//------------------------------// // Sisterly bonding, next Digivolution! // Story: Digimon Crusaders! Digital invaders // by Klonoahedgehog //------------------------------// Opening theme One night in a dark alley of Ponyville there a poster of an event falling on the street "Sisterhood social" it said written on it. Just then a faint glow could be seen on the ground. "fwoooom!" A couple of hoove like apendages materialize through a portal. The next day "Authorities are still trying to determine what the giant birds seen over the evergreen mountains." Scootaloo smirks as the news report continues. "Your famous now Poyomon! Isn't that awesome!?" She says with glee, "I don't know about that Scootaloo. Honestly it makes me nervous." "Oh come on Poyomon! Lighten up!" She stops her glee when she feels something behind her she looks behind the couch and sees Twilight staring at the TV with her eyes twitching and her mouth slightly open. "Twilight? What's wrong?" Sweetie belle asks. "People saw you fighting..." She says. "Yeah. We told you before didn't we? Hawkmon digivolve into Aquilamon and beat that guy." Apple Bloom responds. "Yeah but you never told me there were witnesses! Your not supposed to do that!" She snaps back, Scootaloo puts her hand behind her head and lies in the couch. "What's the problem? We still saved the day didn't we?" Twilight goes up to her quickly. "Scootaloo! Do you know how any other person around here would react if they saw the Digimon fighting!? You three might be accepting of it but any body else would freak out!" She says all stressed out, the 6 inching back as they stare at her face. Suddenly a voice from the doorway is heard. "Twilight relax!" The group looks at the doorway and see Applejack there. "You ready to go you two?" She asks referring to Apple Bloom and Sunmon. "Yeah sis, let's go!" Sunmon drops himself on Apple Blooms arms and the two of them run over to Applejack. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle look over the couch. "Where are you two going?" Sweetie asks. Apple Bloom looks back over to her. "Where gonna go practice for the sisterhood social this weekend." "That's this weekend?" Sweetie belle asks back. "What's the sisterhood social?" Upamon asks. "It's this big event where Female siblings work together in a variety of challenges and games to win ribbons and prizes and stuff!" Apple Bloom responds with a smile "Apple Bloom come on!" Apple jack yells "Hehe see ya girls!" Apple Bloom runs off. Upamon looks back at Sweetie Belle. "So are you and Rarity gonna enter?" He asks. Sweetie belle looks back down at Upamon. "I'm not sure she would be up to doing stuff like that." "Yeah she's more into frilly stuff, she hates getting down and dirty." Scootaloo says as she picks up the remote to change the channels. "It can't hurt to ask Sweetie belle, you don't know maybe she'll do you a favor." Twilight says. Sweetie Belle gets off the couch. "Your right! I'll go over and ask her!" She says as she picks up Upamon and runs off. "Don't get too excited!" Scootaloo says as she goes back to watching TV, she sees Twilight walking up and stands in front of the TV. "Now about you two..." Scootaloo scratches the back of her head nervously. -------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle runs down the streets of the town, stopping a bit at a pole where she saw a flyer for the event on it, she pulls it off and get's back to running, eventually getting to the carousel boutique. Opening the door the store doesn't seem to have anyone in at the moment, she goes to the back of the place where Rarity seems to be working on something. "Hello Rarity!" She says as she walks into the room, Rarity looks back at Sweetie Belle and Upamon. "Hello there you two, what are you doing here? Normally your in the Digital world at this hour." She says as she looks a the clock on the wall. "Well i was wondering about something..." She begins nervously, holding the flyer behind her back and patting her foot on the ground. Rarity just stares at her with a raised eyebrow. "Yes Sweetie belle? If you have something to say just say it." Sweetie belle shows her the flyer. "Well this weekend is the sisterhood social, i was wondering if maybe you'd like to go? I'd really like to enter." Rarity takes the flyer in her hands and she reads through it, just as she reaches the date she stops and looks back up. "Sweetie... You know i'm a busy woman right?" "Uh sure. But i was thinking you could put it off for a bit so you could go with me!" She says with a smile. "Sweetie belle, honey, i have a ton of work i need to get through, besides it's not really my thing." Rarity responds back with a stern tone of voice that makes Sweeties smile fade. "But Rarityyyy! You've been working too much! You have to take a break sometimes!" She yells back. Upamon just looks back and forth between the two, Rarity starts to get annoyed at her. "Taking a break doesn't pay the bills!" Rarity opens a door behind her, showing some orders for dresses she has recieved. "See how much work i have to get through, i do not have time for games!" Sweetie belle gets angry and yells back at her sister. "Fine! Do what you want!" She throws the flyer to the ground and runs off, Upamon just runs behinds her. "Sweetie belle! Come back!" He yells. The two of them run off leaving Rarity behind. She sighs and just goes back to sewing. Sweetie Belle and Upamon go outside, Sweetie belle looks around cautiously and proceeds to take out her Digivice. "Digiport! Open!" She yells as the gateway opens. She jups in with Upamon running behind her. "What was that about Sweetie? You don't normally get that angry." Upamon asks as he digivolves into Armadillomon. Sweetie Belle just looks down with a sad look on her face. They leave the other end of the portal as they exist outside of a familiar restaurant. "Do you want to get something to eat Armadillomon?" He silently nods in response, the look on his face shows that he seems worred about her. She slides the door open, making a bell chime. They hear a high pitched voice respond. "Oh we have a customer!" Suddenly out of the back comes flying out a Patamon. He stops when he sees Sweetie and Armadillomon. "Sweetie Belle! Armadillomon!" The two of them wave at their friend they haven't seen in a while. Patamon puts the plates on their table after ordering the food. He notices that Sweetie Belle seems to be in a down mood. "Is there something wrong? You look kind of down in the dumps." He asks. Sweetie belle just sighs in response and looks down at the plate, causing Patamon to tilt his head, Armadillomon looks at him. "Sweetie Belle's sister won't go with her to this event being held in the real world." He bluntly says as he starts eating his food. Patamon flies up to her shoulders. "Really? Is that all?" Sweetie Belle looks over to him. "You don't understand Patamon my sister doesn't like getting dirty at all. She says she doesn't have the time for it but i know she hates trying to do sports. On top of that she yelled at me, i just don't think she wants to hang out with me." Patamon lands on the table. "All right, so your sister might not like sports or getting dirty, so what? She's your family right? I'm sure if you give her time she'll come around!" Sweetie belle looks at him and grins at his enthusiasm. "So don't feel so down okay?" Her cheery disposition comes back and she looks back at her plate. "Thank Patamon." She says with a smile and digs in. Armadillomon looking back and he chuckles. -------------------------------------------- It's been a few days since they're argument, the day before the sisterhood social was to be held, Rarity sits down and rubs her temple, tired from her day at work. She takes off her glasses and lays them on the table in front of her, she notices the flyer from the sisterhood social on the table. "Fine! Do what you want!" Sweetie belle's voice ran through her head and she sighs. She looks back at her workload and sees all the things she has to do. "You've been working too much! You have to take a break sometimes!" Rarity proceeds to look to the side where she sees a photo of the two when they were younger. Smiling happily. Reminding Rarity of a time where the two of them spent a lot of time together in they're younger years. Rarity hears a noise coming from her backyard so she goes over to the back to see what it was. She sees Sweetie belle and Upamon jumping out of the portal "Looks like we ended up here..." She says with a bit of sad tone in her voice. "We really need to figure out how to control this thing." Upamon says as he looks back to the portal as it closes up. "Sweetie belle!" The two look back at her. "Can you come over here dear? I have something to tell you!" The two of them share a look and Sweetie runs over to her. The two of them stand in the doorway in awkward silence. The two of them try to say something but they don't know how to respond. "Okay, uh Rarity? ...I'm sorry for yelling at you" She says, awkwardly looking at the ground. Rarity giggles a bit. "I'm sorry too. I let my workload and stress get the better of me. I hope you can forgive me." Upamon looks at the two of them, back and forth seeing if they go anywhere with this. Sweetie belle hugs Rarity with one of her hands while the other was holding Upamon. "I forgive you..." She says. Rarity pushes her away a bit and looks at her smiling. "So, do you still want to participate in the games?" Sweetie belle perks up. "But.. What about your work?" Rarity awkwardly responds with a giggle. "I suppose i can afford one day off." Sweetie belle puts on the biggest of smiles, grinning from ear to ear she laughs. "All right!" Sweetie almost immediately gets a bit down. "But the games are tomorrow though, how are we gonna get ready in time?" Rarity looks at her and smiles. "Trust me my dear little sister, well do fine. Have a little faith in your sister." She says as she puts her hand on Sweetie belle's shoulder. She puts on a slight smile. "Well if you say so." -------------------------------------------- The day finally comes and Rarity and Sweetie Belle walked up to the entrance of the park, they are currently dressed in outdoor wear, with Sweetie Belle wearing some shorts and a sleeveless shirt. The two look around seeing boths of vendors and areas set aside for the events. People are running back and forth, some people setting up some last preparations while others are buying snack at the booths. Sweetie puts her hands on her waist in excitement. "Well were finally here! I can't wait!" Upamon peaks out of her backpack. "Good luck out there you two!" Sweetie belle looks back at him and smiles. "Thanks, well do our best!" Upamon goes back inside the pack. Off to the side a shadow seems to be watching the festivities, squinting it's eyes at people walking by it walks off. The two sisters walk down the area as they walk they notice Apple Bloom and Applejack walking around as well so they go over to say hi. "Apple Bloom! Applejack!" The two pairs of sisters lock eyes. "Sweetie belle! Ah didn't expect to see you here." Apple Bloom says as she walks over to her, Applejack looks over to Rarity. "Gotta say, neither did i." She says as she grabs her hat. "I somehow managed to convince Rarity to take me here today." Sweetie Belle said with a smile. Apple jack looks at Rarity. "Ya sure you can handle the games?" Rarity responds. "Don't you worry, weve spent so much time in the digital world together i'm sure i can handle some of what's to offer here." "Alrighty then." Applejack responds. She points off to the side. "You have to go over there to sign up." The pair goes over to the booth. Once they signed up the four went off to enjoy some of the festivities until it was time for the games to properly begin. Eating some of the foods around the other booths, particularly Apple Bloom and Sweetie eating quite a bit until eventually... "Alright ladies! If your gonna participate walk up over here!" An announcer yelled out to call everyone over and everyone who was participating gathered around the big area where it was set up to look like obstacle courses and areas for other events. "Wow!" Sweetie belle gasps. She feels Two hands touch her shoulders, she looks and sees that it is Rarity smiling down at her. Apple Bloom looks at Sweetie Belle. "Well, let's give it our all out there!" She extends her hand out, Sweetie belle grab said hand and shoock it. "Alright!" The two older sisters smiled at one another. "Let's go the same." Rarity says. "For todays first game we have a race to the finish! The catch? Each sister has her leg tied to the other, you have to work together with one another to make it to the end! Trying to keep your balance without falling! Good luck!" The crowd cheers in excitement. Sweetie Belle finishes tying the knot and she looks up to Rarity. "You ready?" Rarity looks at her and nods. "I... I guess." They look over to the side and see Apple Bloom and Applejack, Apple Bloom looks back at them with a confident look in her eye. "3!" Rarity and Sweetie belle get in position. "2!" Applejack and Applebloom do the same. "1" Upamon sits in the background, he notices something in the corner of hs eye, but it disappears when he looks over to it. "Huh?" "GO!" Everyone begins the race, Applejack and Apple Bloom immediately get up in first place, while some of the othe competition stumbles around, including Rarity and Sweetie Belle. "Woah! Rarity keep your balance!" "I'm trying!" They fall over almost immediately. Sweetie Belle looks up to see the Apple sisters way ahead of them. "Rarity get up!" Rarity glares at her for a moment, she looks over to where the Apple sisters are and they seem to be getting ahead, wiping the dust off of her they get up and try to catch up. They keep stumbling around the track, other competitors getting head of them, throwing them behind. "Were gonna lose!" Sweetie Belle gets up, pulling Rarity slightly with her. "Hey!" She yells. Rarity pulls herself up and tries to get back in the race. "Come on!" They run asfast as they can however it was too late, they were too far behind, they tried the best they could however they ended up in last place. "Ohh..." Sweetie Belle sighs in defeat. Seeing the Apple sisters having a celebratory high five. Rarity pats her outfit, getting the dust off. She proceeds to look at Sweetie and yells. "Sweetie Belle! Why did you just drag me across the ground like that!?" "We were in the middle of a race! What did you expect me to do?" She replies. Rarity goes up to her. "Wait for me to get up that's what!" "If i waited we would have lost!" "We lost anyway!" One of the supervisors of the event comes up to them. "Is there a problem?" "None!" This causes her to walk away backwards. The games progressed as Sweetie Belle and Rarity keep struggling to win at them, they're bickering getting in the way. All the while Apple bloom and Applejack kept looking at them. Sweetie belle and Apple Bloom were just sitting on a bench, people passing by enjoying the festivities. "*sigh* Maybe i shouldn't have talked her into this." She says looking down. Apple Bloom looks down as well, she taps Sweetie belle on the leg to get her attention, which works as she looks back up at her. "Don't worry about it too much." She says with a smile, she looks back at Sweetie Belle. "But we lost..." Sweetie belle says, Apple Bloom's smile fades away. "This is supposed to be about having fun Sweetie Belle not about winnin'." Sweetie belle snaps back. "I know! It's just... How can we begin to have fun when where off balance like that?" She puts her hand on her chin, closing her eyes she responds. "I dunno how to answer that, Apple Bloom gets off the bench. "Well i have to uh, how dya call it? Powder mah nose. I'll be back!" She says running off. Leaving Sweetie Belle alone to contemplate her situation. Once Apple Bloom finishes her business as she washing her hands, she hears something off to the side. "Who's there!?" She yells, she walks over to where she heard the voice and opens the slightly opened stall. Suddenly a scream could be heard, one that Sweetie Belle and the two older sisters hear, which they quickly respond to. Running inside they see a sight that catches them by surprise. Apple Bloom is lying unconscious on the ground! "Apple Bloom!" -------------------------------------------- Soon afterwards Apple Bloom is lying in the infirmary. A doctor examining her to see what's wrong. "Is mah sister gonna be okay!?" Applejack asks. He puts away his stephascope. "Well as you can no doubt tell by the bite mark on her shoulder something attacked her. Who or what that was we don't know but seeing her condition it seems like she had blood drained from her, however that doesn't seem to be the case. from what we can tell she still has the same amount as before. She should stay here for a while to see if her condition worsens. " "But what about the games?" They look at Apple Bloom as they noticed that she has woken up, she slowly rises and looks at the doctor. "Sorry but your in no condition to participate, you have to stay here." She looks sad, Applejack puts her hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, i'm gonna stay by your side." "Applejack it's fine, you can go watch what's left of the games. I'll be fine." Rarity and Sweetie belle stand outside the tent, they look at each other for a second before looking away, Upamon shoots a look between them. 'This is really awkward...' he thinks to himself. "Sis..." Rarity looks at Sweetie Belle. She rubs her own shoulder awkwardly. "I'm so sorry about how i was acting earlier!" She said, grabbing Sweetie Belle's hands. She yells back. "If anyone should be apologizing it should be me! I was the one who forced you to come here! And i was the one who got mad when you weren't performing right!" "But i was the one who told you i could win and just ended up disappointing you!" "But i!" Upamon jumped inbetween the two a couple of times. "Will you two just make up already!?" The two jump back in surprise, but they understood that that's what they need to do. So they pull each other in for a hug. "Lets try and win this, for Apple Bloom!" Rarity nods. "That's good i'll make sure you do." They look and see Applejack coming out of the tent. "And i'll tell Apple Bloom everything, so you better win!" She gives them a smile as she Playfully punches Rarity on the shoulder. She rubs the shoulder and smiles back. Sweetie belle gets enthusiastic. "Right! Lets do this for Apple Bloom!" Meanwhile there was a shadow lying in wait in the corner of the park. Waiting for a specific moment to strike. A woman walks behind one of the tents, dropping a garbage bag in a trash can when she was caught from behind, she tries to screams but was knocked out before she could. -------------------------------------------- The next event is about to begin. Another race, though this time it would be a race on an obstacle course. This time it had to take all they're skill to complete it. "All right everyone! It seems we have less competitors now... But we can't let that stop us, everybody at the starting line get ready!" Rarity and Sweetie Belle get ready. "Give it all ya got you two!" Applejack yells from the side, the announcer raised a prop pistol up to the air. "Go!" And she blasts it. The contestants head out, Running side by side, they reach a line of tires on the ground, having to balace themselves as they cross it, taking care not too fall over. "Alright!" "Go! Go! Go!" Sweetie Belle and Rarity are in the middle, not in First place or last place but theyre still trying to win, Rarity trips, but Sweetie Belle grabs her before she can hit the ground. "Come on, we have to catch up!" Sweetie Belle says to her sister. Rarity nods and the two pick up the pace, they come up to a mud pit, planks of wood allowing the groups to pass through. Rarity stops right there and Sweetie Belle stops, standing in front of her. She looks back at Rarity. "Rarity come on! We have to keep moving!" Rarity stares at the mudpit for a bit, gulping a bit. "Rarity!" She nods and balances herself on the wooden planks. Upamon notices a shadow in the corner of his eye. "Applejack, look over there." He whispers at her. She takes notices of this and she gets up. "Excuse me. Pardon me." She pushes out of the stands and goes over to where she saw the shadow, the thing in the darkness runs off before she can catch it. So she tries to follow it into the bushes to see what exactly it was. But by the time she got to the other side the creature had run off, she looks around to see if she can find it and decides to run off in a certain direction. 'That must have been what attacked Apple Bloom! Ive got ta find it before it attacks anyone else!' The two kept walking on the planks, balancing themselves so they don't fall. Rarity nervously looks over to the side and sees other contestants falling over into the mud, some of it flying in they're direction, causing them to go off balance. "Woah!" Sweetie belle yells, but before they can fall they hold on to each other, preventing them from falling. "I got you Sweetie." Sweetie belle smiles at Rarity and the two keep walking, jumping off of the bridged. Rarity sighs. "That was really stressful." Sweetie hopped in front of her and waved her arms around. "Come on we gotta go!" So the two of them ran ahead, they reach a wall where it was clear they had to climb it, they tied a rope between the two so they start Grabbing the holes the wall had and they started they're climb. Other contestants arrive and do the same, Going up, Rarity slips up but Sweetie Belle holds her up, preventing her from falling. In the time it took for them to get their footing back some of the other contestants had caught up to them and pretty much passed them. "Oh no you don't!" Rarity and Sweetie belle climbed the wall in a faster pace, passing them. They stand toe to toe against another pair of sisters, the younger one looks at Sweetie with a sly grin. Sweetie belle gritted her teeth as the two groups make it to the top. A few pillars lie ahead for them to cross, placed above another mud pit, much to the twos surprise. The sisters jump in front of Rarity and Sweetie belle, clumsily hanging on to the platforms. Thw two look onto the platforms for a bit "That's quite a high drop..." A few more groups catch up, Sweetie Belle looks back in surprise. "Lets go Rarity! Come on!" She yells as she jumps onto the platforms, Rarity following behind. They jump, platform after platform, almost falling off several times, but they helped each other out to make sure they didn't fall in. They eventually catch up to the other pair of sisters as they cross the platforms. "Come on! we can't lose to them!" They said as they picked up the pace. "Lets go Rarity! We have to win!" They two groups kept up at a great speeds as they make it to the next obstacle, a four ziplines. So they grab them and drop down to the final obstacle. It was a simple sprint to the end. "Let's go!" They yell as they run, the finish line coming closer and closer into view. They run faster and faster. Sweat runs down they're faces as they keep racing it to the finish, Our heroes pant as they the other girls run past Rarity and Sweetie belle, "Were gonna win!" The girl yells out with a smile on her face. "Oh no!" The two groups sprint as fast as they can drops of sweat falling to the ground. Just as they are about to reach the finish line something jumps out of the trees, it takes on a different form as it fall to the ground, brown fur and long ears, red eyes and quite a bit of muscle. it lands in front of the finish line with a bang, causing the contestants to stop in they're wake. "What the!?" The creature roars out frightening all onlookers and causing them to run from the stands. "What the heck is that thing!?" Upamon yells, he jumps out of the bag to go over to Sweetie Belle's side, running inbetween the legs of everyone running away. "We have to run!" Rarity yells at the others, which they do so, trying to get away. Applejack sees the people running away so she runs in the opposite direction going back to help stop this thing. Sweetie Belle looks to the side notices Upamon hopping to her side so she runs up and grabs him, they run into a corner to hide. "We have to stop that thing!" "Im on it!" Sweetie belle pulls out her Digivice from her pocket and it glows. "Upamon digivolve to! Armadillomon! The digimon is suddenly attacked by Armadillomon in his ball form, pushing him slightly to the side. "Get away from them!" He says as he lands on the ground. Much to the surprise of the people of the course. "What are those things!?" One of them yells out. Rarity looks around at the people's terrified looks. "Come on everyone! We have to get out here!" She yells, she proceeds to lead the people away, the monster notices this and tries to to stop them but Armadillomon jumps over to him and sticks to his back. "Im your opponent buddy!" He yells. The monster roars and tries to get Armadillomon off but it doesn't managed it Armadillomon sticks to him hard. "Way to go Armadillomon!" Sweetie Belle yells. Rarity manages to get most of the people out at this point, the last of the run out as Applejack runs in. "Did ya get everyone out?" She asks. "I believe so, there doesn't seem to be anyone else around." Applejack sighs. "Well that's a relief." They both hear a roar as the monster keeps trying to get Armadillomon off of him. "Don't give up Armadillomon!" Sweetie belle yells, the two older sisters run up to her. "Are you alright Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked with a worried tone. Sweetie belle looks at the two and nods. "So far so good considering." They hear a roar and the three of them look over to the battle, Sweetie Belle points her digivice at him to armor digivolve but Wendigomon finally throws Armadillomon off. "Armadillomon!" She yells as Wendigomon throws him into the ground, Wendigomon proceeds to turns his attention towards the trio with the three of them backing away slowly. "What are we gonna do?" "If Gaomon and Salamon were here we could take this varmit down easier. But we don't have enough time to grab them." Armadillomon gets up slowly. Wendigomon is just about to jump straight at them as he then feels claws digging into his back, Armadillomon is panting. Sweetie belle has her Digivice out, tightening her grip on it as she sees Armadillomon do his best to keep up the fight. 'What am I going to do!? I don't have time to activate the Armor digivolution! If we don't do something now were gonna die!' She tightens the grip on her Digivice even more as Armadillomon gets thrown off Wendigomon again and he hits the ground. 'We need to do something!!' Sweetie belle's Digivice glows as a new mark materializes on on it's screen. She looks at it with awe. "Woah! Is this!?" She wonders for a second before realizing what must be done, she points the digivice at Armadillomon and sends it's light straight at him! Covering his whole body. "Armadillomon Digivolve to!" His body glows as he grows bigger and bigger, reaching a size that towers some of the tents in the area, several spikes grow out of his back as two other spikes grow out of his head, sharing the color scheme with his head,. Two spiked wristbands materialize on his paws and a wrecking ball like apendage shows up replacing his tail. His transformation complete he becomes... "Ankylomon!" Sweetie Belle, Rarity and Applejack stare in awe at Ankylomon as he opens his eyes and roars, Ankylomon proceeds to jump into battle, his wrecking ball tail colliding with the Wendigomon. Throwing it away, Wendigomon quickly gets back up and he proceeds to attack with a powerful voice, the girls blocking their ears. This attack even pushes Ankylomon back slightly, With him distracted Wendigomon moves in for the the kill, it stops however when he hears crying coming from the corner, he looks over there and sees a little girl. He runs over to it with a maniacal look on his face. Sweetie belle's voice breaks out. "Ankylomon!" He notices what Wendigomon is doing and runs after him, the girl looks incredibly frightened at that moment to the point of being unable to move, just as Wendigomon is about to unleash his attack Ankylomon comes and pushes him away. "Get out of here now!" He yells. The girl just stares at him with a scared look. "Now!" She runs away with that one. Wendigomon gets up and sees the girl running away. He tries going after her but Ankylomon just hits him the wrecking ball again. "You caught me off guard last time! I won't make that mistake again." The girl trips over and falls. Sweetie belle notices this so she runs over to her. Wendigomon tries to hit him back but Ankylomon dodges by jumping into the air he turns around, his spiked back facing towards Wendigomon, but Wendigomon grabs him by the tail and throws him to the ground. "Ankylomon!" Sweetie yells, Wendigomon looks over to them with a creepy smile. The young girl grabs sweetie tightly. The two of slowly move back Sweetie belle having a bit of sweat rolling down the side of her face. Wendigomon starts rushing at them and the two of them start running. "Eeeeeeh!!!" Sweetie belle looks back at sees Him looming over the two, she trips as a result Wendigomon looks down on her and she closes her eyes tightly. Rarity and Applejack notice off to the side a cart that was just lying there, they nod and go over to the cart and start pushing it. Wendigmon is about to attack them when suddenly he is hit in the back by what felt like a wooden cart. He looks back and sees the cart lying on the ground behind him, looking further back he sees Rarity glaring at him. "Don't you dare lay a finger on my sister!" Sweetie smiles at her. "Rarity!" Out of nowhere Ankylomon rams into Wendigomon and throwing him off his balance, he gets ready to attack him again once he gets up. Wendigomon slowly gets up panting and gasping. "Forgot about me did you?" He says. Wendigomon charges up another blast of noise. "grrrrraaaAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Sweetie Belle and the others tap their ears again, Ankylomon gets pushed back as he struggles to get back up. "Ankylomon! Don't give up! Keep at it!" Akylomon does just that as he tries with all his might to push the sounds back. Wendigomon pushes with all his might but Ankylomon tries his best to get up even harder. He gets in close eventually and he headbutts in causing Wendigomob to bite on his tongue. "All right! Finish him off!" Sweetie belle yells. "You got it!" Ankylomon starts spinning around getting ready to launch his tail, spinning round and round until finally he launches it! Hitting Wendigomon straight in the chest and damaging him greatly as he flies into a nearby stand. "Magnificient!" Rarity exclaims. The dust clears and Wendigomon just lies there unconscious. Rarity, Sweetie belle and Ankylomon go over to him. "Is he finally down?" Sweetie asks. Wendigomon suddenly goes really fuzzy. Causing the two to go back a bit, he suddenly fades into a familiar insect like form until finally disappearing. "What the!?" It's data dissperses all over the air, leaving our group surprised and confused. "We saw that thing before!" Ankylomon and Sweetie belle gasp. "So another one." Applejack mumbled. They hear a group of voices coming in they're direction, the three girls look at each other in surprise before running away, Ankylomon running behind them. "Thank you mister monster guy!" The little girl says waving at him. A small blush forms on Ankylomon's face, suddenly Ankylomon degenerates into Upamon. "Sweetie!" And she comes back to pick him up and then they run off. A group of poilce officers arrive at the scene, two officers walk up to the girl. "Are you alright young lady?"One of them asks, She looks at him and says. "These two monsters showed up out of nowhere, this brown one was gonna get me but the other monster guy saved me!" One of the officers scratches the back of his head in confusion as the other looks at him. Sometime later Rarity and Sweetie belle were walking with Applejack and Apple Bloom. "It's a shame the day didn't go as planned." Sweetie belle looked up at her sister. "Well i had fun hanging out with you sis, at least until that Digimon came up." Upamon speaks up. "Yeah, what was his deal? Where'd he even come from?" They arrive at the Apple family home, as they arrive at the entrance Apple Bloom trips but picks herself up before falling over. "Are ya alright Apple Bloom?" Applejack says, putting her arm on AppleBlooms shoulder to help her from falling over, Apple Bloom looks back up at her sister with a smile. "Don't worry Applejack, I'm gonna be fine! *cough cough*" Applejack looks at her with a concerned expression. Apple Bloom looks back at Sweetie Belle and Upamon with a smile on your face. "As for you two, congratulations on getting Upamon to Digivolve! I can't wait for me and Sunmon to get that kind of power!" She says with excitement. Sweetie Belle and Upamon look at her with a smile. "Thanks Apple Bloom!" The two of them say with glee. Theyre older sister looked on with a small smile as the three of them talked, Applejack's smile fell as she looked at Apple Bloom with a worried look, Rarity notices this. "Is there something wrong?" She turns and faces Rarity looking at her with some concern. "Oh... It's nothin' sugarcube. Ah was just thinking is all." She said. Rarity stares at her for a bit before conceding. Applejack speaks up. "Apple Bloom come on! We gotta get up tomorrow." calling up her sister. "I'm comin'! Ill see you two tomorrow okay?" She says as she goes inside. Sweetie Belle and Rarity waved goodbye before moving on to go back to theyre homes. Ending theme