//------------------------------// // Part 1 // Story: What Should I Do? // by CMagic //------------------------------// The bustling around the room only started to increase as the guests started to pile up one by one, without seeming end. The guards stood outside, whilst patrolling the nightly perimeter, at the same time guiding the now arrived guests. Most of the guests have already arrived, but some are still missing. Usually these sort of parties would be held in the privacy of close friends and relatives, but this mare was different for she has made, one might say, one too many friends. Although some friends were to be considered "on loose relationship" base, but today that did not matter, for that day had celebrated the act of friendship, the symbol of friendship, today was Princess Twilight Sparkle's 25th birthday. A light sound of glass being hit with a spoon had resonated across the room, making everyone turn their heads towards the source. The chatting fell down as the source of this disruption began to speak. "Dear guests. Friends and families. I'd like to take a moment to propose a toast for this occasion". With that being said the guests started to pick up any glass they could find, being carried by the waiters. "Twily. No matter how much time passes, I'll always be amazed by the things you've achieved during these 25 years of your life. You're hardworking, brave and an overachiever." Guests slightly giggle. "To say the least you've achieved more in your 25 years here than most ponies have ever in their life. To tell you the truth I can't even think of anything else you haven't really done." "How about marriage?!" a voice yelled way in the back of the crowd. "Mooom...", Twilight whispered to herself, while the crowd joined in a merry laugh. "Hahaha...", Shining Armour laughed, "I guess mom can help you think of a few things." Twilight looked away for a bit with a sheepish smile. "Twily... Happy Birthday." "Happy Birthday!" the crowd wished in sync as the glasses started to klink all around the palace. Many started to move towards Twilight while wishing her a happy birthday again and again. Suddenly the lights went out and instead a collection of strobe lights started to flicker random colours accompanied with rather 'active' music that let... " ...'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie while the crowd joined her in cheering. The party drastically changed the tone from classic to "youth like", though none of the guests were really against it. Some just felt a bit startled of the sudden change of mood. During the commotion Twilight looked around for a bit and decided to get some fresh air from the whole "Happy Birthday" routine that she had to address. Leaving the room, she started to walk around the empty halls of her castle, though some ponies walked past her saying "Happy Birthday" again and again, which for Twilight had an impact in the first 30 times, that ponies had said that, the other 200... not so much. She walked deeper and higher looking around. Despite the darkness of the night she could still guide herself around the halls of the castle while avoiding to bump into something that was strangely out of place. Some ponies replaced her pictures that were on the wall with decorations that were hung in a different place. Some books and Twilight's personal treasures were scattered around the hall without anypony putting them back. "That kid of theirs sure is royalty alright." Twilight murmured to herself. Finally she saw the end of her trip, whilst climbing up the stairs. The doors were shut, but that was obvious since no one would want to make the halls of the castle colder than they already are. Twilight casually pressed her hoof against the door and opened her way to the balcony. It was a sight to be seen alright. The nightlife of Ponyville. It has come a long way since the castle appeared. The town expanded, population increased and so has life in Ponyville become more livelier than before. Despite that, Ponyville had still retained its feeling of a country town, without implementing any big city like adjustments. Or maybe it was all in Twilight's head. Maybe she saw it like that because of the events of this day. The lights, the livelines... She then leaned against a wall that supported the balcony, at the same time looking up into the sky. The night sky. A starry night. You wouldn't see so many stars back in Canterlot, though Twilight started to think that there are starting to be less and less stars here too. Twilight exhaled and started to sing: "What should I do~? What should I do~ What should I doohoo~? What should I doo...? What should I doohoo~ What should I doo~ What should I doo..hoo.. hou" With that last note she turned her head towards a stallion guard standing in the entrance of the balcony intently looking at her. The guard looks at her waiting for her response, but gets nothing out of her so he begins to talk. "Ehem... Princess Twilight..." "Twilight, Flash. How many times do I have to correct you?" "Sorry. Twilight. They are going to start to bring out the cake." "Huuh~ Sounds great." Twilight responded. ... Another silence. Flash looks at her with a squished face and starts again. "You should go! It would be rude to make the guests waiting." "Hey, Flash." Twilight began. "Yes?" "What should I do?" Flash stood there with a confused expression and then continued to speak. "Gooou... Eeeeeeat... Cake?" Flash stretched out every word making an animated face along the way. ... Twilight didn't say anything back. Flash then proceeded to go and sit next to her leaning against the balcony wall. "There sure are a lot of stars tonight" said Flash. "Would be more if all the other lights were off." replied Twilight. "Are you saying that the party is making you miss out on the stars?" "No, maybe..." "Pff... what does that supposed to mean?" laughed Flash. "Hey, Flash?" started Twilight. "Yeah?" "What should I do?" ... Twilight asked that question for the second time and made Flash even more worried. "Twilight is something wrong? You're acting really... like you're bummed out about something." said Flash. "Say, Flash. What should I do." asked Twilight again. "What do you mean what should you do? Go into the hall with the other guests and celebrate your birthday!" "And after that?" Flash was taken aback a bit by that statement as it sounded a bit lifeless. "Just... do whatever you always do." said Flash. "And what's that?" ... "Well... learn about friendship, help ponies, study..." Twilight glared at him with disinterest in what he said. "Flash. I don't want to be a princess anymore." ... After that 10 long, scary, slow seconds of silence followed. "Sure." said Flash. Twilight turned her head towards him. "Stop being a princess." continued Flash. To be continued...