//------------------------------// // Day one // Story: Mr. Roseace comes to visit // by riley19845 //------------------------------// Somewhere in a small sea side town in Equstira. A tiny pony smaller then Pipsqueak, get's out of bed on a warm sunny morning. Brushes his teeth and looks at phone messages. Then goes in the kitchen and gets some hayster strudels in the microwave after stepping on a stool. Your up early Flare your sports fantasy betting get hit too? I saw it in the news alot of them have. Flare said no we have a friend visiting. Your father Machine Gun? No Flare said. Our old hoof from Hayland, Browne Rosacea. Oh yeah he is a good chef from HayLand. I wonder how he will think of our cultures and all. Before we begin I am Riley Pokey I live with Flare Gun. I lived with my parents for along time then they got ill and died perhaps someday I will tale a tale of my past . I am only a few pounds, adopted I am white with purple hair with a 7-up cutie mark and we live in a big trailer. But sometimes we live in the restaurant Flare owns and in the motel room he bought. at Lazy Hay Motel. Flare owns a big restaurant that serves the best pizza in Equestiria. I hope he can someday have filly meals with toys he wants to do that but, he's just waiting for the right time with the right help. I just gave his older sister Water Gun an engagement ring a year back. Out of a cracker hays box we have been dating for at least 2 years. I know the ring might be cheap, but that is how my dad proposed when bits was scarce to his wife. An she said yes but we will go through a family training exercise to be sure were suitable for each other. Flare's dad Machine gun did this exercise with his wife to be Bow gun and they couldn't be in more in love with each other. Friday was a typical day. Lets see what I am doing today. (looks at checklist.) write list that can go (checks it off.). Go pick up soldered Haytari 2600 from Mr. Metal Ponies workshop. Oh that's right I got a few carts the other day at a barn sale. Let's go trot down there. Never mind here comes my wet one. Hey dear. (gets in water guns car.) Water Gun said hey honey. How are you doing I asked. Water Gun said just fine can I help you out to day litte guy? I said you sure can dear. Alright first thing we got to do is go to Metal ponies workshop. Mr. metal is local mechanic and inventor we have in our town. This shouldn't take to long. (goes in workshop.) Here is my slip sir I am all paid I paid up front. Oh thank you so much now we can play any haytari 2600 game we want! i said. Metal Pony's soldiering skill sure is handy dear. What now BatColt? Water Gun asked? Next thing we got to do is go the comic book store. (checks off Metal pick up.) Water gun said here we are (Water Gun and Riley go in Captain Comic's book store) Good morning Mr. Stripy i said. I have come to pick up my reservation. Mr. Stripy said here you are thank you. How has business been for Flare? Couldn't be better I said. Oh hey Tim I said. Tim Hoofcastle looked up from painting his Warhoofer 8000 figure. Hi Mr. Pokey he said. I asked You okay since you got accidently got burned with hot coffee? at your job? Tim Hoofcastle said Dr. Firetail took good care of me I was lucky I just needed a cold bath. But you know they were worried because of my size. Yeah I said were almost the same size. Take care I said, then we looked around a bit and left the store. Back in the car, got my comics yup another one off the list (checks off comic store pick up.). Next dear is make sure room is clean and neat at motel. We arrived at the Lazy Hay Motel. An we trotted up the stairs and went inside. Yup dear it is neat in clean for Mr. Rosace's Visit Flare called and let them know. I turned on the TV. Oh look Water Gun said, Hema Nocturnal is having a show tonight in the lounge. Yeah maybe Mr Roasce well want to see it. Oh yeah i almost forget about my weekly call. (Riley is watching tv commerical.) Arooh! (evil organ music plays.) Twilight Sparkle said on TV, call me at 1-900 Twlily. to play my new haunted house adventure game I got rained in at this spooky old house and I need your help to get me out. If you do you'll get a special Nightmare Night greeting from me on your cellphone or answering machine. and play twice I'll send you an official autograph of me in my very spooky outfit. and as always I also have new jokes and stories every week. So be sure to check them. And thank you for calling in advance and for helping Equsestira's mentally ill and please fillies get your parents permission or get one of my prepaid cards at your local retailers (laughs evilly and castle thunder sounds.) a colt voice said 25 bits a minute. If your not sure, safely get a prepaid card good for a full complete call and you can use it anywhere. Ok dear it looks good I said (checks off room clean.) Next on the list is go to the drug store to pick up prescriptions. Here it is i said Cundiff's Drug Store. We went inside and talked to Mr. Cundiff. Hi Mr Cundiff I said, just getting our new prescriptions here. Ok looks ( Mr. Cundiff looks at list.) here you go Mr. Cundiff said. Thank You I said well dear Nightmare Night is Coming. I can't wait I said Let's pick up one of these Prepaid Twlily cards. I can't wait to get in the phone booth tonight! Oh that's right! Mr. Cundiff? I asked, where is the nearest one hour photo? I know things have changed dramaticly for picture taking but we got a friend that likes taking pictures with out a tablet or electronically that is coming to visit. Mr. Cundiff said I can still do it I have the materials and the red room to do it the old fashioned way but it's been awhile. I have it in the basement here. That's great I said thank you. Now we can check that off the list I said to Water Gun. Now before we do the next water gun said, can we go eat somewhere for lunch? Okay I said there is a Mchay's over there. Let's go. I wonder what silly meal toy they will have this time? I said to Water Gun as we pulled in the parking lot. They know us well because, one of Water Gun's Cousins worked here before she died. She always got a silly meal when she was working there. Water Gun: Are you going to play in the play barn? Yes dear I said. Good, Water Gun said i have some calls to make when your done eating. I said okay dear. so this is the toy i get huh? not walking hay it's Hotel Haysavinya 2. it's almost Nightmare Night. Yeah Water gun said I am still waiting for the Jungle Mare and the Doctor toys. So I played in the hay pit until Water Gun was done with her phone calls. Then Water gun came in and said tag your it and we played for a while. Then we got back in the car I and I said the next thing to get is Tea and Cake for Mr. Rosacea's tea time. At the Flower grocery store I got into a stroller after we got out of the car. Water Gun said I need to drop these off in the Red Barn box. (puts them in a slot.). What did you get last night dear? A horror movie it was one of Haynormal Activity's. Well dear the last one in the series is coming to theaters very soon. Water Gun said that's right! I need to reserve a family room at the movie theater for it. An I got house the one about the alien, for the little filly I am watching till her mother is well enough to take care of her. That's great dear I said someday you'll be a really good mommy then we kissed. Inside we were at the tea aisle. There is so many different kinds of tea which one do you think he will like? Water gun said this says it is approved by the Queen of Hayland. Glad to hear it I said and I'll get the cake! TasteyHay my favorite hmm. yeah this one will do. Water Gun I think he will like it this is part of our culture too. (puts in shopping cart.) Good bye I said to the cashier after we were done checking out. Then i said that's all dear on the list it's time to get ready for him. Water gun okay, she said but before we do i want to check the HayBox one more time. Yeah I said I let's rent that I like Haycraft. Water gun said this is a good movie too Hay of the dead.an we finally made our way back to the trailer. We carried our things to the trailer after we parked in the pizza restaurant parking lot. I opened the door and I heard a pony say, hi lovely's! Flare I asked how did Mr. Rosacea get here that fast?! Browne said I just moved to pony Ville! sorry I forgot tell you love i moved there a few weeks ago. Ok I said you still staying here on your three day break? Yes I am love, I wanted to come before winter came. I said to Mr. Rosacea, did you find a 5 star restaurant to work at? No I am gardener he said, I work on ponies gardens even in the winter. That is great i said. Alright love, show me this motel room i will be staying at tonight said Mr. rosacea. I need to get unpacked and all lovely's he said. I said to him you got it. It's got a room just with a big hot tub in it and it magically cleans it self after every use. I can't wait to use it said Mr. Rosacea. We got his things and went to the Lazy Hay Motel for Mr. Rosacea to unpack and for tea and cake. In Flare Gun's room. This is a nice place love to sleep in the winter love. Water gun said your tea is poured Mr. Rosacea and here is your cake. Thank you love Mr. Rosacea said. This is some of the best cake I have every had lovely's! Water gun: It's a TastyHay chocolate pound cake. They have many other good treats made by them to like snowballs with alfalfa and hay in the middle i like them a lot but riley doesn't like the coconut on it. I love the coconut water, but not the food i said to Mr. Rosacea. So, loveys Mr. Rosacea said do you have any good places to take pictures. Sure do Brownie Flare said. We have a big beach around here we go to a lot it's not far from here and we have a big park. with a playground for special ponies we go to a lot. So lovey you get bullied any because of your size? Once in a while i do, but with our friends Swirly and Salad that work at Metal Ponies shop i think. They end it quickly and besides around here if it's very harassing you can go to the slammer for a week, an not to mention a donation to the anti-bullying fund and anti-bullying class if it continues. By the way they were harassed themselves when they were fillies then they worked out and it stopped real fast. You should see there Mare friends There body ponies too and I think they also work on cars too. But anyway there is very little around this town so I feel fine to go around but Flare and Water gun are always near by if I need help. Flare said I am cooking tonight at my restaurant for dinner. I can't wait to taste your cooking lovely Mr. Rosacea said. At Flare Gun Pizza. Mr. Rosacea asked what do you do here lovely? he asked me. Depends I said. I clean tables and manly clean the floor. An sometimes I empty the arcade game bit boxes. How's Zackary doing these days? Fine lovely Mr. Rosacea said. He plays in a band once a week on Friday and I try to make it to of all them at the abandon school auditorium . That's good I said at least they ended school because of bullying they have new education thing now. Water Gun: I am glad my foals will never know what school is. and what was a principal I can say now is the boogey colt. Mr. rosacea school wasn't mentally healthy for every pony. Flare (comes out of the kitchen.) here we go fresh from the oven! Here is a cheese pizza for the little colt and a Hay pizza for every pony else. After we were done eating. Wow said Mr. Rosacea, you got a Dr. Whooves pinball machine and the original Hay wars arcade cockpit game. Yes I said my job coach Tammy loves the Hay Wars Arcade Game. She broke Salads record for blowing up the barn star so many times. After we played for awhile, Flare Gun showed Mr. Rosacea his office. I see lovey you have had a lot of guest come here. But I love this one! (looks at Riley and Flare an Darkrunner with Haybroao's on says under it the three Haygio's!) Yeah that was great day I said it was Hayico Independent Day. I loved the piñatas I said. Yeah Water gun said we had a pull one and a Normal one both in cactus shape one was made from Dark Runner's family piñatas making secret recipe.) He's one of the best artist I have ever met in Equstira. Well Flare said it is getting late let's go back the motel. I hope Hema is doing jokes tonight. We went back to the motel and sure enough at billboard that was lit up said Hema Nocturnal tonight in the lounge. We went to see it after make a room stop we went in and sat at a table in the back. Mr. Rosacea said oh i saw her one night in Hayland. She is a great comedian she even played at the famous Chuckle Barn in Manehatten. Mr. Rosacea you heard of her father haven't you. Yes Retired General Nocturnal but, he might have been just a night guard but everyone calls him that after what happened. he is a strong yet gentle pony, but very protective of his daughter Hema. Flare said you can say that again. You heard what he did supposedly didn't you lovey? Mr. Rosacea said. Yes I said the story is true and if Hema was my daughter I would have done the same. If I was his size. Water Gun for along time she wouldn't do comedy acts without him by her side. Do you think they'll every find that Colt's wing he tore off? i asked. Flare said for the last time I doubt it and if they do I am sure it's to late to attach it back on. We said Hi to Hema after awards then we left for our room. We got to our room and said see you Flare it's time for the call. Okay, who is going to let you get on there back? Water Gun come on you let's go. Wait a minute love said Mr. Rosacea where you going at this hour? To listen to Twilight Sparkles hotline and play her haunted house game. Oh and don't worry we have a prepaid card so we can do it all. We went in the phone booth. Why love do you all go here when you a got phone in the room? No speaker i said. Alright Water Gun said 1-900 Twlily. (old door) Creek! twilight sparkle said welcome to the Twilight Sparkle hotline (evil organ music plays.) have you come to hear my stories and jokes of the week or play my haunted house game if you haven't already please hoof in your prepaid card, other wise it will be bits a minute and fillies Twilight will put a spooky gift on your phone bill if you go any further and it maybe not one your parents maybe want. so if your unsure hang up now or else! Water Gun (press buttons on a phone key pad.) Twilight said thank you so much! Now what would you like to do she said. Water Gun said I want to here her story first! Ok Twilight said what happened spooky this week? I told my foals not to eat any cookies before dinner and I counted the cookies before dinner. There was one missing. (scary sound effects.) and it turned out my brother with out his wife's permission had one! (castle thunder effect.) you know what me and Cadence did? Because we told him not to? We made his hayloaf taste like soap and he spat it out and bubbles came out! then i gave him the real one. Trick or Neigh! (Twilight laughs evilly) Why did the vamp pony? go to the blood bank? To get a withdraw! (Riley and Water gun laugh.) What is so funny about that love Mr. Rosacea. I said the way she said it. (a few jokes later) So little filly you have dared to play my haunted house game. Okay creek I am on the floor Twilight said were should i go? press #1 for up or #2 to go in the kitchen. Uh dear? i said. Okay water she said we will go in the kitchen. Twilight said there is no windows in here but there is a fridge I am goanna open it.. I wonder if there is a prize or a pie in there. Oh my there is a Twilight spooky bobble head in there. Congratulation's you just one a limited edition bobble head of me give me your address and all now. We Punched in the store address. Twilight said thank you so much for taking care of Equstira's mentally ill and for calling. On the way back we stopped in at the hot tub. Mr. Rosacea said I have heard funnier jokes then that! From Hema! I said perhaps but she is a Mare with a mission you see a while back a friend of hers Showtime Neigh Hofmann. She was famous for singing Blame Klebolda! and many other musicals and TV shows. Well she very depressed and she hid it very well! We will never no why she took a 100 foot drop off that cliff. An Twilight made this program to honor her memory. She Made the Twilight Showtime Neigh Hofmann Foundation. It's not a just suicide prevention program, it helps mentally ill ponies and there families afford good quality care and drugs the real ones non generic at little or no cost. An the facilities they run for therapy are high quality and clean an she visits them frequently. I have depression bad and when i lived out in the middle of nowhere when my parents were where we live they sent a councilor at no charge! and I even went to a camp one year that she sponsored for special ponies and they picked me up at my house again for free and now me and water gun visit a councilor on a month with no bits of out of Flare's pocket. However Flare makes big donations to it when he does special events. An that's really how this program run's on ponies donations and time. Mr. Roasacea said what's Water Gun's problem? she has the shakes very rarely though and is hyper and ADHD. I wanted to play outside all day when they had school and I couldn't sit still Water Gun said so mom. took me to get tested an I had ADHD. It's very rare in mares though. An I got the shakes barely noticeable we think it is because i hit my hard after a filly hood accident I spit my head open stupid Icy Gun. I just do a big water spray and that's it which I can't control found that out at a check up one day. Mr. Rosacea said, you know loves. They got several 1-900 numbers for filly and movies. Yes I know Water Gun said. They had one on the movie I rented recently and I don't think there giving candy to orphans or homeless ponies with there profits from there number 1-900 number. Yes dear, probably so. Well let's go back to the room I said. Good night dear i said we kissed each other good night and she went home. She lives with Bow gun her mother in a small apartment, she rented that is down here helping her take care of a little filly until it's mother is well enough to care for it. After her mother was in a car accident. They almost visit Mommy everyday. so the filly knows her well. So love Mr. Rosacea said what would have happened if there was pie in the fridge? Twilight would have got splatted and said oh no please call an try again. (Flare is on the phone with his mother Bow Gun.) Okay mom well meet you tomorrow to go see Nana with you good bye. That's nice i said Mr. rosacea, Nana lives in the woods so you'll get a lot of good pictures tomorrow. I can't wait Mr. Rosacea said. Then I got on the bed and went to sleep. Flare and Mr. Rosacea played Haylo Wars for awhile though.