Chaos in the Family

by Aurora Hope Healer

Chapter 7

Though they were unable to find the last of the royals, or Commander Hope, the rest of the war progressed quickly. The war was finished within the next year and the majority of the armies had been disbanded. The army known as Hope’s Healers was meeting one last time in the middle of the Everfree forest. Discord and Clover Swirl stood at the front of the army with solemn faces. Discord took a deep breath and sighed. His sisters usually were the ones for making speeches, or even his brother, but he felt like, just this once, he needed to do it himself… for his little sister… for his commander.
He walked to the front of the army of healers and started his speech. “Hope’s Healers… it has been a great pleasure to share my chaotic powers with you and save our nation. Over the years we have lost many, some who should never have even heard of war, but stood by us anyway. While our Commander is gone, her spirit is still with us. I believe that our commander would want us to continue helping ponies in her place and continue healing others.” Discord then sighed. “I’m not going to lie, everypony. The Nightmares have a great chance of returning. I fear that they will strike when we least expect it. I propose that if any of us catch a whiff of Nightmares, we tell the others. Even just a small hunch could be important. You have all been around me long enough to have a touch of my chaotic magic running through your blood. Use it for this emergency only.” Discord took another staggering breath as he brought himself to the crux of the matter in his mind. “As you may have heard, the princess, Aurora Hope, had disguised herself as our commander, Hope Healer.” This got a series of mutters and whispers from the troops before they silenced themselves. “This was probably the only lie that Aurora has ever told you all. She didn’t want to be treated special because of a title that she never wanted. In all honesty, in the last few centuries that she has lived, I don’t think I’ve seen Aurora happier than when she was being treated like a common soldier by all of you.” He was surprised to find soldiers nodding in agreement with his statement. “I can understand if none of you trust me or Hope again for hiding this from you.” He hung his head in shame while Lt. Swirl stood by his side, awaiting to find the reaction of the ponies she had fought with for almost two decades.
The army looked around at each of its members, some even trying to count something. They nodded to each other and one unicorn took the first step forward. “She fought by our side like a true warrior; taking hits along with us, helping us to recover from our wounds, and move on through our losses. I think we are all in agreement, that though ‘Princess’ is a proper title and one of honor, Commander Hope Healer shall be an even greater one in our minds and our hearts, Lord Discord.” Discord looked up in shock. The unicorn then started the chant that Hope had said before going into almost every battle, “When all hope is lost, we stand. We are Equestria’s last hope at its darkest hours.”
The rest of the army then added in their own part that they had started after they had made Hope their commander. “We are Hope’s Healers, we shall heal this nation’s hope! We are Hope!”
Discord couldn’t help but conjure up a hankie as he smiled with pride and wiped some tears away. “You guys are the best.” He then conjured up glasses for everyone, filled with apple cider. “TO HOPE!”