Daring Danger Dash

by Omen

Daring Do and the Morally Questionable Work Environment

"Say, Daring... You never told me why you changed your name!" Dash shouted towards her sister as she felt a gust of wind rush past her face, created by a grey skinned hand that had tried to hit her.

"Is this really the time for this?" the golden furred mare snapped back while dodging a rock flung at her.

Dash thought for a second while twisting the hoof of a cultist behind his back and slamming him face-first into the cold sandstone floor of the temple. "S'pose not, but I still wanna know! I mean, it's about time!" She turned around and bucked another in the chest, sending him flying. "We've been doing this for over two months now. Kinda feel like it's time for you to spill the beans!"

"Curse you, Danger Dash!" Ahuizotl howled as he pulled two malevolent looking black polished weapons out of a duffle bag. Dash and her sister dove towards each other, hiding behind a pillar that was getting pelted with bullets a moment later.

"Come on! Just spill it already!" Dash yelled over the excessive gunfire. "And while we're on the subject of names, why'd you introduce me to him as "Danger Dash"? Not that I don't like it, Danger is my middle name, but it's not like it was necessary!"

"I shall end you both!"

"The less he knows about you, the better! And on top of that, if he keeps calling you "Rainbow Dash" I'd have trouble getting into the right mindset for my stories." She rolled her hoof in the air. "It's... sort of an egghead thing."

"Well okay!" Dash carefully leaned around the corner only to pull back her head a moment later. "You never mentioned him having machine guns in any story. Or really out of place looking duffle bags."

Daring sighed and took a sip from her canteen. "We had a little incident a while back where I almost stuck an arrow in his butt. Guess he upped his own equipment a little after that." She listened to the continuing gunfire. "Okay, here's the plan. Soon as he reloads, I'm gonna jump out, and when he focuses on me, you're gonna dash over there and snatch the amulet of Smartland from him!" She peered around the corner, but then turned back when her sister didn't reply. "What's the deal? You got it or not?"

Dash was wiggling her eyebrow at Daring do. "So I'm supposed to Dash over there?" She snorted in a stifled laugh. Daring rolled her eyes.

"Hardy har har. Now get your head back in the game!" The gunfire ceased, followed by a few sharp clicks. Daring jumped out of her hiding place to face her adversary. At the same time, Ahuizotl lifted his tail hand over his back. The heroine's eyes grew wide as she saw the third machine gun, prepped and ready in his grasp.

The very moment gunfire once again rattled, Daring made herslef as small as possible behind her pith helmet. Bullets struck it and a few of them grazed her wings and shoulders, but none hit anything vital. Then the fire broke off. With a fierce battlecry, Dash lunged at Ahuizotl who had clutched the amulet of Smartland tightly. The massive creature toppled over with a surprised yelp and the amulet flew from his grasp and into Daring's waiting hooves.

"No! You will not get away this time!" the villain howled in rage, but when his fist struck where Rainbow Dash had been just a few moments ago, all he hit was empty air and sandstone that shattered under the force of his punch. Dash gently flapped over to her sister who was giving Ahuizotal a soft smile.

"Thanks so much for the amulet, darling. You didn't have to get me anything though. I wouldn't want to trouble you."

Ahuizotl looked at his empty hand, then the amulet Daring slid around her neck with lidded eyes. For a moment his face turned red and his teeth gnashed so hard that they could've broken off. But just as soon as he had broken into his fit, he snapped out of it, smoothing his fur with one grey paw. "But of course, dearest miss Do. You'll just have to give me something in return." He grinned slightly, shifting in place. "How about that water drake egg you took from me?"

"Maybe another time," Daring said, blowing him a kiss, then flapped her wings and took off almost vertically, escaping through the open top of the temple pyramid. She heard gunfire and felt a few bullets graze her leg, but again, no actual damage was inflicted. Of course there was a chance that Ahuizotal had hit Dash, so Daring quickly checked her surroundings. Looking around, she found her sister right behind her. She frowned. Dash was usually two flaps ahead of her. She slowed down to let her sister catch up as they weaved through the tight branches of the jungle canopy and into the clouded sky. "Something wrong? Did he hit you anywhere?"

"'Course not!" Dash scoffed. She batted Darings hoof away as her concerned sister tried to examine her for wounds. "Let it go, I was just thinking about something."

"I get the feeling you're upset."

"Not upset, just confused. It's..." Dash rubbed her leg with a hoof. "You see it's kinda a touchy subject."

"Come on, sis, spit it out!" Daring heartily patted Dash on the back.

"Okay, okay, fine!" Dash growled. Then she fell silent. Her face scrunched up as she tried to find a way to ask her sister the question burning on her mind without making things awkward. "So... Do you have a thing for Ahuizotl?"

Awkward central just became located somewhere in the desolate airspace above the jungle. Darings jaw dropped, and so did the rest of her body as she momentarily forgot to flap her wings. "What?" she yelled a moment later. "Are you crazy? No way!"

"Huh. Okay." Dash shrugged lightly. "Because it kinda sounded like you two were flirting. I was wondering what that tension was I felt when he showed up, but I figured it was just the imminent danger of getting killed."

Daring remained silent for a moment. Then she said, "Well, maybe we were flirting. Just a bit."

Dash promptly forgot to flap her wings and dropped a few meters before rising back up again. "What? Seriously? But why? He's your enemy for pony's sake, and he tried to kill you at least twenty times now!"

"Well, things get kinda lonely if you live in the jungle for sixteen years. So I guess we kinda cling to each other to stay sane." Daring didn't look her sister in the eye. Yet another aspect of Daring Do she forgot to mention in her books. The hero was lonely. Yeah, that would make for a stupid hero.

"That's... really morally questionable. I mean, you're dating the guy who tries to kill your sister!" Dash exclaimed, gesticulating wildly.

"We're not dating!"

"It would make for a good title though," Dash continued on, lost in thought. "Daring Do and the Date, or maybe, Dating Do and the handsome villain!"

Dairng pulled her pith helmet down a bit as she felt her face flush. "Yeah well," she mouthed quietly, "It's the way things are for me."

"Well you don't need him anymore. After all, I'm here now!"

Daring looked at her sister in disbelief, only to get back a cocky grin. "Seriously? So you find it morally questionable that I flirt with my enemy, and in stead suggest I flirt with my sister? Not happening."

"C'mon, I'm hot stuff!" Dash slung her forelegs around her sister neck to nuzzle her right behind the ear. "I mean, I'd Do me," she whispered teasingly, her warm breath brushing against Daring's fur.

"Get off!" Daring quickly pushed Dash away, her face now bright red. "It's not funny, Dash!"

"Aww, why not?" Dash grinned with her forelegs on her hips. "You jump into a nest of vipers but a little teasing gets you all bent out of shape?"

"Well I'm not actually realted to the vipers, nor do they imply to do anything improper with my own sister, for pony's sake!" Daring glared.

Dash pulled a hoof up to her mouth to hide the massive grin spreading on her lips. "So let me get this straight..."

"No!" Daring shot forwards clomping a hoof onto Dash's mouth. "No more jokes, teasing, or suggestive implications from you, please! I've really had it with you for this particular adventure!"

Dash just pushed daring away as though she were some little filly. Daring knew that her sister worked out like a madmare, but still, she should't be able to just overpower her so casually. "Oh, fine. I'll stop teasing you. For now!" She said with a wink and dove off into the sky. "I'm heading back home, aight?"

"Roger that, Dashie," Daring sighed. "Are we still up for the southern border investigation next month?"

"Wouldn't miss it!" Dash yelled back before she disappeared, leaving a colourful contrail in her wake.

Daring's happy expression dropped as soon as her sister was out of sight. Dash's behaviour had changed significantly around her. She was no longer shy or reserved in light of her sister's misdeeds. She looked down at the heavy gold and jade amulet around her neck. It was supposed to be able to absorb any magic thrown at it. "That'll come in handy," she murmured. After the next adventure, she would have to tell Rainbow Dash. About their family legacy and the Order of Knights.