//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: Chaos in the Family // by Aurora Hope Healer //------------------------------// In the next few months, the army of Hope’s Healers disbanded and went home, all promising to alert the others should they sense any trace of Nightmares, and all promising to pass the history of the healers down to their children and through the generations. A few of the ponies remained at Discord’s side, one of which was Lt. Clover Swirl. Against Sombra’s wishes, Discord had started dating her, but kept it secret from his brother and remaining sisters. Discord had never been happier. Clover had never felt more appreciated, save for when working with Hope. The two of them were soon married with Hope’s Healers, sometimes simply known as The Healers, as witnesses. It was the happiest day that any of the Healers could remember. Now though, Discord felt useless. There was no magic in the world that could help his wife. She had just gone through one of the most painful things in the world; giving birth. He felt even worse though when he had been told that his wife had died after naming the baby filly. It was a strangely chaotic looking filly, but still remained pony enough to pass as normal. She was named Screwball. Screwball had purple and white swirled hair, purple and pink swirled eyes, and a pink coat. Though both her parents had wings, she had ended up as an earth pony somehow. She looked up at her father and whimpered. Discord didn’t know what to do, but he knew that he couldn’t tell his sisters and brother about his daughter. They’d never understand. Thankfully, the Healers had agreed to help him with her. He stayed away from the castle most of the time anyway, so it didn’t bother his sisters or brother that he wasn’t there for an entire fifteen years for his filly to grow up and get her cutie mark. He had taken her to a baseball game that some of the Healers were playing at. He smiled as the game started and remembered when he used to play it as a young colt. Suddenly, he noticed the baseball doing something crazy. “What the…?” It looked like it was chasing the batter, who happened to have been from one of the other armies; Sombra’s if Discord remembered correctly. One of the Healers on the other team looked up at Discord with confusion. Discord shrugged to indicate that he didn’t do anything. The Healers nodded and acted like it was just a wayward pitch from the unicorn pitcher. To be fair, they switched out pitchers, this time with an earth pony. This time the ball went to every base before going at the batter to be hit. When it was finally hit, it flew up high and then corkscrewed down onto the batter’s head, who had thankfully been wearing a helmet. “Okay, I’ll bite, what in Equestria is going on? Mind you, it’s funny, but it’s not my mag…magic…” He turned his head towards his young filly. She was squinting at the ball as it chased players around and didn’t notice the mark on her rear. “Oh… well that makes sense then…” “What does, daddy?” She asked as she floated up to him to look him in the face. “What makes sense?” “You’ve just gotten your cutie mark, Screwball, and I might add, your chaos magic seems to have settled in nicely.” Discord smiled as the filly looked at her rear to see that her father was right. “I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!!!” It was a simple screw and a baseball, but to the young pony, it was her identity. The players that were from Hope’s army looked up and started laughing as they finally understood what had just happened. “You do indeed, my little abomination, you do indeed.” He hugged the chaotic young filly and smiled. “I’m so proud of you.”