//------------------------------// // ACT 3.5 PART 3: Fandom Fighter & Black Arm vs Lord Royal Highness(L.R.H.) & Aqualad // Story: The Great Fandom Man! // by Jake Witt //------------------------------// It had to be done. I told myself. An eight person fight would be a disaster to write in a diary! I'm calling it, "The Great Fandom Fighter"! It will be adventure, slice of life, no clop... or generally random with interesting tidbits here and there. Just as music began to play, my attention was drawn to a meteor destroying planets as my Alien X created a new world out of their remains, a heavy cloud layer blocking the sun as my orb of torpedo turned the cloud layer into a round arena, displaying the spikes and lava world below the clouds. The venomous voice of Princess Daisy and sweet tones of Princess Peach declared in sync, "FOR A FAIR FIGHT, MAJOR TRANSFORMATIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED. IF YOU SO MUCH AS CHANGE YOUR WHOLE SHAPE TO ADAPT TO YOUR FOE, THEN YOU ARE... BYE BYE." L.R.H. wore a blue jersey that matched Aqualad's sudden basket baller uniform... he held a rocket launcher behind him for some reason. Lord gawked at the weapon, taking out a tank from nowhere, "HA! Mine is bigger!~" Black Arm- Shadow and Eevee Mon in a fused form -got in a battle stance, she smirked as the red in her dark navy blue fur began to glow. "I don't care what size it is," she stated, "because you won't enjoy where I'll put those canons!" Their confident looks faltered a bit as I gulped, getting up from the cloud I sat on. Looking between me and Black Arm, we both wore matching... pink... socks... What?! staring at myself further, I found that my armor is the same, except it has been reduced in a way that my sock protected my shins and my gloves protected my forearms, but my stomach was unprotected. Heck, paint a big red target on me and wish you weren't in the front row! My shoulders were bare as well and luckily, my short leg armor kept my knees from failing. ...What is up with the universe?! I shifted my focus to the ball of ice cream... Screw this. "Magic!" My secondary color turned orange as I charged in potential energy in the air around and between my hands. "Hadoken!" I pushed my hands forward, firing a large ball of magic enhanced ki from my palms. It turned the ice cream into a million... combs...? Before nearly killing L.R.H., who replaced his tank for a mech suit that Black Arm disabled after she tossed a limp Aqualad to the side. "Chaos Control!" Metal flew everywhere, but the King wasn't himself for he was a decoy designed to send the Aqualad decoy to self destruct! From behind a cloud shrub, Aqualad looked to the short Lord, "...and why do you have a fake me?" "I hired a seer, who gave me this little tidbit. Nothing much. He risked his life to save the oldest living bubble," his face shifted to something dark. "Before that damn timelord popped it. Seriously! You'd think the brown pony would drown or something-" "BLUE TEAM RETURN TO THE ARENA! YOU HAVE THREE SECONDS!" We turned to see two red number 7's sticking out like a sore thumb, luckily I still have my force powers, which allowed me to pull them faster than Scorpion and Sub Zero. "Zoro, activate my buffers." "Ready." "Time... Out!" I called, freezing time... with a catch. I have to hop on one foot to keep time frozen while holding a one minute window. Drop my foot and it will end early and I'll have to wait a full day for it to be available. I thought it would be easy, but turned out somebody tied my laces together... why do my boots have laces?! I fell on my face and felt a large weight painfully land on me. Mr. Highness looked up at Aqualad, "She can freeze time! I knew it!" "How?!" Aqualad questioned. "She stooped my heart~!" "Fire!" My armor turned red as I cooked them off me, swinging my fist as I got up just as fast. "Normal. Power. El Tigre fist!" My hands felt numb and claws extended from my fingers. My hand felt heavy so I stopped swinging, letting it drop to the ground. Connecting my wrist to my arm was a limitless chain of a magical, unknown metal... probably titanium. I retracted my fist before swinging it again with a little bit of chain showing as I ran up and shouted, "Falcon Punch!" My fist glowed orange with a touch of green as it homed in on Aqualad before I changed my attributes to ice and speed, making my winging fist a mobile iceberg! It rounded back around to Aqualad before melting by L.R.H.'s heat ray. My burning fist returned to my arm as both hands returned to normal and began burning. Luckily my ice setting was switched to water, dousing the flames. Black Arm hopped onto my shoulders and I remembered my constant role, lowering myself to launch her in the air as we both jumped. She got into the air, her fists created and tossed razor leaves to distract the king as I came in for a close contact summon. "Open the Gate of the Archer! Sagittarius!" I shouted, taking out one of my Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. Instead of a man in a horse costume I got a troll in a Bulk Biceps costume. He gave a dramatic pose, holding a broken bow and wearing a quiver for arrows. "My name is Equius Zahhak!" He said in a deep voice. He wore a black muscle shirt and broken shades and he made a puddle of sweat on the ground. "Punch him!" I shouted as fast as I could. L.R.H. was stunned for a moment, before to guy poked him hard enough for the king's glass to crack and send him flying. "Are you sure? I gave him a light poke. Punching the guy would be... deadly." "Um... Can you fire arrows and poke him out of the arena?" He wiped the endless sweat with a hankie, giving an almost complete wide smile... I don't want to know how he lost teeth so I let him go... smash or something. He leaped towards Lord Royal Highness, grabbing him by the leg with a loud crack and flinging him out of sight. "LORD ROYAL HIGHNESS HAS BEEN ELIMINATED. EQUIUS IS NOW BANNED FROM FUTURE SHOWDOWNS AND RED TEAM RECEIVES A ONE PERSON PENALTY. NOTION NULLED. ...BLUE PERSON RECOVERED." Alien X turned its huge head towards the horizon where a rainbow ripple summoned a large figure... Equius said something about a "fish man" before returning to his plain of existence. Landing, creating a hole in the cloud layer, but not falling, was a flying armored King Triton... without his large fork. "How. Dare. He?!" He flew up at me with a powerful uppercut, making me stumble back with a healing spell to recover my possible broken jaw that cracked back into place with greater pain than the punch. "KING TRITON GAINES SUPER STRENGTH BUFFER FOR HIS TROUBLES AND YOUR UNFAIR SUMMON." "Are you f***ing kidding me?!" Black Arm shouted. "NO. PROFANITY PENALTY AND THE FIGHT WILL CONTINUE." Black Arm began to burn as Shadow was forced back in my systems and Eevee Mon was returned to normal, but with pain all over. She clutched her chest before reverting back to an Eevee. "Kara, I don't feel so hot..." "Can you fight?" I asked, trying to find Aqualad as I kept my distance from a tired Triton. "N-nothing physical. Espeon and Umbreon type stuff and maybe some far range electric..." she whispered back, growing and wincing. "Great to know!" Aqualad shouted. I turned from Eevee for a moment before her scream brought me back. "Lord wanted me to 'throw the book' at you. 'Teach you a lesson'... and stuff." He said, holding a book with a face. "EEVEE HAS BEEN ELIMINATED AND AQUALAD IS DISQUALIFIED FOR BRINGING NECROMANCY AND WEAPONIZED SOCKS TO THE FIELD. THIS IS A FIGHT, NOT A DEATH BATTLE!" As soon as Alien X said that, he fell limp like a puppet with cut strings. "Weaponized socks...?" He pointed to King Triton, who closed the distance, holding two long blades that had blue and white stripes. "...This might be uncharacteristically brutal." "I am King Triton, son of either Poseidon and Pisces or Neptune and Aquarius! Either way, I'm not playing games!" He rose his blades above his head, swinging them in an X towards me. Before they could reach... "PINKFLUFFYUNICORNSDANCINGONRAINBOWS~!!!" I forced sang. My armor shifted into different colors before returning to normal, firing rainbowfied Flufflepuff unicorns from my ultimatrix, my right arm moved in front of me to allow the attack. He tried to reorient himself, but couldn't due to his instincts telling him he was supposed to fall... or something. I activated my duel disk, placing my Lego form's card onto the card slot. She was a simple Lego figurine half my size with a jumpsuit and a red ponytail. "Hello~!" "Build a spaceship, like, now!" "Aye aye, Captain!" she saluted, turning the clouds around her into Lego bricks and forming a cage around King Triton with impossible speed before creating what was supposed to be the rockets. "Light 'em up! Up! Up! He's on fi-ahhh~!" I aimed my finger, pointing as the rocket. "Firaga!" A fireball flew over, lighting the rocket on fire. As soon as King Triton freed and righted himself, the rocket pieces pushed him a little bit back, out of the arena. "Was that all?" "ULTIMA!!!" I charged and fired spectacular waves of golden magic with rainbow colors here and there, pushing him a good distance and actually damaging him. I felt tired as my armor sparked and... fell off? I was on my knee in my usual red t-shirt and jeans, but they too were altered by the Xiaolin Showdown... again, for unknown reasons. "Z...Zoro?" "You are currently unfit to fight. You've drained nearly all of your magic reserves and the armor has been placed in the inventory for repairs. I would suggest transforming, but we have the weight of our peace treaty agreement on our shoulders." "...He's not moving? What the-" "He's out cold! Hurry, place your weight on him before he wakes up." "Are you calling me fat?" "He's not, but I enjoy your fat areas." "Nobody asked you, Shadow!" I simply crawled up to him, climbing until I sat on his chest. I watched as the numbers above our heads counted up. I was at a lime green 4 when Triton began to stir, looking up at his red 8. "You think you will win?" he asked, pushing me up. As I fell, I poked his side, "Thunderbolt." Lightning fell to the sky, striking up both and adding a paralyze debuff to our active stats. "Clever... girl..." The world around us became a bright white as Alien X boomed, "RED TEAM WINS! THE PEACE TREATY WILL COMMENCE IN REAL TIME WITHIN AN HOUR OF CONTROLLED TIME." My head began to feel numb, my last words before collapsing... "Under da sea~..."