//------------------------------// // Now That was Hectic // Story: The Twelfth Doctor Tries to Understand Canterlot High // by Helblade Master //------------------------------// The Doctor flipped switches on the TARDIS. He had been receiving a distress signal shortly after dropping Sunset Shimmer off at her apartment. He was escorting two shapeshifters to the Friendship Games. They had missed it and said they needed to be there, that their ship went to far past their destination, that they were out of fuel. Either way he didn't care. That's when he felt the strange sensation in the back of his head and fell over, incapable of moving. The aliens shapeshifted into him and Sunset Shimmer. Clara had decided to stay behind in Sunset's room as some sort of person to talk to when Sunset woke up. "Thank you Doctor," his doppelganger grinned," you made our plan far easier than expected. And when we finally slaughter my wife's murderer we'll slaughter you." The Doctor's doppelganger dragged his limp body down the stairs and stuffed him into the storage closet. The Doctor was traveling through time and space at an alarming rate trying to reach his TARDIS from the past before it made it to Sunset Shimmer. The shapeshifters thought Sunset was their wife's murderer because Sunset was living in the apartment the wife had died in. He just hoped he wasn't to late. The TARDIS materialized inside a shower and sadly, he was late. The shapeshifters had already swapped the Sunset Shimmers. He needed to get to the Friendship Games then. The Doctor began flipping switches frantically. He knew what they were doing and he had to stop them. Clara had been hanging for her life on the edge of a dimensional rift, miles above the ground, and he knew what would happen if she let go, or she couldn't hold on much longer. "Doctor are you okay," Sunset asked as The Doctor stepped closer, the noise of the TARDIS slowing to a halt. The Doctor held out a hand grabbing Sunset by the cheeks. "Oh yes i'm fine Sunset," The Doctor began," but you won't." "What do you mean Doctor," Sunset asked through her mushed cheeks. The door behind her unlocked and The Doctor shoved her out. She was miles above Canterlot High. And far below a large hole in the ground. She could barely make out herself, her friends, and Twilight. It was the day of the Friendship Games. And she could just barely feel her feet leave the TARDIS floor. She began plummeting, straight towards the ground. Far below her she saw the climax between her and Twilight from the Friendship Games. She continued to plummet further and further. She could feel the wind against her body, it made her feel sick, the idea of striking the ground and all the images in her head wasn't helping. She finally accepted her imminent fate as she continued to fall. The TARDIS materialized merely feet away from a large dimensional rift in the ground. At its edge was Clara, still hanging on for dear life. "Doctor," Clara shouted," Doctor don't leave me! Doctor!?" "Clara don't worry i'm here," The Doctor shouted back," but i'm trying to figure out how I can save you and Sunset Shimmer!" "What do you mean trying," Clara shouted," I thought she was at home, asleep?!" "She was, but now she isn't," The Doctor said as he held out his hand," she's miles above our head. Plummeting to her death." "Well then forget about me," Clara shouted as she swatted away his hand," i'll be fine Doctor. If worse comes to worse i'm sure the ponies will save me." "Clara," The Doctor began. "No buts Doctor save her," Clara demanded. The Doctor continued to hold out his hand. "Clara I can't trust you with an assumption like that," The Doctor shouted attempting to grab her hand. "Then you leave me no choice Doctor." Clara let go of the rim of the dimensional rift. The Doctor tried to grab her hand but it was to late. "Trust me Doctor!" The Doctor looked at her for a few more seconds before he dawned a straight face. He lept back into his TARDIS. He knew he could trust Clara. She always came back. She was his impossible girl. The TARDIS hovered over the school diagonally. He had anticipated Sunset's falling speed and height. He had the TARDIS set up to catch her, the safest way possible with a slight chance of broken bones as a result. Or at least that was the plan. He had subdued the shapeshifter but they could just as easily come to. He wasn't about to have his key to understanding magic go splat on the ground. The world shook as a white pillar of light thrust itself to the sky engulfing the TARDIS and the plummeting Sunset Shimmer. "Ow," Clara groaned as she sat up, aching all over. She was in the TARDIS. So The Doctor did find a way to save her and Sunset Shimmer. But where were they? She looked around, something seemed off but she couldn't tell what. "Oh hello," someone said from behind her," glad to see you awake." He sounded familiar almost like another Doctor she met. She turned around to see a pony with a brown coat of fur, a very messy tail, and mane. "Are you," Clara began before wincing. She felt like her body had been split open, her bones smashed, and turned to jelly. "Oh right. The name's Doctor Whooves," the pony said as he held out a hoof," but you can call me The Doctor. You took a nice dive there. Nearly scared half of Ponyville on impact. I guess you're the lucky one. Some of your species weren't so lucky." "What happened to them?" "Impaled, drowned, died on impact. You weren't the only one who fell through the dimensionall rifts." The pony Doctor flipped some switches on his TARDIS control panel and it began to wheeze. "Gotcha," The Doctor shouted as Sunset fell through the door of the TARDIS. She knocked the air out of him, she first embraced a hug, a thank you hug for saving her life. "Oh my god thank you," Sunset began," I thought I was a goner. Thank you so much." Her hug soon became a squeeze and The Doctor had a hard time breathing. She soon let go and got up, beginning to blush in embarrassment. She was still stripped down to nothing but her bra and panties. She had just hugged a two thousand year old man when she was almost naked. "No," The Doctor shouted," don't get any ideas Ms. Shimmer. I have enough problems as is. I don't need you getting all huggy and attachy. I have one of those already." "Why are you always so grumpy," Sunset asked," oh and uh do you have a closet or something?" "Grumpy isn't the term i'd use," The Doctor replied as he pointed downstairs," i'd prefer the term disapproving. Or maybe disappointed." Sunset Shimmer disappeared downstairs as The Doctor prepared to chase after his past TARDIS so that this future could happen. It didn't take long for clattering and gasps to occur. She was, step after step, losing any attachment to any truths she may have held. And now she was looking at a whole new definition of walk in closet. The Doctor would never understand female's fascination with clothes. Clara's head still rang as she stood around the much smaller control panel. It looked exactly like a regular TARDIS control panel, but more simplified for hoof working, not fingers. "So you're The Doctor," Clara asked as her head still rang. She felt if it rang any longer she'd have to start answering the phone. Wait that didn't make a lot of sense. Maybe she had a concussion, nothing a good rest won't fix. Suddenly her legs buckled and she tried to catch herself. She soon realized her futile efforts as she struck the TARDIS floor. Her head spun as The pony Doctor's face blurred and spun. The voice became echoed. "Don't worry Clara you're going to be alright," he shouted. She didn't remember telling him her name. The TARDIS was parked outside the left apartment building. The shapeshifter looked at the large building and smiled. It was finally time to retrieve his wife's objects from that wretched Sunset Shimmer's apartment. Four years ago, his wife had perished in that apartment. That same day Sunset Shimmer rented it. He hated her with a passion, a passion only quenched by her death. She murdered his wife in warm blood to get hold of the apartment. If only his wife had made it to the door. The one hidden to the normal eye. Only visible through the corner of a human eye. He shapeshifted into Sunset Shimmer and walked up to apartment 10B. He opened the door and came face to face with, The Doctor, a grimace plastered across his face. His eyebrows didn't make the frown any better. The shapeshifter stood in shock. The time lord should have been miles away, and in the past, trying to stop the catastrophe of the Friendship Games. He turned around to meet an unfamiliar face. Her skin was sky blue with rainbow hair and violet eyes. He could just hear the crack of her knuckles as a fist drove into his chin. He stumbled backwards back into The Doctor who grabbed him by the wrist and spun him around. "Never," The Doctor shouted as he shoved the shapeshifter to the wall," and I mean it, never endanger so many lives like that!" The Doctor twisted the arm in a very unnatural position. "Yeah," the rainbow haired female said as she cracked her knuckles. "I want you gone," The Doctor growled into the shapeshifter's ear," but first." The Doctor let the shapeshifter's arm go," have fun Ms. Dash." The Doctor spun around and marched down the hall. The Doctor looked behind him, Rainbow Dash had the shapefshifter pinned back against the wall. Her fist drove into the shapefshifter's face and green blood dripped from his nose as he slouched over, unconscious. Clara sat, slouched against a crystalline wall. She was far to light headed to stand up straight. The pony Doctor had gotten in contact with another pony named Twilight Sparkle, oddly she looked like Twilight Sparkle, but as a pony. Well The pony Doctor looked like The Doctor so it shouldn't have been to surprising. But just the idea that these ponies resembled their human counterparts had Clara thinking about a pony her, a pony Artie, a pony Missy, just that thought sent shivers up her spine. Somewhere out in this galaxy was a pony of mass murder and possible genocide. There were plenty more, like Zygons and Ice Warriors that just gave her the chills. Her train of thought was derailed when Twilight Sparkle trotted in with The pony Doctor at her side. "Thank you for letting us send her with out any big questions," The pony Doctor said," I believe her to be the only survivor from the near collapse of the spacial barrier between this reality and the human reality." "Well of course there were no big questions," Twilight said as she trotted in front of Clara," excuse me Ms. But I didn't quite get your name." "My name's Clara," Clara replied even her voice sounded distant," Clara Oswald." "You may be feeling a bit light headed or maybe even nauseous, Ms. Oswald," Twilight said," but don't worry, your body just isn't used to the atmosphere here. And it won't need to be for very long. The Doctor told me about your, er, fall and i've checked your bone structure. You only seem to have a broken collar bone, a concussion, and your legs, if given to much strenuous work, may snap." "Which is why you fell over earlier," The pony Doctor added," well the leg thing did. The concussion is just the reason everything sounds so echoey." Clara couldn't tell which was worse, her almost broken legs, or her concussion. Maybe that was just the confusing thoughts running through her head, messing with the facts. "But there is a problem that has arisen," Twilight continued," you may feel side effects from the exposure to magic. I'll be returning with you to the human world, although I just got back from it, i'm willing to make another trip." The Doctor walked around the front yard of the school. It was nearly nine in the afternoon. Still no sign of Clara, The Doctor wasn't sure what was keeping her, she always came back. "Doctor," someone whimpered. "What," The Doctor shouted. He wasn't trying to, but he was angry at himself and he just let some of that anger out at an innocent human female. The female who whimpered his name was none other than Fluttershy, who was running off crying back to her friends. He wanted to run through the portal, to find Clara, but he felt if he did he'd be rushing it. "Doctor," Sunset said quitely as she walked up to him," it's getting late and you've been standing here watching the portal for a few hours." Sunset's voice hinted at a worse case scenario. "Don't you get sentimental with me," The Doctor shouted as he pushed his ring finger against Sunset's chest," don't start thinking that she's dead! She isn't! I know it!" Sunset's soft face hardened into a frown and she back handed him across the face. It felt like he had just been slapped by River Song all over again. "How come whenever something doesn't want to work with you," Sunset began," you have to deny it! She's dead Doctor, she fell miles to the ground and you know it!" The Doctor looked back at the portal. This couldn't be the end of Clara. There was always another. He could find her and have adventures with her. But then it wouldn't be the same, all the fun and adventures they had wouldn't have been seen by the new Clara. He could feel years of aging weigh down on his mind. He slowly dropped to his knees as if the weight was to much to bare standing up. And then tears began to drizzle from his eyes, blurring his vision. Clara was dead, he didn't want to believe it, but she was. "Now that isn't a very warm welcome," Clara said as she stepped through the portal. "Clara," The Doctor shouted as he stood up spreading his arms out for a hug. "You have a little something," Clara said as she made a movement around her face. "Oh shush," The Doctor said wiping away the tears," what took you so long? I was convinced you were dead." "Well that would be my fault," said a very familiar voice," hello, i'm The Doctor." The Doctor squinted at his pony counterpart turned human. He resembled his 11th incarnation flawlessly. From the spikey hair to the converse on his feet. "Alright hold on," Sunset Shimmer said," how can you both be The Doctor if neither of you look the same?" "Regeneration," both Doctors replied. "Alright," The Twelfth Doctor said," i'm my thirteenth incarnation. He resembles my eleventh incarnation, uncannily." "How many times can y-" Sunset asked before being cut off by The Twelfth Doctor's groan. "Twelve," The Twelfth Doctor replied," a time lord can regenerate twelve times." "Alright no more questions until later," Clara shouted," sorry. Just, annoyed." The Doctors looked at each other for a few seconds. Before the pony turned human pulled out his silver, cylindrical sonic screwdriver. The Twelfth reached into this pocket and pulled out his sonic sunglasses. "Alright. No sonic measuring either, because all three of us know that you," Clara pointed at The Twelfth," don't use a sonic screwdriver, and you, don't like your Twelfth incarnation's sonic screwdriver because it's bigger." "Right," the pony turned human Doctor said stuffing his sonic screwdriver back in his pocket," best be on my way." The pony turned human Doctor turned around and walked back through the portal. Mere seconds later another Twilight came through the portal, books and other equipment in hand. "Twilight," the other girls shouted in excitement. Except for human Twilight who just seemed very uncomfortable. "Back again," Sunset began," why?" "Well I needed to run tests on Clara to keep an eye on her bodily composition," pony Twilight began," I don't know what kinds of effects the pony atmosphere can do to a human. Let alone large quantities of magic flowing around them at all times." The Doctor's smile evaporated, replaced by a frown once more. "Isn't that great Doctor," Clara asked," your key to understanding magic just walked through a portal." Pony Twilight spun around looking at The Doctor," you were the one peaking through the portal then?" "I wouldn't call it peeking," The Doctor replied," more like investigating." "Well i'd be happy to help you understand magic," pony Twilight said," once we get to a secure place. And not in the cold." The rest of the girls stood up, except human Twilight who stared at the ground. Clara walked over to her and sat next to her, putting one hand on her shoulder. "She'll be a minute," Clara said," you guys go on ahead. I'll keep her company." "Don't stay out to late young lady," The Doctor said a smirk on his face. "Oh shut it i'm old enough not to have a curfew," Clara laughed.