mr. Roseace. A long time ago in Hayland I did lovely, tied for second place and won 12,000 hayros and a trophy. That's great I said so what are we having for lunch Nana? I asked. Nana Gun said Fried hay and Mashed potatoes. Mr. Roseace said that's sounds great and you taught Flare how to cook? Sure did said Nana Gun said however i tried to teach his wet sister Water Gun some recipes, once and the house got on fire. Well I said she mainly just helps with finances for the restaurant I said but once in a while, since we got a special stove for special ponies that can't catch on fire. she will make some cookies. and they come out okay. Water Gun said mom said i get too distracted and forget about the baking. That oven was a lot of bits Water gun said, But we got ours with half the cost since Mr. Metal Pony, can almost make any thing out of metal, with Salad and Swirl it only took him a few months though to get everything and build it. Then Nana said lunch is ready! We sat down to eat lunch. Bow Gun said wonderful as usual Mom I hope my little wet one can do this good one day too. Water Gun said I doubt it. When I have a family Water Gun said well go to salad works for dinner and have hay and crackers with veggies. and will have big meals on holidays and visits like this. Nana said I love this baby filly your watching how is her mom doing? Bow Gun she is doing greater then any pony expected since the accident, she can trot small distances on her own but she still has along way to go to being independent again with a filly. said Bow Gun, but we visit mommy every week very often. Nana gun said that's great! So Mr. Roseace, Nana said you have a special pony yet? Mr. Roseace said I am looking, I work with a mare everyday she is very nice she and could be it, but I am not sure yet. That's good Nana said what about you little colt? I Hope I have my special pony right here (nuzzles Water Gun.) Water Gun said me too. (nuzzles Riley back.) After lunch, Nana said you do you want to play Who Did It? I said yes and so did Water gun and Mr. Roseace. But before we do Nana said let's have some of my homemade eggnog. This is great Said Mr. Roseace. I looked at my hand I and I Was Mrs. Blue jay. I had Professor Klebold, A kitchen knife and the bathroom, poisoned hay and the spiked horseshoe. On my turn i said I am guessing it was, Mr. Harris with a hammer, in the playroom. Water Gun showed me The playroom. Okay I said. on Nana's turn she guessed it was Professor Klebold with a poisoned apple in the bathroom. I showed her Professor Klebolds card and she checked it off her list. I thought to myself we only got two ponies left Mrs. Dowdy, and Mr. Harris.. Please be Mr. Harris I thought. He kicked a little pony into a little pond in the Who Did It game film that was my size in the garden at the Hoofer Mansion before the murder happened and Professor Klebold laughed at it. But luckily General Ketchup saved him from drowning in the pond. He was one of the few that survived the night. and he's off the list. I saw his card. Then Mr Roseace said I am going to say who did it! Mr. Harris did it in the Garage with the poisoned apple! Water Gun okay let's see if your correct (opens case file.) picks out the 3 cards in it garage, poisoned apple and Mr. Harris. Nana said congratulation's you cracked the case lovey. Well I said you want to take some pictures before we go Mr. Roseace, it's the middle of the afternoon. Mr. Roseace said sure lovely I would love to. We talked when we were in the woods. So Mr. Roseace, how are you doing on your Hayliens Game? I asked. Great lovely got to go back and get all the stuff I missed. Snap! Snap! that was a great photo you took Mr. Roseace I said. So when you were in Hayland you get to see some of the original Harry Hoofer stuff like a train? Mr. Roseace said you better believe it love and I love riding trains too. I even got some of the haygo sets for HeartsWarming's one year! That's great I said you get Lord what's his name? as a mini figure? you better believe it love Mr. Roseace said. Yeah I said, his name is so bad, in the movie when any pony said his name something would brake. I think he killed a lot of ponies and did something so horrible words can't describe what he did before the events of Harry Hoofer. Mr. Roseace said yup I guess so hey get on that rock in the creek over there. Okay I said the water is warm today. whoa! splash. Sorry I said. Mr. Roseace got me out. an said it's okay lovey let's get you home and dry you off after we get this picture. We got the picture of me on the rock after we tried again and we went back to Nana's house. You go for a swim without me? Water Gun asked? No dear I said I fell in the creak am okay though. Well Nana said let's dry you off then. Okay Flare said you better hurry we got to get back now The movie will be starting in a few hours. Mr. Roseace said thanks Nana love I had a great time here then we all hugged Nana goodbye and off in the car we went. We got to the classic movie theater just in time. The ticket taker said hi Riley and she let us in. I went to concessions the usual please. Get him what wants Snaky. No problem Snaky said here you sir (gives popcorn and soda to Mr. Roseace.) I said to Snaky, seen my daughter lately? Oh yes Snaky said, she came for a private screening with some of her sisters to see HoofBumps and everything is upgraded and well. That is excellent I said she takes good care of guys. Snacky said none the less from a kind princess. We went in the theater, then Mr. Roseace asked me. You a big sponcerd of this theater? Lovey. Yes very much so, me and the Goddess went here when we were together on dates and Is royally protected by her as historical place. Mr. Roseace said wonderful love. speaking of hayelians you get all the tags yet? or the haynesse fire drill? achievement in hayelians? I am working on it lovey but I hope to soon (action sounds and neighing on screen.) An hour or later the movie was over. Mr. Roseace said lovely said thank you so much for take me this was one of favorite movies. after that we went to Hay King for dinner. At Hay King Flare and Mr. Roseace ordered the spooky hayburger with the special hay sauce in the bun. Flare said I wonder how they did it? I don't know love but this a really good hay burger. Mr. Roseace? I asked, you still have your Hayelian special action figure you got with the game right? Sure do love Mr. Roseace said and it's one of a kind. I hope to help you rap up the rest of the achievement's after what you paid for that collection. That's really nice of you love he said I hope you can get me a few more, I paid a lot of bits for the collectors edition and I toiled a lot of soil for it too at a big garden lovey. I know you work for Mr. Gear, do you live in a small apartment or live with him? I live in a small apartment an Lovey I am near everything I need like a grocery store, bookstore and a quite barn. that is great I said. It was getting late and Mrs. Gun dropped us off at the motel. At the motel I said to Water Gun thanks for everything. Water Gun said no problem little guy and we kissed and said good night. Well Mr. Roseace said thank you for lovely weekend. I got a lot of good pictures that my parents will love to see. Yeah i said everyone will enjoy the photo's you took. Before we go to bed can you please play one game of shake on the Haycast with us? Mr. Roseace said sure love. We had a fun filled evening. But finally we went to sleep late a 12.am so Mr. Roseace could catch his train to Ponyville in the morning because he had to work the next day and had to check on his employer's Plant's before he went to work the next day, in the flower shop he worked at. We woke up in the morning and did all our morning hygiene and we went to have breakfast at a little pancake place next to the Lazy Hay Inn. I asked Mr. Roseace did you have a good time here? I know it's different from hayland and all. I had one of the best vacations ever here Mr. Roseasce. Water Gun sorry if we knew you weren't coming from Hayland we never would have bought the tea and Haystey Cake because we thought you changed. Mr. Roseasce said . Don't love I still have my tea and cake/biscuit's except I grow my own tea! at the flower shop. and the Haystey cake and tea you bought was great so i can't wait to have some more when I come and visit again someday. Oh and again thank Nana for the homemade eggnog recipe my family will love it. Oh and do you have her address love? Here it is Flare Gun said I wrote down. Thanks love Mr. Roseasce said. I said it will be sad to see you go and all but as long as we got John Hayesh and R.L. Hooves it will be okay. Thanks love Mr. Roseasce said I am going to miss it here too but I'll be back next vacation. we finished eating breakfast and went to the train station. At the train station we helped him with his things and Mr. Roseasce said to me if you need somewhere to stay or come up to visit look me up. I will I said and he got on the train and off the train went back to Ponyville. As usual when he got back we played video games with each other on the Haybox 360. An the weekly visits to Nana's weren't the same for awhile without him Nana always talks about the time he was here and about the eggnog she made. We have played Who Did It More since he been gone. An you know what? Mr. Roseasce sent the recipe up to his family back in Hayland in it was a hit. A few weeks later Nana got a big package. It was stuff from all over Hayland from Mr. Roseasce's family as a thank you. in it had all the usual gossip stuff and 5 big hayinder eggs. Hayinder eggs are filled with hay and chocolate and a toy inside. but these eggs are safe the capsule the toy was in after it was opened magically turned into to white chocolate. and it was really good. We miss him but he will return again someday.