TiM: A Lesson Learned

by Twidashforever

Life Lessons

Carousel Boutique

“Mom!” Ataxia shouted at the top of her lungs.
“Ataxia, not right this second, I’ve gotta get this order finished by tomorrow.”
“Mom, I just want to ask—”
“Ataxia, not now!” Rarity yelled as she rushed to operate another sewing machine. She was half tempted to create the dress for Princess Celestia with her magic and be done with it. She squashed that thought almost immediately. Sure, she could create any clothing she wanted to, but, personally, they would never inspire the same feelings.
Dresses she made by hoof simply radiated in a way that made her take pride in her creations; the dresses she made with magic were prideless. They existed, they were there, but they were different. They almost seemed fake to her.
Rarity saw the difference, even if nopony else did.
As she rushed to get the needle positioned precisely on the dress and press the activation pedal, the machine suddenly spouted three teeth and started chowing down upon the dress. Rarity pushed back in shock as her work was eaten right in front of her. She powered her horn and shot the machine, blasting it to pieces.
“Ataxia!” Rarity yelled out as the turned to her daughter, fuming.
The purple-coated mare with the dark-blue mane was sitting on her flank, glaring at her mother with her horn set aglow by white. “Maybe now you’ll pay attention to me!”
“Go. To. Your. Room.” Rarity said each word through gritted teeth.
“I’m sixteen mom, a legal adult, you can’t make me do shit!”
Rarity did not respond to that. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Shaking her head, she turned around and went to see what happened to the dress. Opening her eyes, she saw the damage that had been inflicted. It was not a total loss, but it might as well have been. It would take her longer to save what she could than it would to just start over.
“Mom!” Ataxia yelled again.
“Ataxia. I’m going to turn around in five seconds. If you’re still there, Celestia help you,” Rarity said through a calm voice that betrayed how she felt right now, more than yelling ever could.
Ataxia’s eyes widened. She expected to be yelled at, to get some bucking attention from her mother. Instead, she got passive aggression; almost like she did not matter enough to even warrant anything else.
“Fine!” Ataxia yelled as she turned around and left.
Rarity closed her eyes and breathed out a sigh of relief. Ataxia was a nuisance on a good day, and this was not a good day. She levitated down another swatch of fabric and opened it up. “Why doesn’t she understand?” Rarity asked herself. Ninety-nine percent of the time, Rarity would drop everything to help her daughter, but the other one percent she simply could not. This was one of those one percent times, as this was an order for Princess Celestia. She had to get it done, and fast.
Sadly, her definition of what was ninety-nine percent of the time didn't exactly match her daughter's.


Ataxia’s stomps echoed all around the house as she fumed over her mother’s actions. She made her way downstairs to go somewhere, anywhere else other than here.
“Hey, are you okay?” Spike asked as he stood behind the counter.
Ataxia didn’t answer him. She simply stormed out of the boutique, blasting the front door to splinters as she left.
“That good, huh?”
Ataxia grunted at her father’s words as she walked out into the streets of Ponyville. There were days—albeit few in number—when Rarity and Ataxia got along great, fantastic even, this... this was not one of those days. As she stormed down the street, her eyes caught sight of the one pony she didn’t really want to see. Well, one of the few she didn’t want to see anyway.
Worse, when one was around another was never that far behind.
Ataxia turned away from the pony and did her best to ignore his presence. Dayspring Gleam had a way of being a condescending, insufferable ass even when he was legitimately trying to help; and to make matters worse, his twin sister, Aurora Flash, never failed to inspire certain feelings in Ataxia.
The mare was simply drop dead gorgeous. Over the years she went from being the cutest filly in Ponyville to the prettiest mare in Ponyville. And it did Ataxia no favors that she just loved her Aunt Rarity to death—or at least the dresses Rarity would make for her.
Ataxia had to clamp her muzzle shut just to prevent herself from drooling at the thought of her. That mare... it was like genetics beat her with the pretty stick. Every subtle rise and dip of her flank, her laugh, and even her beautiful mane, it all added up to make her the desire of almost every pony in Ponyville.
Ataxia gritted her eyes shut and ran past, not wanting to see either of them right now. She HATED Dayspring. Aurora… she could never hate. Even if she did take her brother’s side when he had confronted her.
It had been four years ago since that fight, but it was the first time Ataxia had ever truly considered hurting somepony. Really hurting them. In a way, she was really glad she hadn’t. Immediately afterwards, a little lavender alicorn filly with a rainbow mane flew up to her. She wrapped Ataxia in a great big hug and simply held her, not saying a word.
Shimmering Night and Ataxia soon became the best of friends. It had been wearied becoming friends with a pony eight years younger than herself, but Night grew so quickly you’d almost never tell now. She was amazing, and strangely, she liked Ataxia, a lot.
Ataxia liked her too.
So yes, she was glad she hadn’t hurt Night’s older brother Dayspring; or else it would have prevented Shimmering Night and her from ever becoming friends. Something Ataxia had been in dire need of when Dayspring and Aurora stopped being there for her.
Those thoughts almost caused her to run muzzle first into Princess Twilight's castle. She paused, staring up at the eyesore that was a crystal castle built upon a crystal tree at the edge of a rural town.
“Stupid castle!” She kicked it with all her might. Noting with dismay how it only caused her hoof to hurt.
“I don’t think Twilight would like it if you knocked down her castle.”
Ataxia didn’t even turn around to look at the speaker. She really didn’t want to talk to her dad right now.
“Ataxia, please…”
“Why is this thing even here? It’s fugly and not even used anymore.”
“It’s here because Twilight did something nopony else has ever managed,” Spike said. “You can’t know or feel it, you weren’t there at that time; I was. It’s no longer used anymore because Twilight and Rainbow decided it wasn’t a good place to raise their foals.”
“Oh please, I could whoop Tirek’s flank, no problem.”
“Ataxia, I think we talked about all that bragging and how it doesn’t exactly make you a better pony.” Spike sighed.
“So what? It’s true!” Ataxia snorted.
“My daughter, I think you underestimate the dangers that were around here at that time. Something I hope you’ll never experience. Not now, and not later as a grown mare.”
“Are you saying I’m not grown up‽” Ataxia growled.
“Sadly, I have to say that you still act like a horrible teenager to me and to your mother,” the dragon’s voice was without humor.
“Ataxia, the Terror of Ponyville,” she growled.
“Ataxia, no—”
“Don’t lie dad, I know that’s what they call me.”
He stood up straighter. “Ataxia, look at me.” His voice was a command, one that brokered no argument.
“Why sh—”
“Ataxia, look at me,” he repeated, more forcefully.
Ataxia sighed and turned to look at him. Spike’s pony form was large, easily as big as Big Mac ever was. His purple coat was a match of Twilight's, however, his light-green mane stood out in any crowd. Spike's cutie mark was a scroll in the middle of a green fire. He looked like a pony, and had fathered Ataxia, all thanks to Twilight and her magic.
Given, Twilight, Dayspring, and Rarity could turn him back to his dragon form in case of emergency. In that form, he was a threat few would ever want to face.
Right that second, he was looking down into Ataxia’s face, his eyes were full of love, hope, and disappointment. “Ataxia, you are who you choose to be.”
“You’re saying I chose to be the Terror of Ponyville‽”
“I’m still trying to figure out why.”
That caused her to pause. She looked down at his hooves, ashamed. “I don’t… I don’t want to be.”
“Then why?”
“Why what?” she snapped.
“Then why are you always acting that way? Don’t you realize that ponies will always judge you on your actions? On who you choose to be?” Spike asked.
“Because ponies only pay any attention to me when I do!”
“That’s not true.”
“No, it is! All I ever hear is ‘Ataxia don’t to that, Ataxia stop, Ataxia quit it, Ataxia, Ataxia, Ataxia!’”
“Ataxia, stop!” Spike yelled. He had finally broken through to his daughter, but he was in danger of losing her again.
“And you! You always take her side! You always defend her!”
He didn’t know how the conversation turned to his wife, but he had to put a stop to this. “Do you even realize what you’re saying? We’re your family, we love you!”
“No you don’t,” she mumbled under her breath.
“What?” Spike asked, unsure what she had said.
Ataxia looked up, tears and hatred in her eyes, both in equilibrium. “I SAID YOU DON’T!”
“NO! You always just apologize for me; you always make excuses and make me feel like an outcast. Well, you know what? Screw you both!”
“Do you think it was the same for me? Look at me!” Spike yelled. “Do you think it was easy for me? Everypony just saw the small, cute dragon. Do you know what happened when I was growing up?”
“You got power, respect.”
“Are you bucking kidding me?” Spike asked in total disbelief. “They avoid dragons! Hate them! They’d kick me out! If not for Twilight, Rainbow, and the princesses, I wouldn’t be here right now!” His last words were followed by a growl only a dragon could render.
“It hasn’t changed,” Ataxia said in a neutral tone.
“They’d still hate you.” The venom in her voice was like a dagger plunging into Spike’s heart. “They’d still hunt you, they only don’t because you go around pretending to be a pony. They only accept you because you pretend to be one of them.”
“You know what? It may be indeed better if you just stay out right now,” he snorted before turning around. He hated to say it, but she had hit his nerve quite accurately and severely. “Don’t worry about coming home early today.”
“Like I care. That house was never a home for me.” Ataxia lashed out in tears before walking in the other direction.
Spike turned back, tears falling in his eyes as he saw her walk away. “Ataxia, one day you will understand that your mother and I both love you more than you can ever know. I just fear that day will come far too late.”
“You know what? As it stands now, that day will never come!” Ataxia shouted before running off.
Spike kicked himself for making the situation worse. He had been so close, they had been so close to a real change, and now… now she was as far away as ever. Smooth move, Spike.
He knew raising a foal would be difficult, but he never imagined it would be this difficult.
Ataxia felt even more tears fall as she ran through Ponyville. The town itself had grown over the years. As more and more royalty were born here, it was quickly becoming the new ‘hot spot’ for ponies to move to. Yes, that meant more ponies, but it also meant the town was bigger, essentially giving her more places to hide.
She quickly got lost in the maze of houses, running left and right until she was alone, away from everypony else. There, she fell into a heap on the ground, exhausted, tired, wanting to cry, but refusing to. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of any more tears.
Why's everything my bucking fault‽ Why can’t he see that it’s mom’s fault too‽
Her thoughts plagued her mind, running through all the ways that they still treated her as a foal, how they still apologized for everything she did to almost every pony they met. Briefly, she considered going to go see Night. That thought was shot down with the changing of the sun and moon.
It was nighttime, which meant if she went to the Sparkle household, she was very likely to see Dayspring and Aurora; the former of which she’d buck in the face. Even if she didn’t see either of them, she’d no doubt get a lecture from Princess Twilight about this.
Because of course you’d go right to her and tell her everything. Wouldn’t you, dad?
Ataxia got to her hooves and scowled at nothingness. She had no idea what time it was, but it didn’t matter. The only place she had to go was the one place she didn’t want to be: Home.
She let her hooves carry her, not knowing or caring where she would end up. Her path carried her around several more houses and businesses, she simply walked. One hoof at a time; aimless, directionless; soon, she reached the outskirts of town.
I guess I should go back now…
She had taken enough time to let her parents be worried about her, but still not enough that she would get anything worse than a lecture from her mother. Last time, she was over three hours late and Spike sent a letter to Twilight, who, in response, searched for her, along half of the guards set on night duty. While it had been entertaining for a time, it had caused such an uproar that it wasn’t something she wanted to repeat.
However, before she turned back to town, a new building caught her eye a little further away from town. It wasn’t new-new, but it was just that she had never seen it before. Then again, she hadn’t been this way... wherever this way was, before either.
Well, they can worry just a little bit longer. That thought caused her to grin as she walked up to check out this new sight.
She could hear music coming from it, loud music one might expect from a nightclub. With a smile, she started to trot and then gallop to it. I never knew Ponyville had a nightclub, she thought.
The closer she got, the more she could make out. The night was still relatively young, so they weren’t super busy, yet. The large beefy gray earth pony up front was no doubt the bouncer. He let in a small gaggle of ponies and then turned to see the teenage purple mare run up to him.
“What is this place?” Ataxia asked, a little out of breath.
The bouncer barely paid her any attention. “The El Mirador.”
“How much to get in?” Ataxia asked, peering around him.
He looked at her, his eyes going wide upon the sight of her cutie mark. The three question marks were facing each other. He had heard about this mare, everypony in Ponyville had.
“N-nothing, for you, M-miss Ataxia!” he quickly answered, opening the rope to let her through.
“Smart move,” Ataxia said as she sauntered past him. She smiled as she realized that there were in fact some upsides to her reputation after all.
Maybe there’s something to this...
She had no more time to consider that as the echo of the music grew louder and louder. Within seconds, she felt it vibrating through her bones, causing her thoughts to shake loose, as the music became everything.
The entrance to the club opened up to a sitting area that overlooked a large dance floor. There were a hoofful of dancing ponies, a few more at the bar to the left, and three sitting down, no doubt waiting for their friends to show up.
Ataxia knew that she’d normally never be allowed in here, not for another few years. Even being a legal adult, there were still age restrictions for certain activities, but the bouncer had been smarter than that. When it came to something she wanted to do, Ponyville was quickly learning the damage toll would be a lot less if you just gave her what she wanted.
Terror of Ponyville… It does have a nice ring to it.
As the song came to an end, another quickly took it over. Ataxia glanced left and right, her eyes adjusting to the strobe lights flashing over the dance floor and focused on a the white DJ with a blue mane and purple sunglasses behind the booth. Ataxia grinned as she saw a gray earth pony sitting nearby, her eyes never leaving the DJ.
Well, somepony’s taken.
That thought made her frown. Growing up, Ataxia kinda had a foal-hood crush on Dayspring. But after that bullshit he pulled…
She shook it off; it seemed love was just for other ponies. Besides, terrors don’t get love.
Her mood soured as she made her way to the bar. “Hey, give me a cold one!”
The bartender looked at her. She was a pale grey unicorn with a black mane. Her cutie mark was of two tall glasses. “Aren’t you a little young to be in here?” she asked.
“I think that’s between the bouncer and me,” Ataxia replied dryly.
The bartender huffed, but in the end pulled out a glass and wiped it down before filling it with the beer on tap. She slid it down to the purple mare. Ataxia caught it in her hoof and grinned. “Smart move.”
“It’s too early for this shit,” the mare said before walking to the other side of the bar.
Ataxia nodded in agreement before sipping at the beer. It wasn’t her first; Rainbow had snuck the kids that a few years ago. It was her first on her own though. The beer tasted bitter, flat, but it left her head a little tingly with every sip she took.
She quickly understood the attraction. It wasn’t that one forgot one’s troubles; it’s just that one stopped caring about them when drunk. Ataxia downed half the beer in one go, feeling her extremities tingle and go numb. I could get used to this.
Her permanent scowl became something else as the next song started to play. She felt… good. She felt happy and wanted to dance.
Quickly downing the rest of the beer, she placed the glass back down along with two bits, not knowing or caring if that was enough to pay for it. She walked to the dance floor as the beat overtook her.
With only four other ponies now on the floor, she had a whole section all to herself.
Don’t stop, make it pop, DJ blow my speakers up tonight,
Ataxia started to bust a move, not knowing or caring what she looked like; her back legs kicked out and her front followed suit. She smiled and laughed as she closed her eyes and let the music decide what she would do next.
Imma fight 'til we see the sunlight, TiK ToK, on the clock, but the party don't stop no,
Her smile increased tenfold as she carried herself with the beat. She wanted the music to be louder than it was. She wanted her teeth to vibrate in her skull as she danced to the music.
Her magic responded accordingly. Without conscious thought, her horn started to power up and the music grew in volume, louder, and louder as the magic coursing through her made her will manifest.
Now, the party don't start 'til I walk in,
Louder and louder she got her wish. Ataxia grinned, pouring even more power into her horn, into her spell. Unbeknownst to Ataxia, the DJ was doing her damndest to try and shut it down, to turn the knobs that were going insane off. Nothing she did worked though.
Vinyl even pulled the plug on the station, horrified afterwards due to the fact that it did not shut off. The music increased even louder to Ataxia’s wishes.
Don't stop, make it pop, DJ blow my speakers up tonight,
Her magic might have caused the volume to increase, but they could not save the speakers. At that moment, the main speakers for the club blew out, sparks and loud pops echoing around, causing Ataxia to open her eyes as the music came to a sudden halt.
Everypony around was looking with panic expressions on their faces, not knowing what the hey had just happened.
“Sorry ponies, technical glitch, we’ll get this fixed soon,” Vinyl stated to the crowd.
“Ahh man, it was just getting good,” Ataxia pouted as she turned to go back to the bar.
She didn’t make it though; it wasn’t the angry glares some of the ponies were giving her—the ones that knew her anyway—that stopped her since she was used to those; rather, it was her bladder that stopped her: She needed to pee.
A quick glance around found the restroom. She trotted over, eager to relive herself. The restroom for the stallions was on the right, mares on the left. She half-heartedly joked with herself about using the stallion’s restroom. Just to freak anyone in there out.
In the end, Ataxia went into the mare’s restroom like a good little filly should.
What she heard as soon as she entered, wasn’t something a good filly should hear.
“Mhmm, ah, right there.”
The voice was a moan of pleasure, one that Ataxia had only overheard twice before in her life. Somepony… somepony was…
“Yes, right there! Harder!”
Ataxia didn’t know if it was the excitement, or the alcohol, but she suddenly didn’t have to pee anymore. Her curiosity got the better of her and she snuck up to the large occupied stall. Not wanting to interrupt but more than curious to see for herself what was going on.
The stall itself was a standard design, one that granted more of the illusion of privacy than any actual privacy. The gaps between the doors allowed any pervert that wanted to see in.
Ataxia played the role of that pervert now. What she saw made her jaw drop. There were two ponies in the stall, but based on the noises that didn’t surprise her though. They were both pegasi mares, lilac in coloring. The shorter one had a pale green mane, her eyes unseeable because they were shut as she sat on the toilet, legs spread. The bigger pegasus stood directly between her hind legs, her mane a wild mix of blue and white.
Ataxia knew these ponies. The smaller one with the bow tie on top of her head, currently enjoying her taco being eaten was Flitter, a foalsitter for many different mares in town. The pony currently enjoying said taco was Cloudchaser, a local weather mare.
What was the most shocking, they were both sisters, Twins; as far Ataxia knew anyway.
Neither seemed to care about anything as Cloudchaser was going full steam at Flitter’s box, and the smaller pony loved every second of it. Without intending to, Ataxia’s hoof found its way to her own marehood and she began to furiously rub herself off watching the twins in this ‘uncouth’ bathroom sex act.
“Oh yes, sis, right there!”
“Yeah, give it to her!”
They both stopped. Ataxia looked confused, at first. That was until she realized that Cloudchaser was not the one that said that. She had and—to make matters worse—they had heard her.
Flitter turned around, looking at her sister who nodded. Both walked to the door and opened it, revealing a frozen Ataxia with her hoof still between her hind legs.
“Oh, look what we got here, sis. Some perverted filly,” Cloudchaser giggled.
That caused something to snap in Ataxia. “Hey, I’m not a pervert, I’m a mare.”
“I can definitely see that,” Flitter replied, pointing her hoof at the display between Ataxia’s legs.
The purple mare blushed and put her hoof back down to the floor. It didn’t do her any good, the fur pressed down on her hoof was a dead giveaway to what she had been doing.
“I think she liked watching us, didn’t you?”
“No,” Ataxia said with blushing cheeks before looking away.
“Ahh, she’s so adorable,” Flitter said, walking around Ataxia.
“You say that about everypony,” Cloudchaser replied with a smile.
“But look how cute she is, blushing cheeks, purple coat, dark-blue mane, she looks just like a little filly.”
“I’m not a filly!” Ataxia yelled.
“Obviously,” Cloudchaser said, grinning.
“Besides, aren’t you two the perverts? Having sex with your sister in the bathroom?”
Flitter blushed at that. Cloudchaser only laughed. “So what if we’re related? It’s not like incest is a worry between two mares. We love each other and like to have fun. What’s the harm?”
“I… well… isn’t it wrong?” Ataxia asked.
“Wait, I know her!” Flitter said, getting a good look at the three question marks on her flank, all three were now pointed a different direction from each other. “You’re Ataxia!”
“Yeah, so?” Ataxia asked, brushing her mane away from her face.
“The Terror of Ponyville telling us something is wrong. I never figured you’d be a stickler for societal norms,” Cloudchaser said with a grin.
“I’m not.”
“So then tell me, related or not, what’s wrong with two mares having fun?” Cloudchaser asked.
“Well… I…”
“And if they want to have fun in the bathroom, where they’re not hurting anyone else, what’s wrong with that?”
“Well, I guess…” Ataxia stammered.
“And if they want to invite a cute little mare to join them, is there any harm in that?” Flitter asked.
“Yeah, I guess that’s not… wait… WHAT‽”
“Ahh, she’s adorable,” Flitter said.
Cloudchaser rolled her eyes. “If you want to. We won’t make you, but we are going to finish, with or without you.”
“I… but… I…”
“It’s your first time, isn’t it?” Flitter asked.
“I...I…” Ataxia blushed furiously, but unable to keep her gaze from the siblings.
“Don’t worry, I know how to treat mares right. Ask Cloudy,” Flitter said as she walked right up and plunged her tongue into Ataxia’s mouth.
Ataxia’s eyes went wide. My first kiss!
Cloudchaser watched as her sister rocked the mare’s world. Flitter’s tongue immediately took charge, her experience putting her in the driver’s seat of the little exchange.
Ataxia’s tongue was hesitant but eager. As soon as the initial shock wore off, she started to try and copy what Flitter was doing. It was so strange having something moving in her mouth; it was something living, squirming, another pony.
It felt so slimily, so wiggly, and so… exciting. She lost herself in the kiss, willingly trading saliva with a mare she had just talked to for the first time in her life. It was so strange, so unusual, but so... so right.
Ataxia longed for the touch, her tongue burning as soon as Flitter stopped with her ministrations. To the young mare, it was like she just experienced bliss, something she always missed. And hell, she wanted more of it.
When Flitter pulled back, Ataxia’s muzzle took a few seconds to close. There was a small string of saliva connecting the two that Flitter broke with her hoof when she wiped her muzzle clean. “So, what do you say, Ataxia. You want a piece of our delicious cakes? I guarantee you, there is enough for a third mare,” she grinned.
“Yes,” Ataxia said on impulse, her body demanding more of what she had just experienced. “I’m in.”
“Oh, she’s eager,” Flitter said with a grin to her sister.
Cloudchaser moved up and lightly rubbed Ataxia’s coat with her own. She nibbled on Ataxia’s ear. “Who can blame her? You’re a good kisser.”
“Well, I learn from the best,” Flitter replied as she caught her sister’s muzzle with her own. “Mmhmm, you should kiss her next, you still taste like me.”
Ataxia’s eyes went wide, but before she could make a move or complain at all, Cloudchaser latched to her, sharing the sweet juices of her sister with the young mare.
This time it was Ataxia that pushed her tongue into the other mare’s mouth. The taste was so different than when she kissed Flitter: It was the same base, yes, but the topping, she could only describe it as a mix of fresh morning dew and the sweet taste of strawberries.
She pushed herself deeper and deeper into Cloudchaser’s mouth, seeking to get more of that wonderful taste for herself.
“Wow, look at her go.” Flitter smiled as she watched Ataxia try and mouthfuck her sister with her tongue.
Cloudchaser just let her. Ataxia was new and inexperienced, but the eagerness she displayed was not to be denied. Technique could come later, but for now, she simply let the mare play in her mouth.
Eventually Flitter got tired of watching. She walked over to Ataxia’s flank and cocked her head to get a glance under the mare’s tail. She had seen more than her fair share of nethers in her life, a reality of being a foalsitter meant bathing. Ataxia’s plucked slit was practically winking at her. It wasn’t wet, but she didn’t expect it to be. This was the mare’s first time after all.
Puckering her lips, Flitter blew lightly right across Ataxia’s marehood.
Ataxia gasped and almost shot to the ceiling like a cat. Her rapid movement breaking the kiss between her and Cloudchaser. “Ahh, Flitter, why’d you do that?” Cloudchaser asked.
“Oh, come on, that was fun,” Flitter replied.
Ataxia turned around to face her. “What did… ”
Flitter grinned at the shocked expression on her face. “And that’s just the tip of a very, very large iceberg.”
“What… what do you mean?” Ataxia asked.
“Let’s go back in the stall and we can show you,” Cloudchaser said as she walked by the mare, her tail flipping Ataxia in the face as she did so.
Flitter followed her sister, Ataxia quickly behind them. As soon as they were in the stall, Flitter shut the door and locked it.
“A-are we going to have enough room in here?”
“Mhh, we are going to show you position where we have more than enough room in here,” Cloudchaser cooed, inviting Ataxia with another flick of her tail and the view of her basically dripping marehood.
Ataxia’s eyes went wide. Sure, she had seen marehoods before, her own most of all; her friend with the odd glance, but this was different. Very different. This was one that seemed to be begging for attention, begging to be touched.
“Shall we do her first, or let her have a taste?” Flitter asked.
“I would love to see how eager she could be during her first time.” Cloudchaser winked, lifting her tail slightly more.
Flitter smiled as she gestured to the toilet seat. Cloudchaser grinned as she jumped on it and spread her hind legs wide, revealing her dripping snatch to both set of eyes that were staring at it.
“What… I…” Ataxia stammered.
“Do what feels right,” Flitter said.
She moved in closer, her nostrils feeling with the scent of the very pungent aroma of Cloudchaser’s sex. It looked strange, wet, and yet inviting.
She stuck out her tongue and lightly licked the sides of her slit.
The taste was similar to Flitter’s, but instead of strawberry, it had a hint of blackberry, wilder and stronger in its flavor, something she could get addicted to; she immediately started to lick more and more.
Flitter smiled as she watched her sister get worked over by this inexperienced pony. It was almost comical and cute watching her lick everywhere with no skill or technique to speak of.
Flitter moved up and whispered into Ataxia’s ear. “Slow down, it’s not going anywhere.”
“Let her feel it out,” Cloudchaser said, looking down at the two.
Flitter ignored Cloudchaser. “Lick around the edges, tease the touch, don’t simply grind your tongue like sandpaper.”
Ataxia didn’t respond directly, but she did follow the directions. Unlike some others that she could name, Flitter’s advice came more as a friend’s and less of a lecture. Her tongue followed a small outline of Cloudy’s puckered lips, softly teasing a deeper touch while never fully letting her be.
She was rewarded as more of the tastily liquid came out from between the lips. Cloudchaser’s coo of approval was a reward as well. In addition, Ataxia felt her own desires softly growing in her loins. She felt the need to rub herself, but for now, she let that go.
“Oh, yes, like that,” Cloudchaser moaned softly after the third such pass.
Flitter’s grin grew ear to ear. Ataxia was picking up on this really quickly. “I think you have a knack for eating pussy.”
At that Ataxia pulled up. “Why would I eat a cat?”
Flitter wrapped her hoof around Ataxia’s neck and squeezed her tightly. “You are just too precious.”
Ataxia blushed at that, unsure what she had said that eared such a reaction. “I- um…”
“That right there.” Flitter pointed to her sister’s marehood. “It’s a pussy, marehood, snatch, box, whatever you want to call it .”
“But I’m just licking it?”
She laughed again. “Figure of speech.”
“There’s much more possible than just licking, but don’t worry. We will show you some tricks.” Flitter gently breathed into Ataxia’s ear, followed by a small lick.
Goosebumps traveled up and down Ataxia’s spine. she shivered at the feel, the touch. It hadn’t felt as good as when Cloudchaser blew across her… pussy? But it was still exciting. Everything she was doing, everything they were doing, it all felt that much more exciting to her.
“Now, I think she’s more than ready, you want to sample the main course, or see what I do?” Flitter asked.
“I’m more of a… hooves-on type pony.” Ataxia smiled.
“And so eager,” Flitter replied, nodding back to her sister.
Ataxia moved back down, unsure what she meant but getting the gist. “Okay, this time lick directly between her labia, at the entrance to her pussy.”
“The what now?” Ataxia asked.
“Her labia.”
Cloudchaser asked, “Didn’t they teach you anatomy in school?”
“I-I got kicked out after... blowing it up four years ago, twice.”
The older mares both giggled, and Flitter gently kissed Ataxia before showing her exactly what she meant. “This here is the labia, the outer folds, sensitive spots besides her clit.”
Flitter groaned silently as she pulled up another unknown word. “How about we give you a little anatomy lesson, after all, how can you truly know what to do if you don’t know what it’s called?”
“Umm okay?”
“Cloudy, would you mind spreading with your hooves?”
Cloudchaser nodded and placed her hooves on both side of her marehood, she pulled her lips apart.
“That little bud right there, that’s the clit,” Flitter said, pointing at the little red button that was at the top of her sister’s marehood. “It’s normally hidden under a hood but right now hers is front and center because of your actions.”
“My actions?” Ataxia asked.
“Yeap, you got her excited, so she’s responding as such. The clit is the most sensitive part of a mare’s box. However, you don’t just want to jump to that and start playing with it.”
“Why’s that?” Ataxia asked.
Flitter paused, unsure how to say this. She then glanced up at Ataxia’s horn. “Well, let’s put it like this. When you cast a spell you put your magical energy into it, correct?”
“Well, that’s what Twilight said, but it doesn’t really work that way for me. Whatever I want just kinda... happens.”
That took flitter aback. “Really?”
“Yeah, something about my magic being more based on like, chaos magic, or something. I wasn’t really paying attention.”
“Well then…” Flitter struggled with the right analogy, one the mare might understand. “It’s like a hoof-race. You go the entire time, but at the very end, you sprint to the finish. Saving the clit for last is like saving your energy for that one last sprint.”
“Umm… I’ll take your word on it,” Ataxia stated.
“Good girl. As you can see, Cloudy has her marehood spread just for us. The big puffy cheeks are the vulva, you’ll see that the inner and outer lips are spread open leading to the entrance. That little bit right there is the urethral opening.
“The what?”
“Where you pee from,” Cloudchaser said.
“Ugh, really?”
Flitter grinned. “Hey relax, she’s clean, I licked her myself before you came in.”
“Well, now that the antonymy lesson’s over, get back to it,” Cloudchaser said with a pout.
“Oh hush. So what you want to do is to lick her outer lips. When she get excited enough, they’ll part ever so slightly.“
Ataxia wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but everything she had done so far felt amazing. So she had no reason to doubt them yet.
Her tongue spoke for her. She followed Flitter’s advice to the T. Her tongue licked Cloudchaser’s outer lips until they opened up ever so slightly. “Now lick the inner ones.”
Ataxia did just that, she moved her tongue from the outer lips to the inner ones—thoroughly avoiding the ‘pee hole’ in the process though. It produced the same reaction she got earlier, her tongue tasted more and more of the sister’s juices.
At that point, Cloudchaser stopped spreading her pussy for the mare, there was simply no point. She leaned back and closed her eyes. Ataxia’s eagerness more than made up for any lack of skill; not that her sister’s pointers were lacking.
“Oh, I’d say she’s more than ready, stick your tongue as far in as you can,” Flitter said with a grin as she watched the mare work.
Ataxia didn’t need a second invitation. She plunged her tongue as deep in as it could go, pushing past the resistance of the mare’s walls and to the deep hotness that simply radiated from inside Cloudchaser.
She was rewarded for her efforts with louder moans of pleasure and a fresh supply of the juicy liquid.
Like a foal milking their mother, Ataxia hungrily lapped at the supply of juices. She got as much as she could, but even then she felt some start to coat her muzzle.
Cloudchaser’s coos became moans as she felt the eager young mare work her over. The tongue was like little hands massaging her most sensitive folds of pleasure. She fought back the urge to wiggle and shake her hips, know that it would likely throw the young mare off her game.
Flitter walked past Ataxia and to her sister. She reached down and kissed her on the lips, their tongues meeting each other as the bigger mare kept cooing in pleasure.
Flitter’s hoof reached up and started to play with Cloudchaser’s teats. They had learned over the years the best way to get each other off, and as such Flitters knew that her sister’s nipples were highly sensitive.
“Oh, yes, right there,” Cloudchaser moaned to both, breaking off the kiss as she did so.
“Okay, Ataxia, get ready. When I give the word, latch your lips on her clit and start to suckle it like you would a lollipop.“
Ataxia grunted in acknowledgment as she kept working the silver-maned mare over with her tongue. She was truly enjoying herself more than she thought possible. It was exciting, tasty, and fun. A type of fun that didn’t have anyone yelling at her or that she couldn’t piss anyone off by doing.
Flitter waited for just the right moment: that moment when her sister looked just about on the very edge of pleasure. “Now, suck that clit!”
Ataxia pulled her tongue out and latched onto the clit with her lips. She wasn’t exactly sure what she should do, so she simply followed the helpful advice Flitter gave her and treated it like a lollipop. She wrapped her lips around it and licked with her tongue, soaking it nice and wet, and then started to suckle.
Cloudchaser immediately cried out in bliss, the feeling burning from her marehood through her nerves until reaching her brain and putting everything to stop she wanted to think of. At this moment, she was nothing but a sensual, breathing, and moaning toy for the young mare to test herself out.
So as not to make too much noise, her second cry was caught by Flitter’s mouth. Her sister’s lips latched around hers, quickly followed by an inserted tongue as her hoof kept playing with Cloud’s teats, pushing the mare even further into a deeper orgasmic bliss, one she could not escape from, and one she didn’t want to escape from.
Ataxia in the meanwhile enjoyed more and more of Cloudchaser’s juices, until she felt the mare tremble and scream into Flitter’s muzzle. What came next, she didn’t know, and nopony had time to warn her. She released for a second to ask if everything was right, as the first spurt of Cloudchaser’s cum hit her straight on the face. As soon as she blinked her surprise away, she latched onto the orgasming pussy, sending the second and third spurt right into her waiting mouth.
She rolled the pure taste over her tongue, letting her taste buds wash over with it, and received another—yet much smaller—batch of juices directly on her muzzle.
The young mare quickly opened her mouth to try and catch anymore directly on her tongue; but sadly it was all over, at least that part was. When it became obvious there would be no more of the tasty liquid that would shoot out, her muzzle shot back to Cloud’s box and started to lick it clean. This time she simply let her tongue go wherever the taste was, not caring about where it licked.
Ataxia only stopped when she felt a hoof upon her shoulder, she pulled back, confused. “What—”
Flitter’s mouth cut her off, the experienced mare stuck her tongue back in Ataxia’s muzzle, licking her mouth clean of all the juices she could find, then she pulled back and started to clean the sides and below her muzzle.
“It’s rude not to share,” Cloudchaser said as she saw the look of confusion on Ataxia’s face.
“What was that?”
“That’s what happens when you make a mare cum. You can’t tell me you’ve never had that good feeling before when you rub yourself.”
“I have, but it’s never been like that,” Ataxia replied, blushing as Flitter kept giving her a ‘tongue bath’. Not that she wasn’t enjoying it.
“Let’s see what you’re like then,” Cloudchaser replied, jumping off the toilet and offering it to Ataxia.
Flitter pulled back, licking her lips clean. “Oh, I call first dibs.”
Cloudchaser kissed her. “Anything for my Flitter.”
“So I just…” Ataxia looked unsure.
“Only if you want to, but I can promise you it’ll be an experience you’ll remember for the rest of your life,” Cloudchaser said.
“Sis, we’re going to ruin her for stallions everywhere,” Flitter replied with a chuckle.
“Sounds like their problem.”
Ataxia laughed at that as she jumped up and assumed the same position Cloudchaser had. She suddenly felt something she had not felt in quite some time: self-conscious. The reality of the situation hit her at that moment: She was in the bathroom at a club she had never been in before, willingly exposing her hindquarters to two mares she did not know.
“You ready?” Flitter asked.
Ataxia’s thoughts turned to how others might view this. She thought of the disappointed look that Twilight would give her, the scowl of disgust from Dayspring and Aurora, and even the bitter-pill look that was quickly becoming her dad’s primary facial expression.
And then she thought of the look of utter horror Rarity would have.
“Let’s do this!” Ataxia replied, giddy with anticipation.
Flitter licked her lips in anticipation as she came closer, breathing in Ataxia’s scent for the first time. She was definitely aroused at her concentrated scent—something that made her only more determined to show the young mare a good time. As if on command, Ataxia moved her tail out of the way and gave Flitter a perfect view of her marehood.
There were a lot of advantages to youth, being new to everything, learning everything with a multitude of energy to try and experiment. However, nothing compares to good old-fashioned know-how. Flitter was a pro, an expert one might say. At about forty, she had a plethora of experience to draw from on all the right ways to treat a mare.
Flitter knew exactly how she could drive the young mare wild, so she started with small kisses as she leaned in. Her sister, in the meantime, peppered her neck and coat with kisses, only increasing all feelings tenfold.
As soon as the first lick, the first touch, the first breath touched Ataxia’s marehood, the mare was in ecstasy. She felt her body go stiff with desire, butterflies sprouted wings and flew around in her chest. She felt as light as air and heavier than Tom all at the same time. Something that was only settled when Cloudchaser began kissing her neck and chest, the mare’s licks and touches forming a perfect counterpoint to her sister’s ministrations.
Flitter couldn’t decide which she liked more: The taste of the virgin mare or the way she wiggled and moaned under her tongue. Then she realized one fundamental truth: If you don’t have to choose, why choose at all?
 Flitter continued to lick the purple mare’s vulva—going around and around Ataxia’s slit—with her expert tongue. She repeated the same actions that Ataxia had used on her sister, this time with a much more experienced hoof.
Ataxia cried out in bliss, her voice echoing around the bathroom and back at the two. Cloudchaser just giggled, knowing that this might get them in trouble if she didn’t keep it down, and yet, at that moment, she just didn’t care. This was Ataxia’s first time, so why couldn’t she be as loud as the hell she wants and voice her enjoyment.
Ataxia was lost. She was lost in the double touch of Flitter and Cloudchaser. The experienced sisters went to town on her, building her up slowly in a way she had never managed with a hoof, showerhead, or pillow.
Flitter moved in towards to Ataxia’s outer lips. She suckled on the right side, biting lightly as she tested the mare with just a very, very small amount of pain.
Ataxia grunted her appreciation. She had no clue what had happened but knowing without a doubt she wanted more. More was exactly what Flitter gave her. She licked and suckled on both sets of the mare’s outer lips, teasing them open with her actions and the mare’s own bodily reactions.
“I think she’s enjoying it,” Cloudchaser said with a smile as the saw the look of utter bliss on Ataxia’s face. With a grin, she moved down and started to lightly suckle on the mare’s right teat, then her left.
Neither nipple was sticking out, but she didn’t expect them too. Ataxia’s body was very unused to these activities and while she was a quick learner, some things just took time to get used to.
Flitter moved from the outer lips to the inner ones. Her eyes laser focused on the mare’s clitoral hood. She could see the small, red bulb starting to make an appearance, but only just. Flitter wanted it; she wanted to see Ataxia cum like she never had in her short life.
After all, this was her first time, and what better treat than to make your first time world shattering.
Ataxia felt herself sliding down the seat, her body completely giving into the feelings the two sisters were causing in her. Her nethers had never felt hotter, or more satisfied in her life. Had she had the wherewithal to open her eyes, she would have seen an expert mare at work eating her out.
Sadly, eye control was the least of her concern. She simply wanted whatever they were doing to continue, to keep going. Her entire body was focused only on the pleasure the two sisters were causing her to experience.
Flitter smiled softly as she felt the young mare giving in more and more, bathing in pure feelings of bliss. She was determined to increase those feelings tenfold, starting to lightly rub the area between Ataxia’s labia with her tongue, always teasing with a short entrance, but not quite doing so.
She waited until Ataxia whimpered; then she gently pushed her tongue in, letting it get squeezes by the young mare’s contracting walls, determined to not let the pleasuring intruder go soon.
The virgin walls of the young mare’s snatch grasped on and didn’t want to let her go. Flitter chuckled at that, she had no intention of going anywhere, not yet anyway. She forced her tongue further and further into the mare, licking her innermost walls with all the skill she had.
Ataxia found her eye control when Flitter’s tongue found her g-spot. Right before the mare could scream, Cloudchaser’s mouth latched around hers. Ataxia felt herself tense and relax, her pussy responding in kind as she sought to milk the faux phallus that was still plunging into her box.
Flitter felt it too, but she had no intention of stopping. Rather, she increased her ministrations, licking and licking even more of everything she could reach.
When her eyes closed, Ataxia expect it to be over, and she expected both twin’s to pull back and let Flitter hop on the set. What she got was even better.
Cloudchaser moved between Ataxia’s lower legs, with a few kisses on her inner thighs she signaled her intent to take over to her sister. Flitter moaned in disapproval as she saw that her goal had finally been achieved: Ataxia’s clitoral hood had finally pulled back, revealing the little red button in all its glory.
However, as soon as Cloudchaser attacked Ataxia’s little bud, Flitter grinned and continued sticking her tongue back in as deep as she could and earning a wink of approval as the siblings started to teamfuck Ataxia. It took some work on both of their parts, with Cloudchaser moving up, Flitter down, each coming at it from a different angle in order to optimize the space they had.
Even with Ataxia’s last orgasm only ten seconds old, Flitter knew the inexperienced mare would not last long to both of their tongues going at it, especially not with Cloudchaser’s skill at manipulating the clit; the mare was like a gift from Celestia when it came to that little bit of fun.
With haste, she withdrew her tongue and did something Ataxia never expected, she stuck her feathers from her left wing as deep into the mare as she could, all in one go.
Ataxia couldn’t do anything but moan in bliss at the new feeling. The feathers felt so soft, yet strong as they tickled and pleased her insides, hitting every nerve she had, even some she didn’t even know of. Her hoof was nothing compared to it, just like the tongue, but she had to admit that wings felt a hundred times better.
Flitter grinned at the reaction and acted in kind as the young mare bucked back, trying to get more of the feathery appendage into her gaping pussy. The pegasus inverted her wing slightly, just like Cloudchaser would like it, and gently pushed it deeper, striking over the most sensitive nerves.
Cloudchaser saw it coming before it even happened. She had first-hoof expertise with what Flitter liked to do and when she liked to do it. Knowing the end would soon be there, she ran her teeth right across the head of Ataxia’s clit and then licked it off when the feather made entry.
“OH BUCK YES!” Ataxia shouted in a voice that would echo all around the club as she came. Her walls tensed and relaxed, squishing the feather inside of her and bending it at angles that would make it worthless for flying. Her front hoof reached up and slammed itself against the wall of the stall as she came like she had never imagined in her life.
The mare cried out in pure, unadulterated pleasure as the sister’s extended her orgasm for as long as they could. She had never, never, never imagined it would feel like this, that it could be this good. Heck, she had never imagined anything could feel this good. It was as if every nerve ending in her body lit up like a Heart’s Warming Eve tree.
After a few moments or a hundred years, Ataxia wasn’t sure which, the pleasure started to fade. She opened her eyes to find herself practically lying upon the toilet seat. She felt sweaty, filthy, and perfectly satisfied. Her entire body felt used and abused, and yet, if she had to pick one word, just one to describe this, it would be perfect.
Gone were the worries about what others thought, she simply didn’t care anymore. She was content, happy, and satisfied.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Flitter asked with a grin.
Ataxia managed to raise her head. “You could say that again. Wait… why, did I not cum?” Her eyes saw that neither sister was covered in her juices, not like she had been Cloud’s.
“You did?” Flitter answered hesitantly.
“Then why aren’t you two soaked in… in my juices?”
Flitter chuckled as she nuzzled the mare, “Not all mares cum like that, well, they can, but not all will. There’s a lot of factors that go into play, hydration, how comfortable you are, and even your partner can all make a difference.”
“I… I don’t—”
“What’s going on in here!” A mare shouted from the entrance to the bathroom.
Flitter rolled her eyes. That was the sign of the party being over. Well, not over, having to relocate.
“Nothing, we’re leaving.” Cloudchaser replied.
“I’ll get rid of them,” Ataxia said with a growl as she moved to her hooves, only to find them rather shaky.
“No need for that, we don’t want to get banned from the club after all,” Flitter replied. “Let’s just take this someplace more comfortable, like home.”
The word home rang in Ataxia’s head as she found her sea legs. She looked up to the clock on the wall and let out a loud sigh. “I should really get back tonight.”
“Really?” Flitter looked surprised.
“Really,” Ataxia sighed sadly, “Last time I was out this late they kinda got the royal guards looking for me.”
Cloudchaser raised an eyebrow, but then smiled. “Flitter, write our address down,” she said before leaning in and kissing Ataxia. “You come to our home tomorrow night, and we’ll show you some more things that will rock your world.”
Ataxia looked excited at that prospect as Flitter left the stall to grab a paper towel to write on. “What are you going to show me next?”
“Oh, that’s for tomorrow, if you’re up for it that is,” Cloudchaser replied with a wink.
“You can count me in.” Ataxia grinned.
Flitter came back with the paper towel and an address on it. Ataxia levitated the note up to her and read it real quick. What she saw written on it wasn’t just directions, but a little taste of what else they wanted to do with her. Blushing, she teleported the note to a pocket dimension that she kept everything she wanted private in—or what she didn’t want to get caught stealing.
“Well then, see you tomorrow, cutie?” Flitter asked as she winked at Ataxia one more time.
“You can bet on it!” Ataxia said with a shit-eating grin as she watched the two mares saunter out of the bathroom. When they were gone she looked up at the clock again. “Assuming mom doesn’t kill me that is. Then again…”
Her smile became wicked, very wicked indeed.


Rarity found herself at a whole new level of pissed off as she paced back and forth in the bottom floor of the boutique. Spike had—quite wisely—let her be, using the excuse that he’d talk to Twilight and try and find their daughter’s whereabouts. They both knew that was simply his go-to excuse for getting the hell away from her when she was this mad.
Ataxia would come back that much they knew for sure; the only question was when would she come back.
Her ears perked up and her head cocked to the entrance when she heard the doorbell chime as the door opened and shut. She saw her then, Ataxia, saunter on in and head upstairs like she hadn’t cost Rarity five hours of work, ran out all day, worried her father to death, yelled at him, and then been two hours late getting home.
“Where do you think you’re going, young lady!” Rarity yelled.
“Umm, to my room? Duh.” Ataxia replied with a roll of her eyes.
“Ataxia! COME BACK RIGHT… WHAT is this?” Rarity stopped in her yelling just as Ataxia climbed the first step, her back towards her mother. “What DID YOU DO‽”
Ataxia looked back at her, puzzled, that was until her mind put two and two together. Her mom was looking right at her soaked rear. Ataxia grinned, maliciously. “Oh that? Yeah, I just had a three-way with two sisters in a nightclub’s bathroom.”
“WHAT‽” Rarity yelled. “Please tell me you’re joking!”
“Twins they were,” Ataxia added as she trotted up the stairs with a smug sense of self-satisfaction.
Rarity fell down on her flank. She wanted to believe that her daughter had lied that she was just making lies up.
“Oh, and mom, they can eat pussy, I’ll tell you that much,” Ataxia added as she got to the top of the stairs.
“Y-Y-Y-You’re grounded!” Rarity yelled in a voice that carried over half of Ponyville.
“I don’t think so!” Ataxia said. “In fact, we’re getting together again.”
Rarity’s face went from white, to green, to blue as she looked like she was about to faint. “SPIKE! Come here right now!” she yelled quickly, before realizing that he wasn’t there and she had to deal with Ataxia alone. “Dear Celestia, please help me before I kill this child,” she mumbled, just to see Ataxia quickly sprint the last stairs up to her room.
Her mom’s cries of anguish were like music to the ears. A large part of her felt bad about making her hurt so, and yet there was a sense of self-satisfaction in having done so. In having finally found a way to get her mother’s full and undivided attention.
Ataxia opened her door, went into her room, closed it, and locked it with a spell only three ponies had any hope of breaking. Before she jumped on her bed, she could feel her soaked nethers the entire way home, but she found that she just didn’t care, not in the slightest. Those memories just brought back those feelings, and those feelings were amazing. Of course she had heard about sex before, but now that she had experienced it, well, words had nothing on that.
With a smile, she almost considered clopping before she fell asleep. In the end, she decided against it, not that she couldn’t if she wanted to, but because she was already perfectly satisfied. Flitter and Cloudchaser had seen to that, and her mom’s reactions, well, they were just the cherry on top of a rather delicious sundae.
A sundae that she just knew she’d enjoy again tomorrow. After all, when you’re the Terror of Ponyville, who’s going to stop you?