Games Fight Back



As they ran towards the town (which had many houses in flames by now), an upbeat guitar started playing in the background, the ponies even more determined than before.

"You ready gang? Let's do this!" They leap across the river.

We're the toughest hardcore gamers around
Know the moves, know the strategy, no better qualified ponies around
We are a quartet, we'll make them flee
We'll be the ponies to destroy the video-gaming fiend

Luna's horn glowed, enveloping the sun, and made it dip under the horizon.

We beat the level when the level gets tough
We'll do our very best 'til they've had enough
We are kinda dumb, so what? Now we won't be defeated
No time for breaks, we are really needed

They four ponies were hopping around the forest, even closer to the town than ever before. They could already smell burning pony...

We've got wills as strong as heroes
We've got smarts as strong as heroes
We've got hearts as strong as heroes
We've got hea-a-arts, hearts strong as heroes

A giant wall of thorn bushes blocked their way. Button jumped up, sword in mouth, and slashed at the wall like crazy. Teh brambles soon lay on the floor in a heap. Neo pulled out her magma blaster and fired at the plant, making it burn up into little pieces. They ran on.

When we all work together, we believe
We're the Video Gaming Gamers-

"Wait, Video Gaming Gamers? That's seriously our name?"

"Shut up Over, deal with it." Neo got dat swag, yo. "Anyway...."

We're the Video Gaming Gamers, we will achieve
We have the strongest guts to try and kick their buts
To end the war!

They neared the city. They could hear Tyhrranoids and Drophyds battling it out against the ponies.

We've got wills as strong as heroes
We've got smarts as strong as heroes
We've got hearts as strong as heroes
We've got hea-a-arts, hearts strong as heroes

They all stop to sing this last part.

We're going to win as we fight for glory
We will destroy any challenger and win
We've got hearts, hearts strong as heroes
Hearts strong as heroes

They reach the the town, only to see ponies running for their lives everywhere, buildings on fire, and the two alien races laughing in triumph. The guitar stops. Neo stares at the town, hope leaving her eyes. But, the weight that suddenly appeared on her shoulder directed her eyes away from the carnage. She looked over, to see Overheat smiling softly at her.

"Know the moves, know the strategy..." He sang softly.

"No better qualifying ponies around," Luna sang at a higher volume.

"We are a quartet, we'll make them flee!" Button Mash practically shouted.

"We'll be the ponies to destroy the video-gaming fiend!" Neo shouted, the guitar coming back in.

"We'll beat these fiends, no matter what the cost!" They all yelled, getting the attention of the aliens.

They ran off to the battle.

We've got wills as strong as heroes
We've got smarts as strong as heroes
We've got hearts as strong as heroes

We're going to win as we fight for glory
We will destroy any challenger and win
We've got hearts, hearts strong as heroes
Hearts strong as heroes