Beautiful Rainbows, Unicorns, and Rainbow Unicorns

by GamingWolf

Re-Part II Chapter xi

"It is our duty to follow Mystin and Pyros!" Elderlon roared.
"It is our duty to serve the Gods! Not those. . . Demons who turned their backs on the Gods!" Onyx rebutted.
"Pyros is our God! And we will join his fight against the tyranny of the Gods!" Elderlon snarled, his garnet eyes burned with rage, "You will do as I command! I am your father!"
"No! I will not let the name of the Dragons be slandered by you or that serpent Pyros!" Onyx lunged at the dark gray dragon.
They fought; wrestling on the ground, clawing, and biting each other in the middle of the hall, as the Dragons watched and cheered. Iridescence and Diamond watched with sadness. Onyx overpowered the aging drake and slammed him on the ground. Before he could deliver the finish blow, Elderlon threw sand into Onyx's eyes.
Elderlon was helped up by his few loyal guards, "This is not over!" he shouted, retreating to the door, "Come, Iridescence!"
His luminous bond-mate went over to her son, her aquamarine gems glaring at him, "If Onyx didn't kill you, I would have. Leave and never return!"
Elderlon sneered at them and turned, flipped his red cape, and broke down the great hall doors as he left.
Diamond knelt beside Onyx with a bowl of water. She handed the bowl to the Queen.
"Thank you, honey," she spoke. Onyx groaned in pain, trying to keep his eyes open, "I know, my son," Iridescence soothed his forehead. She dipped a claw into the water and dripped the water in his eye, making him wince.
Diamond cleared the hall of the remaining Dragons. She found bandages and clean cloth for Onyx's minor cuts. She sat on her tail beside the Queen and Prince, waiting to be of assistance.
"Diamond, honey, help me take Onyx to the longhouse," the Queen received a silent nod of acknowledgement from Diamond. They hooked his arms around them and lift Onyx up. Onyx limped along as the three of them made their way to the longhouse.
Once outside, Mount Pyros coughed out a billow of black smoke and ash, shrouding the blue sky. Onyx knew he would have to evacuate his people off the island before the ash killed them all. They reached the longhouse in minutes, taking him up to his bedroom. Iridescence started to undress Onyx, Diamond watched eagerly.
"Diamond, I'm going to fetch the healing oil. Watch over him please," the Queen left hastily.
Onyx laid on his bed, with his loincloth on much to Diamond's chagrin his breathing labored. She went to his side, stroking his black mane softly, as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He stared at her soft, pale blue eyes, as she gazed lovingly into his sapphire eyes. He shifted his attention to the scar in the middle of her neck; a flashback of Elderlon stabbing her played in his mind. Iridescence stopped talking to Elderlon since then, ten years ago. Diamond may not be of their blood, but Iridescence always loved her as if she was. When his mother returned he fell unconscious.

He opened his eyes and saw Chrysalis stare at him curiously, "Sorry I fell asleep," he chuckled nervously.
"Who is 'Diamond'?" she questioned, her face close to his.
"My sister," Onyx grinned.
"She didn't sound like a 'sister'," Chrysalis replied curtly.
Onyx sighed, "She was adopted." He ran his fingers through his thick, black hair, "Everything bad happened to her because of me."
She rested on the ground beside him, "It is not like I care, but I am dreadfully bored, so I will allow you to tell me about her, since you obviously have much on your mind."
He chuckled as he pulled on his boxers and pants, "Thank you, my Queen."

The ground shook, which rocked me out of bed. I cursed the floor, trying to get to my feet, when my door flew open. It was my mother and she was in full battledress with my armor and weapons.
"Elderlon has returned," she tossed my outfit on the bed, lifting me up, "And is much uglier than how he left. He has legions of Demons with him. I have told the children and elders to head for the southern coast and sent a message of help to the Black Legion. Get dressed, we must fight or die taking as many of them down with us."
The Black Legion? He had heard about a young Mountaineer Wolf training a special force of soldiers, but why would she contact them? If there was any hope in defeating the Demons, all the bad blood between the clans would have to be settled with the blood of the Demons.
"Do you think they will get here in time?" Onyx asked, snapping on his red cuirass and tightening his sword belts.
She lifted her desert mask and stared at him grimly, "No, the message was more of a warning."
A massive quake shook the entire longhouse, a loud roar bellowed outside.
Queen Iridescence went to the shattered window and gasped, "Gods preserve us." Mount Pyros erupted with fury, lava shot miles into the sky along with ash and flaming debris. A shock wave flung the Queen against the wall.
"Get down!" she gasped.
Searing hot ash and smoke filled the room as the pyroclastic flow of the volcano engulfed the longhouse and island. Luckily, Dragons could survive the heat of the tephra but they still needed to breathe and every breath took in ash, poison, and cinders which burned their soft tissues on the inside.
"Mother!" he called out, not daring to open his eyes. A desert mask was pressed onto his face, it allowed him to see and breathe. He fastened it, and saw his mother next to him without hers. "No! Mother you need !"
He saw the glint of a dagger in her hand as she stabbed her chest. Tears left streaks through the soot that covered her face, she smiled and mouthed, "I love you."
"Mother!" he began to cry, as he held her lifeless body in his arms, "I need you!" He shook her, hoping that this was all a terrible dream, "Mommy. . ."
Footsteps alerted him. He gently placed her on the ashen floor and picked up his blade, ready to attack anything that came through the door. White scales flashed in doorway and heard a familiar whistle: it was Diamond. He rushed up to her when he noticed the two masks in her arms.
He grabbed her by the shoulders, "Why weren't you with my mother!" he yelled in her face, "Why did you take so fucking long to get the masks!" Out of rage and grief, knowing that she could not answer him, he threw her to the ground beside his mother, "You fucking did this! You! This is all your fault!" pointing at his mothers dimming body.
Diamond went over to her surrogate mother, tears filled her mask. He ignored her sobs when the sounds of battle grabbed his attention outside. Onyx jumped out the window more than encouraged to slaughter Demons and his father.

"It figures that bastard would not be leading his army to battle," Copper stated, huffing through his mask.
"Gather those who yet stand, we need to prepare for the third wave!" Onyx ordered a light grey Dragon. "Copper, how do you think we will fair?"
The brown dragon brought down his spyglass, "Not well," he answered flatly, handing his prince the spyglass.
The first two waves were small fries, but through the spyglass, Onyx spotted massive Abyssal Dragons, Beasts, and Demons, along with two Generals.
A blue she-Dragon stopped beside Onyx and saluted, "My Prince, we have about two hundred soldiers left and one hundred civilians willing to fight."
"Thanks, Cobalt. You lead the civilians as a last resort, arm them with bows, you may fire when the Demons are in range, Sergeant."
"Yes, my Prince!" Cobalt ran off to assemble the civilians.
"My Prince," a red Dragon saluted, "half of the catapults are destroyed and the others are severely damaged."
"Fix the damaged ones with the destroyed ones, Ruby. We will need them now, more than ever."
"At once, my Prince!" Ruby dashed away.
Copper was sharpening his sword, "When this is over, you gotta make me a General."
Onyx chuckled, "If we live, I'll make you Martial Commander."
"Position accepted."
A Demon war horn sounded in the distance. War drums echoed through the valley.
"So it begins," Onyx said to himself.

Onyx coughed, groaning as he sat up. The Abyssal Dragon looming over him, about to finish the prince with a stomp. He waited for the foot to crush him, but, the dragon toppled over as twenty black armored wolves jumped on it. He looked to his right and saw the other Abyssal Beasts fall like the dragon. He was never so happy to see Wolves before.
"Prince Onyx, always having someone else do your dirty work," he heard a deep yet familiar voice walking towards him quip. A figure clad in black armor stood over him. Once he removed his helmet he knew why the voice sounded familiar.
"The one an only," Grey said with a toothy grin. He knelt beside the battered Dragon, with his palm glowing green, he pressed his hand into Onyx's abdomen. Onyx growled in pain and huffed as the pain went away. "C'mon, we can talk after killing these bastards."
"Definitely," Onyx accepted his childhood friend's hand, "We shall leave none alive in our wake!"

"Grey and I knew each other since before we were born. Our mothers were close friends. I even considered his mother my aunt," Onyx shared. He sat next to Chrysalis with his knees up and arms resting on them.
"What happened next?" Chrysalis inquired expectantly.
"I killed my father, we drove the Demons back, we talked about our mothers, I apologized to Diamond, and we went off to defend the world from the Demons, and won ending the First Demon War," he summed up.
"Fascinating. Anything else you want to share?" Chrysalis stifled a yawn.
"I think I've shared plenty with you for one night, don't you think?" he winked.
Chrysalis hid her blushing face from him, "Your performance was. . . satisfactory."
He stood, dusting off his pants, "Shall we get going, my Queen?" he bowed.
"If we must," she huffed.
Onyx quickly picked her up in his arms. She refrained from beating him like last time and instead wrapped her hooves around him, closing her eyes.