Chaos in the Family

by Aurora Hope Healer

Chapter 6

Discord ran into the clearing with the Hope’s Healers right behind him. The first thing he saw though stopped him in his tracks. Two of his sisters were crying and the other two were missing. Then he saw Sombra come out of the shadows to try and comfort them. It didn’t take Discord long to put together that two and two still equaled fish in his mind. Something had happened and Sombra didn’t even lift a hoof to stop it.
He looked to the group that was behind him, the army that believed anything his sister would tell them, simply because she didn’t want to lie to them. The army that Aurora slept on the ground with, fought the nightmares with, and even risked her own life for. The army that trusted and depended on Aurora for leadership and guidance. Discord clenched his claw and paw into fists. “What happened?” He asked as calmly as he could to his sisters. To his surprise, they both ran to him and away from Sombra. He knelt down so that he could comfort them better. He then turned to Lt. Clover Swirl with a sad look in his eyes. “Give me a few minutes to figure out where the commander is. Keep everyone on full alert.” She nodded.
It took a few minutes for Discord to calm his sisters down enough to get an answer. Even after getting a clear answer, he couldn’t believe it without seeing it for himself. He took a step away from everyone and used his chaos magic to catch a glimpse of the past to see exactly what had happened. He felt disheartened to find that it was indeed the truth. His baby sister had taken off the power dampener to take Astra who knew where at this point.
Sombra was just growling though when he had heard. “Aurora was supposed to stay at the palace. How could this have happened?”
“Aurora didn’t want to wake up and hear we were dead. She didn’t want to find herself alone. Aurora went and took on the role of a common soldier, worked her way up the ranks, and made herself useful. She made you wrong. She became a commander, Commander Hope Healer, and all you could say was that she was useless.” Discord was up in the dark unicorn’s face, startling him in the process. “Aurora’s done more than you ever gave her credit for, and if she dies, that’s what I blame you for!” Discord growled as the dark unicorn backed off in shock. None of his siblings went against him usually because he was oldest, but then he had to remember that he was only older than Discord by about five minutes.
Lt. Swirl was nearby and took a minute to process all she had been told and all she had just heard. Her commander, the pony they had been following for about fifteen years had in fact said one lie to them. She hadn’t told them she was a princess. Unable to control herself, she started crying with her eyes wide opened. She felt like she had failed by losing a princess, but more than that, she felt like she had failed her Commander by not being there for her when she needed help the most.